Creating Job Openings

This chapter provides overviews of job openings and profile integration for job openings, then it discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Job Openings

This section discusses:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicJob Opening Data

Although the exact format of the job opening page depends on your template configuration, job opening information falls into these categories:

Note. Other than the required section for basic job opening data, all sections on the Job Opening page are optional. They appear only when included in the relevant job opening template.

See Setting Up Job Opening Templates.

Basic Job Opening Data

Basic job information refers to data such as:

See Entering Basic Job Opening Data.

Staffing and Salary Information

Once you have provided the job code, position ID, or both, the system automatically sets default values in many of the staffing and salary information fields. Much of this information can be used later as screening criteria.

See Adding Staffing and Salary Information.


This area defines what requirements are expected from someone who fills this job opening. This information can be used as screening criteria.

Other than a matrix that determines the minimum amount of work experience that is required for applicants with various levels of education, the qualification sections of a job opening are profile-based. That is, each type of qualification (say, competencies or degrees) has been defined in the Manage Profiles business process in PeopleSoft Enterprise Human Resources and then further configured for use in Talent Acquisition Manager.

The system provides options for automatically entering profile-based job qualification data by copying profile data from existing person or non-person profiles, and you can optionally configure the job opening template to include a section where you can review profile usage within the job opening.

Even if you import profile data from existing profiles, you can still remove, change, and add to the default profile data that the system enters in the job opening.

See Understanding Profile Integration for Job Openings, Setting Up Profile Integration.

See Adding Job Qualifications.

Screening Questions

If applicants apply for a job opening using PeopleSoft Enterprise Candidate Gateway, the application form includes any screening questions that are associated with a job opening and activated for screening. (However, you cannot use open-ended questions for prescreening).

Questions have their own scoring system, and during the screening process, questionnaire points are used in the determination of the applicant's overall screening results.

See Adding Screening Questions to a Job Opening.

Screening Levels and Criteria

Screening levels are defined on the Screening Definition page. They define the screening processing rules, not the actual screening criteria.

Screening levels can be linked to screening templates, which are in turn linked to recruitment templates. When you create a job opening, the template configuration thus provides a default set of screening levels for the job opening. You can add or delete screening levels as necessary.

Screening criteria defines the specific job requirements used by the system to compare an applicant's qualifications to those of the job opening for the specified screening level. Use the Job Opening Screening Criteria page to select job opening-specific criteria for each level.

The job opening attributes that are available for use as screening criteria fall into four groups:

See Setting Up Screening for a Job Opening.

Job Posting Information

Job posting information consists of the posting title, one or more posting description types, and one or more posting destinations.

See Creating Job Postings.

Hiring Team Members

Identify the recruiter, hiring manager, interview team, screening team, and any interested parties for the job opening. Members of any of these groups can access both the job opening and the data for any applicant who is associated with the job opening.

See Identifying Recruiting Team Members for a Job Opening.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicJob Opening Creation Methods

There are three methods of creating job openings:

Note. If job opening approvals and delegations are active, and if the authority to approve job openings is delegated to a proxy, the proxy is able to access the job opening data. Generally, users who can access an existing job opening can create a new job opening using either the Create New or Clone icons at the top of the Job Opening page. However, if the proxy does not belong to a recruiting role, these icons are hidden.

See Also

Creating Job Openings from Positions or from Other Job Openings

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Profile Integration for Job Openings

This overview discusses:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicProfile Architecture

You create and manage profiles using the Manage Profiles business process in PeopleSoft Human Resources. To understand profile integration for job openings, you must be familiar with profile architecture, including these terms:


An organized collection of data that represents attributes of a person or of a business object such as a job code.

Profiles are widely used by organizations to describe the attributes of jobs or individuals. Typically, profiles summarize the competencies, qualifications, and skills of a job or a person.

Content Type

A category of information in a profile. Delivered content types that support recruiting processes include competencies, languages, memberships, degrees, licenses & certificates, and so forth.

Content Item

A specific attribute that is associated with a particular content type. For example, for the content type Competencies, content items are specific competencies such as analytical thinking or the ability to prioritize tasks.

Instance Qualifier

A value that is used to organize and filter content items. For example, competency ratings are organized according to the evaluation type (self-evaluation, manager evaluation, and so forth). This is possible because the evaluation type is being used as an instance qualifier.

Profile Type

Profile types define the structure of your profiles. A profile type includes content types, but not content items. That is, a particular profile type might include content types such as competencies and memberships, but it does not reference particular competencies or particular memberships.

The profile type also defines whether the profile is linked to person IDs to create person profiles, or linked to business entities, such as job code or positions, to create non-person profiles.

Four profile types are delivered as system data. Use the CLUSTER, ROLE, and JOB profile types to create non-person profiles, and the PERSON profile type to create profiles that describe your employees.

Primary Person Profile Type

A specific person profile type that you select on the Assign Profile Defaults page. The system uses this profile type to identify the content types that are available for use in Talent Acquisition Manager.

Although all content types in the primary person profile type are available for use, you can configure the system to use a subset of the content types on specific pages.

  • The Content Section Configuration page controls which content types are available to use in resume templates and job opening templates.

    It also controls the content type properties that are available for use in screening.

    See Making Content Types Available for Screening.

  • Resume templates control which the content types appear to applicants who apply online using Candidate Gateway.

    See Setting Up Resume Templates.

  • Job opening templates control which content types appear on the Job Opening page.

    See Setting Up Job Opening Templates.

  • All of the content types appear on the Application Data page, where you enter profile information that might be applied to any job opening.

    See Entering Applicant Data.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicProfile Integration Options

When creating job openings, you can automatically populate the profile-based job qualifications with content items from selected profiles. For example, when replacing a key employee, you can copy attributes such as competencies and languages from the employee's profile into the job opening. Similarly, you can pull requirements from a job profile. You can even combine requirement sources by selecting multiple profiles from which to load requirements.

You can also update a non-person profile that is designated as the primary profile for the job opening directly from the job opening. For example, when you are creating a job opening, the hiring manager might provide updated requirements that you can then transfer back to the job profile, maintaining consistency and eliminating redundant work efforts. The updates happen only if the Update Primary Profile check box for the primary profile is selected, and only if the job opening has an open status.

The system provides two options for adding profile-based job qualification data to job openings:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicFull Profile Integration

Full profile integration enables users to explicitly select the profiles whose content items are to be copied into the job opening. Existing profile content comes from both person and non-person profiles. When you activate full profile integration on the Recruiting Installation - General page, you choose whether to use both types of profiles or only non-person profiles.

Profile Selection and Usage

Under full profile integration, you select profiles with content that you want to copy into the job opening. You select these in the Person Profile grid and the Non-Person Profile grid on the Primary Job Opening Information page, before you access the main Job Opening page.

In addition to the profiles that you explicitly select in these grids, the system also uses JOB profiles that are associated with other job opening data that you enter on the Primary Job Opening Information page. Data elements that can be associated with profiles include job codes, position numbers, job families, and salary grades.

Also, if you segment your job openings by job profile, there is an additional Job Profile field on the page, separate from the grids where you otherwise identify profiles to use. If you segment by job profile, this is a required field, and the profile you enter is treated the same as any other profile from which the system copies data. (Note, however, that the Non-Person Profile grid accepts any non-person profile, while the separate Job Profile field accepts only JOB profiles.)

Before the system displays the job opening, it displays a preview page that shows you the profile data that will be pulled from the selected profiles. You can review the data and then decide whether to continue to the job opening or return to the previous page to change your profile selection.

This diagram illustrates the process of selecting profiles, previewing their content, and adding the content to the job opening:

Profile selection process

Profile Copying

When the system copies profile data, it copies only the content items for the content types that appear in the job opening. (The content types in a job opening depend on the job opening template). For example, if the job opening has sections for competencies and degrees, but not for language skills, then any language skills in the source profile are not copied to the job.

The system copies content items only if the content type structure is the same in the source profile and in the primary person profile type. Additionally, only content items with the same instance qualifier setup as the primary person profile type are copied. For example, if you select a nonperson ROLE profile to copy, but its instance qualifiers for competencies are different from those of the competency content type in the primary person profile type, then any competencies associated with the ROLE profile are not copied into the job opening.

Note. When copying content items with instance qualifiers, the system copies only items with instance qualifiers that are viewable by employees. The ability for employees to view specific instance qualifiers is part of the instance qualifier setup in the Manage Profiles business process.

This diagram illustrates the flow of content items from the source profiles into the job opening. In the diagram, the system copies data from two profiles into the job opening. Competencies from both profiles are added to the job opening, and each competency in the job opening retains information about the profile from which it came.

Consolidating profile content from multiple profiles

Note. Competencies that exist in both source profiles are added to the job opening only once. If multiple profiles have the same content item (for example, an identical competency), and one profile has a version with a later effective date, then the system brings that later version and its Profile ID into the job opening.

The Primary Profile and Profile Updates

When you copy data from multiple profiles into a job opening, you must designate one of the profiles as the primary profile. Any content items that you add to the job opening are associated with the primary profile, unless there is a profile type configuration incompatibility, in which case the profile ID for the new content item is 0. (The system also assigns a profile ID of 0 when there are no profiles associated with the job opening.)

If the primary profile is a non-person profile, you have the option to update the profile based on changes you make to the job opening data; to activate this option, select the Updates Allowed check box for the primary profile.

For example, when you create a job opening, the hiring manager might provide updated requirements that you can then transfer back to the job profile, maintaining consistency and eliminating redundant work efforts.

Competency Evaluation Types in Job Openings

In job openings, content types represent desirable (or required) attributes for applicants. For many content types, the applicant either will or won't have the attribute. For example, for the Licenses & Certifications content type, an applicant who has a particular content item has the license and meets the requirement.

Competencies present a more complex situation because they include a rating scale and an evaluation type. The evaluation type indicates who assigned the rating. When a competency is copied from a profile into a job opening, it is important to respect settings that prevent employees from seeing the ratings associated with specific ratings types. For example, the delivered configuration for competency items does not permit employees to see peer evaluations.

Profile architecture uses the concept of an Instance Qualifier to organize content types according to specified data. In the case of competencies, the evaluation type is the instance qualifier. The instance qualifier setup for competencies not only lists the evaluation types, it indicates which ones employees can view (for example, employees can view manager evaluations, but not peer evaluations), and which one is the default value for employees (for competencies, Self is the employee default).

Talent Acquisition Manager processes job opening content items with instance qualifiers according to these rules:

Note. Under the delivered configuration, competency evaluation types and ratings are included when you add a competency to a job opening, but the rating is informational only. That is, the screening process does not check if the applicant has the rating that appears in the job opening. Instead, the screening process awards applicants points based on the applicant's rating and the points scale that you establish in the screening criteria. You can, however, configure the system to screen for a specific rating (for example, to check whether the applicant has a self-evaluation proficiency of Excellent for a particular competency).

See Also

Defining General Settings for Templates, Approvals, and Integrations

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicLimited Profile Integration

Limited profile integration, also known as job profile integration, automatically populates profile data using non-person JOB profiles that are associated with the job code, job family, position, or salary grade for the job opening.

Unlike full profile integration, which is configured at the system level, limited profile integration is configured in recruitment templates. To enable limited profile integration, select a value other than Not Used in the Load Requirements from Job Profile field. The options are Job Code, Job Family, Position, and Salary Grade.

When a user enters the specified type of data as part of the primary job opening information, the system looks for profiles with the default nonperson profile type that are associated with the specific job code, job family, position number, or salary grade. If it finds one or more such profiles, it copies content items from the profiles to the corresponding content type section in the job opening. Content types that are not part of the job opening templates are ignored.

Note. This option provides backwards compatibility with releases prior to PeopleSoft 9.1. Although the system does not prevent you from using this option in addition to full profile integration, Oracle does not recommend this configuration. Full profile integration enables you to pull information from up to three explicitly identified profiles into job openings, and if the system attempts to pull in additional profile data as well, there can be errors if the total number of profiles from both sources exceeds three. Additionally, the automatic use of profiles in addition to the ones that the user explicitly identifies could be confusing to users.

See Also

Setting Up Recruitment Templates

Click to jump to parent topicEntering Primary Job Opening Information

This section provides an overview of primary job opening information and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Primary Job Opening Information

When you create a job opening, you enter the information in two stages. First, you enter basic data on the Primary Job Opening Information page. Data that you enter here determines certain default content for the main job opening page. The data that you enter here also determines the recruitment template for the job opening, which in turn determines the job opening template that controls the structure and layout of the main Job Opening page.

This section discusses the information that you enter on the Primary Job Opening Information page and describes how the system uses this information on the main Job Opening page.

Job Opening Type

When you create a new job opening, you indicate the job opening type on the Primary Job Opening Information page. You cannot change the type after you move on to the Job Opening page.

There are two types of job openings.

A standard requisition is an opening for a specific job or position that you want to fill. You must provide specific data regarding the job or position code. Standard requisitions can represent multiple job codes if you've configured the Recruiting Installation - Jobs page to allow this.

A continuous job opening is an opening that represents a job for which your organization is always hiring. This type of job opening can be used as a place holder for possible candidates and can potentially remain open for an indefinite amount of time. If your company uses Performance Management, continuous job openings are not used in Time to Fill reporting.

Continuous job openings require only a job posting title. They do not require a job code or position number. However, if a continuous job opening doesn't have position or job code data, users will have to specify the position number or job code when making job offers and hiring applicants for the opening.

The specific data requirements depend on your position management settings:

Business Unit

You must enter a business unit on the Primary Job Opening Information page. The business unit controls the available values for various business unit-controlled or setID-controlled job opening fields such as position number, job code, location, and recruiting location.

Segmenting Values

Every job opening is associated with a recruitment template that controls the layout and content of various pages that you use during the recruiting process. The overall recruitment template that is associated with a specific job opening references five other templates that control specific pages. For example, the recruitment template references a job opening template, which controls what a recruiter sees on the main Job Opening page, and a resume template, which controls what an applicant sees when applying for that particular job opening online.

When you set up recruitment templates, you can associate them with specific values for the segmenting type that you choose in the Recruiting Installation - General page. For example, if the segmenting type is Department, then you can associate different recruitment templates with different departments in your organization. This enables you to vary the layout and content of the job opening pages based on the department.

A field corresponding to the selected segmenting type always appears on the Primary Job Opening Information page, and you are required to enter a value in that field. This enables the system to apply the appropriate recruitment template.

For example, if your job openings are segmented by department, then the Primary Job Opening Information page displays a required Department field. When you create a job opening, you must select a department. If there is a recruitment template associated with that department, then the system uses that template. Otherwise, the job opening uses the system's default template. You identify separate default templates for standard requisitions and for continuous job openings on the Recruiting Installation - General page.

Profile Utilization

If you use full profile integration, the Primary Job Opening Information page displays page elements that you use to select the profiles that the system uses to prepopulate qualifications sections. There is a field for choosing whether to use person profiles (if allowed), non-person profiles, both or neither. Depending on your selection, the page also displays grids for selecting profiles of each type.

Posting Title

You must enter a primary posting title on the Primary Job Opening Information page. The system uses this as the default job posting title when you create the job opening's first job posting. After you have created one or more job postings for the job opening, you set the primary posting title by selecting the posting to use for that purpose.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Enter Primary Job Opening Information

Page Name

Definition Name



Enter Primary Job Opening Information


Recruiting, Create New Job Opening, Enter Primary Job Opening

Enter primary job opening information.

Person Profile


Click a View Profile link in the Person Profile grid on the Enter Primary Job Opening Information page.

Preview information for a person profile whose attributes you are bringing into a new job opening, and .

Non-person Profile


Click a View Profile link in the Non-person Profile grid on the Enter Primary Job Opening Information page.

Preview information for a non-person profile whose attributes you are bringing into a new job opening.

View Combined Profile Information


Enter profiles and then click the Continue button on the Enter Primary Job Opening Information page.

Review the profile characteristics that are being brought into the job opening from the profiles you selected.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Primary Job Opening Information

Access the Enter Primary Job Opening Information page (Recruiting, Create New Job Opening, Enter Primary Job Opening).

Job Opening Type

Select whether this is a Standard Requisition or a Continuous Job Opening.

Business Unit

Select the business unit associated with the job opening. The business unit defaults to the business unit of the person creating the job opening.

The selected business unit controls which values can be entered in many other job opening fields. It does not control values for the profiles that you enter in Person Profiles grid and the Non-Person grid, however it does filter the profile identities (job codes, positions, and so forth) that the system brings from the profiles into the job opening.

Page Elements Based On Segmenting Type

The Enter Primary Job Opening Information page displays a field that corresponds to the value in the Template Segmenting Type field on the Recruiting Installation - General page. Because this page already includes Business Unit and Job Code fields, no additional fields appear when the segmenting type is Business Unit or Job Code.

For example, if you segment job openings by company, then the Company field appears, and the value you enter determines which recruiting template is used for the job opening. If there isn't a template that is associated with the specific value you enter, the default template for the job opening type (continuous job opening or standard requisition) is used.

The field that corresponds to the segmenting is required, with one exception: continuous job openings do not require a job code even if job code is the segmenting type.


This field appears when the Template Segmenting Type field on the Recruiting Installation - General page is set to Company.

Select the company associated with the job opening.


This field appears when the Template Segmenting Type field on the Recruiting Installation - General page is set to Department.

Select the department associated with this job opening.

Job Family

This field appears when the Template Segmenting Type field on the Recruiting Installation - General page is set to Job Family.

Select the job family associated with this job opening.

Job Profile

This field appears when the Template Segmenting Type field on the Recruiting Installation - General page is set to Job Profile.

Select the job profile that is associated with this job opening.

Available profiles include non-person JOB profiles.

If the recruiting template for the job opening is configured to load job requirements from the profile that you enter, then the qualifications that are associated with the selected profile are added to the job opening when you continue to the main Job Opening page.

If both profile segmentation and profile utilization are active, the profile that you enter in this field counts toward the limit of three profiles per job opening. Although it is possible to enter the same profile here and in the Non-person Profile grid, doing so is redundant, and the system brings the profile content into the opening only once.

Salary Admin Plan (salary administration plan) and Salary Grade

These fields appear when the Template Segmenting Type field on the Recruiting Installation - General page is set to Salary Grade.

Select the salary administration plan and salary grade that are associated with this job opening.

Profile Utilization

Profile Utilization

This field appears only if you've configured the system to allow profile utilization by setting the Allow Profile Utilization field on the Recruiting Installation - General page to Yes.

Select the types of profiles that you will select in order to bring profile characteristics into this job opening.

The No Profiles and Non-person Profiles options are always available. Additionally, if you've configured the system to allow person profile utilization (the Person Profile Integration field on the Recruiting Installation - General page is set to Yes), then options for Person Profiles and Combined Profiles are also available.

The value you select controls whether the Person Profile and Non-person Profile grids appear on this page. Neither grid appears if you select No Profiles. If either of these grids disappears because you change the value of this field, any data in the grid is cleared and is no longer used for the job opening.

Person Profile

This grid appears only if the Profile Utilization is Person Profiles or Combined Profiles.

Note. You can enter a maximum of three profile IDs on this page using any combination of the Person Profile grid, the Non-person Profile grid, and the segmenting type field. For example, if you segment by job code, and you enter a job code that has a profile, then that profile counts toward the limit of three profiles per job opening. (Similarly, if you segment by Job Profile, the profile that you enter in the segmenting field counts toward the limit. However, this is not a common configuration.)

Empl ID (employee ID)

Enter the employee IDs for the people whose profile data you want to bring into the job opening. Profile security applies: administrators can select any profile, other users can select only their own profile and the profiles of their direct reports.

See Setting Up Profile Integration for Job Openings.

View Profile

Displays the name of the person whose profile you entered. Click the link to access the Person Profile page so that you can preview the characteristics of the selected profile.

See Creating and Updating Person Profiles.

Non-person Profile

This grid appears only if the Profile Utilization is Non-person Profiles or Combined Profiles.

Note. You can enter a maximum of three profile IDs on this page using any combination of the Person Profile grid, the Non-person Profile grid, and the Job Profile field that appears if you segment your job openings by job profile. Generally, if the Person Profile and Non-person Profile grids appear on this page, the Job Profile field does not. However, it is possible to configure the system so that all three page elements are present.

Profile ID

Enter the profile IDs for the non-person profiles whose data you want to bring into the job opening.

You can select any type of non-person profile; the primary non person profile type is not relevant to this field.

View Profile

Displays the name of the profile you entered. Click the link to access the Non-person Profile page so that you can review (though not update) the characteristics of the selected profile.

See Creating and Updating Non-Person Profiles.

Additional Page Elements


Optionally select the position number for the job opening. This field appears when Position Management Option on the HRMS Options page is set to Full or Partial.

When job openings are segmented by business unit, department, job family, or job profile, you must enter a segmenting value before entering a position, as the segmenting value (along with the business unit) controls which positions are available for selection.

When job openings are segmented by company, job code, or salary grade, you can select a position without first entering a segmenting value.

Job Code

This field appears when the Template Segmenting Type field on the Recruiting Installation - General page is set to Job Code. Regardless of the segmenting type, it also appears when Position Management Option on the HRMS Options page is set to None or Partial.

Select the job code associated with this job opening.

For continuous job openings, this field is optional, even if job openings are segmented by job code.

For standard requisition job openings, this field is required if the Position field is blank. If the Position field contains a value, the system derives the job code from the position number.

Posting Title

Enter an initial primary posting title. You can change this at any point using the Job Postings section on the Job Opening page.


Click this button to continue creating the job opening.

If you entered data in the Person Profiles grid or the Non-Person Profiles grid, the system displays the View Combined Profile Information page. Otherwise, you proceed directly to the Job Opening page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Profile Data and Choosing the Primary Profile

Access the View Combined Profile Information page (enter profiles and then click the Continue button on the Enter Primary Job Opening Information page.)

Note. This page appears only if you use full profile integration.

Profile Combination

This grid lists the profiles whose attributes you are bringing into the job opening. It lists both person and non-person profiles.

Note. You cannot change your profile selection on this page. To change your profile selection, return to the Primary Job Opening Information page.

Profile ID

Displays the profile ID. When you review specific content items that system copied into the job opening, the profile ID for the content item indicates which profile supplied the data.


Displays the type of profile and the profile name. For example, a person profile description follows the format Person - <Person Name>.

Primary Profile

You must select one of the profiles as the primary profile for the job opening. Any content items that you add to the job opening are associated with the primary profile, unless there is a profile type configuration incompatibility, in which case the profile ID for the new content item is 0.

Update Primary Profile

If the primary profile is a non-person profile, select this check box if you want to update the profile based on the job opening profile. For example, when you are creating a job opening, the hiring manager might provide updated requirements that you can then transfer back to the job opening's primary non-person profile, maintaining consistency and eliminating redundant work efforts. Copying occurs only when the job opening has an open status.

The system updates the profile when you save the job opening after adding new content items or after modifying or removing content items that came from the primary profile.

Note. You cannot update person profiles from the job opening.

Profile Associations

This grid lists the job codes and positions that are associated with the profiles that you are using. If any of the profiles were derived from job code or position data that you entered on the Primary Job Opening Information page, then that job code or position necessarily appears in the grid.

Primary Job Code

Select a primary job codes and position. The system enters the selected job code into the job opening.

Note. Position information appears only under full or partial position management.

Content Types and Content Items

The page displays grids for each profile content type that is valid for the job opening. (Valid profile content types are those that are included in the job opening template.) Each grid lists the specific content items that are to be loaded into the job opening. For example, the Competencies grid lists specific competencies.

Profile ID

Identifies the profile that provided the content type. For example, if you load Betty Locherty's person profile and the Director of Finance job profile, the Competencies grid lists both Betty's competencies and the job competencies; this field lets you know which profile a specific competency came from.

If multiple profiles have the same item (for example, an identical competency), and one profile has a version with a later effective date, then the system brings that later version and its Profile ID in the grid for that content type.

<content item>

The second column in each grid displays the name of the specific content item that is to be loaded to the job opening. For example, in the Competencies grid, this column shows the name of the competency.

<items> were not loaded due to Profile Type configuration incompatibility.

This message, with details about the number and type of items, appears when the system is unable to load content items from a profile that you selected. The system can import profile content only when the content type is compatible with the format that is used in the job opening. Specifically, the format that is used in the job opening is the one in the default person profile type for the system.

Click to jump to parent topicEntering Basic Job Opening Data

This section discusses how to:

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Page Name

Definition Name



Job Opening


  • Recruiting, Create New Job Opening, Enter Primary Job Opening Information

    Click the Continue button on the Enter Primary Job Opening page (and, if applicable, on the View Combined Profile Information page).

  • Recruiting, Find Job Openings, Find Job Openings

    Click a job opening to access the Job Opening page, then access the Job Opening Details tab.

  • Recruiting, Browse Job Openings, Browse Job Openings

    Click a job opening to access the Job Opening page, then access the Job Opening Details tab.

Enter job opening details.



Click the Add Additional Locations link on the Job Opening page.

Add locations to job openings.

Candidate Name Requests


Click the Candidate Name Request link on the Job Opening page.

(USF) Enter candidate name requests.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Basic Job Information

Access the Job Opening page (select Recruiting, Create New Job Opening, then click the Continue button on the Enter Primary Job Opening page and, if applicable, on the View Combined Profile Information page).

Access the Opening Information section.

Note. Certain fields in these sections appear only in U.S. federal installations.

See Setting Up Recruiting Templates.

Save Processing for New Job Openings

The available save options depend on whether approvals are required:

Save as Draft

Click to save the job opening and set the job opening status to Draft. This button is available regardless of whether approval is required.

Save and Open

Click this button to save the job opening and set the job opening status to Open. This button is available only if no approval is required.

Save and Submit

Click this button to save the job opening and set the job opening status to Pending Approval. This action also sends a notification to the approver.

This button is available only if approvals are required.

Opening Information

Template ID

Select a recruitment template to associate with the job opening.

The system determines the default value for this field based on the Template Segmenting Type entered on the Recruiting Installation - General page, the Segmentation Values entered on the Recruitment Template - Segmentation Values page, and the job data that you enter.

This field is visible only to users with administrator privileges.

See Setting Up Talent Acquisition Manager Installation Settings.

See Assigning Segmentation Values to Recruitment Templates.

Job Opening Type

Displays the type of job opening selected on the Enter Primary Job Opening Information page: Standard Requisition or Continuous Job Opening.

Created By

Enter the employee ID for the person you want assigned to the creator role for this job opening.

The value defaults to the ID of the user that initiated the creation of the job opening.


Enter the date on which the job opening was created. The default date is today's date.

Openings to Fill

Specify whether the openings are:

  • Limited: Enables the Target Openings and Available Openings fields to appear. The system closes the job opening when all openings are filled.

  • Unlimited: Hides the Target Openings and Available Openings fields and the job opening stays open until it is manually closed.

Target Openings

Enter the number of positions that are to be filled. This field appears only if you select Limited in the Openings to Fill field.

Available Openings

This field displays the number of available openings only if Limited was selected in the Openings to Fill field. The initial number of openings is the value entered in the Target Openings field. When you hire an applicant in this job opening, the system decreases this number by one. When all available positions are filled, the status of the job opening is set to Closed.

The total Available Openings is always less than or equal to the Target Openings.

Establishment ID

Select the Establishment ID for this job opening.

The value defaults to the establishment ID assigned to the job code or position ID.

Business Unit

Select a business unit. The default value is the value that you entered on the Enter Primary Job Opening Information page.

Position Number

Select a position number. This field defaults to the value, if any, entered on the Enter Primary Job Opening Information page. This field is available when the system allows only one position number in a job opening (that is, if Allow multiple jobs/positions is not selected on the Recruiting Installation - Jobs page).

Note. If the Recruiting Installation - Jobs page is configured to allow multiple jobs or positions in a job opening, this field is replaced by a Positions grid that appears farther down on the page

Job Code

Select a job code. The default value is the value, if any, that you entered on the Enter Primary Job Opening Information page. This field is available when the system allows only one job code in a job opening (that is, if Allow Multiple Jobs/Positions is not selected on the Recruiting Installation - Jobs page).

Note. If the Recruiting Installation - Jobs page is configured to allow multiple jobs or positions in a job opening, this field does not appear. Instead, a job code scroll area appears for those job opening sections where each job code has its own settings.


Select a company. The default value is the value, if any, that you entered on the Enter Primary Job Opening Information page.


Select a department. The default value is the value, if any, that you entered on the Enter Primary Job Opening Information page.


Select a location code for the location of this job opening.

Recruiting Location

Select a recruiting location that you want displayed when a applicant searches for a job opening. When applicants use Candidate Gateway to search for job openings, geographical searches look for job openings based on their recruiting locations, not their (actual) location. For example, the (actual) location might be a specific city, while the recruiting location used for searches might be a broader metropolitan area or region.

Add Additional Locations

Click to access the Job Opening - Locations page, where you can enter additional locations and recruiting locations.

See Adding Locations to Job Openings.

Status Code

Displays the current job opening status. Only recruiting administrators can override this field.

In general, the system sets the value of this field as the job opening moves through the recruiting process and, if approvals are active, through the approval process.

See Understanding Recruiting Statuses.

Status Reason

Select a status reason code that is associated with the current status.

The system can sets the value of this field as the job opening moves through the recruiting process. If approvals are active, this field is read-only until the job opening is approved.

Status Date

Enter the date on which the status went into effect. The default date is the current date.

Desired Started Date

Enter the date that the job begins.

This field can be used as a parameter for screening applicants.

Encumbrance Date (encumbrance date)

If your organization uses the Commitment Accounting business process in PeopleSoft Enterprise Human Resources, indicate how the system budgets for the unfilled position. Select one of these options:

  • Authorization Date: Start budgeting for the position from the date that it is authorized, as indicated in the Date Authorized field.

  • Project Fill Date: Start budgeting for the position from the date that you expect to fill the position as indicated in Projected Fill Date field.

If you're not using commitment accounting, leave this field blank.

Projected Fill Date

If you selected Project Fill Date in the Encumbrance Date Indicator field, enter the date that you expect to fill the job opening.

Date Authorized

The date that the job opening was approved. If approvals are being used, this date is the date the job opening reaches final approval.

When you create a job posting, you can set the posting date relative to this date.

Referral Program ID

Select an employee referral program. If there is an employee referral program associated with the recruitment template, that employee referral program appears here.

Recruitment Contact

Select a recruitment contact. Recruitment contacts are defined on the Recruitment Contacts page and must have a recruitment type of Office.

(USF) Opening Information: U.S. Federal Page Elements

(USF) Recruitment Type

Defines whether the job opening is:

  • Internal - only current federal employees.

  • Merit Promotion - current and previous federal employees.

  • Open Competition - internal and external applicants.

The system uses the recruitment type to determine what type of priority to give to applicants with priority placement codes.

See Understanding Priority Placement Processing.

(USF) Area of Consideration

Defines where the job opening is to be available:

  • Agency

  • External Government

  • Federal Government

  • Nationwide

  • Subagency

  • Worldwide

(USF) Draft Status

Select the applicant's draft status:

  • Not Applicable

  • Not Yet Registered

  • Registered

(USF) Country

Select the country in which the job opening is to be filled.

(USF) Citizenship Status

Select the applicant citizenship status. Select from the following options:

  • Alien Permanent

  • Alien Temporary

  • Canadian Citizen

  • Employment Visa

  • Native

  • Naturalized

  • Not Indicated

  • Other

  • Permanent Resident

This field can be used as a parameter for screening applicants.

(USF) Minimum Age

Enter the minimum age restriction that might apply to this job opening.

This field can be used as a parameter for screening applicants.

(USF) Maximum Age

Enter the maximum age restriction that might apply to this job opening.

This field can be used as a parameter for screening applicants.

(USF) Gender

Enter any gender restriction that might apply to this job opening.

This field can be used as a parameter for screening applicants.

(USF) Candidate Name Requests

Click to access the Candidate Name Requests page, where you can enter candidates that you highly recommend for the job opening. This information can be used in resolving ties when screening applicants.

(USF) Priority Placement Considerations


Select a priority placement program to associate with this job opening.

The Priority Placement process uses this information, along with salary grade and level for the job opening, to identify any applicants that have an entitlement to priority placement consideration.

Add Priority Placement Programs

Click to add another row to the Priority Placement Considerations grid.

Employees Being Replaced


If specific employees are being replaced, enter the names here.

Add Employees Being Replaced

Click to add another row to the Employees Being Replaced grid.


This grid appears only if the Recruiting Installation - Jobs page is configured to allow multiple jobs or positions in a job opening. If this grid appears, there is no Position Number field in the Opening Information group box.

Descr (description)

Identify a position that is associated with this job opening.

Primary Position

Select this check box to identify the primary position when there are multiple job positions associated with a job opening. You must identify one and only one primary position.

Works Council Information

Use this group box to select a works council ID. This group box only appears on the page if the Works Council Information section is included on the associated job opening template.

Works Council ID

Select a works council ID. Only works council IDs with the same setID as the user appear as values.

See Setting Up Works Councils.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAdding Locations to Job Openings

Access the Job Opening - Locations page (click the Add Additional Locations link on the Job Opening page).



Select an HR location that identifies where the job opening is physically located.

Primary Location

If there is more the one location associated with the job opening, indicate which location is primary.

Add Locations

Click to add another row to the Locations grid.

Recruiting Locations


Select the recruiting location that appear to applicants when they search for a job.

Primary Recruiting Area

If there is more the one recruiting location associated with the job opening, indicate which recruiting location is primary.

Target Openings

Enter the number of target openings for each recruiting location.

Add Recruiting Locations

Click to add another row to the Recruiting Locations grid.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topic(USF) Entering Candidate Name Requests

Access the Candidate Name Requests page (click the Candidate Name Request link on the Job Opening page).


Select the name of a person who you would like to target for this position. This field can be used as a tie breaker in screening.

Click to jump to parent topicWorking With Multiple Job Codes in a Job Opening

Job openings can have multiple job codes if you use the Recruiting Installation - Jobs page to enable this capability.

This section provides an overview of copying qualifications to non-primary job codes and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Copying Qualifications To Non-Primary Job Codes

To expedite data entry in job openings with multiple job codes, the system enables you to copy job qualifications from the primary job code to all other job codes.

The Copy Process

Copy functionality is available for both standard requisitions and continuous job openings.

The copy process copies data to existing non-primary job codes. Any data that already exists for the non-primary job codes is not affected.

For example, if the primary job code includes competencies A, B, and C, and a non-primary job code includes competency X, then after the copy process, the non-primary job code will have four competencies: A, B, C, and X.

If you add additional job codes after copying, the system automatically copies the primary job code qualifications to the newly added job code. In this situation, the system copies the primary job code qualifications as they are at the time the new job code is created, which may be different than the qualifications that were copied at the time of the original copying process.

Copyable Data

The data that is copied includes:

Note. There are other data sections (staffing information, salary information, and screening information) that have separate rows for each job code in the job opening, but the copy process does not copy data in these sections, and the Copy Qualifications from Primary Job Code button does not appear unless the page shows copyable sections as well.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAdding Additional Job Codes to a Job Opening

Access the Job Opening page (select Recruiting, Create New Job Opening, then click the Continue button on the Enter Primary Job Opening page and, if applicable, on the View Combined Profile Information page).

If Allow Multiple Jobs/Positions is selected on the Recruiting Installation - Jobs page, a job code scroll area appears for those job opening sections where each job code has its own settings.

These additional page elements appear when multiple job or positions are enabled.

Job Code

When you first create a job opening, the job code (if any) that you entered on the Enter Primary Job Opening Information page appears in this field by default. As you create additional rows for additional job codes, use this field to enter the job codes.

When a job opening has multiple job codes, each job code has its own staffing information, salary information, qualifications, and screening configuration.

Job postings in Candidate Gateway show only the posting information for the primary job code; applicants cannot tell that there are additional job codes in the job opening.

Primary Job Code

Select this check box to identify the primary job code when there are multiple job codes associated with a job opening. You must identify one and only one primary job code.

Add Job Codes

Click to add another job code to the job opening.

Delete Job Code

Click to delete a job code from the job opening.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCopying Job Qualifications to Non-Primary Job Codes

Access the Job Opening page (select Recruiting, Create New Job Opening, then click the Continue button on the Enter Primary Job Opening page and, if applicable, on the View Combined Profile Information page).

Access a section that includes copyable qualifications.

Copy Qualifications from Primary Job Code

Click this button to copy job opening qualifications from the primary job code to all other job codes. Copied information includes work experience and education, screening questions, and any profile-based qualifications.

The copied information is added to any existing data in the other job codes—it does not overwrite or delete anything.

This button appears only on page sections that include copyable data. If there is only one job code in the job opening, the button is visible but not active.

Click to jump to parent topicAdding Staffing and Salary Information

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Add Salary and Staffing Information

Page Name

Definition Name



Job Opening


  • Recruiting, Create New Job Opening

    Click the Continue button on the Enter Primary Job Opening page and, if necessary, on the View Combined Profile Information page.

  • Recruiting, Find Job Openings

    Click the link for a job opening in the search results, then click the Job Details tab.

    Click the link that corresponds to the type of job opening data you want to access.

Enter job opening data, including salary and staffing information.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Staffing Information

Access the Job Opening page (select Recruiting, Create New Job Opening, then click the Continue button on the Enter Primary Job Opening page and, if applicable, on the Reviewing Profile Data page).

Locate the Staffing Information section.

Staffing Information


Select the region in which the job opening is located. Regions are defined on the Regulatory Region page.

See Working with Regulatory Regions.

Schedule Type

Select whether this a Full-time or Part-Time position.

This field can be used as a parameter for screening applicants.


Select whether this is a Regular or Temporary position.

This field can be used as a parameter for screening applicants.

Begin Date

Enter the date on which the job is to begin.

End Date

Enter the date on which the job is scheduled to end. This field is for temporary job openings.

(USF) Not To Exceed Date

If this is a temporary position, enter the date on which it will end.

(USF) Not To Exceed Days

If this is a temporary position, enter the maximum number of days after the Not To Exceed Date by which the job can extend.

(USF) Summer Appointment

Select this check box if this position is a summer appointment. This information is sent as part of the vacancy information for the USA Jobs program. When there are multiple job codes, the primary job code value for summer appointment is used.


Select the shift for this job opening.

This field can be used as a parameter for screening applicants.


Enter the default number of hours in a normal workweek for this job. The field defaults to the number associated with the job code.

This field can be used as a parameter for screening applicants. It is compared to the Desired Hours Per Week field on the Application Details page.

Work Period

Select the time period in which employees must complete the standard hours. These values are created by using the Frequency table.

Travel Percentage

Enter the percent of travel required by this job.

This field can be used as a parameter for screening applicants. It is compared to the Travel Percentage field on the Application Details page.

(USF) Supervisor Level

Enter the supervisor level. The default value is the level assigned on the job code.

(USF) FLSA Status (fair labor standards act status)

Displays the FLSA status associated with the job code.

(USF) LEO/Fire Position (law enforcement officer/fire position)

Displays the LEO/Fire position code associated with the job code.

(USF) Sensitivity Code

Select a sensitivity code. The default value is the value assigned to the job code.

(USF) Type of Appointment

Select the type of administrative post.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Salary Information

Access the Job Opening page (select Recruiting, Create New Job Opening, then click the Continue button on the Enter Primary Job Opening page and, if applicable, on the Reviewing Profile Data page).

Locate the Salary Information section.

Salary Information

Salary Admin Plan

Displays the salary plan associated with the position. You can change the salary plan by selecting another from the list of available options.

(USF) Pay Plan

Displays the pay plan associated with the position. You can change the pay plan by selecting another from the list of available options.

From Grade

The pay grade for the job opening, or, if there is a range of pay grades, the low end of the range. The default value is the pay grade that is associated with the position.

From Step

The step for the job opening, or, if there is a range of steps, the low end of the range. The default value is the step that is associated with the position.

To Grade

If the job opening has a range of pay grades, enter the high grade.

To Step

If the job opening has a range of steps, enter the high step.

Salary Range From

The system supplies the salary range from the Job Code table. You can override these values.

Salary Range To

The system supplies the salary range from the Job Code table. You can override these values.

Pay Frequency

Select the pay frequency in which this job is paid.


Select the currency in which this job is paid.

(USF) Occupational Series

Displays the occupational series that is associated with this occupational series for this position.

(USF) PATCOB Code (Professional, Administrative, Technical, Clerical, Other, Blue Collar code)

Displays the PATCOB code that is associated with occupational series for this position. These codes are occupational categories established by the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.

PATCOB Code is not a search field for job openings. If you want applicants to be able to search for job openings based on the PATCOB code, you can set up your job families (which are searchable in PeopleSoft Candidate Gateway) to match the PATCOB codes.

Click to jump to parent topicAdding Job Qualifications

This section discuses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Define Job Qualifications

Page Name

Definition Name



Job Opening


  • Recruiting, Create New Job Opening

    Click the Continue button on the Enter Primary Job Opening page and, if necessary, on the View Combined Profile Information page.

  • Recruiting, Find Job Openings

    Click the link for a job opening in the search results, then click the Job Details tab.

    Click the link that corresponds to the type of job opening data you want to access.

Enter job opening data, including job qualifications such as education and experience, screening questions, and qualifications that have been configured as profile content types.

Add <Profile Type>


Click the Add <qualification type> link that is associated with a qualification content type.

Enter detailed information about the qualification. The specific page elements that appear depend on the content type.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Profile Usage

Access the Job Opening page (select Recruiting, Create New Job Opening, then click the Continue button on the Enter Primary Job Opening page and, if applicable, on the Reviewing Profile Data page).

Note. The template for the job opening controls whether this section appears and, if so, where it appears. This section is only available for inclusion in the job opening template if the system is configured for full profile integration.

This section displays the profiles whose content items were copied into the job opening. If you remove a profile from this grid, the system removes all items related to that Profile ID from the job opening. If you add an additional profile, the system copies the additional items from that profile into the job opening.

The Description column includes a link that you click to access the profile details; the link is disabled for person profiles when you do not have security access to view that person's profile.

Note. Approvers cannot modify profile data for a job opening. Approvers can change, add, or delete individual content items as necessary, but they may not change, add, or delete profile IDs.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Education and Work Experience Requirements.

Access the Job Opening page (select Recruiting, Create New Job Opening, then click the Continue button on the Enter Primary Job Opening page and, if applicable, on the Reviewing Profile Data page).

Note. The template for the job opening controls whether this section appears and, if so, where it appears.

Work Experience & Education

Use this grid to set up a matrix showing how many years of experience are required for applicants with different education levels.

Highest Education Level

Select an education level so that you can then enter the amount of experience required by applicants who have selected the same value as their highest level of education.

Education levels are defined on the Education Level Achieved Table page.

Note. When you use Education & Experience requirements as screening criteria, applicants with a higher education level than the one you selected are not considered to have met the requirement. To prevent the system from penalizing applicants with more education than you require, create additional rows for every degree above the minimum requirement.

Years of Work Experience

Enter the years of work experience required for this job opening. Leave this field blank to indicate that there are no experience requirements for applicants who have attained the given education level.

Note. When the screening process evaluates whether an applicant meets particular education & experience requirements, it fails applications where there are no work experience entries with start dates, even if there are zero years of work experience required.

Add Work Experience & Education

Click to add another row to the Work Experience & Education grid.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Profile-Based Job Qualifications

Access the Job Opening page (select Recruiting, Create New Job Opening, then click the Continue button on the Enter Primary Job Opening page and, if applicable, on the Reviewing Profile Data page).

Note. The template for the job opening controls which profile-based section appear on the Job Opening page and where they appear.

<Profile Content Type>

The Job Opening page includes a separate grid for each profile content type in the associated job opening template.

Note. The exact configuration of these grids depends on the settings on the Content Section configuration page.

See Setting Up Profile Integration.

Profile ID

Identifies the profile that provided the content type. For example, if you load Betty Locherty's person profile and the Director of Finance job profile, the Competencies grid can list both Betty's competencies and the job competencies; this field lets you know which profile a specific competency came from.

Note. For person profiles, this field is blank if you do not have security access to see the person's profile data.

If multiple profiles have the same item (for example, an identical competency), and one profile has a version with a later effective date, then the system brings that later version and its Profile ID in the grid for that content type.

If multiple profiles use the latest effective-dated row for the duplicate item, the system populates the Profile ID field with the ID of one of the profiles, though not necessarily the primary profile for the job opening.

Any content items that you add to the job opening are associated with the primary profile, unless there is a profile type configuration incompatibility, in which case the profile ID for the new content item is 0.

<Content Item Name>

Displays the name of the specific content item. For example, in the Competencies grid, this column (labeled Competencies) displays names of specific competencies such as Analytical Thinking or Ability to Prioritize Tasks.

To modify information about a content item that you have already added to the grid, click the content item name to access the corresponding detail page.

<Additional Column Names>

The columns that appear in each grid depend on the settings in the Content Section Configuration page for the content type. Specifically, fields for which you select the Summary check box on the Content Section Configuration page appear as grid columns.

Add <Content Item>

Click this link to access the content item detail page, where you enter specific content items (such as Analytical Thinking. The fields on the detail page depend on the content type definition within the Manage Profiles business process.

Save the data on the detail page to add the content item to the grid.

Proficiency Ratings

When content types such as competencies are associated with ratings scales, the content type grid displays a rating. This data is informational only.

When you screen applicants based on competency ratings, the system does not evaluate whether the employee has received the specified rating. Instead, the screening process awards points based on the rating scale that you set up when you define your screening criteria.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAdding Content Item Details

Access the Add <Profile Type> page (click the Add link that is associated with a qualification content type) or the Update <Profile Type> page (click a content item in any content type grid on the Job Opening page)

Note. The page name and the fields on the page vary depending on the content type.


The Details group box is a scroll area than you can use to view details for all content items (for the specified content type) that have already been added to the job opening. When you access this page using the Add <Content Type> link, the system displays a new blank row of for you to complete.


Click to save changes to all rows and return to the Job Opening page.


Click to return to the Job Opening page without saving any changes to the current row.

Apply and Add Another

Click to save all changes to all rows and add another blank row to the Details scroll area.

Click to jump to parent topicAdding Screening Questions to a Job Opening

This section discuses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Add Screening Questions to a Job Opening

Page Name

Definition Name



Job Opening page: Screening Questions section


  • Recruiting, Create New Job Opening

    Click the Continue button on the Enter Primary Job Opening page and, if necessary, on the View Combined Profile Information page.

  • Recruiting, Find Job Openings

    Click the link for a job opening in the search results, then click the Job Details tab.

Enter screening questions for a job opening.

Answers to Screening Questions


Click the View Answers link for a multiple-choice screening question in the Screening Questions section of the Job Opening page.

Review the correct and incorrect answers to a multiple-choice screening question, and review the points that are awarded for each answer.

Assign Evaluators


Click the Enter Evaluators link for an open-ended screening question in the Screening Questions section of the Job Opening page.

Review the full text of an open-ended question, and assign evaluators who will give scores to applicants' answers to that question.

Select Question Sets


Click the Load from Question Sets link in the Screening Questions section of the Job Opening page.

Choose a question set so that the system can add all included questions to the job.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAdding Screening Questions to a Job Opening

Access the Job Opening page: Screening Questions section (select Recruiting, Create New Job Opening, then click the Continue button on the Enter Primary Job Opening page and, if applicable, on the Reviewing Profile Data page).

Note. The template for the job opening controls whether this section appears and, if so, where it appears.

Note. If there are prescreening questions in the resume template for the job opening, or if there is a default question set in the job opening template for the job opening, the system adds those questions to this grid when you first create the job opening. If you change the template association, the questions are not removed, though additional questions may be added.

Screening Questions


Select a screening question. Screening questions are defined on the Question Definition page.

Questions that you enter here are available to be used by any of the screening levels that you run for this job opening (except that you can't use open-ended questions for prescreening or online screening). Applicant's answers are collected during the online application process in Candidate Gateway.

Question Order

Enter numbers to control the order that the questions appear in the online application. If you load questions from a question set that specified order numbers, then those order numbers are the default values in the job opening.

Review any default values carefully. Default values might not be unique, depending on the order numbers that were assigned in the question set definitions, and it is up to you to specify an unambiguous question order.

Because this field accepts only integers, consider using non-consecutive numbers to make it easier to insert additional questions between existing questions.

Regardless of the order numbers you assign, open-ended questions always appear at the end of the questionnaire, after all multiple-choice questions.

Note. If the Randomize Screening Questions field on the Recruiting Installation - Jobs page has a Yes value, then the system disregards the question order and presents questions to applicants in random order. Open-ended questions still appear after multiple-choice questions.


For multiple-choice questions, a View Answers link appears. Click this link to access the Answers to Screening Questions page, where you can review the answer choices and their default point values. When you set up screening criteria for the job opening, you can override the default values.

For open-ended questions, an Enter Evaluators link appears. Click this link to access the Assign Evaluators page, where you identify the users who will evaluate and award points to applicants' answers. An evaluator can be any person in the PeopleSoft Human Resources system who has appropriate security access. It is possible to assign yourself as an evaluator.

When evaluating open-ended questions, evaluators see only the question and the answer; no applicant information is visible.

Note. Always assign evaluators to open-ended questions. Only the assigned evaluators can award an applicant points for the question, so questions without evaluators are never awarded any points during screening

See Evaluating Answers to Open-Ended Screening Questions.

Add Screening Questions

Click to add another row to the Screening Questions grid.

Load from Question Sets

Click to access the Select Question Sets page, where you can select one or more question sets whose questions will all be added to the list of screening questions.

See Also

Setting Up Screening Questions

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Answers to Multiple-Choice Screening Questions

Access the Answers to Screening Questions page (click the View Answers link for a multiple-choice screening question in the Screening Questions section of the Job Opening page).

Use this page to review answer information, including default point values for each answer.

To change the list of answers, the default points for an answer, or whether an answer is considered correct, use the Question Definition page.

To change the point values for answers for a particular job opening, use the screening pages in the job opening.

See Defining Screening Points.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAssigning Evaluators to Open-Ended Screening Questions

Access the Assign Evaluators page (click the Enter Evaluators link for an open-ended screening question in the Screening Questions section of the Job Opening page).


Enter the Employee ID of the users who you want to evaluate applicants' responses to this open-ended question.


If you remove an evaluator from this page, the evaluator's completed evaluations are not affected. Only pending evaluations (which appear in the Recruiter Alerts pagelet) are removed.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicLoading Screening Questions from Question Sets

Access the Select Question Sets page (click the Load from Question Sets link in the Screening Questions section of the Job Opening page).

The Question Set grid lists all questions sets in the system. Select one or more whose questions you want to add to the job opening, then click the OK button.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Screening for a Job Opening

This section provides overviews of screening settings in the job opening and of U.S. federal screening setup, and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Screening Settings in the Job Opening

Screening is the process used by recruiters to evaluate a list of potential candidates and narrow the list to a few qualified applicants that can be interviewed or hired. A job opening can have multiple screening processes, or screening levels, and each screening level can evaluate different criteria and use different processing rules.

Screening Level Selection

The Screening Options section on the Job Opening page includes a grid containing an ordered list of screening levels for the job. This section also includes a check box that you use to indicate whether applicants must pass the previous screening level before being included in subsequent screening levels.

If you include a screening level for prescreening, it is always the first screening level. If you include a screening level for online screening, it always goes before any other screening levels except the prescreening screening level.

See Understanding Prescreening and Online Screening.

Screening Criteria Selection

The screening level definitions that you reference from the job opening include default processing rules, but they do not include any actual screening criteria. Use the Job Opening Screening Criteria page to select job opening-specific criteria for each level.

When you access the Job Opening Screening Criteria page for a screening level, the grid where you select screening criteria is automatically populated with certain attributes of the job opening. You then select which of the available items to use in the screening level that you are configuring.

The job opening attributes that are available for use as screening criteria fall into four groups:

The following table lists general requirements that can be used for screening and shows the corresponding applicant data fields:

Job Opening Field

Applicant Field

Citizenship Status

Are you a U.S. Citizen?



Maximum Age

Date of Birth

Minimum Age

Date of Birth

Minimum Salary

Minimum Pay

(USF) Minimum Pay Grade

(USF) Minimum Acceptable Pay Grade

Full/Part Time

Full/Part Time


Desired Shift



RS Location

First Choice

Second Choice

Start Date

Desired Start Date

Standard Hours/Week

Desired Hour Per Week

Travel Percentage

Willing to Travel

Screening Criteria Point Values

When you define the job-specific criteria for a screening level, you must also provide a point value for each item that you select. The criteria grid includes a points field that displays the maximum point value for each item. Points can be positive or negative.

You assign point values differently depending on the type of criteria:

Screening Level Processing Rules

The Job Opening Screening Criteria page also includes fields that you use to:

These settings are all identical to the corresponding fields in the screening level definition, and, in fact, are populated based on the default values in the screening level definition. You can override these defaults as needed.

See Understanding Screening Levels.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topic(USF) Understanding U.S. Federal Screening Setup

This overview discusses the U.S. federal screening process and the screening configuration options that Talent Acquisition Manager provides to support this process.

Important! Oracle provides options that you can use to achieve compliance, but you are responsible for configuring the system to comply with applicable regulations.

Federal Screening and Ranking

U.S. government agencies follow a defined screening and ranking process to produce a ranked list of eligible candidates for a job opening. Applicants are ranked according to the manual classification of screening scores as qualified, well qualified, or best qualified along with factors such a veteran's preference and the use of tie breaker functionality.

Applicants typically earn points in three stages:

  1. An initial screening level that you configure to be worth a fixed amount of points to applicants who pass.

  2. A second screening level that you set up to use a process known as transmutation, which converts the raw score based on a transmutation portion that you define.

    For example, if you configure the first screening level to be worth 70 points, and you need the total for both screening levels to be on a scale that goes to 100, then you would use 30 as your transmutation portion. The system would then convert the applicant's raw points for the transmuted screening level to a scale that goes up to 30.

    There is a configuration option that you use to determine whether to use an hourly or salaried transmutation process for a particular screening level in a job opening.

  3. Veterans preference points that are added to the final screening score.

    See (USF) Setting Up Veterans Preference Codes.

Salaried Transmutation Calculation

The salaried transmutation process calculates the percentage of the total possible raw points that the applicant received for the screening level and then applies that percentage to the total possible points (the transmutation segment that you specify) to calculate the applicant's score for the screening level.

For example, Brian Waters is being screened using salaried transmutation and a transmutation segment of 30. His raw score is 15 out of a possible 20 points, or 75% of the possible points for the screening level. He therefore receives 75% of 30, or 22.5 as his score for this screening level. Because scores are always whole numbers, Brian's total is rounded up to 23 points.

Hourly Transmutation Calculation

The hourly transmutation process calculates the score somewhat differently because of a requirement that the applicant receive at least half of the available points. It is typically used when the criteria in the first and second screening levels are identical, and the first screening level is configured to award points if the applicant achieves half of the total possible points. That is, if an applicant achieved 18 points out of a possible 20 points to pass the first screening level, then there are 18 - 10, or 8 points left to be transmuted in the second level.

The hourly transmutation calculation determines what percent of the transmutation segment to award using the ratio of (the applicants points above the 50% threshold) to (the total available points above the 50% threshold).

For example, Mary Stone is being screened using hourly transmutation and a transmutation segment of 30. Her raw score is 15 out of a possible 20 points.

Rather than determining the ratio of 15 (earned) to 20 (possible) points, the system first subtracts half of the available points, or 10, from both numbers — those ten points should have been accounted for in the preceding screening level. The result is that the system performs the transmutation based on these adjusted numbers: 5 earned points and 10 possible points.

Because Mary's adjusted earned points are half of the adjusted available points, her final score for the screening level is half of 30, or 15.

Rules for Ranking Applicants

At the end of the applicant screening process, applicants' cumulative screening scores are adjusted for veterans preference to produce a final score. Next, you qualify the applications by manually entering score thresholds and applying those thresholds to classify applicants as qualified, well-qualified, or best-qualified based on their scores.

Note. Applicants cannot be ranked unless the manual process of qualifying them has been completed.

The system then considers these qualification classifications along with the applicants's priority processing status and places applicants in these four categories:

Rules that you configure for each job opening control which categories of applicants are included in the final ranking. The rules enable you to include different categories for competitive applicants and noncompetitive applicants.

You can also choose whether veterans receive preference in tie-breakers.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrerequisites

Before you configure screening for a job opening, you must set up the screening level definitions that you will use, and you must enter data in all of the job opening fields that you intend to use as screening criteria.

If you want the system to place a default set of screening levels in newly created job openings, you can associate screening levels to screening template and screening templates to recruitment templates. However, this task is optional.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Set Up Screening for a Job Opening

Page Name

Definition Name



Job Opening page: Screening section


  • Recruiting, Create New Job Opening

    Click the Continue button on the Enter Primary Job Opening page and, if necessary, on the View Combined Profile Information page.

  • Recruiting, Find Job Openings

    Click the link for a job opening in the search results, then click the Job Details tab.

    Click the link that corresponds to the type of job opening data you want to access.

Enter screening options for a job opening.

Add Screening Levels


Click the Add Screening Options link on the Job Opening page.

Add screening levels to the job opening.

Job Opening Screening Criteria


Click the screening level link in the Applicant Screening grid on the Job Opening page.

Add screening criteria to screening levels.

View Text ID Text Message


Click any of the View <type of> Message links on the Job Opening Screening Criteria page.

View the complete text of a message that you selected to use as an explanatory message, a pass message, or a fail message for prescreening or online screening.

Define Screening Points


In the Screening Requirements group box in the Job Opening Screening Criteria page, click the Edit Details link for an item that is associated with a rating scale.

Review and override points for ratings on a rating scale or answers to a multiple-choice question. Review and override the maximum point value of open-ended questions.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Job Opening Screening Levels

Access the Job Opening page (select Recruiting, Create New Job Opening, then click the Continue button on the Enter Primary Job Opening page and, if applicable, on the Reviewing Profile Data page).

Note. The template for the job opening controls whether this section appears and, if so, where it appears.

The following illustration shows how the screening section looks in a federal implementation:

Note. In the screening section on the Job Opening page, all fields except for the Transmutation USF check box (visible only in U.S. federal implementations) have default values that come from the screening template.

Max Total Points

Enter the maximum points that an applicant can accumulate across all screening levels. During the applicant ranking process in U.S. federal implementations, the Rank Applicants page shows applicants' final scores both as numbers and as a percentage of the value you enter here, which is typically 100.

Must Pass Previous Levels

Select this check box if the applicant must pass the previous screening level before being evaluated for the next screening level. This does not apply to:

  • The first screening level, as indicated by the lowest sequence number.

  • Prescreening or online screening levels.

    Prescreening is always the first screening level anyway. Online screening can be preceded by prescreening (although the best practice is to use only one or the other in a job opening), but because failing prescreening stops the online application process, applicants cannot even reach the online screening phase without passing any preliminary prescreening.

(USF) Federal

These fields are identical to the corresponding fields in the screening template.

Raw Augmented Score Limit

Enter the total number of augmentation points that can be awarded. You can configure screening to award augmentation points for certain competencies or accomplishments that are not required for the position but may be given consideration in the selection process.

Raw Veterans Pref Score Limit (raw veterans preference score limit)

Enter the maximum number of points that can be added to an applicant's final screening score for veterans preference. The number that you enter overrides veterans preference score higher than the limit.

Tie Break Number

Enter a random number to use in the tie-breaking algorithm for ranking applicants.

(USF) Competitive and Non-Competitive

These fields are identical to the corresponding fields in the screening template.

The same fields appear in the Competitive and Non-Competitive group boxes so that you can separately configure ranking options for competitive and noncompetitive applicants.

Rank Candidates of Category 1, Rank Candidates of Category 2, Rank Candidates of Category 3, and Rank Candidates of Category 4

At the end of the applicant screening process, score thresholds are applied to classify the candidates as qualified, well-qualified, or best-qualified. The system then considers these qualification classifications along with the applicants's priority processing status and places applicants in these four categories:

  • Category 1: Qualified, well qualified, and best qualified applicants with Must Select priority placement.

  • Category 2: Well qualified and best qualified applicants with Must Consider priority placement.

  • Category 3: Best qualified applicants with no priority placement.

  • Category 4: Qualified and well qualified applicants with no priority placement.

Select check boxes for each category of applicants that are to be included in the final applicant ranking that produces the Certificate of Eligibles.

See Understanding Priority Placement Processing.

Veteran Preferred in Tie Break

Select this check box if you want applicants with veteran status to win tiebreakers during the ranking process.

Applicant Screening

This grid lists the screening levels for the job opening.


The sequence determines the order in which you run the listed screening levels. The screening template that provides the default list of screening levels also sets their default sequence.

You cannot change the sequence directly. However, screening levels that you add to the list are automatically put at the end of the sequence. So to change the order of the default screening levels, you can remove screening levels from the list and re-add them in the desired order.

Regardless of how screening levels are added to the list, the sequences starts with the prescreening level (if any), followed by the online screening level (if any), followed by all other screening levels.

Screening Levels

Displays the name of the screening level.

Standard screening levels can appear in the list multiple times. However, the list can include a maximum of one prescreening level and one online screening level.

Click the link to access the Job Opening Screening Criteria page so that you can choose screening criteria and, if necessary, override default processing rules.

Note. After you click a screening level, the system saves the job opening before displaying the Job Opening Screening Criteria page.

Transmutation USF

Select this check box for the screening level where transmutation is applied during U.S. federal screening. This is the second of the two levels whose scores are combined to produce a cumulative score of up to 100 points.

When you select this check box, the system validates that the preceding screening level does not use transmutation, but you must verify that all screening levels are set up correctly.

Note. A transmutation screening level is always preceded by a non-transmutation screening level.

When you select this check box, you must enter additional transmutation information in the Job Opening Screening Criteria page.

See (USF) Understanding U.S. Federal Screening Setup.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicChoosing Screening Levels to Add

Access the Add Screening Levels page (click the Add Screening Options link in the screening options section on the Job Opening page).

The page lists the screening levels that your organization has defined. Select the check box next to the screening levels that you want to add, then click the OK button.

Note. A job opening can have only one prescreening level and only one online screening level.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Screening Level Rules and Criteria

Access the Job Opening Screening Criteria page (click the screening level link in the Applicant Screening group box on the Job Opening page).

Note. If you have identified members of a screening team for this job opening, these people receive notifications whenever there is a change to the screening criteria.

Screening Option Description: Page Elements for All Screening Levels

Use the fields in this group box to define the rules for processing applicant statuses and rejection letters or email after screening results are applied. The default value come from the screening level definition.

Pass Status and Pass Reason

Select the disposition (and, optionally, an associated reason) for the system to assign applicants who pass this screening level. Typically, you assign the Screen. disposition.

Fail Status and Fail Reason

Select the disposition (and, optionally, an associated reason) for the system to assign applicants who fail this screening level. Typically, you assign the Reject disposition.

Screening Option Description: Page Elements for Standard Screening Levels

These page elements appear only for standard screening levels (levels that are not for prescreening or online screening).


Select a letter to send to applicants who fail this screening level. The letter is added to the queue for the Generate Recruitment Letter (HRSLETTER) process after screening results are applied.

The drop-down list box includes all of the letters in the HRS_APP_LET report definition, which includes letters for various purposes. Take care to select the appropriate letter. The sample rejection letter that Oracle delivers is HRS_APP_LETTER_IR.

See Generating Batch Recruitment Letters.

Send Letter as Email When Results are Applied

Select this check box to have the system send rejected applicants an email with the text of the selected rejection letter. The system sends the email (and creates a contact note) after the results for the screening level are applied. If you choose to send the letter as email, the letter is not added to (or is removed from) the queue for the Generate Recruitment Letter process.

Only applicants who have provided an email address can receive their rejection letter through email.

(USF) Hourly Transmutation

If the screening level uses transmutation to calculate applicants' scores (that is, if you selected the Transmutation USF check box in the grid that lists all screening levels for the job opening), select this check box to use hourly transmutation rules. Leave the check box deselected to use salaried transmutation rules.

See Salaried Transmutation Calculation, Hourly Transmutation Calculation.

Screening Option Description: Page Elements for Prescreening and Online Screening

These page elements appear only for screening levels for prescreening and online screening.

Explain Text ID

Select the ID for the message that Candidate Gateway presents to applicants when they reach the point where this screening level is to be processed. Use this message to give the applicant instructions or other relevant information.

Pass Text ID and Fail Text ID

Select the IDs for the messages that Candidate Gateway presents to applicants who pass and who fail this screening level. If neither check box is selected, leave these fields blank.

Messages are required for prescreening and optional for online screening.

Default values come from the screening level definition.

View Explanatory Message, View Pass Message, and View Fail Message

Click these links to access the View Text ID Text Message page, where you can review the complete test of the selected message.

Pass Email Flag and Fail Email Flag

Select these check boxes to make the system send screening applicants an email containing the pass message or fail message, depending on the screening results. The system sends the email in addition to displaying the message online.

Scoring Definition and Assign Points

Use the fields in this group box to define the rules for how screening levels will be scored. The default values come from the screening level definition.

See Setting Up Screening Level Definitions.

Percent Needed to Pass

Enter the minimum percentage amount of the total possible points that an applicant must have to pass the screening level. If the applicant must correctly answer all prescreening questions, enter 100%.

For U.S. Federal salaried screening, the first screening level requires applicants to achieve 100% to pass.

For U.S. Federal hourly screening, the first screening level requires applicants to achieve 50% to pass.

For both types of U.S. Federal screening, you can leave these fields blank for the second screening level, which uses transmutation to calculate a score.

Use Raw Points

Select this check box if you want scores for the screening level to be the sum of the actual points that the applicant earned for the screening level. When this check box is selected, transmutation is not available.

If you select this check box, do not enter values in the Maximum Points to Assign, Points Assigned for Pass, or Points Assigned for Fail fields.

Maximum Points to Assign

Use this field to optionally enter a maximum number of points to assign.

Points Assigned for Pass and Points Assigned for Fail

Enter scores to assign to all applicants who pass or fail this screening level. If you leave this field blank, the system enters 0. You can enter negative points.

Manually Assign Status

Select this check box to allow recruiters to manually set an applicant's the pass/fail status for a screening level. Recruiters can set this status with or without running the screening process, which will still calculate the applicant's score and set an initial pass/fail status if it runs.

When this check box is selected, the rest of the scoring-related page elements become read-only.

Screening Requirements

This grid displays all available screening criteria so that you can select which items to use in the screening level.

See Understanding Screening Settings in the Job Opening, Making Content Types Available for Screening.

Description (first column)

Displays the type of screening criteria. General Requirements items appear first, then Education & Experience items, then Screening Question items.

The remaining items in the grid are job opening attributes based on profile content types. This includes job qualifications such as Competencies, Degrees, and Language Skills. The content type definition provides the descriptive text that appears in this column.

Item and Description

Displays the specific job requirement that is available for screening.

For general requirements, screening questions, and education & experience requirements, text in the Item column concatenates the name of the requirement (for example, Full/Part Time) and the value to be matched (for example, Full-Time). The adjacent Description column is blank.

For content type items, the text in the Item column is simply the name of the content item as defined in the Manage Profiles content catalog. For example, if the content type is Memberships, the Item column identifies the membership. The next column displays the specific property, such as Membership, that is evaluated during screening.

Note. Settings on the Content Section Configuration page control the profile data that is available for screening.

See Making Content Types Available for Screening.

If the content types uses instance qualifiers to organize content items, the instance qualifier also appears in the Description column. In particular, competencies use the evaluation type (Self, Supervisor/Manager, Peer, and so forth) as instance qualifiers, and therefore the evaluation type appears next to the property name (Proficiency) in the Description column.

When setting up screening criteria, you might need rows for more than one evaluation type. For example, external applicants can be screened based on their self-determined proficiency ratings, while internal applicants might be screened based on official competency ratings.

See Competency Evaluation Types in Job Openings.

Edit Details

Displays a link that varies depending on context:

The link text is Edit Details for content types such as competencies that provide a rating scale and for multiple-choice questions. Click the link to access the Define Screening Points page, where you can assign different scores to different ratings or question answers.

The link text is Open Ended for open-ended questions. Clicking this link also opens the Define Screening Points page, but in this mode, the page displays the text of the open-ended question and enables you to override the default maximum point value for the question.

This column is blank for other types of qualifications.

Use in Screening

Select this check box if you want the screening process to evaluate whether applicants meet the criteria for this item.


Select this check box if the applicant must have this criteria to pass the screening level. If the system determines that the applicant does not have this criteria (or incorrectly answers this question), the applicant fails the screening level even if the overall point total meets the passing threshold.

Online screening, including prescreening, applies this requirement instantly; there is no opportunity for a human to review screening results before applying them. For these screening levels, then, selecting this check box for a question makes it into an immediate disqualification question.

(USF) Augment

Select this check box if the points for this criteria are considered augmentation points. The points associated with the screening requirement are shown in the Augmentation Points category on the Screening Details page

For example, if you award 10 points for full time, 10 points for regular, and you mark the Augment check box for the full time, an applicant who meets both the full time and regular criteria is awarded 10 points for regular, no points for full time, and 10 augmentation points.

(USF) Selective

Select this check box if the points for this criteria are considered selective factors. The points associated with the screening requirement are shown in the Selective Factor Points category on the Screening Details page.


Enter the number of points the applicant receives if they meet the requirement.

For certain types of qualifications, this column is read-only and displays the maximum possible point value as shown on the Define Screening Points page. These qualifications include:

  • Multiple-choice questions: each answer can be associated with a different number of points, and those points can be added together when there is more than one correct answer.

  • Open-ended questions: the question is associated with a maximum value, but evaluators rate the applicants' answers using any number of points up to the maximum.

  • Content types such as competencies that provide a rating scale: each rating can be associated with a different number of points, and the applicant is awarded the points for the rating that applies.

Note. All qualifications that you use during screening should be associated with points. The system ignores any selected items which do not have points, and if you leave the page and come back, you will see that the Use in Screening check box has been deselected for any criteria that does not have points.

Total Screening Points

Displays the maximum possible points for the screening level based on the entered scores, including points for all correct answers to questions, and the highest possible score for rated qualifications.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Screening Points

Access the Define Screening Points page (click the Edit Details link or the Open-Ended link in the Screening Requirements group box in the Job Opening Screening Criteria page).

For content types that use rating scales, review and optionally override the default points that are awarded for specific ratings.

For multiple-choice questions, review and optionally override the default point value for both correct and incorrect answers.

For open-ended questions, review and optionally override the maximum point value for the question.

Click to jump to parent topicCreating Job Postings

This section discusses how to:

See Also

Setting Up the Job Posting Description Library

Managing Job Postings

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Create Job Postings

Page Name

Definition Name



Job Opening


  • Recruiting, Create New Job Opening

    Click the Continue button on the Enter Primary Job Opening page and, if necessary, on the View Combined Profile Information page.

  • Recruiting, Find Job Openings

    Click the link for a job opening in the search results, then click the Job Details tab.

    Click the link that corresponds to the type of job opening data you want to access.

Enter job opening data, including job postings.

Posting Information


Click the job posting title link in the Job Postings group box on the Job Opening - Job Opening Details page.

Add job posting details.

Job Description


Click the Preview button on the Posting Information page.

Preview a formatted job posting in its entirely.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating Job Postings

Access the Job Opening page (select Recruiting, Create New Job Opening, then click the Continue button on the Enter Primary Job Opening page and, if applicable, on the Reviewing Profile Data page).

Note. The template for the job opening controls whether this section appears and, if so, where it appears.

Job Postings


Click the posting link to display the Posting Information page, where you can edit the posting information.

Primary Posting Title

Click to indicate that this is the primary posting title. The system uses the primary posting title to identify the job opening on various pages throughout the system, and posts only the primary posting information to Candidate Gateway.

Add Postings

Click to Add Job Posting link to display the Posting Information page, where you can add posting information.

Generally you create multiple postings if you want to post different information to different destinations. It is possible for multiple postings to have the same destination; in this case, there will be duplicate postings (although the posting titles may be different).

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAdding Job Posting Details

Access the Posting Information page (click the job posting title link in the Job Postings group box on the Job Opening - Job Opening Details page).

Job Postings

Posting Title

Displays the title entered on the Job Opening page, but can be modified.

(USF) Federal Information

Use the fields in this group box to meet the posting requirements for U.S. federal job openings if third-party integration has been set up.

Job Descriptions


Specify whether this posting description is visible to Internal, External, or Internal and External applicants.

Description Type

Select a description type. The choices available to you are defined on the job posting template that is linked to the recruitment template assigned to the job opening.

Description ID

Select a description from the Posting Description Library page. The system automatically populates the Description field with the text from the library posting.


Displays the content of the selected Description ID. Use this field to modify and format the posting text in each section of the job posting.

Add Posting Descriptions

Click to add another section to the job posting.

See Setting Up the Job Posting Description Library.

Job Posting Destinations


Select where you want this posting to go. Valid options are active Marketing and Company type recruitment sources.

Company type recruitment sources are associated with the Sites that you define for the system. To post a job to a site, select a destination that is associated with that site.

See Setting Up Recruitment Sources, Setting Up Sites.

Posting Type

Select the type of posting.

Options are:

  • Contingent

  • External

    In PeopleSoft Candidate Gateway, these are the only job postings that external applicants can see.

  • Internal

    In PeopleSoft Candidate Gateway, these are the only job postings that internal applicants can see.

  • Office

  • Recruitment

Relative Open Date

Choose how far in the future you want the job posting posted to this destination. If you select a value in this field, the system calculates the posting date and displays it in the Post Date field, which becomes unavailable for entry.

For example, if the date the job opening reaches the status of Open is September 5, 2009 and you select Ten Days as the relative open date, the Post Date will be September 15, 2009.

Post Date

Enter the date on which you want the job posting posted to this destination.

Remove Date and Posting Duration (Days)

Either enter a specific date on which you want to remove the posting from this destination, or enter the number of days that the posting is to remain active. If you enter a posting duration, the system calculates the removal date and displays it in the Remove Date field, which becomes unavailable for entry.



Click this button to access the Job Description page, where you can review the complete formatted job posting.

Click to jump to parent topicIdentifying Recruiting Team Members for a Job Opening

This section provides an overview of recruiting teams discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Recruiting Teams

When you create a job opening, you identify the recruiters, hiring managers, interviewers, interested parties, and screening team members for the job opening.

You can set up predefined teams whose members can be added to the job opening all at once. If groups of people typically work together on the same job openings, creating teams can save you the time of individually entering each one.

When a team is added to the job opening, the system does not add the actual team ID to the job opening. Instead, users who currently belong to the team are added individually to the job opening. Administrators can remove an individual from a job opening at any time and that individual no longer has access to the job opening.

Only active teams can be added to a job opening.

There is no limit to the number of teams you create, nor to the number of teams to which an employee can belong.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Identify Recruiting Team Members for a Job Opening

Page Name

Definition Name





Recruiting, Administration, Teams, Teams

Create and maintain teams that can be added to job openings.

Job Opening


  • Recruiting, Create New Job Opening

    Click the Continue button on the Enter Primary Job Opening page and, if necessary, on the View Combined Profile Information page.

  • Recruiting, Find Job Openings

    Click the link for a job opening in the search results, then click the Job Details tab.

    Click the link that corresponds to the type of job opening data you want to access.

Enter job opening data, including members of the hiring team.

Add Team


Click the Add <team type> Team link in any of the hiring team section on the Job Opening page.

Identify a team whose members are to be added to the job opening hiring team.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Recruiting Teams

Access the Teams page (Recruiting, Administration, Teams, Teams).

Team ID

Displays the ID assigned to the team.


Specify whether this team is Active or Inactive.


Select the employee IDs for the members of this team.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicIdentifying Recruiting Team Members for a Job Opening

Access the Job Opening page (select Recruiting, Create New Job Opening, then click the Continue button on the Enter Primary Job Opening page and, if applicable, on the Reviewing Profile Data page).

Note. The template for the job opening controls which of these sections appear and where they appear.

Common Elements


Enter the name of the person that you want to add to one of the hiring team groups. The system displays the person's employee ID in the adjacent field.

All members of the hiring team have access to the job opening, regardless of the person's specific role on the hiring team.

Add <grid name>

Click to add another row to the grid.

Add <grid name> Team

Click to access the Add Team page, where you select a team whose members are all added to the grid when you click OK.


Use this group box to identify recruiters for this job opening.


Select this check box to identify the primary recruiter for this job opening. The system uses this person as the second approver of the job opening, if job opening approvals is selected on the Recruiting Installation - General page.

See Understanding Job Opening Approvals.

Hiring Managers

Use this group box to identify hiring managers for this job opening.


Select the primary hiring manager or hiring manager team for this job opening. If the approval process is active, the system uses the primary hiring manager's supervisor as the first approver for this job opening.

See Understanding Job Opening Approvals.


Use this group box to identify interviewers for this job opening.

The system uses this list of interviewers as the default list when you schedule interviews for the job opening.

See Interviewing Applicants.

Interested Party

Use this group box to identify interested parties for this job opening. When you use the PeopleSoft system to send email to applicants, you can optionally copy the interested parties for the job opening.

See Sending Correspondence and Recruitment Letters.

Screening Notification Member

Use this group box to identify members of the screening team for this job opening.

Click to jump to parent topicCreating Job Openings from Positions or from Other Job Openings

This section provides an overview of alternative job creation methods and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Alternative Job Creation Methods

This overview discusses two additional ways to create job openings.

Job Opening Creation from Open Positions

To create job openings from open positions, run the Create Job from Position Application Engine process (HRS_CRJOB).

Note. This feature is available only to organizations that use partial or full position management.

During the Create Job from Position process, the system:

  1. Determines all current open positions in the company.

    To determine whether a position is open, the system uses the PS_POSN_VACANT view on the Position Data table (PS_POSITION_DATA).

  2. Identifies the maximum head count allowed for each open position.

  3. Determines the current head count for each open position (how many incumbents, or current employees, fill any or all of the head count).

  4. Creates one standard requisition job opening for each position number that has openings and sets the status of each new job opening to Draft.

    When the system creates a new job opening, it populates the job opening data with data from the position or the derived job code—for example, the business unit, job code, company, department, location, and staffing and salary information. The system also populates the Target Openings field on the Job Opening page with the number of openings (maximum head count minus current head count) for that position number.

    If you select the Allow Duplicates check box on the Create Job Openings from Positions page, the system creates a job opening for all open positions, regardless of whether a job opening for a position already exists.

    If you deselect the Allow Duplicates check box on the Create Job Openings from Positions page, the system checks to see if a job opening already exists for each position number. If a job opening already exists for a position number, the system creates a new job opening only if the number of open positions (maximum head count minus current head count) is greater than the number of target openings on the Job Opening page for the existing job opening. For example, if a position has five openings and a job opening already exists for that position with a target opening value of two, the system creates one new job opening with three as the target opening value.

    The system uses the position data along with the segmenting type that is specified in the Template Segmenting Type field on the Recruiting Installation - General page to select a recruitment template for each job opening. Because position data can be different for each position, the system could potentially use a different recruitment template for each job opening that it creates.

When you run the process, you must specify an originator. The originator appears in the Created By field on the Job Opening page, and will have access to the job openings after the system creates them. After the process completes, the originator will be able to access the new job openings through existing recruiting components, complete the necessary data entry—for example, screening, posting, and approval information—and submit the job opening for approval or save as normal, depending on whether the system requires approval for standard requisitions job openings.

Note. The user must also have the HCCPRS0000 permission list to access the page where you run the Create Job from Position process.

See Delivered Permission Lists and Roles for Talent Acquisition Manager.

Job Opening Cloning

Another way to create a job opening is to clone an existing one. You can clone existing job openings that have any status except Draft.

To clone a job opening, find the job opening that you want to clone and click the Clone Job Opening icon or link. The initial status of the newly created job opening depends on whether approvals are active:

When you clone a job opening most of the data is copied from the existing job opening to the new one. However, some data will be left blank or adjusted, as detailed in this table:

Existing job opening

New job opening


Open if approvals is not selected on the Installation table.

Draft if approvals are associated with the job opening.

Status Reason

New Authorization

Open Date

Current Date

Status Date

Current Date

Desired Start Date/Projected Fill Date

Set according to the dates in the Open Date field. The system uses the interval between the original job opening's open date and its desired start date or projected fill date to determine the dates for the cloned job opening.

All other dates


Applicant and interview schedule data

Not copied

Approval process, if one exists


Primary Recruiter/Hiring Manager Teams

Active teams copied

Additional recruiters, hiring managers, and teams

Active teams copied

Posting dates

Not copied.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Create Job Openings from Positions or from Other Job Openings

Page Name

Definition Name



Create Job Openings from Positions


Recruiting, Administration, Create Openings from Positions, Create Job Openings from Positions

Create job openings from open positions.

Clone Job Opening


Recruiting, Find Job Openings.

Click a job opening to access the Job Opening page.

Click the Clone Job Opening icon or the Clone link on the Job Opening page.

Clone a job opening.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating Job Openings from Open Positions

Access the Create Job Openings from Positions page (Recruiting, Administration, Create Openings from Positions, Create Job Openings from Positions).

Allow Duplicates

Select to have the system create job openings for all position openings, regardless of whether a job opening already exists for a position. Deselect this option if you do not want the system to create duplicate job openings. By default, this option is deselected.


Select the ID of the person that you want to be the originator of the new job openings. The originator appears in the Created By field on the Job Opening page, and will have access to the job openings after the system creates them. By default, the system populates this field with the current user's ID.

Click Run to run this request. PeopleSoft Process Scheduler runs the Create Job from Position process at user-defined intervals.

See Also

Enterprise PeopleTools PeopleBook: Using PeopleSoft Applications

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCloning a Job Opening

Access the Clone Job Opening page (click the Clone Job Opening icon or the Clone link on the Job Opening page).

Job Opening ID

Displays the job opening ID for the job opening that you want to clone.

Number of New Job Openings

Enter the number of job openings that you want to create.

Clone Job Opening

Click to clone the job opening. The system displays a confirmation message.

Click to jump to parent topicApproving Job Openings

This section provides an overview of job opening approvals and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Job Opening Approvals

Recruiting Solutions uses the JobOpening approval process definition, created in the Approval component (PTAF_TXN), to manage approval processing for job openings.

See Setting Up Approval Process Definitions.

Approval Activation

To activate approval processing for job openings, use the check boxes in the Approvals Required group box on the Recruiting Installation - General page. There are separate check boxes for standard requisitions and continuous job openings; select the check boxes for the types of job openings that require approval.

Approver Actions

When a recruiter creates and submits a job opening, the system checks whether approval is required for that job opening type. If approval is required, the system initiates the approval process.

Approvers can take action on the request in the Pending Approvals component or on the Job Opening - Approval page, which they can access by using the link in the email notification that they receive. Also, the Find Job Openings and Browse Job Openings pages enable approvers to select one or more pending job openings from the job opening list and to act on the approval request using the Select Action field.

Administrators can also take action on a pending approval, but only from the Job Opening page. This ensures that the administrator reviews the job opening data before taking action. Administrators can not approve job openings from the Find Job Openings or Browse Job Openings page, even though the Approve, Deny, and Pushback actions are available for selection.

Important! If a user other than the assigned approver (or that approver's proxy) initiates an approval-related action on the Find Job Openings page or the Browse Job Openings page, the action will not update the job opening.

Approvers can also add additional approvers or reviewers to an individual job offer by clicking on the Insert Approver icon on the Manage Applicants - Disposition Details page and entering information for the additional approver or reviewer on the Insert additional approver or reviewer page.

Approvers have the option of either:

Note. The job opening approval process does not support self-approval. The system always treats the primary hiring manager as the requester, regardless of who actually creates the job opening. Therefore, if the primary hiring manager's supervisor (the first approver) creates the job opening, the system does not recognize that the requester is also the approver.

The Delivered Two-Step Job Opening Approval Process

The delivered approval process for job openings requires two approvers:

  1. The first approver is the supervisor of the person or persons entered as the primary hiring manager on the Job Opening page.

    To identify the supervisor, the system uses the Target Information page.

  2. The second approver is the recruiter or recruiters entered as the recruiter for the job opening.

This is how the delivered two-step job opening approval process works:

  1. A recruiter, also known as the originator, creates a job opening and submits it.

    The system sets the job opening status to Pending Approval. The system also identifies the first and second approvers and displays the Job Opening - Approval page that summarizes who is in the two-step approval process.

  2. The system notifies the first approver.

    The first approver is the supervisor of the person entered as the primary hiring manager on the Job Opening page. If there is more than one hiring manager and none is marked as primary, or if there is no hiring manager, then the first approval step is skipped. To identify the supervisor of the hiring manager, the system uses the Target Information page.

    Note. If the supervisor of the primary hiring manager is inactive, the system checks the level up to find the supervisor of the inactive employee.

    See Setting Up Access to Direct Reports Data.

  3. If the first approver approves the job offer, the system notifies the second approver.

    The second approver is the primary recruiter for the job opening.

    If there is no primary recruiter, the system routes the approval request to the Recruiting Solutions Approval Administrator.

  4. If the second approver approves the job opening, the system updates the status of the job opening to Open and ends the approval process.

This diagram shows the delivered two-step approval process during which two approvers sequentially approve or deny a job opening.

Delivered two-step approval process for job openings

Changes to Job Opening Data During Approval Processing

While the job opening is in the approval process, information on the job opening can be changed. However, changing the data in specific fields before the job opening has reached final approval causes the system to start the approval process over. A notification is sent to the first approver and the approval process begins again.

Note. Changes to an approved and posted job opening do not have to be approved again.

The fields that can cause a trigger to occur are:

Approval Delegation

If you enable delegation for job opening approval, approvers can delegate approval authority to proxies for specified amounts of time. The system gives the proxy access to the Pending Approvals component, which displays the job openings for which approval has been delegated.

See Also

Setting Up Access to Direct Reports Data

Setting Up and Working with Approvals

Understanding Approval Delegation in Talent Acquisition Manager

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Approve Job Openings

Page Name

Definition Name



Pending Approvals


Recruiting, Pending Approvals, Pending Approvals

View pending approvals and approve job openings.

Job Opening page: Approvals tab


Click the subject link on the Pending Approvals page.

Approve a job opening or add approvers or reviewers to the approval process.

Insert additional approver or reviewer


  • Click the Insert Approver icon on the Job Approvals page.

  • Click the Insert Approver icon on the Disposition Details page.

Add approvers or reviewers to the approval process.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Pending Approvals

Access the Pending Approvals page (Recruiting, Pending Approvals, Pending Approvals).

To approve or deny multiple pending approvals, select the check box for the job openings and job offers that you want to approve or deny, select Approve or Deny from the Select field and click Go. The system approves or denies the selected pending approvals and removes them from the page.


Click a job approval link to access the Job Opening page, where you can view details for and approve the job opening.

Click an offer approval link to access the Manage Applicant - Disposition Details page, where you can view details for and approve a job offer.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicApproving a Job Opening

Access the Job Opening page: Approvals tab (click the subject link for a job approval on the Pending Approvals page).

Note. The Approvals tab appears on the Job Opening page only after the job is submitted for approval.

JobOpening: <status>

This group box displays a graphical representation of the approval process. There is a box for each approver. The box title shows the approver's status, while the box contents include the approver's name, the approver's role in the approval process (for example, the hiring manager's supervisor), and the date, if any, when the approver took action on the approval request.

Additional graphical elements in this group box include color-coding the approver boxes according to the approver's status, and status icons next to the approver's user ID.

<approver User ID>

Click the approver's user ID to display additional information about the approver.

Click to access the Insert additional approver or reviewer page, where you can add approvers or reviewers to the approval process.


Click to approve the job opening. When final approval is reached the system changes the job opening status from Pending Approval to Open.


This is available only to approvers other than the first approver.

Click to send a notification to the previous approver telling them the job opening needs to be changed.


Click to reject the job opening and set the job opening status to Closed.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAdding Another Approver or Reviewer

Access the Insert additional approver or reviewer page (click the Insert Approver icon on the Job Approvals page or on the Disposition Details page).

User ID

Select the user ID of the person that you want to add.

Insert as

Specify whether this user is added as an approver or reviewer.