Calculating Seniority and Length of Service

This chapter provides an overview of seniority and length of service, lists prerequisites, and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Seniority and Length of Service

Seniority is a measurement of time that is spent in a particular condition. For example, category seniority is the amount of time that an employee has spent in one category. The system measures from the date of entry into the category to the date of category change. If the employee has not changed categories, the date of the calculation is used as the end date. Corps seniority, grade seniority, and actual step seniority follow the same pattern. Since civil service positions carry different weights in seniority calculations, each civil service position has career advancement percentages that affect seniority and length of service calculations.

Length of service resembles seniority except that it uses career advancement percentages that are associated with lengths of service. The system uses steps, grades, corps and categories for lengths of service.

Seniority calculations for steps, grades, corps and categories relate to each other as follows:

This explains how length of service calculations for steps, grades, corps and categories relate to each other:

The system uses seniority values to calculate step increments and seniority and length of service are criteria for grade promotion.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCareer Advancement Percentages

While assigned a category, corps, grade and step, an employee is also assigned a civil service position. Each civil service position carries a different weight in seniority calculations, represented by its career advancement percentage. You define two such percentages for each civil service position:

See Also

Defining Civil Service Positions

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSeniority Credits

Seniority credits are applied only within the step.

Reduction in Step Duration

Managers can grant reductions in step duration to hasten an employee's step promotion. The seniority credits are durations expressed in years, months, and days. Reductions in step duration are assigned within a step and cannot be carried over.

Step Career Seniority is the actual step seniority, plus any reductions in step duration. The calculation accounts for the seniority career advancement percentage but not the work-time percentage.

Note. Use the Update Seniority Bonus FPS component (Workforce Administration , Job Information) to grant reductions in step duration.

See Managing Seniority Bonuses.

Seniority Carryover at Step Increments in the Same Grade

An employee might be in a civil service position that does not authorize advancement on the previously scheduled advancement date. In this case, the advancement is postponed until the employee holds a civil service position that authorizes advancement.

The Credited Seniority is the seniority that is to be carried over from the previous career classification. When calculating advancement dates, the credited seniority is added to the career seniority.

When advancement occurs, the employee's seniority can be greater than the average step seniority. The difference is the seniority carryover.

Seniority to be Carried Over is the career seniorities, plus the credited seniority, minus the reductions in step duration and the average step duration.

This seniority carryover functionality is applied only within the same grade.

Note. Credited seniority in the step is also generated in case of reclassification. If the reclassification simulation is validated, the employee is granted a step increment with grade change. A conversion formula is applied to the Actual Seniority in previous step. The result of this conversion enables you to enter the Seniority Credited in the new step.

See Also

Administering Reclassification

Click to jump to parent topicPrerequisites

Seniority and length of service calculations use information from the following tables:

See Also

Setting Up French Public Sector Tables

Click to jump to parent topicCalculating Seniority and Length of Service

Business rules for calculating seniority and length of service are principally about taking into account steps that are not terminated; that is, the management of many successive actions within the same step—some actions authorize the addition of the previous instance seniority to the current instance seniority. To determine whether an action terminates a step, view the Step Terminated check box on the Career - Classification page.

This section provides an overview of how seniority definitions account for steps not terminated and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding How Seniority Definitions Account for Steps Not Terminated

When an action does not terminate a step, the system applies these rules:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Calculate Seniority and Length of Service

Page Name

Definition Name



Calculate Seniority


Workforce Administration, Collective Processes, Manage Advancement FPS, Calculate Seniority, Calculate Seniority

Start the seniority calculation.

Calculate Length of Service


Workforce Administration, Collective Processes, Manage Advancement FPS, Calculate Length of Service, Calculate Length of Service

Calculate seniority and length of service between two dates for an employee.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicStarting the Seniority Calculation

Access the Calculate Seniority page (Workforce Administration, Collective Processes, Manage Advancement FPS, Calculate Seniority, Calculate Seniority).

To calculate seniority:

  1. Enter the run parameters.

    Processing can be launched for one employee or for all employees with career data. For all employees, leave the Employee ID and Record Number fields blank.

  2. Enter the Thru Date (through date) to request seniority calculation on a date that falls before or after the current date. If you do not enter the Thru Date, the system uses the current date.

  3. Run the Calculate Seniority SQR process (FPA315).

Seniority and Length of Service Calculation

The results of the process enable you to determine the following for each move recorded in an employee career:

The seniority calculated by this process corresponds to the theoretical career seniority that you define when you set up the step.

The automatic step increment process uses the results of some of these calculations.

Note. Entry seniorities are not taken into account in seniority calculations and processes.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCalculating Seniority and Length of Service

Access the Calculate Length of Service page (Workforce Administration, Collective Processes, Manage Advancement FPS, Calculate Length of Service, Calculate Length of Service).

Enter the employee ID, employee record number, and period of time for which to calculate seniority and length of service.


Click to calculate and display the results.

Transfer >> Civ Serv Position (transfer >> civil service position)

Click to access the employee's civil service position history.

Click to jump to parent topicViewing Seniority Information

This section discusses how to view seniority information.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to View Seniority Information

Page Name

Definition Name



Career Seniority FPS

Review Career Seniority


  • Workforce Administration, Job Information, Review Job Information, Career Seniority FPS, Career Seniority FPS

  • Workforce Administration, Collective Processes, Manage Advancement FPS, Review Career Seniority, Review Career Seniority

View seniorities that are associated with each employee career status.

The system displays the various seniorities and lengths of service calculated for each action according to the definitions and rules that are explained in this chapter. With the step seniority and length of service, the step career seniority and theoretical seniority are displayed.

Note. You can select only employees with career management data when entering this page.