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Compartmented Mode Workstation Labeling: Encodings Format     Oracle Solaris 11 Express 11/10
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Document Information


1.  Introduction

2.  Structure and Syntax of Encodings File

3.  Classification Encodings

4.  Information Label Encodings

5.  Sensitivity Label, Clearance, Channels, and Printer Banner Encodings

6.  Accreditation Range and Name Information Label Encodings

7.  General Considerations for Specifying Encodings

8.  Enforcing Proper Label Adjudications

A.  Encodings Specifications Error Messages

B.  Annotated Sample Encodings

C.  CMW Labeling Software C1.0 Release Notes, 6/8/93



Appendix B

Annotated Sample Encodings

This appendix contains a sample encodings file, along with annotations that describe the purpose of most specifications within the file. The sample file, which is similar though not identical to the sample encodings in [DDS-2600-6215-91], is designed to illustrate a number of realistic examples. All annotations in the file appear within boxes.

The VERSION specification is useful for identifying different versions of the encodings. It is stored by the system when the encodings are loaded. It can be used to facilitate interoperability among multiple CMW systems.


* Comments can be placed in the encodings file any place a keyword can start. 
* Comments begin with a * and continue to the end of the line.                           *
The classification specifications below define the common classifications. The values specified represent the proper hierarchy among the classifications and leave room for later expansion below UNCLASSIFIED, between UNCLASSIFIED and CONFIDENTIAL, and above TOP SECRET. There are no initial compartments or markings specifications for UNCLASSIFIED because all compartment and marking bits are intended to be 0 in UNCLASSIFIED labels. However, the initial compartment and marking specifications for the remaining (classified) classifications all specify those bits that are used inversely in the information label, sensitivity label, and clearances encodings below, plus extra bits reserved for future use as inverse bits. Compartment bits 4-5 are used for the release compartments REL CNTRY1 and REL CNTRY2. These bits being 0 in an UNCLASSIFIED label means that the label indicates releasability to both countries. In other labels, the bits being 1 as specified means that unless the words REL CNTRY1 or REL CNTRY2 are explicitly added to the label, the data is not releasable to those countries. Marking bit 11 is the inverse bit used in the REL CNTRY3 release marking. Marking bit 17 is the inverse bit used in the inverse word charlie. Marking bit 12 is the inverse bit used in the inverse codeword bravo4. These words will be discussed in more detail below. Compartments and marking bits 100-127 are reserved for future expansion as inverse bits.
name= UNCLASSIFIED; sname= U; value= 1;
name= CONFIDENTIAL; sname= C; value= 4; initial compartments= 4-5 100-127;
   initial markings= 11 12 17 100-127
name= SECRET; sname= S; value= 5; initial compartments= 4-5 100-127;
   initial markings= 11 12 17 100-127
name= TOP SECRET; sname= TS; value= 6; initial compartments= 4-5 100-127;
   initial markings= 11 12 17 100-127

Illustration shows three information label WORD hierarchies, one for WNINTEL, one for NOFORN, and one for ALL EYES.
Note that all of the prefixes and suffixes appear at the beginning of the WORDS subsection. Note also that the case used in specifying names does not matter.
name= REL; prefix;
name= LIMDIS; sname= LD; suffix;
name= ORCON; sname= OC; prefix;
name= eyes only; sname= eo; suffix;
After the prefixes and suffixes are specified, those words that represent compartments, subcompartments, and codewords are specified. Note that the words are in order of decreasing importance. CC, B, and A are main compartments, also commonly called channels. SB and SA are subcompartments of B and A, respectively. bravo1 through bravo4 are B codewords, and alpha1 through alpha3 are A codewords. Note that all of the compartments, subcompartments, and codewords specify marking bit 7. This bit, when in a label with no compartment bits on, specifies the marking WNINTEL (see below). Since it is invalid to have WNINTEL in a label if a compartment, subcompartment, or codeword is present, putting the WNINTEL bit in each of these words creates a hierarchy whereby WNINTEL is hierarchically below all compartments, subcompartments, and codewords. In effect, all compartments, subcompartments, and codewords “mean” WNINTEL, but the word WNINTEL is shown only for non-compartment/subcompartment/codeword WNINTEL data.
name= CC; minclass= TS; compartments= 6; markings= 7;
name= SB; minclass= TS; compartments= 1 3; markings= 7;
Subcompartment SB specifies compartment bits 1 and 3. Bit 3 is the bit for subcompartment SB, whereas bit 1 is the bit for its main compartment, B. This is specified because, by convention for information labels, specifying a subcompartment should automatically protect the information as being in the main compartment (channel).
name= bravo1; sname= b1; minclass= TS; compartments= 1; markings= 3-4 7 12;
name= bravo2; sname= b2; minclass= S; compartments= 1; markings= 3 7 12;
The use of marking bits 3 and 4 in the above two words specifies a hierarchy with bravo1 above bravo2. If two information labels, each with one of the words, are combined, the result will contain only the higher word in the hierarchy—bravo1. Marking bit 12 is specified in bravo2 to assure that bravo2 is hierarchically above bravo4 (see below). Marking bit 12 must therefore also be present in bravo1 to assure that bravo1 is hierarchically above bravo2.
name= bravo3; sname= b3; minclass= S; compartments= 1; markings= 5 7;
bravo3 is a codeword independent of bravo1, bravo2, and bravo4.
name= bravo4; sname= b4; minclass= S; maxclass= S; compartments= 1; markings= 3 7 ~12;
bravo4 is a compartment B codeword which has some inverse qualities because bit 12 is off. It acts like an inverse word in that it persists through the combination of two information labels only if it is present in both labels. However, because not all of its compartment and marking bits are 0, it does not appear in UNCLASSIFIED labels, and therefore does not require an ominclass. It has a maximum classification of SECRET. Also, note that it is in a hierarchy with bravo2. Thus, if bravo4 data is combined with any non-bravo4 data (which includes all non-SECRET data), the result is automatically bravo2, because bit 12 (which is one of the initial markings) will turn on.
name= B; minclass= C; compartments= 1; markings= 7;
B represents non-codeword compartment B data. If none of the marking bits defined above for bravo1 through bravo4 (bits 3, 4, 5, and 12) are present in a label with compartment bit 1, the word B will be used to mark the data.
name= SA; minclass= TS; compartments= 0 2; markings= 7;
Subcompartment SA specifies compartment bits 0 and 2. Bit 2 is the bit for subcompartment SA, whereas bit 0 is the bit for its main compartment, A. This is specified because, by convention for information labels, specifying a subcompartment should automatically protect the information as being in the main compartment (channel).
name= alpha1; sname= a1; minclass= TS; compartments= 0; markings= 0-2 7;
name= alpha2; sname= a2; minclass= S; compartments= 0; markings= 0-1 7;
name= alpha3; sname= a3; minclass= S; compartments= 0; markings= 0 7;
The use of marking bits 0, 1, and 2 in the above three words specifies a hierarchy with alpha1 above alpha2 above alpha3.
name= A; minclass= C; compartments= 0; markings= 7;
A represents non-codeword compartment A data. If none of the marking bits defined above for alpha1 through alpha3 (bits 0, 1, and 2) are present in a label with compartment bit 0, the word A will be used to mark the data.
After the compartments, subcompartments, and codewords are specified, those words that represent markings are specified, in order of decreasing importance. Note that some of the words below do contain compartment bit references (NOFORN, REL CNTRY1, and REL CNTRY2). These were placed below because NOFORN and release markings—by convention—appear towards the end of the label.
name= project x; sname= px; minclass= C; markings= 14;
   suffix= LIMDIS; access related;  
The flags= keyword to the left serves a purpose only if the system has assigned some particular meaning to flag bit 3. It is included here only as an example of how flags are specified.
flags= 3;

name= project y; sname= py; minclass= C; markings= 6;
   suffix= LIMDIS; access related;
The two words above both require the suffix LIMDIS. They represent projects whose data should only be shown to people with need-to-know for the project. There is another common usage of LIMDIS whereby no project name is specified. Such a usage would have LIMDIS as a base word, not a suffix, and would assign a unique marking bit for LIMDIS.
name= charlie; sname= ch;   ominclass= c;
   minclass= s; maxclass= S; markings= ~17;
charlie is included as an example of an extremely complicated word specification, to show some of the advanced specification features. charlie is an inverse marking, which is present when marking bit 17 (one of the marking bits with an initial value of 1) is 0. Because of its minclass and maxclass specifications, it can appear only with the classification SECRET. As is the case with all inverse markings, charlie includes an ominclass specification, which prevents charlie from appearing in labels below CONFIDENTIAL. However, since its minclass is SECRET, why can't the ominclass be SECRET or omitted entirely? It can't be omitted because to do so would cause charlie to be displayed with UNCLASSIFIED labels (because it is an inverse marking). It could be SECRET however. With the ominclass SECRET, charlie could not be added to a CONFIDENTIAL label. In other words, entering “+charlie” to modify a CONFIDENTIAL label would fail. With ominclass CONFIDENTIAL however, entering “+charlie” to modify a CONFIDENTIAL label would force the classification to SECRET and add the marking charlie. The final thing to note about charlie is that it requires the codeword alpha2 to be present (see REQUIRED COMBINATIONS below).
name= org x; sname= ox; minclass= C; markings= 9;
   prefix= ORCON; access related;

name= org y; sname= oy; minclass= C; markings= 15;
   prefix= ORCON; access related;
The two words above both require the prefix ORCON. They represent an extension of the typical usage of ORCON. The purpose of the extension is to indicate via the base word name the originator of the ORCON data. Thus ORCON org x indicates ORCON with org x as the originator, and ORCON org x/org y indicates data that is a combination of ORCON org x and ORCON org y data. To specify the more typical ORCON marking, ORCON would be a base word without a prefix or suffix, and would use a single marking bit.
name= D/E; minclass= C; markings= 16;
   access related;
The word D/E is included in these encodings as an example of a word that contains a /. Even though / is used as the separator of multiple words that require the same prefix or suffix, the / character can be included in word names themselves. Care should be taken in any such usage of / to avoid confusion.
name= all eyes; access related; markings= 8 10;
The above word is a composite of the two words that follow.
name= p1; markings= 8;
   suffix= eyes only; access related;

name= p2; markings= 10;
   suffix= eyes only; access related;
The above two words both require the suffix eyes only. They serve as an example of the fact that blanks can be included in word names, even in suffix names. These words represent an extension of the more typical encoding of eyes only, in that they allow a specification through the base word name of who can view the data. To specify the more typical eyes only marking, eyes only would be a base word without a prefix or suffix, and would use a single marking bit.
name= WNINTEL; sname= WN;   minclass= C; markings= 7;
   access related;
Note the relationship between the WNINTEL marking above and the compartment, subcompartment, and codewords at the top of the information label words, all of which include marking bit 7 to form a hierarchy with WNINTEL at the bottom.
name= WARNING; minclass= C; markings= 7;
Because the above word specifies the same compartments and markings as the word before it, it simply adds a third input-only name to WNINTEL.
The four words below comprise the release markings and their related marking NOFORN. In these encodings, NOFORN is encoded such that it cannot appear in the same label with a release marking. There are alternative encodings whereby NOFORN is totally independent of the release markings. In this example, REL CNTRY1 and REL CNTRY2 are actually release compartments, whereas REL CNTRY3 is just a release marking. Such encodings might be used if citizens of CNTRY1 and CNTRY2 were direct users of this or a connected system whose access to data was mandatorily controlled through release compartments, and citizens of CNTRY3 were not users, but could receive hardcopy system output of marked REL CNTRY3. The encoding of the NOFORN word is such that it is hierarchically above all of the release compartments and markings. Marking bit 13 was specifically specified as 1 in NOFORN and as 0 in the release compartments and markings to ensure this hierarchy. Because they are inverse words, REL CNTRY1, REL CNTRY2, and REL CNTRY3 all have an ominclass of CONFIDENTIAL. This ominclass specification prevents these words from appearing in human-readable labels below CONFIDENTIAL. Therefore, even though the bit representations of these three release compartments/markings indicate that they should be present with UNCLASSIFIED, by convention they are not shown in UNCLASSIFIED labels. A useful way to think about the bit assignments involved in these release compartments/markings is as follows. Compartment bit 4 is the (inverse) bit for REL CNTRY1. Compartment bit 4 being 0 means that the data is releasable to CNTRY1. Compartment bit 5 is the (inverse) bit for REL CNTRY2. Compartment bit 5 being 0 means that the data is releasable to CNTRY2. Marking bit 11 is the (inverse) bit for REL CNTRY3. Marking bit 11 being 0 means that the data is releasable to CNTRY3. Finally, marking bit 13 is the NOFORN bit. Marking bit 13 being 1 means that the data is NOFORN. If the data is neither NOFORN nor releasable to any of the countries, compartment bits 4 and 5 will be 1, marking bit 11 will be 1, and marking bit 13 will be 0.
name= NOFORN; sname= NF; minclass=  C; compartments= 4-5; markings= 11 13;
   access related;
name= CNTRY1; sname= c1; ominclass= C; compartments= ~4; markings= ~13;
   prefix= REL
name= CNTRY2; sname= C2; ominclass= C; compartments= ~5; markings= ~13
   prefix= REL;
name= CNTRY3; sname= c3; ominclass= C; markings= ~11 ~13;
   prefix= REL;
The following word acts as an alias for the following combination of the above words: CC SB bravo1 bravo3 SA alpha1 project X/project Y LIMDIS ORCON org x/org Y D/E all eyes NOFORN. The alias has associated all of the compartment and marking bits of the aliased words, and no others. It also has a minclass equal to the highest minclass of any of the aliased words. Because it follows these words in the encodings, it can never appear in an output label; it can be used only as a shorthand on input for entering or adding to a label. It is intended to represent the “system high” set of information label words.
name= SYSHI; minclass= TS; compartments= 0-6; markings= 0-16;
The REQUIRED COMBINATIONS below specify two constraints about the above information label words. The first specification requires that NOFORN be present in a label whenever subcompartment SB is present. The second specification requires that the codeword alpha2 be present in a label whenever the marking charlie is present.


charlie alpha2
The COMBINATION CONSTRAINTS below specify three constraints about the above information label words. The first specification requires that codeword bravo4 must stand alone in a label (along with the classification SECRET as forced by the specification above for bravo4). The second specification requires that the marking charlie can be combined only with the codeword alpha2. Note that this specification, when combined with the second required combination above, requires that the marking charlie, if present in a label, must appear along with alpha2 and only alpha2 and the classification SECRET (as forced by the specification above for charlie). The third specification requires that if data is marked releasable to CNTRY3, it cannot also be releasable to CNTRY1 or CNTRY2. Note that there is no restriction on marking data releasable to CNTRY1 and CNTRY2.

bravo4 &
charlie & alpha2
The line to the left is continued onto the next line by ending the line with a \. This is done as an example of the line continuation feature that might be required on long combination constraints.


The PREFIX keyword to the left is shown in upper case as an example of the case insensitivity of the encodings. Note that the prefix comes at the beginning of the words.
name= REL; PREFIX;
The sensitivity label compartments below are ordered in terms of increasing importance, with the exception of the release compartments, which are at the end by convention. Most of the compartments require the specification of a single compartment bit. However, SB and the release compartments are a special case. Since subcompartment SB must appear with NOFORN, and since NOFORN cannot appear with release compartments or markings (see the encodings above), SB cannot appear in a sensitivity label with release compartments. This constraint is enforced below by creating a hierarchy using compartment bits with SB at the top of the hierarchy above REL CNTRY1 and REL CNTRY2. Compartment bit 3 is the bit that means SB. The compartments for SB include bits 4 and 5 to force them to 1 when SB is specified. Since bits 4 and 5 are the inverse bits for the release compartments, specifying SB ensures that no release compartments are present. The ~3 specification in the release compartments is redundant, but serves to emphasize the hierarchy present. With this hierarchy specified, it is possible to add SB to a sensitivity label that contains a release compartment, thereby automatically removing the release compartment. As an alternative to the specification below, it would have been possible to enforce the fact that SB cannot be combined with release compartments via a combination constraint of SB ! REL CNTRY1 | REL CNTRY2. However, such an encoding forms no hierarchy, such that trying to add SB to a sensitivity label that contains a release compartment would be considered an error. Because they are inverse words, REL CNTRY1 and REL CNTRY2 have an ominclass of CONFIDENTIAL. This ominclass specification prevents these words from appearing in human-readable labels below CONFIDENTIAL. Therefore, even though the bit representations of these two release compartments indicate that they should be present with UNCLASSIFIED, by convention they are not shown in UNCLASSIFIED labels.
name= A; minclass=  C; compartments= 0;
name= B; minclass=  C; compartments= 1;
name= SA; minclass= TS; compartments= 2;
name= SB; minclass= TS; compartments= 3-5;
name= CC; minclass= TS; compartments= 6;
name= CNTRY1; sname= c1; ominclass= C; compartments= ~3 ~4;
   prefix= REL;
name= CNTRY2; sname= c2; ominclass= C; compartments= ~3 ~5;prefix= REL;
Because of the system invariant that the compartment bits in sensitivity labels must always dominate the compartment bits in associated information labels, the presence of one of the above two words in a sensitivity label forces the same word to appear in an associated information labels.
The REQUIRED COMBINATIONS below specify that if subcompartment SB is present in a sensitivity label, compartment B must also be present. Similarly, if subcompartment SA is present in a sensitivity label, compartment A must also be present. Note how differently this requirement is met in this sensitivity label encoding compared to how it was met above in the information label encoding. In the sensitivity label—by convention—both compartments and subcompartments can appear, which is accomplished by this encoding. In the information label, the presence of a subcompartment automatically forces the appropriate main compartment bit to be present, but does not include the main compartment name in the human-readable representation of the label—again by convention.
There are no combination constraints for sensitivity label words, so the subsection below has no constraints specified. Note that the subsection must be present even if it is empty.
The CLEARANCES section below is similar to the SENSITIVITY LABELS section above, but with two differences. First, the prefix used for the release compartments is different. Whereas it makes sense to mark data REL COUNTRY, when the same concept is applied to clearances, and therefore related to users, it makes more sense to refer to the nationality of the user, rather than having REL COUNTRY in the user's clearance. Therefore, this section uses the prefix NATIONALITY: before the country words. Second, there is a combination constraint specified. Since the release compartments NATIONALITY: CNTRY1 and NATIONALITY: CNTRY2 in a clearance mean that the user is a citizen of the country, the constraint specifies that a clearance cannot specify that a user is a citizen of more than one country. Note that no such constraint is needed for sensitivity labels, because the meaning of the release compartments in a sensitivity label is that the data is releasable to citizens of the country, and data can be releasable to more than one country. Because they are inverse words, NATIONALITY: CNTRY1 and NATIONALITY: CNTRY2 have an ominclass of CONFIDENTIAL. This ominclass specification prevents these words from appearing in human-readable labels below CONFIDENTIAL. Therefore, even though the bit representations of these two release compartments indicate that they should be present with UNCLASSIFIED, by convention they are not shown in UNCLASSIFIED labels.


name= NATIONALITY:; sname= N:; prefix;
name= A; minclass=  C; compartments= 0;
name= B; minclass=  C; compartments= 1;
name= SA; minclass= TS; compartments= 2;
name= SB; minclass= TS; compartments= 3-5;
name= CC; minclass= TS; compartments= 6;
name= CNTRY1; sname= c1; ominclass=  C; compartments= ~3 ~4;
   prefix= NATIONALITY:;
name= CNTRY2; sname= c2; ominclass=  C; compartments= ~3 ~5;
        prefix= NATIONALITY:;




The CHANNELS section specifies the HANDLE VIA... caveats associated with the main compartments (channels) specified above, for use by the system in producing printer banner pages. If the sensitivity label indicates only one channel present, the caveat should be of the form HANDLE VIA (CHANNEL NAME) CHANNELS ONLY. If the sensitivity label indicates multiple channels present, the caveat should be of the form HANDLE VIA (CHANNEL NAME)/(CHANNEL NAME)/... CHANNELS JOINTLY. The encodings could specify a unique word for each channel and each combination of channels, but such an encoding would be extremely long with a large number of encodings. Rather, the encodings below takes full advantage of the fact that words can require both a prefix and a suffix to shorten the specifications. To fully understand the encodings below, you must know how the system uses the channel words in producing the caveat string. The words are scanned in the order specified, with all words whose compartment bits are present in the sensitivity label placed into the caveat string in the order in which they are encountered. Once a compartment bit has been matched in the sensitivity label, it is “forgotten” as the rest of the words are scanned. Note that none of the words below contains an sname, because only long names are used for producing the channel caveat string.

The encodings below define a single prefix, HANDLE VIA, which is the prefix for every word in the encodings. Two suffixes are defined: CHANNELS ONLY for the case when only one channel is present, and CHANNELS JOINTLY for the case when more than one channel is present. Each main word below requires the prefix and one of the suffixes.
name= CHANNELS JOINTLY; suffix;
name= CHANNELS ONLY; suffix;
name= HANDLE VIA; prefix;
The first three main words cover the case where only a single channel is present. The compartment bit specifications of each will match a sensitivity label only if a single channel is present. Note that all non-channel bits are ignored. For example, the compartments specification for the word (CH A) is 0 ~1 ~6, which will match only a sensitivity label with bit 0 (for channel A) on and bits 1 and 6 (for channels B and CC) off. These first three entries all require the suffix CHANNELS ONLY. Once a compartment bit is matched by one of these words, it will be “forgotten” as the remaining words are scanned, so that none of the final three words will be placed in the caveat string if one of the first three are. Note that the order of these first three words does not matter, because at most one of them will ever match a sensitivity label.
name= (CH A); prefix=HANDLE VIA; compartments= 0 ~1 ~6;
   suffix=  CHANNELS ONLY;  
name= (CH B); prefix=HANDLE VIA; compartments= ~0 1 ~6;
   suffix=  CHANNELS ONLY;
name= (CH C); prefix=HANDLE VIA; compartments= ~0 ~1 6;
   suffix=  CHANNELS ONLY;
The last three main words cover the case where multiple channels are present. Any of these words that match the sensitivity label will be placed in the caveat string, preceded by HANDLE VIA, separated by /, and followed by CHANNELS JOINTLY. Note that these words are in order of decreasing sensitivity, and must follow the single channel encodings above.
name= (CH C); prefix=HANDLE VIA; compartments= 6;
name= (CH B); prefix=HANDLE VIA; compartments= 1;
name= (CH A); prefix=HANDLE VIA; compartments= 0;
The PRINTER BANNERS section specifies the nonchannel-related caveats associated with compartments and markings, for use by the system in producing printer banner pages. Note that none of the words below contains an sname, because only long names are used for producing the printer banner caveat string. Note also that these words are in order of decreasing sensitivity.


name= ORCON; prefix;  
name= (FULL SB NAME); compartments= 3
name= (FULL SA NAME); compartments= 2
These first two words specify caveats associated with the subcompartments defined above. Note that all main compartments (channels) are ignored by the encodings in this section. Each word specifies the name to be placed in the printer banner caveat string if the specified compartments (in this case subcompartments) match the sensitivity label. Note that the compartments specifications could also have included the associated main compartment bits, because they are forced to be present along with the subcompartment bits (i.e., compartments= 3 could have been compartments= 1 3).
name= org x; prefix= ORCON; markings= 9;
name= org y; prefix= ORCON; markings= 15;  
These two words specify caveats associated with certain markings defined above. Each word specifies the name to be placed in the printer banner caveat string if the specified markings match the information label.
The ACCREDITATION RANGE section specifies the system and user accreditation ranges and related constants. The user accreditation range is the set of sensitivity labels at which normal system users can operate. In the general case, not all possible sensitivity labels containing the compartments defined for the system are in the user accreditation range. The encodings allow for the specification of the user accreditation range in the most compact manner possible, rather than having to list every possible valid sensitivity label. The valid sensitivity labels for each classification are specified separately. Since no specification for the classification UNCLASSIFIED appears below, the sensitivity label UNCLASSIFIED is not in the user accreditation range.
In this example, the most compact way to specify the valid CONFIDENTIAL sensitivity labels is to list only those sensitivity labels that are invalid, presumably because the list of invalid labels is shorter or more meaningful.
classification= c; all compartment combinations valid except:cc ac b
In this example, the most compact way to specify the valid SECRET sensitivity labels is to state only those sensitivity labels that are valid, presumably because the list of valid labels is shorter or more meaningful.
classification= s; only valid compartment combinations:
s a b
In this example, all TOP SECRET sensitivity labels are valid.
classification= ts;  all compartment combinations valid;  
Below the minimum clearance that can be associated with a user is specified. The system will not allow a clearance that is below the minimum to be specified. Note that the clearance specified below represents TOP SECRET with all compartment bits 0. Note also that this clearance is not a legal clearance according to the encodings above, but does represent a useful minimum, being the only clearance immediately below TS NATIONALITY: CNTRY1 and TS NATIONALITY: CNTRY2.
minimum clearance= ts NATIONALITY: CNTRY1/CNTRY2;  
Below the minimum sensitivity label for the system is specified. The system will not allow a sensitivity label that is below the minimum to be specified. Note that the sensitivity label specified below represents CONFIDENTIAL with all compartment bits 0. There should be no sensitivity labels in the user accreditation range specification below the minimum sensitivity label, but the minimum sensitivity label does not have to be in the user accreditation range, though it should be the greatest lower bound of all sensitivity labels in the user accreditation range. In this case it is in fact the lowest sensitivity label in the user accreditation range.
minimum sensitivity label= c REL CNTRY1/CNTRY2;  
Below the minimum classification that can appear on the top and bottom of printer banner pages is specified. This classification is also the minimum that will appear in the printer banner warning statement that specifies how the data must be protected unless it is manually reviewed and downgraded.
minimum protect as classification= ts;