Setting Up Triggers

This chapter provides an overview of triggers and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Triggers

This section discusses:

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In Absence Management, the mechanism used to detect online data changes that should result in iterative, retroactive, or segmentation processing is called a trigger. To set up triggers, you select the database records and fields that you want to make sensitive to data changes such as job location changes and terminations; then, when the change occurs, the system writes a line of data to a table called a trigger table to tell the system how to process the change.

There are three types of triggers:

You can generate triggers in two ways:

Once triggers are generated (manually or automatically), the batch process uses the trigger to perform the proper action.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicTrigger Table Data

When a trigger is generated by a change to a record or record and field combination, the system writes the data needed to process the change to a trigger table. Each type of trigger has a separate table for storing this data.

Iterative Trigger Table

The information generated by an iterative trigger is stored in the iterative trigger table (GP_ITER_TRGR). This table contains the following data:




Iterative triggers are payee-level triggers generated from records that have Employee ID as part of their key structure. The EMPLID identifies the payee affected by the change that generates the trigger.

Mass triggers function differently and are not restricted to records that have Employee ID as part of their key structure.

See Setting Up Mass Triggers.


Identifies the calendar run in which the iterative trigger is processed.


The system date and time when a trigger is generated (for information only). If you change data so that the same iterative trigger is generated repeatedly, a timestamp is needed to keep the instances unique.


Identifies whether the system is processing a trigger. Options are:

Canceled: You can cancel a trigger whose status is Unprocessed on the Payee Triggers - Iterative page.

In-Process: For triggers that are being considered by the batch process.

Processed: For triggers that were processed by the system and can't be reconsidered.

Unprocessed: For triggers that haven't been processed by the system.


Identifies how the iterative trigger is generated. Options are:

Batch: For triggers that are generated during batch processing.

Online: For triggers that are generated by the online code.


The country code associated with the iterative trigger.


Identifies the source record from which the iterative trigger is generated.


Identifies the field that generates the iterative trigger in response to a data change.


Identifies the character value change that causes the iterative trigger to be generated. This field is not populated if the trigger is defined at the record level only.


Identifies the date value change that causes the iterative trigger to be generated. This field is not populated if the trigger is defined at the record level only.


Identifies the numeric value change that causes the iterative trigger to be generated. This field is not populated if the trigger is defined at the record level only.

When an iterative trigger is generated by a data change, the system writes the employee ID, the country, and the calendar run ID along with other information to the trigger table to facilitate iterative processing by the batch code.

Among other things, this data tells the system:

In addition, the system uses the RECNAME, FIELDNAME, TRGR_FLD_VAL_CHAR, TRGR_FLD_VAL_DT, and TRGR_FLD_VAL_NUM fields to identify the source of an iterative trigger (the record, field, and/or field value changes that generate a trigger). This information enables a clearer understanding of what causes iterative processing of a payee's absences, and can be used to facilitate debugging or answer queries.

Note. You can view the trigger source data stored in this table on the Iterative page.

See Viewing the Trigger Status for Iterative Triggers.

Retroactive Trigger Table

The information generated by a retroactive trigger is stored in the retroactive trigger table (GP_RTO_TRGR). This table contains the following data:




Retroactive (or retro) triggers are payee-level triggers generated from records that have Employee ID as part of their key structure. The EMPLID identifies the payee affected by the change that generates the trigger.

Mass triggers function differently and are not restricted to records that have Employee ID as part of their key structure.

See Setting Up Mass Triggers.


The country code associated with a retroactive trigger.


The trigger event ID associated with record, field, or value changes as defined in the trigger setup.


The effective date tells the system which periods to process retroactively (for example, a retro trigger with an effective date of January 1, 2006 tells the system to reprocess all calendars beginning with the January 2006 absence run).


The system date and time when a trigger is generated (for information only). If you change data so that the same retroactive trigger is generated repeatedly, a timestamp is needed to keep the instances unique.


Identifies how the retro trigger is generated. Options are:

Automatic: Identifies triggers that are generated by the online code.

Manual: Denotes manually generated triggers.

Utility-Generated: Not available.


Identifies whether the system is processing a trigger. Options are:

Canceled: You can cancel a trigger whose status is Unprocessed on the Payee Triggers page.

In-Process: Denotes triggers that are being considered by the batch process.

Processed: Identifies triggers that were processed by the system and can't be reconsidered.

Unprocessed: Identifies triggers that haven't been processed by the system.


This field serves as the trigger tag or description of a trigger. For use with the Utility-Generated source value.


Identifies the calendar run in which the retroactive trigger is processed.


Identifies the source record from which the retro trigger is generated.


Identifies the field that generates the retro trigger in response to a data change.


Identifies the character value change that causes the retro trigger to be generated. This field is not populated if the trigger is defined at the record level only.


Identifies the date value change that causes the retro trigger to be generated. This field is not populated if the trigger is defined at the record level only.


Identifies the numeric value change that causes the retro trigger to be generated. This field is not populated if the trigger is defined at the record level only.

When a retroactive trigger is generated by a data change, the system writes the employee ID, the effective date of the change (also called the trigger effective date), the country, and the associated event ID along with other information to the trigger table to facilitate retroactive processing by the batch code.

Among other things, this data tells the system:

In addition, the system uses the RECNAME, FIELDNAME, TRGR_FLD_VAL_CHAR, TRGR_FLD_VAL_DT, and TRGR_FLD_VAL_NUM fields to identify the source of a retro trigger (the record, field, and/or field value changes that generate a trigger). This information enables a clearer understanding of what causes retroactive processing of a payee's absences, and can be used to facilitate debugging or answer queries.

Note. You can view the trigger source data stored in this table on the Retro page.

See Viewing, Adding, or Canceling Retroactive Triggers.

Note. You can generate multiple rows of trigger data for one event by making multiple record and field combinations sensitive to retroactive data changes. For example, a retroactive change in hire date and a retroactive change in pay group might both generate retro triggers for the same event. In the case of multiple retro triggers, the earliest trigger effective date is used to drive limit calculations, which, in turn, direct retroactive calculations.

Segmentation Trigger Table

The information generated by a segmentation trigger is stored in the segmentation trigger table (GP_SEG_TRGR). This table contains the following data:




Segmentation triggers are payee-level triggers generated from records that have Employee ID as part of their key structure. The EMPLID identifies the payee affected by the change that generates the trigger.

Mass triggers function differently and are not restricted to records that have Employee ID as part of their key structure.

See Setting Up Mass Triggers.


Identifies the job affected by a segmentation event.


The country code associated with the segmentation trigger.


The trigger event ID associated with a triggering condition, as defined in your setup. It tells the system what type of segmentation to apply and the elements to segment (in the case of element segmentation).


The effective date tells the system how to segment a period (for example, a segmentation trigger with an effective date of June 15 tells the system to divide the June period into two segments, one with the dates June 1 to June 15, and another with the dates June 16 to June 30).


The system date and time when a trigger is generated (for information only). If you change data so that the same segmentation trigger is generated repeatedly, a timestamp is needed to keep the instances unique.


Identifies how the segmentation trigger is generated. Options are:

Automatic: Identifies triggers generated by the online code.

Manual: Denotes manually generated triggers.


Identifies whether the system is processing a trigger. Options are:

Active: Indicates that the trigger has been written out and will remain active until canceled by a user.

Canceled: You can cancel a trigger whose status is Active on the Payee Triggers page.


Specifies whether a trigger is payee-level or at the payee-job (EMPL_RCD) level trigger. Instructs the system to process for one job only or for all jobs.


Identifies the first calendar group ID that uses a segmentation trigger. If the segmentation trigger is reused because of retroactivity, the calendar group ID isn't updated.


Identifies the source record from which the segmentation trigger is generated.


Identifies the field that generates the segmentation trigger in response to a data change.


Identifies the character value change that causes the segmentation trigger to be generated. This field is not populated if the trigger is defined at the record level only.


Identifies the date value change that causes the segmentation trigger to be generated. This field is not populated if the trigger is defined at the record level only.


Identifies the numeric value change that causes the segmentation trigger to be generated. This field is not populated if the trigger is defined at the record level only.

When a segmentation trigger is generated by a data change, the system writes the employee ID, the effective date of the change (also called the trigger effective date), the country, and the associated event ID along with other information to the trigger table to facilitate retroactive processing by the batch code.

Among other things, this data tells the system:

In addition, the system uses the RECNAME, FIELDNAME, TRGR_FLD_VAL_CHAR, TRGR_FLD_VAL_DT, and TRGR_FLD_VAL_NUM fields to identify the source of a segmentation trigger (the record, field, and/or field value changes that generate a trigger). This information enables a clearer understanding of what causes segmentation of a payee's absences, and can be used to facilitate debugging or answer queries.

Note. You can view the trigger source data stored in this table on the Segmentation page.

See Viewing, Adding, or Canceling Segmentation Triggers.

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This section discusses the concept of trigger effective date types (Trigger Effdt Type) and trigger levels, and describes how and when the system generates triggers based on effective date types and trigger levels.

Effective Dates and Effective Date Types

All triggers except iterative triggers are stored in the trigger tables with their trigger effective dates (TRGR_EFFDT). These dates are based on—but are not necessarily identical to—the dates of the database changes that cause the triggers to be generated. In the PeopleSoft system, these database change dates are recorded in the following fields: Effective Date, Begin and End Date, and Fixed Date fields. Because of the central role played by these fields, retro and segmentation triggers can only be generated from dated records: retroactive triggers can only be defined for records with Effective or Begin and End Date fields, or records with Fixed Date fields; and segmentation triggers can only be defined for records with Effective Date fields.

Based on which date field is the source of the trigger effective date, every retro and segmentation trigger falls into one of the following effective date types:

When the system processes retro and segmentation triggers, it uses the effective date type to determine what date to use as the trigger effective date.

Note. Iterative triggers do not use the concept of trigger effective dates, since the change date is irrelevant to their function, which is to trigger the calculation or recalculation of the current absence run for a specific payee. They can be defined for non-effective-dated records as well as effective-dated and begin and end dated records.

Trigger Levels

When you set up triggers in Absence Management, you must specify the level at which the system responds to database changes. You can set up the system to generate triggers in response to effective or begin and end date changes to any field in a record (trigger level = Record), to all changes to a specific field in the record (trigger level = Field, Non Value Based), or only when a specific value is entered in the field (trigger level = Field, Value Based). The trigger level determines when and under what conditions the system generates triggers.

Rules for Iterative Triggers: Generating Triggers

Iterative triggers are generated only when an open calendar group exists; the calendar group must be "Identified."

When the trigger level is Record, the system generates an iterative trigger if a row is added, changed, or deleted.

When the trigger level is Field, Non-Value-based, the system generates an iterative trigger if:

When the trigger level is Field, Value-based, besides observing the rules for non-value-based triggers, the system generates an iterative trigger only if the value of the added, changed, or deleted row matches a value you specified earlier, or you have chosen to generate triggers even if no values match.

Rules for Retroactive Triggers: Setting Trigger Effective Dates and Generating Triggers

When Trigger Effdt Type is Effective Date:

The initial effective date is the effective date with which the row was loaded. The changed effective date is the effective date of the row at save time. If you haven't changed the effective date, it's the same as the initial effective date. If you've changed the effective date, it is different from the initial effective date.

When Trigger Effdt Type is Begin/End Date:

The initial begin date is the begin date with which the row was loaded. The changed begin date is the begin date of the row at save time. If you haven't changed the begin date, it's the same as the initial begin date. If you've changed the begin date, it is different from the initial begin date.

The initial end date is the end date with which the row was loaded. The changed end date is the end date on the row at save time. If you haven't changed the end date, it's the same as the initial end date. If you've changed the end date, it's different from the initial end date.

Note. With absences, the system uses the begin date as the trigger effective date even if you change the end date. If an existing row is voided, and a new row is created, the system uses the begin date as the trigger effective date.

When Trigger Effdt Type is Fixed Date, the trigger date is the date that you specify as a parameter in the PeopleCode function Generate_Triggers.

When Trigger Level is Record:

When Trigger Level is Field, Non-Value-based:

When Trigger Level is Field, Value-based, besides observing the rules for non-value-based triggers, the system generates a retroactive trigger only if the value of the added, changed, or deleted row matches a value you specified earlier or you've chosen to generate a trigger even if no values match.

Rules for Segmentation Triggers: Setting Trigger Effective Dates and Generating Triggers

For Absence Management, you can generate segmentation triggers only from records whose Trigger Effdt Type is Effective Date.

See Viewing, Adding, or Canceling Segmentation Triggers.

Segmentation triggers aren't generated for deleted rows.

When Trigger Effdt Type is Effective Date:

Note. The initial effective date is the effective date with which the row was loaded. The changed effective date is the effective date of the row at save time.

The initial begin date is the begin date with which the row was loaded. The changed begin date is the begin date of the row at save time. If you haven't changed the begin date, it's the same as the initial begin date. If you've changed the begin date, it is different from the initial begin date.

The initial end date is the end date with which the row was loaded. The changed end date is the end date on the row at save time. If you haven't changed the end date, it's the same as the initial end date. If you've changed the end date, it's different from the initial end date.

When Trigger Level is Record, the system generates a segmentation trigger if a row is added or changed.

When Trigger Level is Field, Non-Value-based:

When Trigger Level is Field, Value-based, besides observing the rules for non-value-based triggers, the system generates a segmentation trigger only if the value of the added or changed row matches a value you specified earlier or you have chosen to generate triggers even if no values match.

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The Absence Management system automatically marks retro and iterative triggers as used once they initiate the required processing so that they do not affect future calculations. In addition, you can manually cancel both iterative and retro triggers that have been created in error or that you do not want to impact absence processing. By contrast, segmentation triggers are designed to remain active in the system, since if a segmentation event occurs during a calculation period, it should trigger segmentation every time the period is processed. However, there are times when segmentation events need to be modified or removed after they are entered in the system, either because they should not have been entered at all, the dates of the event were entered incorrectly, or other data was recorded incorrectly. The Absence Management system addresses the problem of unnecessary segmentation triggers by automatically deleting them in response to the following data changes at each of the three trigger levels (Record, Field-Non Value Based, Field-Value Based ):

Data Change

Record Trigger Level

Field – Non Value Based Trigger Level

Field – Value Based Trigger Level

Effective, Begin, or End Date Correction




Field Value Correction




Row Deletion




Important! The system only deletes automatically generated triggers, not manually generated triggers or mass triggers.

Note. Although the system automatically removes segmentation triggers in the situations described here, you can also manually cancel segmentation triggers just as you can iterative and retro triggers. To manage and cancel triggers, use the pages in the Review Triggers (GP_TRIGGER) and Review Iterative Triggers (GP_TRGRITER_CALRUN) components.

Example: Removing a Segmentation Trigger In Response to a Change In the Effective Date of a Row

Assume that there is a Field, Value Based trigger on the JOB record.

The field and field values defined to generate triggers are Action and DTA (data change) or TER (termination).

Assume that you change the effective date of a termination action (TER) from November 15 to November 20.

When the effective date associated with this action changes, the system should:

User Action

Field Change


Trigger Action

Trigger Effdt

Source Field Value

Trigger Event ID

Existing Row






Event 1

Existing Row






Event 1







Event 1





Event 1

In this example, the effective date of the November 15 termination row changes to November 20. As a result, the system deletes the November 15 trigger and creates a new trigger with an effective date of November 20.

Example: Removing a Segmentation Trigger In Response to a Change In a Field Value

Assume that there is a Field, Value Based trigger on the JOB record.

The field and field values defined to generate triggers are Action and PAY (pay rate change) or TER (termination).

Assume that you change the Action value of an October 20 effective-dated row from TER (termination) to DTA (data change).

When the effective date associated with this action changes, the system should delete the old trigger without creating a new one:

User Action

Field Change


Trigger Action

Trigger Effdt

Source Field Value

Trigger Event ID

Existing Row






Event 1

Existing Row






Event 1

Existing Row






Event 1







Event 1


No Trigger


In this example, the value of the October 20 effective-dated row changes from TER to DTA. Because DTA is not a recognized value for trigger generation (only TER and PAY are set up to generate triggers), the system deletes the trigger with the October 20 effective date without generating a new one.

Example: Removing a Segmentation Trigger In Response to a Change In a Field Value

Assume that there is a Field, Value Based trigger on the JOB record.

The field and field values defined to generate triggers are Action and DTA (data change) or TER (termination).

Assume that you change the Action value of a July 1, 2005 effective-dated row from PAY (pay rate change) to DTA (data change), and that there is a second, preexisting row with a value of DTA and an effective date of January 1, 2006. This example shows that the latter row is affected by the change to the earlier row:

User Action

Field Change


Trigger Action

Trigger Effdt

Source Field Value

Trigger Event ID

Existing Row






Event 1

Existing Row






Event 1

Existing Row






Event 1





No trigger to delete.


Event 1








No Trigger


In this example, the value of the July 1, 2005 effective-dated row changes from PAY to DTA. Because trigger generation is based on field value changes, and there is no change between the July 1, 2005 and January 1, 2006 rows (both have a field value of DTA), the system deletes the trigger originally created for the latter row, and inserts a new trigger with a July 1, 2005 effective date. Note that there are no triggers for the PAY rows, as PAY is not a value that has been defined for trigger generation.

Special Rules for Field-Based Segmentation Triggers for Records Containing EFFSEQ (Effective Sequence) Field

There are special rules for managing field-based segmentation triggers if the record contains the field EFFSEQ (for example, the JOB record):

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Triggers Manually

In addition to setting up the system to generate triggers automatically, you can enter triggers manually on the Review Triggers component (GP_TRIGGER) by selecting the trigger type, the trigger effective date, the process definition, and other data needed by the system to initiate retroactive or segmentation processing.

Note. Iterative triggers can not be added manually.

See Pages Used to Manage Triggers and Enter Triggers Manually.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Trigger Definitions

This section provides an overview of trigger definition for iterative, retro, and segmentation triggers, and describes the pages used to set up triggers.

See Also

Using Calendars

Defining Retroactive Processing

Defining Segmentation

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Trigger Definition Setup

This section discusses the setup steps for automatic trigger generation by the online system.

Note. PeopleSoft recommends that when you define a retroactive or segmentation trigger, you also define an iterative trigger. If a calendar group has been calculated once and data changes are subsequently made, unless an iterative trigger is defined, retroactive or segmentation triggers generated from the data changes are not processed until the next Identify phase.

Setting Up Iterative Triggers

Iterative triggers can be defined for both effective and begin and end dated records, as well as for non-dated records.

To set up iterative triggers:

  1. Select Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Triggers, Trigger Definitions.

    The search page for the Trigger Definitions component (GP_TRGR_SETUP) appears.

  2. Select the Add a New Value tab.

  3. On the Add a New Value tab, select a country, identify the record you want to make sensitive to data changes in the Record (Table) Name field, and select a trigger type of Iterative.

  4. Click the Add button.

    The Trigger Definitions page appears.

  5. On the Trigger Definitions page, select a Trigger Level of Record or Field.

    Select Record to generate a trigger in response to a change to any field in the record; select Field if you want the system to generate a trigger only in response to changes to a specific field or group of fields in the record.

    If you select Field, you must list the fields that you want to make sensitive to data changes in the List Fields With Trigger group box. You can further restrict the data changes that result in trigger generation by selecting the Dependent on Field Value Action check box for a specific field and specifying the values that trigger iterative processing.

Setting Up Retro Triggers

Retro triggers can be defined for both effective and begin and end dated records, as well as for fixed date records.

To set up retro triggers:

  1. Select Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Triggers, Trigger Definitions.

    The search page for the Trigger Definitions component (GP_TRGR_SETUP) appears.

  2. Select the Add a New Value tab.

  3. On the Add a New Value tab, select a country, identify the record you want to make sensitive to data changes in the Record (Table) Name field, and select a trigger type of Retro.

  4. Click the Add button.

    The Trigger Definitions page appears.

  5. On the Trigger Definitions page, select a trigger event ID (or primary event ID if the trigger level is Field).

    Trigger event IDs tell the system how to process retroactive data.

    Note. Define trigger event IDs on the Retro Event Definition page.

    See Setting Up Retroactive Processing.

  6. On the Trigger Definitions page, select a Trigger Level of Record or Field.

    Select Record if you want the system to generate a trigger in response to a change to any field in the record; select Field if you want the system to generate a trigger in response to changes to a specific field or group of fields in the record.

    If you select Field, you must list the fields that you want to make sensitive to data changes in the List Fields With Trigger group box. You can further restrict the data changes that result in trigger generation by selecting the Dependent on Field Value Action check box for a specific field, click the List Field Values link, and specifying the values that trigger retro processing.

  7. In addition, you must specify a trigger event ID or primary event ID at one of the following levels:

Setting Up Segmentation Triggers for Effective-dated Records

In Absence Management, you can set up segmentation triggers for effective-dated records. In this section we discuss the steps for setting up segmentation triggers for effective-dated records.

To set up segmentation triggers for effective-dated records:

  1. Select Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Triggers, Trigger Definitions.

    The search page for the Trigger Definitions component (GP_TRGR_SETUP) appears.

  2. Select the Add a New Value tab.

  3. On the Add a New Value tab, select a country, identify the record you want to make sensitive to data changes in the Record (Table) Name field, and select a trigger type of Segmentation.

  4. Click the Add button.

    The Trigger Definitions page appears.

  5. On the Trigger Definitions page, select a Trigger Level of Record or Field.

    Select Record if you want the system to generate a trigger in response to a change to any field in the record; select Field if you want to system to generate a trigger in response to changes to a specific field or group of fields in the record.

    If you select Field, you must list the fields that you want to make sensitive to data changes in the List Fields With Trigger group box. You can further restrict the data changes that result in trigger generation by selecting the Dependent on Field Value Action check box for a specific field, click the List Field Values link, and specifying the values that should result in trigger generation.

  6. In addition, you must define a trigger event ID at the appropriate level:

Note. The trigger event IDs tells the system what type of segmentation to use (period or element segmentation), and in the case of element segmentation, what elements to segment in response to a change in data. You define trigger event IDs on the Segmentation Event Definition page.

See Defining Segmentation Events and Types.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Set Up Trigger Definitions

Page Name

Definition Name



Trigger Definitions


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Triggers, Trigger Definitions, Trigger Definitions

Define iterative, segmentation, and retroactive triggers.

To create a retroactive or segmentation trigger, first define the appropriate event ID on the Retro Event Definition page or Segmentation Event Definition page.

Trigger Definitions - Field Values


Click the List Field Values link on the Trigger Definitions page.

Indicate which field values initiate actions.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Triggers

Access the Trigger Definitions page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Triggers, Trigger Definitions, Trigger Definitions).

Note. The fields on this page vary depending on the type of trigger you are creating and the values you select.


Specify the country for which you are defining the trigger.

Record (Table) Name

Displays the record (table) name that you selected to access this page. This record can stand alone or be part of the record and field combination that generates a trigger in response to an online data change.

Trigger Type

Displays the trigger type that you selected to access this page. Options are: Iterative, Retro, and Segmentation.

Trigger Event ID

For retro and segmentation triggers, specify the trigger event ID at the record level, the field level, or the field value level:

  • If the Trigger Level isRecord, specify the trigger event ID in the Trigger Event ID field at the top of the page.

    Note. This field isn't available at the record level when the trigger type is Segmentation and trigger level is Field.

    Note. The Trigger Event ID, record level field is replaced by the Primary Event ID field when the trigger type is Retro and the Trigger Level is Field (see below).

  • If the Trigger Level isField-Non Value Based, specify the trigger event ID in the Trigger Event ID field in the List Fields With Trigger group box.

  • If the Trigger Level isField-Value Based, specify the trigger event ID in the Field Values group box on the Trigger Definitions-Field Values page.

Note. Iterative triggers don't have trigger event definitions, because their only function is to process a payee in the current open calendar; therefore, the defined event is always the same.

Trigger Status

To activate the trigger definition, select Active.

Trigger Level

Select Record if you want the system to generate a trigger in response to a change to any field in the record; select Field if you want the system to generate a trigger in response to changes to a specific field or group of fields in the record.

If you select Field, you must list the fields that you want to make sensitive to data changes in the Field column in the List Fields With Trigger group box. You can further restrict the data changes that result in trigger generation by selecting the Dependent on Field Value Action check box for a specific field, click the List Field Values link, and specifying the values that should result in trigger generation.

Primary Event ID

Enter one of the event IDs defined on the Retro Event Definition page.

The primary event ID functions as the default event ID when the trigger level is Field and the changed, added, or deleted row that triggers retro processing is the first row in the buffer (that is, a prior row cannot be found). In this case, the system generates a retroactive trigger using the primary retroactive event ID.

Note. The Primary Event ID field appears only when the trigger type is Retro and the trigger level is Field.

Trigger Effdt Type

This field displays one of the following values, based on the record specified in the Record (Table) Name field:

Effective Date

Begin-End Date

Fixed Date

Only retro triggers can have a trigger effdt type of Fixed Date. To generate retro triggers with a fixed trigger effective date, you must pass the date as a parameter to the generic PeopleCode function Generate_Triggers. The system generates only one trigger regardless of the number of data changes.

See Reviewing PeopleSoft Delivered Triggers.

List Fields with Trigger

If you selectField in the Trigger Level field, the List Fields With Trigger group box becomes available.

Field Name

Enter the name of the field that you want to make sensitive to data changes.

Dependent on Field Value

Select this check box to indicate that the fields that you've defined as sensitive to data changes are dependent on specific field values. In this case, only changes to the values you specify on the Trigger Definition - Field Values page will trigger a system action. This enables you to limit the kinds of changes that cause iterative, retroactive, or segmentation processing.

List Field Values

This link becomes available when you select the Dependent on Field Value check box.

Click to access the Trigger Definitions - Field Values page, where you can list the field values that trigger an action.

Trigger Event ID

This field is required when the trigger level is Field and Dependent on Field Value is cleared. Based on the type of trigger you are defining, enter an event ID that you defined on either the Retro Event Definition page or the Segmentation Event Definition page.

Note. This field is not used with iterative triggers.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicIndicating Which Field Values Initiate Actions

Access the Trigger Definitions - Field Values page (click the List Field Values link on the Trigger Definitions page).

Field Values


Enter a sequence number, which the system needs to uniquely identify the field values and distinguish them from other rows of data that you might set up.

Numeric Value

If the record and field combination stores numeric values, this field is available for entry. Enter the value that triggers a system action.

Character Value

If the record and field combination stores character values, this field is available for entry. Enter the value that triggers a system action.

Date Value

If the record and field combination stores date values, this field is available for entry. Enter the value that triggers a system action.

Trigger Event ID

This field is required when the trigger level is Field and Dependent on Field Value is selected. Based on the type of trigger you are defining, enter an event ID that you defined on either the Retro Event Definition page or the Segmentation Event Definition page.

Note. This field is not used with iterative triggers.

Offset Days

This field is available only when the trigger type is Retro.

Enter a positive or negative number to increase or decrease the retro trigger effective date relative to the date of a database change. For example, if you enter -1 in the Offset Days field for one of the values listed in the Field Values group box, and you retroactively enter that value into the database with an effective date of January 1, 2000, the system automatically adjusts the trigger effective date to December 31, 1999 (one day earlier). The system then processes pay periods going back to December 1999 rather than January 2000.

No Match on Field Value Option

Use the fields in this group box to specify a default trigger event ID to use when a change to a field involves values other than those listed on the Trigger Definitions – Field Values page. Use these fields only if you want these other values to trigger iterative, retro, or segmentation processing.

Do Not Trigger

This option is selected by default because the system assumes that triggers should be generated only when there is a match between values actually entered in the database and the field values that you identify on the Trigger Definitions – Field Values page.


When you select this option, the Trigger Event ID field becomes available for entry.

Trigger Event ID

Enter a default trigger event ID to use to process field values that are not linked to a trigger event ID on the Trigger Definitions – Field Values page.

Example: Using Offset Days with Retro Triggers

In PeopleSoft system considers the effective date of a termination entered in the Action field in the JOB record to be the first day that a payee is no longer working (in other words, the day before the termination is the last day the payee is considered active). If you attach a trigger to this field to process retroactive terminations, the system, by default, sets the trigger effective date equal to the effective date of the termination row in JOB. This can create problems when the termination effective date is equal to the period begin date (meaning, the last day worked is the last day of the prior pay period). For example, assume that you enter a termination in the JOB record on February 1 after processing and closing the January calendar. In this situation, the system generates a retro trigger with an effective date of February 1, which is within the current period—a period in which the payee is "inactive" and will not be picked up for processing. Because there is no trigger in the prior, closed period (January), this period will not be recalculated and any rules you have set up to generate termination payments will not be processed. To avoid this problem, set the offset days for the Termination action value in the JOB record equal to -1.

See Also

Defining Retroactive Processing

Click to jump to parent topicImplementing Triggers

To implement the trigger definitions you have defined, you must set up your system so that the records used in these definitions declare and call the function Generate_Triggers in one of their field's SavePostChange PeopleCode. This PeopleCode has already been added to most of the records for which you are likely to define triggers—such as JOB—so it is unlikely that you will have to perform this step more than a few times. However, if you do need to add a trigger to a record, complete these steps.

Note. We provide a list of the records to which the SavePostChange PeopleCode has been added at the end of this chapter.

  1. Declare the function that generates triggers:

    Declare Function Generate_Triggers PeopleCode FUNCLIB_GP.TRGR_FUNCTIONS FieldFormula;

  2. Declare a local date variable as:

    Local date &L_DT;

  3. Invoke the function as:

    Generate_Triggers(EMPLID, &L_DT);

The function Generate_Triggers is defined in FUNCLIB_GP.TRGR_FUNCTIONS.FieldFormula and needs two parameters when it's invoked. The parameters are:

  1. &P_EMPLID

    Indicates the EMPLID for which the triggers are to be generated. Use field EMPLID for &P_EMPLID.

  2. &P_FIXED_DT

    Holds the value of the trigger effective date for records with a Trigger Effdt Type of Fixed Date. It is ignored for records with a Trigger Effdt Type of Effdt or Begin-End Date. Use &L_DT for &P_FIXED_DT.

The variable &L_DT needs to be assigned a value only in case of the Fixed Date type of triggers. Examples are the positive input records, the Manual Positive Input table (GP_PI_MNL_DATA) and the Manual Positive Input Supporting Element Override table (GP_PI_MNL_SOVR).

Note. You can enter PeopleCode that can invoke the function only if certain conditions are met, as discussed in example 2 below.

The following example is from PeopleCode that's delivered with the database. The example shows changes necessary for any additional records that are to generate triggers.

Example: Trigger Record = GP_PYE_SOVR

Sample PeopleCode:

PeopleCode on GP_PYE_SOVR.EMPLID.SavePostChange Declare Function Generate_Triggers PeopleCode FUNCLIB_GP.TRGR_FUNCTIONS FieldFormula; Local date &L_DT; /*-----Function to generate Triggers for Global Payroll---*/ Generate_Triggers(EMPLID, &L_DT);

In this example, &L_DT isn't assigned a value, because the Trigger Effdt Type for the Payee Supporting Element Override table (GP_PYE_SOVR) is not Fixed Date.

See Also

Reviewing PeopleSoft Delivered Triggers

Click to jump to parent topicManaging Automatically Generated Triggers and Defining Triggers Manually

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Trigger Management And Manual Trigger Entry

Use the Review Triggers (GP_TRIGGER) and Review Iterative Triggers (GP_TRGRITER_CALRUN) components to:

Note. The system does not display source data for manually defined triggers.

Note. You cannot define iterative triggers manually using the Review Triggers (GP_TRIGGER) or Review Iterative Triggers (GP_TRGRITER_CALRUN) components.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Manage Triggers and Enter Triggers Manually

Page Name

Definition Name





Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Absence and Payroll Processing, Prepare Payroll, Review Triggers, Segmentation

View, add, or cancel segmentation triggers by payee. A segmentation trigger must be active to be viewed or managed on this page.



Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Absence and Payroll Processing, Prepare Payroll, Review Triggers, Retro

View, add, or cancel retroactive triggers by payee. A retroactive trigger must be unprocessed to be viewed or managed on this page.



Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Absence and Payroll Processing, Prepare Payroll, Review Triggers, Iterative

View iterative triggers by payee. An iterative trigger must be unprocessed to be viewed on this page.

Review Iterative Triggers


Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Absence and Payroll Processing, Prepare Payroll, Review Iterative Triggers, Review Iterative Triggers

View iterative triggers by calendar group ID. An iterative trigger must be unprocessed to be viewed on this page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing, Adding, or Canceling Segmentation Triggers

Access the Segmentation page (Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Absence and Payroll Processing, Prepare Payroll, Review Triggers, Segmentation).

Event ID

Select the Event ID tab.

Use the fields on the Event ID tab to view basic data such as the trigger effective date and trigger event ID for an automatically generated segmentation trigger, or add this data to define a trigger manually.


Displays the country to which the trigger applies.

Enter a country code if you are creating a trigger manually.

Effective Date

Displays the trigger effective date in relation to which a pay period or the elements in a pay period are segmented.

Enter a trigger effective date if you are defining a trigger manually.

Event ID

Displays the event ID, which tells the system what type of segmentation to use to process segmentation events and which elements to segment (in the case of element segmentation). The event IDs displayed here are those that you defined on the Segmentation Event Definition page.

Enter an event ID if you are creating a trigger manually.


Displays a description of the trigger event ID that you defined on the Segmentation Event Definition page.

Trigger Level

Options are:

Payee: If the trigger level is Payee, the system segments pay elements for all jobs belonging to the payee.

Job: If the trigger level is Job, the system segments pay elements for the job identified by the employee record number in the Empl Rcd # field.

Empl Rcd# (employee record number)

Displays the employee record number (job) affected by the segmentation trigger.

If you are defining triggers manually, select the employee record number (job) for which you want to create a trigger.

If the trigger level is Payee, the system automatically sets the value of this field to 0.

Trigger Status

Select a trigger status.

Options are:

Active: By default, the value of this field is Active.

Canceled: Select to cancel an active segmentation trigger. When you select Canceled, the trigger disappears when you click Save and reenter the page.


Select the Source/TS tab.

Use the Source/TS tab to view the source record and field for a segmentation trigger.

The system displays either the source record, or both the source record and field for a trigger, depending on the trigger level:

Trigger Level

Information Displayed


Record Information

Field, Non-Value Based

Record and Field Information

Field, Value-Based

Record and Field Information



Same as the Country field on the Event ID tab.

Effective Date

Same as the Effective Date field on the Event ID tab.

Event ID

Same as the Event ID field on the Event ID tab.

Trigger Source

Displays one of the following values:

  • Automatically Generated

    Indicates that the trigger was created by the online system based on predefined conditions specified during setup.

  • Manually Generated

    Indicates that the trigger was manually entered on this page.

Source Record

View the record that is the source of a trigger.

For manually defined triggers, this field is blank.

Field Name

View the field that is the source of the trigger.

For manually defined triggers, this field is blank.


Displays the day and time the trigger was created.

For manually defined triggers, this field is blank.


Select the Value tab.

Use the Value tab to determine what field value change caused the system to generate a segmentation trigger.

The system displays field values only for triggers at the following trigger levels:

Trigger Level

Information Displayed

Field, Non-Value Based

Field Value Information

For segmentation triggers generated from effective-dated records, the system displays the character, date, or numeric value that triggers segmentation.

Field, Value-Based

Field Value Information

For segmentation triggers generated from effective-dated records, the system displays the character, date, or numeric value that triggers segmentation.



Same as the Country field on the Event ID and Source/TS tabs.

Effective Date

Same as the Effective Date field on the Event ID and Source/TS tabs.

Event ID

Same as the Event ID field on the Event ID and Source/TS tabs.

Character Value

Displays the character value that generates a trigger.

Numeric Value

Displays the numeric value that generates a trigger.

Date Value

Displays the date value that generates a trigger.

Adding Manual Segmentation Triggers

To manually insert a segmentation trigger:

The system sets the trigger source to Manual, and the trigger status to Active.

Note. Unlike automatically generated triggers, manual triggers are independent of any database change defined by a record or record and field combination on the Triggers Definition page. It's important to understand the potential consequences of creating manual triggers. Because they aren't linked to a specific data change, you might segment periods and elements where nothing has changed.

Updating and Canceling Segmentation Triggers

For automatically and manually generated rows of trigger data:

For the effective date on generated rows of trigger data:

See Also

Segmentation and Retro

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing, Adding, or Canceling Retroactive Triggers

Access the Retro page (Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Absence and Payroll Processing, Prepare Payroll, Review Triggers, Retro).

Event ID

Select the Event ID Tab.

Use the fields on the Event ID tab to view basic data such as the trigger effective date and trigger event ID for an automatically generated retro trigger, or add this data to define a trigger manually.


Displays the country to which the trigger applies.

Enter a country code if you are creating a trigger manually.

Trigger Effective Date

Displays the trigger effective date. The system uses this date to determine which pay periods to recalculate.

Enter a trigger effective date if you are defining a trigger manually.

Event ID

Displays the event ID, which tells the system what retro event definition to use to process the retroactive data. The event IDs displayed here are those that you defined on the Retro Event Definition page.

Enter an event ID if you are creating a trigger manually.


Displays a description of the trigger event ID that you defined on the Retro Event Definition page.

Trigger Status

Select a trigger status.

Options are:

Unprocessed: By default, the value of this field is Unprocessed.

Canceled: Select to cancel a retro trigger. When you select Canceled, the trigger disappears when you click Save and reenter the page.


Select the Source tab.

Use the Source tab to view the source record and field for a retro trigger.

The system displays either the source record, or both the source record and field for a trigger, depending on the trigger level:

Trigger Level

Information Displayed


Record Information

Field, Non-Value Based

Record and Field Information

Field, Value-Based

Record and Field Information



Same as the Country field on the Event ID tab.

Effective Date

Same as the Effective Date field on the Event ID tab.

Event ID

Same as the Event ID field on the Event ID tab.

Trigger Source

Displays one of the following values:

  • Automatically Generated

    Indicates that the trigger was created by the online system based on predefined conditions specified during setup.

  • Manually Generated

    Indicates that the trigger was manually entered on this page.

  • Benefits Administration

    Indicates that the trigger originates from a PeopleSoft Enterprise Benefits Administration record.

  • Mass Triggers

    Indicates that the trigger was generated using the mass trigger setup.

    See Setting Up Mass Triggers.

  • Utility Generated

    Indicates that the trigger was created by third-party software.

Trigger Tag

If a trigger is utility-generated, this field displays the source of the trigger.

Source Record

View the record that is the source of a trigger.

For manually defined triggers, this field is blank.

Field Name

View the field that is the source of the trigger.

For manually defined triggers, this field is blank.


Select the Value tab.

Use the Value tab to determine what field value change caused the system to generate a retro trigger.

The system displays field values (character, date, or numeric values) only for triggers at the following trigger levels:


Same as the Country field on the Event ID and Source tabs.

Trigger Effective Date

Same as the Trigger Effective Date field on the Event ID and Source tabs.

Event ID

Same as the Event ID field on the Event ID and Source tabs.

Character Value

Displays the character value that generates a trigger.

Numeric Value

Displays the numeric value that generates a trigger.

Date Value

Displays the date value that generates a trigger.


Displays the day and time the trigger was created.

For manually defined triggers, this field is blank.

Adding Manual Retroactive Triggers

To manually insert a retro trigger:

The system sets the trigger source to Manual and the trigger status to Unprocessed.

Note. Unlike automatically generated triggers, manual triggers are independent of any database changes to a record or a record and field combination. It's important to understand the potential consequences of creating manual triggers. Because they aren't linked to a specific data change, you might process retroactivity in previous periods, where nothing has changed.

Warning! If you add or cancel a retroactive trigger, you should adjust the corresponding retroactive data in the database.

Updating and Canceling Retroactive Triggers

For automatically and manually generated rows of trigger data:

For the trigger effective date on generated rows of trigger data:

Warning! Canceling a trigger does not undo the database change that created the trigger. If there's retroactivity for another reason, this change can be picked up when prior periods are recalculated.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing the Trigger Status for Iterative Triggers

Access the Iterative page (Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Absence and Payroll Processing, Prepare Payroll, Review Triggers, Iterative).

Calendar Group

Select the Calendar Group tab.

Use the fields on the Calendar Group tab to view basic data such as the trigger effective date and calendar group ID for an automatically generated iterative trigger.


Displays the country to which the trigger applies.

Calendar Group ID

Identifies the calendar group in which the iterative trigger is processed.

Trigger Status

Select a trigger status.

Options are:

Unprocessed: By default, the value of this field is Unprocessed.

Canceled: Select to cancel an iterative trigger. When you select Canceled, the trigger disappears when you click Save and reenter the page.


Select the Source tab.

Use the Source tab to view the source record and field for an iterative trigger.

The system displays either the source record, or both the source record and field for a trigger, depending on the trigger level:

Trigger Level

Information Displayed


Record Information

Field, Non-Value Based

Record and Field Information

Field, Value-Based

Record and Field Information



Same as the Country field on the Calendar Group tab.

Calendar Group ID

Same as the Calendar Group ID field on the Calendar Group tab.

Trigger Source

Displays one of the following values:

  • Batch

    Indicates that the trigger was generated by the system during batch processing.

  • Online

    Indicates that the trigger was generated by the online code based on conditions that you specified during setup.

  • Benefits Administration

    Indicates that the trigger originates from a Benefits Administration record.

  • Mass Trigger

    Indicates that the trigger was generated using mass triggers.

    See Setting Up Mass Triggers.

  • Uncancel

    Indicates that the trigger was created when the payee's status was set toUncancel on the Payee Status page.

  • Unsuspend

    Indicates that the trigger was created when the payee's status was set toUnsuspend on the Payee Status page.

  • Time & Labor

  • Time & Labor Feed

Source Record

View the record that is the source of a trigger.

Field Name

View the field that is the source of a trigger.


Select the Values tab.

Use the Values tab to determine what field value change caused the system to generate an iterative trigger.

The system displays field values (character, date, or numeric values) only for triggers at the following trigger levels:


Same as the Country field on the Source tab.

Calendar Group ID

Same as the Calendar Group ID field on the Source tab.

Character Value

Displays the character value that generates a trigger.

Numeric Value

Displays the numeric value that generates a trigger.

Date Value

Displays the date value that generates a trigger.


Displays the day and time the trigger was created.

Adding Manual Iterative Triggers

You cannot manually insert a row of trigger data on this page.

Updating and Canceling Iterative Triggers

For automatically generated rows of trigger data, you can change the trigger status from Unprocessed to Canceled. After a trigger is processed, you cannot alter the trigger status, because it's no longer unprocessed and therefore doesn't appear on the Iterative page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Iterative Triggers by Calendar Group ID

Access the Review Iterative Triggers page (Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Absence and Payroll Processing, Prepare Payroll, Review Iterative Triggers, Review Iterative Triggers).


Select the Name tab.

Use the fields on the Name tab to view basic data such as the EmplID, employee name, and status associated with an automatically generated trigger.


Displays the EmplID of the payee associated with the iterative trigger.


Displays the name of the payee associated with the iterative trigger.

Trigger Status

Select a trigger status.

Options are:

Unprocessed: By default, the value of this field is Unprocessed.

Canceled: Select to cancel an iterative trigger. When you select Canceled, the trigger disappears when you click Save and reenter the page.


Select the Source tab.

Use the Source tab to view the source record and field for an iterative trigger.

The system displays either the source record, or both the source record and field for a trigger, depending on the trigger level:

Trigger Level

Information Displayed


Record Information

Field, Non-Value Based

Record and Field Information

Field, Value-Based

Record and Field Information



Same as the EmplID field on the Name tab.


Same as the Name field on the Name tab.

Trigger Source

Displays one of the following values:

  • Batch

    Indicates that the trigger was generated by the system during batch processing.

  • Online

    Indicates that the trigger was generated by the online code based on conditions that you specified during setup.

  • Benefits Administration

    Indicates that the trigger originates from a Benefits Administration record.

  • Mass Trigger

    Indicates that the trigger was generated using mass triggers.

    See Setting Up Mass Triggers.

  • Uncancel

    Indicates that the trigger was created when the payee's status was set toUncancel on the Payee Status page.

  • Unsuspend

    Indicates that the trigger was created when the payee's status was set toUnsuspend on the Payee Status page.

  • Time & Labor

  • Time & Labor Feed

Record Name

View the record that is the source of a trigger.

Field Name

View the field that is the source of a trigger.


Select the Values tab.

Use the Values tab to determine what field value change caused the system to generate an iterative trigger.

The system displays field values (character, date, or numeric values) only for triggers at the following trigger levels:


Same as the EmplID field on the Source tab.


Same as the Name field on the Source tab.

Character Value

Displays the character value that generates a trigger.

Numeric Value

Displays the numeric value that generates a trigger.

Date Value

Displays the date value that generates a trigger.


Displays the day and time the trigger was created.

Click to jump to parent topicReviewing PeopleSoft Delivered Triggers

To facilitate trigger generation, Absence Management delivers the following records with trigger PeopleCode attached. These are delivered as a starting point. You can add trigger-generating PeopleCode to other records to meet your specific business needs, or delete the PeopleCode from any of these records:

Note. Absence Management trigger-generation logic is stored in the FUNCLIB_GP.TRGR_FUNCTIONS FieldFormula PeopleCode. In order for a record to generate triggers, the GENERATE_TRIGGERS function stored there must be declared and called from the record in SavePostedit peoplecode.

See Implementing Triggers.

Note. PeopleSoft recommends that you set up period segmentation triggers for changes in the Pay System Flag and Pay Group fields on the JOB record.