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Oracle Solaris 11 Express Automated Installer Guide     Oracle Solaris 11 Express 11/10
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1.  Automated Installer Overview

What Is an Automated Installation?

How Do I Use the Automated Installer?

2.  Setting Up an AI Install Server

3.  Customizing Installations

4.  Specifying Installation Instructions

5.  Configuring the Client System

6.  Setting Up DHCP for AI

7.  Installing Client Systems

8.  Automated Installations That Boot From Media

A.  Troubleshooting Automated Installations

B.  Automated Installer Installation Administration Commands

C.  Migrating From JumpStart to Automated Installer

What Is an Automated Installation?

AI automates the installation of the Oracle Solaris OS on one or more SPARC or x86 clients in a network. The clients can differ in architecture, disk and memory capacity, and other characteristics. The installations can differ in network configuration, packages installed, and other specifications.

Figure 1-1 Automated Installation of Clients in a Network

Shows the interaction of the AI server, DHCP server, IPS repository, and client, as described in the following paragraph.

An automated installation of a client in a local network consists of the following high-level steps:

  1. A client system boots and gets IP information from the DHCP server.

  2. Characteristics of the client determine which AI service and which installation instructions are used to install the client.

  3. The Oracle Solaris OS is installed on the client, pulling packages from the package repository specified by the installation instructions in the AI service.