Defining the Organizational Structure

This chapter provides an overview of the organizational structure in Absence Management and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Organizational Structure

This diagram shows the components of the Absence Management organizational structure for absence processing:

Organizational structure of Absence Management

Elements are the basic building blocks of Absence Management. Element groups are used to communicate lists of elements to eligibility groups. Eligibility groups are associated with pay groups. Payees who share absence characteristics belong to pay groups. Multiple pay groups are linked to a single pay entity, the business organization that pays payees.

Eligibility groups and element groups are used to control which elements a payee receives. Element Groups contain individual elements such as , absence entitlements and absence takes. Eligibility Groups in turn contain Element Groups. This two-level approach allows for a more efficient set up; for example, you can assign each payee to an eligibility group, such as one for managers, and another for staff employees.

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Element Groups

This section provides an overview of element groups and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Element Groups

To identify numerous elements you can define element groups, such as one for absence take elements, and another for absence entitlement elements. You can use element groups to:

See Also

Managing Off Cycle Processing

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Define Element Groups

Page Name

Definition Name



Element Group Name


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Elements, Element Groups, Element Group Name

Name the element group and define its basic parameters.

Element Group Members


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Elements, Element Groups, Element Group Members

Insert elements into element groups.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicNaming an Element Group

You name every element and define its basic parameters on an Element Name page. All element components within Absence Management share the same first Element Name page (GP_PIN).

See Also

Defining Element Names

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicInserting Elements into Element Groups

Access the Element Group Members page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Elements, Element Groups, Element Group Members).

Use caution when making changes to element groups that are referenced by list sets. Changes to element groups affect related list sets. List sets, their use, and their relationship to element groups are discussed in detail in another chapter in this PeopleBook.

See Managing Applications and List Sets.

Element Group Use

Define the way that this element group will be used. This field limits the entry types available in the Element Group Members group box. Values are:

  • All-purpose: Select if this element group can be used for eligibility processing, to define a process set for off-cycle processing, or with list set functionality.

  • Eligibility:This is the default value. Select if this element group is to be used only for eligibility processing.

  • Process Set: Select if this element group identifies a limited set of elements to be processed for a given segment. This type of element group is available for off-cycle processing. The inclusion of an element in this group does not waive eligibility requirements; payees must still be eligible for these elements for the elements to be resolved.

  • Application: Select to use this element group specifically with the list set functionality. Selecting this value will avail the Applications - Static/Dynamic group box and the Application Default Sort Order field.

Note. The system requires that the Element Group Use field value be the same for multiple effective-dated rows. Therefore, if you add a second effective-dated row to this page, the system populates the new effective-dated row's Element Group Use field by default to the value on the original or earliest effective-dated row, and makes the Element Group Use fields unavailable for entry on all effective-dated rows. So, as long as there's only one row, you can edit the Element Group Use field value. When you insert more than one row, all rows will have the same Element Group Use field value (the value of the original or earliest effective-dated row) and all rows will have the Element Group Use field unavailable for entry.

Applications - Static/Dynamic

Select whether the element group is a static or dynamic list of elements. Static element groups include a list of elements in the Element Group Members group box. Dynamic element groups include only a SQL Where clause - Dynamic Selection Criteria field - that dynamically determines which elements are included in the group every time the element group is called. The Where clause can also contain an Order By clause to sort the selected elements. This option is only available when Element Group Use is Application.

Element Group Members

Element Type

Select the type of element that you're adding to the element group. Values are Absence Entitlement, Absence Take, Deduction, Earnings, and Element Group.

Note. When nesting element groups (that is, including element groups within element groups), the member groups must have the same use option as the parent group.

Element Name

Select the element name that corresponds to the entry type selected.


Click to open the element's definition component in a separate browser window.

Eligibility Assignment

Select the method for assigning the selected element to a payee. This field enables you to indicate whether a payee gets the element processed simply by inclusion in the eligibility group or whether you have to assign the element via the payee-level Earnings/Deductions Assignment page or enter positive input. This field is only available when Group Use Type is Eligibility or All-Purpose.

Values are:

By Eligibility Group: For elements that apply to most or all payees who are associated with this element group via an eligibility group.

By Payee: For payee-level elements.

This field is hidden when you select Process Set for the element group use. It is also hidden when the entry type is Element Group.

Application Default Sort Order

Enter the sequence number used to sort the element. To display multiple elements on the same line, use the same sequence number. This field is only available when Group Use Type is Application or All-Purpose.

Changing the Element Group Use Field

When needed, you can change the Element Group Use value after you have created the element group. When the field value is changed, the system conducts the following checks:

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Eligibility Groups

This section provides an overview of eligibility groups and discusses how to insert element groups into eligibility groups.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Eligibility Groups

Eligibility groups indicate the specific elements for which a certain payee population may be eligible. Eligibility groups contain one or more element groups and are often used to differentiate types or levels of workers. For example, you can create an eligibility group of element groups pertaining to company executives.

You assign a default eligibility group to each pay group. Payees assigned to a pay group inherit the eligibility group from the pay group definition. You can override a pay group definition by payee by stating a different eligibility group at the payee level.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Define Eligibility Groups

Page Name

Definition Name



Eligibility Group


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Framework, Organizational, Eligibility Groups, Eligibility Group

Insert element groups into eligibility groups.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicInserting Element Groups Into Eligibility Groups

Access the Eligibility Group page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Framework, Organizational, Eligibility Groups, Eligibility Group).

Element Name

Select the name of the element group to associate with this eligibility group. To select additional element groups, add more rows.

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Pay Entities

This section provides an overview of pay entities and discusses how to:

Note. This section discusses the first two pages of the Pay Entity component. The other pages in the Pay Entity component, including the Retro Limits page and the Supporting Elements Override page are discussed elsewhere in this PeopleBook.

See Also

Setting Backward and Forward Retro Limits

Defining Pay Entity Overrides

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Pay Entities

A pay entity is the organization that is responsible for paying payees. You can also use a pay entity to define the type of currency for processing calculations. The pay entity is a legal definition of an organization from a absence and payroll perspective. In many cases, an organization and a pay entity are identical. Absence Management doesn't define a relationship between an organization and a pay entity. If several organizations are held by the same holding organization, the holding organization can be the pay entity, or one organization can have several subsidiaries that are individual pay entities. The system defines most accumulators by pay entity.

Batch Processing

Batch processing uses the data on the Processing Details page to determine which elements to load. Only elements that are defined for All Countries (on the Element Name page) and those defined for Specific Country, where the country equals the pay entity country are loaded.

If any element with a different country has been referenced, the batch program logs an error. Depending on that element's importance, the process might cease. If it cannot continue, it issues the following message:

Element %1 (PIN %2) not loaded into UPINA. (N/A for country: %3).

If the process can continue, it issues one of these messages:

Element %1 (PIN %2) - and data for the element - not loaded into the process. (N/A for country: %3)

Element %1 of parent element %2 on Process List %3 is not found in %4. (PIN number %5)

Note. Reasons other than country assignment can prevent an element from being loaded.

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Page Name

Definition Name



Pay Entity Address


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Framework, Organizational, Pay Entities, Pay Entity Address

Enter address information for a pay entity.

Processing Details


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Framework, Organizational, Pay Entities, Processing Details

Enter processing details for a pay entity.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Address Information for a Pay Entity

Access the Pay Entity Address page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Framework, Organizational, Pay Entities, Pay Entity Address).


Select the country where your pay entity is located.


Click the Edit Address link to enter the pay entity address. The system displays the appropriate address fields for the selected country. Address information fields aren't required; therefore, you can enter only the information that applies to your organization's pay entity. Leave other fields blank.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Processing Details for a Pay Entity

Access the Processing Details page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Framework, Organizational, Pay Entities, Processing Details).

Warning! Do not modify fields above the effective-dated area of the page after implementation. Doing so can destroy the integrity of retroactive and accumulator calculations.


Select the processing country for this pay entity.

Period Definition

Calendar Yearly Start Month and Calendar Yearly Start Day

Enter the start date for the pay entity's calendar year. This date becomes the default start date for accumulators that are based on calendar year, unless you specify otherwise in the accumulator definition.

Fiscal Yearly Start Month and Fiscal Yearly Start Day

If your pay entity operates on a fiscal year that's different from the calendar year, enter the start date of the fiscal year. This date is used as the default start date for accumulators that are based on fiscal year, unless you specify otherwise in the accumulator definition.

Payment Information

Payment Key 1−4

The Payment Key fields are not applicable to Absence Management.

Source Bank ID

This field is required. You must create a "dummy" Source Bank ID and enter it in this field.

See Setting Up Banks and Bank Branches.

Processing Currency

The processing currency defined at the pay entity level is the unit to which other currencies are converted before calculations are made.

Currency Code

Select the default processing currency, which the system uses for calculations and reports and as the default for any element without an associated currency.

Note. If the effective date changes during a pay period, the system uses the currency that's effective at the end of that pay period. Any change of currency should coincide with the beginning of a pay period.

No Rounding

Select to prevent rounding in currency conversion.

Use Specified Rounding

Select to have the system run a rounding rule for currency conversion, regardless of the value's source (for example, positive input, accumulators, or historical rules).

Rounding Rule Element

If you selected Use Specified Rounding , enter the rounding rule element that you want to use for rounding.

Eligibility Override allowed via

Positive Input

This check box does not apply to Absence Management. The default setting for this check box is cleared.

See Also

Defining Retroactive Processing

Introducing the Core Application Architecture

Setting Up Overrides

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Pay Groups

This section provides an overview of pay groups and overrides of pay group defaults and discusses how to:

Note. This section discusses the first two pages of the Pay Group component. The other page in the Pay Group component is the Supporting Elements Override page which is discussed elsewhere in this PeopleBook.

See Also

Setting Up Overrides

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Pay Groups

A pay group is a logical grouping of qualifying individuals for absence management and contains payees who share pay characteristics. All payees in a pay group must have the same absence calculation process and belong to the same pay entity.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Overrides of Pay Group Defaults

When you set up a pay group, you define a number of default settings, such as eligibility group and work schedules, that apply to payees associated with the pay group.

However, you can set up pay group rule overrides for absence elements, which is useful when certain rules don't apply to specific groups of payees.

Group together payees who typically receive the same type of absence elements. This enables you to define elements that apply to most members of a pay group. You can create any exceptions via payee-level overrides or override the default pay group.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Define Pay Groups

Page Name

Definition Name



Pay Group Name


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Framework, Organizational, Pay Groups, Pay Group Name

Define pay group parameters.



Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Framework, Organizational, Pay Groups, Defaults

Define default rounding, proration, and frequency conditions for a pay group.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Pay Group Parameters

Access the Pay Group Name page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Framework, Organizational, Pay Groups, Pay Group Name).

Pay Entity

Select the pay entity to associate with this pay group. You can link each pay group with only one pay entity.

Warning! Once you've processed absences, never change the pay entity. Doing so can corrupt your data.

Payee Job Data Defaults

In this group box, you can define numerous default settings for a pay group. The effective date applies to the entire group box; therefore, you can change these options simultaneously if you have schedule, business process, or rule changes.

Note. Not every payee in a pay group has the same eligibility group, exchange rate type, or holiday schedule. You can override any default for an individual on the Job Data - Payroll page. Defaults can be overridden for certain periods of time through effective-dating. On the Job Data - Payroll page, the Absence Managementgroup box that includes eligibility group and exchange rate type appears only if you set the Absence System field to Absence Management.

See Setting Up Overrides.

See Increasing the Workforce.

Eligibility Group

Select the default eligibility group to associate with this pay group.

Apply elements to payees in pay groups via eligibility groups. An eligibility group must be associated with a pay group. A payee is assigned to an eligibility group through the default defined at the pay group level. This default value can be overridden at the payee level.

Note. Payees in an eligibility group are eligible for elements at the payee level, but if a payee isn't in an eligibility group for which an element is valid, that payee cannot be eligible for that element.


Exchange Rate Type

Select the default exchange rate type that's used for currency conversions for this pay group during processing. You can specify an element in a currency other than the processing currency. During processing, it is converted to the processing currency, using this exchange rate information. Define exchange rate types on the Market Rate Type page.

See PeopleSoft Enterprise Components for PeopleSoft Enterprise HRMS and Campus Solutions PeopleBook.

Use Rate As Of

Select the effective date for use in retrieving the exchange rate. The options correspond to the dates that you associate with this pay group. Values are Pay Period Begin Date, Pay Period End Date, and Payment Date.

Payee Schedule Defaults

Define scheduling defaults for a pay group. Payees can be assigned a work schedule and an alternate work schedule based on the scheduling defaults defined for the payee's pay group.

Schedule Group

Select the schedule group for the pay group. Schedule groups allow you to categorize schedules into specific groups.

Schedule ID

Select the schedule ID for the pay group.

Rotation ID

Select the rotation ID for the selected the schedule ID. Rotation IDs are used with rotating schedules. Rotating schedules can be assigned to several payees with different schedule begin days.

Note. The Rotation ID field only appears if you select a rotating schedule.

Alternate Schedule Group

(Optional) Select an alternate schedule group for the pay group.

Alternate Work Schedule

(Optional) Select an alternate work schedule. A payee can be associated with an alternate work schedule for some absences.

Alternate Rotation ID

(Optional) Select an alternate rotation ID for the pay group.

Note. The Alternate Rotation ID field only appears if you select a rotating schedule.

Holiday Schedule

Select the holiday schedule for the pay group. The pay group's holiday schedule is used in processing if you do not select a different holiday schedule for the payee on the Job Data - Payroll page. However, the pay group holiday schedule is not entered as a default on the payee's Job record.

See Also

Defining Pay Entities

Proration and Segmentation

Defining Proration Rules

Understanding Work Schedules

Setting Up and Working with Currencies

Setting Up Jobs

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Default Rounding, Proration, and Frequency Conditions for a Pay Group

Access the Defaults page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Framework, Organizational, Pay Groups, Defaults).

Period Information

Define dates for your pay group's fiscal year.

Fiscal Year Start

Define the start date of your organization's fiscal year for this pay group. Values are:

Use Paying Entity Defaults: The next two fields become unavailable.

Use Specified Start Date: Complete the next two fields.

Start Month and Start Day

Enter the first month and the first day of the start month in your organization's fiscal year.

Component Rounding Defaults

Specify default rounding rules for absence elements at the pay group level. You can specify rounding for individual absence elements when those elements are defined or direct the system to follow the pay group default settings.

Rounding Option - Base, Rounding Option - Unit, Rounding Option - Rate, Rounding Option - Percent and Rounding Option - Amount

Select an option to determine whether these components of an entitlement element can be rounded before calculation. Values are:

No Rounding: Prevents rounding of the component.

Use Specified Rounding: Enter a rounding rule in the corresponding field on the right.

Resolved Amount

Select the rounding rule to apply to the resolved amount for absence elements.

Rounding occurs after the system resolves the element's calculation rule. Values are:

No Rounding: Prevents rounding of the amount.

Use Specified Rounding: Enter a rounding rule in the field on the right.

Proration Option

Select either No Proration or Use Specific Proration.

Proration Rule

If you selected Use Specific Proration in the Proration Option field, enter the proration rule that is to be used as the default proration rule for elements being used to process this pay group. In defining an earning or deduction element, you can have the system use the pay group default value or have it specify a unique rule for a certain earning or deduction element.

Frequency Defaults

Use this group box to define the frequency defaults used in multiple absence calculation components.

Note. The system calculates the daily and monthly pay rates that appear on the Job Data - Compensation page based on the frequency factors associated with the pay group assigned to each payee (on the Job Data - Payroll page). As a result, if you use these corresponding daily and monthly rate system elements directly within your Absence Management rules, you will need to ensure that the frequency factors associated with the pay group coincide with the values to which you expect these values to resolve. Otherwise, rates may not be in sync (because the system retrieves daily and monthly rates directly from Job Data.)

See Also

Defining a Frequency ID and Country-Specific Defaults

Defining Rounding Rule Elements

Defining Proration Rules

Defining Rate Code Elements

Setting Up and Working with Frequencies