Administering the HRMS System

This chapter discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicAnalyzing Portal Navigation

To analyze portal navigation, use the Portal Analysis component (RUNCTL_PORTAL).

This section discusses how to analyze HRMS portal navigation.

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Portal Analysis


Set Up HRMS, System Administration, Utilities, Portal Analysis, Portal Analysis

Analyze the portal navigation structure for users, roles or permission lists.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAnalyzing Portal Navigation

Access the Portal Analysis page (Set Up HRMS, System Administration, Utilities, Portal Analysis, Portal Analysis).

File Name

Enter the name of the file you want the process to create and populate with the portal analysis. The process will distribute the file to the reporting repository.

Portal Name

Enter the name of the portal you want to analyze.

Content Provider Name

Select HRMS in the Content Provider Namefield to analyze HRMS portal navigation.

Process Result

Select the processing result from the following options:

  • Portal/Menu Path

    The result creates a straight list of the portal and menu paths. This result does not use the other values on the page so the system hides them when you select this option.

  • Portal Navigation Hardcopy

    This result gives you more options and can create a more hierarchical view of the navigation.

Portal Object Name

Select the portal object name.

Display Levels

Enter the number of portal levels to print. Leave empty to print all the levels.

Show Object Names

Select to display the object names of the CREFs or folders.

If you leave this check box deselected, the process will just display the labels.

Show Menu.Component.Market

Select to display the CREFs menu, component, and market information.

Suppress Hidden Objects

Select to keep the process from including hidden objects.

If you leave this check box deselected, the system identifies hidden objects with the following text preceding the object name: *hidden*.

Apply Security Based On

Select to analyze the portal navigation for the security access assigned to a UserId, Role, or Permission List. Select the userID, role, or permission list to use.

Click to jump to parent topicRestricting the Deletion of IDs

To restrict the deletion of IDs, use the ID Delete Control component (ID_DEL_PRVNT_TABLE).

This section provides an overview of setting up ID delete control and discusses how to prevent the deletion of IDs from critical records.

See Also

Changing and Deleting IDs

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding ID Delete Control

The ID Delete Control feature enables you to define priority data records to prevent users from deleting IDs with data on which others at your organization might rely. With priority data in place, the system will not permit users to delete an ID for which that data exists. A system administrator, or other user with proper security, can review the key data and then, if required, delete the ID.

The PeopleSoft system delivers predefined ID delete control priority tables and fields for individual and organization IDs. Corresponding messages are preset to appear when you try to delete an ID with data in any of the associated control records and fields.

Note. You should not modify the predefined ID delete controls. You can, however, define additional priority data by adding other records and fields to control the deletion of IDs.

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ID Delete Control


Set Up HRMS, System Administration, Database Processes, ID Delete Control, ID Delete Control

Enter records from which an ID should not be removed during an ID deletion or change. This ensures that the information is stored for historical purposes.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPreventing the Deletion of IDs from Critical Records

Access the ID Delete Control page (Set Up HRMS, System Administration, Database Processes, ID Delete Control, ID Delete Control.

The ID on each of the following control records and the associated messages are delivered predefined as priority data for HRMS:

Note. The ACOUNT_SF, RECRUITERS, RELATIONSHIPS, STDNT_CAREER, and STUDENT_AID priority data are used in Campus Solutions.

You should not delete any of the rows of predefined control records. Keep these as your base ID delete control records for individual IDs and define additional priority data as necessary.

To define an additional control record, or to add an additional field from the same record, click the Plus button at the level where you want to add it. The system enters a new row and renumbers the sequence of control records. Select the record name, field name, and message data. The new row is not added until you click Save.

Record (Table) Name

Displays the name of the record that contains the priority data field.


Field Name

Displays the name of the field that, when data exists in it, prevents the deletion of the ID.


Message Set Number

Enter the set number of the message to display when data exists in the priority data field.


Message Number

Enter the number of the message to display when data exists in the priority data field.

Warning! If you need to create user-configurable messages, create them in Message Sets 20,000-29,000 to prevent the system from overwriting them.

Note. The short description for many message numbers is the same. Review the detailed description associated which each message number in the PeopleTools Message Catalog to determine which message number displays the desired message regarding the specific field.

Click to jump to parent topicRefreshing and Auditing Human Resources Data

To refresh and audit Human Resources data, use the Refresh EMPLOYEES Table component (RUN_PER099), PERSONAL_DATA Settings component (PERSON_DT_SETUP), Refresh Personal Data component (RUN_PERS_REFRESH), Update Personal Data-Future component (RUN_PERSDATA_FUT), Refresh Name Display Values component (NAME_DISPLAY_RC), and the Core HR Data Integrity Audit component (RUN_PER900).

This section discusses how to:

See Also

Refreshing Tables to Facilitate Reporting

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Refresh EMPLOYEES Table


Set Up HRMS, System Administration, Database Processes, Refresh EMPLOYEES Table, Refresh EMPLOYEES Table

Refresh the PS_EMPLOYEES snapshot table as of the selected date.



Set Up HMRS, System Administration, Database Processes, PERSONAL_DATA Settings, PERSONAL_DATA Settings

Select the data that you want to include in the refresh snapshot of the Personal Data component (PERSONAL_DATA). The fewer options you select, the faster the system can refresh the table. You must make these selections when you install HRMS.

PeopleSoft only uses EmplID and Name data. Select the options you need to meet your ad hoc reporting and query needs.

Refresh Personal Data


Set Up HMRS, System Administration, Database Processes, Refresh Personal Data, Refresh Personal Data

Refresh the Personal Data component. The Refresh Personal Data component (PERS_REFRESH) loads the data types that you selected on the PERSONAL_DATA Settings page.

Note. This process should only be run when the PERSONAL_DATA settings are changed. This program will lock the PERSONAL_DATA table for updates during processing.

Update Personal Data-Future


Set Up HMRS, System Administration, Database Processes, Update Personal Data-Future, Update Personal Data-Future

Run this process shortly after midnight to update the Personal Data component. The process will update data with future dated information that has become current.

The Update Personal Data-Future process runs the HR_PERSDATA application engine program.

Refresh Name Display Values


Set Up HRMS, System Administration, Database Processes, Refresh Name Display Values, Refresh Name Display Values

Refresh all records with the NAME_DISPLAY and NAME_FORMAL fields to reflect changes made to the PeopleCode definition of those fields. You can choose to update records with all name format types or just with one name format type.

HR Core Data Integrity Audit


Set Up HRMS, System Administration, Database Processes, Core HR Data Integrity Audit, HR Core Data Integrity Audit

Initiate the Core Human Resources Data Integrity Audit.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSelecting Refresh Options for the Personal Data Component

Access the PERSONAL_DATA Settings page (Set Up HMRS, System Administration, Database Processes, PERSONAL_DATA Settings, PERSONAL_DATA Settings).

Address Type

Select which address type to refresh.

Other Address Type

Select a secondary address type to refresh.

Include Installed Countries

Select to include the information in the country-specific group boxes for those countries that you've installed on the Installation Table - Country Specific page.

Include Primary Phone Data

Select to include the information in the PERSONAL_PHONE record.

Include Smoker Data

Select to include the information in the PERS_SMOKER record.

Include Campus Solutions Data

Select to include the information in the PERSON_SA record.

Include US Federal Data

Select to include the information in the PERS_DATA_USF record.

See Also

Adding a Person

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRefreshing Name Display Values

Access the Refresh Name Display Values page (Set Up HRMS, System Administration, Database Processes, Refresh Name Display Values, Refresh Name Display Values).

Select which records whose name fields format you want to update.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAuditing Human Resources Data for Integrity

Access the HR Core Data Integrity Audit page (Set Up HRMS, System Administration, Database Processes, Core HR Data Integrity Audit, HR Core Data Integrity Audit).

Select the HR tables you want to audit for integrity.

Click to jump to parent topicUsing the Tables Accessed and Updated Report

This section describes the Tables Accessed and Updated report.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Tables Accessed and Updated Reporting Utility

The Tables Accessed and Updated report:

Use this information to:

Troubleshooting the Tables Accessed and Updated Report

Because of the flexibility of the programming environments and the rich set of meta-SQL available in PeopleTools, the table list created by the Tables Accessed and Updated report may sometimes be incomplete. The list will be incomplete when:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Run the Table Access and Updated Report

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Definition Name



Tables Accessed and Updated


Set Up HRMS, System Administration, Utilities, Tables Accessed and Updated, Tables Accessed and Updated

Use the Table Access Utility page to run the Tables Accessed and Updated report.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning the Tables Accessed and Updated Report

Access the Tables Accessed and Updated page (Set Up HRMS, System Administration, Utilities, Tables Accessed and Updated, Tables Accessed and Updated).

Application Type

Select the type of application to analyze in the report. The options are:

  • AppEngine Programs

  • SQR Reports

  • COBOL programs

  • Queries


To restrict the analysis to applications in on product, select it here.

Application Name

Enter part or all of the name of the application or applications you want to analyze. Enter a ? to report on all applications in the product.

Note. Depending on the application type, there could be over a thousand applications in a product.

You can run the report using just the information you enter here or you can use this value as search criteria to create a list of applications using the Available Applications and Selected Applications group boxes.

For example, when you select SQR Reports, Human Resources, and enter R in the Application Name field and run the utility, the report will analyze the REG001FR, REG002FR, and REG003FR reports. To refine the search, click the Refresh Available Applications button and select which of the three reports to analyze and add them to the Selected Applications list.

Refresh Available Applications and Available Applications

Click Refresh Available Applications to populate the Available Applications group box with applications that match the search criteria you entered in the Application Name field. Select the applications you want to analyze.

Note. A small number of applications are not associated with normal run control pages (for example, one-time conversion routines or system setup utilities used during installation) and the system will not display them in the Available Applications list. You can enter these applications in the Selected Applications list using the insert button and entering the application's name.


Click to add the applications you selected in the Available Applications list to the Selected Applications list.

Once you've added items to the Selected Applications list, you can enter new search criteria in the Application Name field and refresh the Available Applications list.

Clear Selected Applications and Selected Applications

The report will analyze all the applications included in the Selected Applications list. You can add or remove applications using the insert and delete icons.

Click the Clear Selected Applications button to deselect the list of applications you've selected for analysis.

Include PeopleTools Tables

Select to include PeopleTools tables in your analysis. PeopleTools tables define all PeopleSoft objects and manage system behavior, and include this such as related language control, currency conversions, and Process Scheduler activity.

Location of Source Code

If you are analyzing COBOL programs, enter the path to the COBOL source code's location on the server.

Note. The system only makes this field available when you select to analyze a COBOL program.

Location of Tools programs

If you are analyzing SQR programs and are excluding PeopleTools tables, enter the path to the PeopleTools SQR components' location on the server.

Note. The system only makes this field available when you select to analyze SQR reports.

Click to jump to parent topicTesting Component Interfaces Using the Invoke Core CIs Utility

This section describes how to test component interfaces.

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Invoke Core CIs


Set Up HRMS, System Administration, Utilities, Invoke Core CIs, Invoke Core CIs

Use this page to launch a component interface with sample data to test if it executes in the manner in which you want it to.

Error Log


Set Up HRMS, System Administration, Utilities, Invoke Core CIs, Error Log

After invoking a component interface, use this page to review any errors.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicTesting Component Interfaces

Access the Invoke Core CIs page (Set Up HRMS, System Administration, Utilities, Invoke Core CIs, Invoke Core CIs).

Component Interface Access


Select the name of the component interface you want to test.


Select one of the following access modes:

  • Create: Select to create a new row of data in the component with the key values that you enter in the Component Interface Access Keys grid.

  • Find: Select to find a list of data rows that match the search criteria you enter in the Component Interface Access Keys grid.

  • Get: Select to find a single row of data that match the search criteria you enter in the Component Interface Access Keys grid.

Write Log File

Select to create a log file of the component interface test.

Invoke CI

When you've entered all of the necessary information, click to invoke the CI and test it using the information entered on this page.

Sort Order, KeyProperty, and Value

The component interface's key properties are the search keys of the underlying component's search record. Select with key fields to use in the search in the KeyProperty field and enter the value of the field to use in the search in the Value field.

If you are searching by more than one key field, indicate the order in which the system should sort the results.

If you are testing the CI using the Create action mode, use all the key properties.

Actions to be Performed

Sequence Number

Indicate the order in which the system should execute this action using the component interface.


Select the action to invoke using the CI:

  • Delete: Select to delete data rows that match the values you enter in this group box.

  • Get: Select to retrieve data rows that match the values you enter in this group box.

  • Insert: Select to insert a new data row with the values you enter in this group box.

    For example, if the current row is dated November 12, 2005 and you want to enter a row effective January 1, 2004 while still maintaining the November row as the current row, select this option.

  • Invoke Method:

    Select to execute the method for the CI. A method, for instance, can execute PeopleCode. For example, in Salary Planning, the calculation of the salary increase of each employee can be executed on-line or using a batch program. The batch program will execute the method CI_SALARY_PLAN_GRP.Methods.SalPlanGrp.

  • Update: Inserts a new, effective dated row in effective-dated components or updates the data in components that are not effective dated.

  • Update no Insert: Select to update the existing row of data.

Carry Forward

Select this option to update any rows in the component that are more current than the row you are inserting using the CI.

Parent Collection Name

Select the collection (which corresponds to a record) in which you want to update data.

Sort Order, KeyProperty, and Value

(Collection Keys) Select the key field or fields for the scroll and enter the value of the row upon which you want to execute the action.

Sort Order, Property, and Value

(Property/Values Pairs) Select the fields in the collection and the field values that you want to use in the action.