Adding a Person in PeopleSoft Human Resources

This chapter discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicAdding a Person

To create a person record, use the Add a Person component (PERSONAL_DATA_ADD). Use the (CI_PERSONAL_DATA) component interface to load the data into the table for this component.

This section provides an overview of identification assignment, lists common elements, and discusses how to:

Note. You should create and save either a Job Data or a Person of Interest (POI) Relationship record for a new person at the time you create the new person.

See Also

Setting Up and Administering HRMS Security

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Identification Assignment

When you open the Add a Person component, the system requests a person ID. There are two ways to assign IDs:

Note. To avoid maintaining two different sets of IDs, it is recommended that you use only one method to assign them: either always assign them manually or always let the system assign them.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCommon Elements Used in This Component

Smoker and As of

Indicate if the person is a smoker and enter the date on which the person started smoking. A person's smoker status affects benefits eligibility and rate determination in PeopleSoft Enterprise Human Resources Manage Base Benefits and is required for regulatory reporting.

Ethnic Group

Select an ethnic group. You set up ethnic groups on the Ethnic Groups page.

(AUS) Affirmative action reports and the ATSI (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander) code come from this page.

(USA) Values are based on U.S. Federal Equal Employment Opportunities ethnic categories. Use ethnic group information to compile the establishment's affirmative action plan and to generate several equal employment opportunity (EEO) reports.

(GBR) Values are based on U.K. equal opportunity ethnic categories.

Military Status

Enter the person's military status.


Select the person's preferred email address or phone number.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Add a Person

Page Name

Definition Name



Biographical Details


Workforce Administration, Personal Information, Biographical, Add a Person, Biographical Details

Enter name and other biographical information.

Edit Name


Workforce Administration, Personal Information, Biographical, Add a Person, Biographical Details

Click the Add Name link on the Biographical Details page.

Edit and refresh name information.

Contact Information


Workforce Administration, Personal Information, Biographical, Add a Person, Contact Information

Enter or edit a person's contact information.

Address History


Workforce Administration, Personal Information, Biographical, Add a Person, Contact Information

Click the Add Address Detail link on the Contact Information page.

Enter the effective date, country, and status for the address and refresh the address data when you make changes.

Edit Address


Workforce Administration, Personal Information, Biographical, Add a Person, Contact Information

Click the Add Address Detail link on the Contact Information page and then click Update/View Addresses on the Address History page.

Edit address information.



Workforce Administration, Personal Information, Biographical, Add a Person, Regional

Enter country-specific personal information.

Self Identification Data Canada


Click the Self Identification Data link on the Regional page.

This link is visible only to users with access to the Self Identification Data Canada page, which can be granted using the delivered role HR Admin CAN Confdl Data.

Enter Canadian ethnicity data for a person, including whether the person is a visible minority and whether the person is an aboriginal person.

Note. Be sure this page is appropriately secured to protect the confidentiality of this data.

Organizational Relationships


Workforce Administration, Personal Information, Biographical, Add a Person, Organizational Relationships

Select an organizational relationship and checklist to create for this person.

Update Personal Data-Future


Set Up HRMS, System Administration, Database Processes, Update Personal Data-Future

Run this process shortly after midnight to update the Personal Data component. The process will update data with new, effective information that is not currently in the component.

The Update Personal Data-Future process runs the HR_PERSDATA application engine program.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Name and Biographical Data

Access the Biographical Details page (Workforce Administration, Personal Information, Biographical, Add a Person, Biographical Details).

Person ID

If you are adding a new person and are using system-assigned IDs, the field displays the value NEW until you save this record. Otherwise, the system displays the value that you enter to access the page.


Display Name

Click to add or edit a name.

Biographic Information

Date of Birth

Enter the person's date of birth. If you leave this field blank, a warning message appears when you save the record. You can continue entering information after you acknowledge the message. Though the birth date isn't required for the Administer Workforce business process, the system uses it to calculate a person's age in some benefit and payroll tasks. It also calculates dates, such as the U.K. expected retirement date, based on the person's age.

Birth Country

Select a country. Based on the selected country, the system might display additional fields.

Birth Location

Usually a city, town, or village.

Date of Death

This field does not appear during the hiring process. Use this field when updating a person's records.

Waive Data Protection

European community employment and personal privacy legislation specifies that personnel information can't be passed across countries in the European Union without authorization from the employee. Select this check box if you obtain the employee's consent to share personal data with users in other European Union member nations.

Biographical History

Highest Education Level

Select a value.

Note. (JPN) For Japanese education-level age-related pay calculations, a form of seniority pay, these values are linked to an education-level age basis as of hire.

Marital Status and As of

Select the person's marital status. Values are: Common Law, Divorced, Head of Household, Married, PACS [(FRA) this field is used in France. Pacte civil de solidarite], Separated, Single, Unknown, and Widowed. When a marital status is changed, the default as of date is the same as the biographical history effective date.

PeopleSoft Enterprise Payroll doesn't use the marital status that is entered on this page for tax calculations. For U.S. employees, you enter that information in Maintain Payroll Data on the Federal, State, and Local Tax pages. Taxes for Canadian employees are based on net claim amount, which varies depending on the employee status.

Note. Laws in the Netherlands require tracking effective-dated marital status information for employees.

Language Code

Select the person's native or preferred language. Although tracking official or preferred languages is required in some countries in PeopleSoft Enterprise Human Resources, the system also uses the preferred language when you communicate with people with a relationship to the organization. For example, PeopleSoft Enterprise Global Payroll for Germany and Switzerland use the language code to print paychecks in the payee's preferred language. Other types of communication also use this as the default language for written communication.

Note. Don't use this field to record the organization's official language or to rate a worker's proficiency in speaking, reading, or writing various languages. Use the Location Table to track the organization's official language. Use the Languages table to record a worker's language proficiency.

The Language Code field prompts from the LANG_CD table, which concerns the person's native or preferred language, and not from the LANGUAGE_CD table, which contains the languages into which the application can be translated.

Alternate ID

To use a second type of ID for a person, enter the ID.

Full-Time Student

Select if the person is a full-time student.

National ID


Select the country that issued the worker's national ID.

National ID Type

The system enters the value that you establish for this country on the National ID Type Table page. You can override this default.

Note. (BRA) Add rows to enter one or more of the following IDs for the person: RG number, voter registration card, PIS/PASEP number, and reserve certificate.

Note. (BRA) Changes made to a Brazilian person's Work Card and PIS national ID types will be recorded on the National ID History page.

National ID

Enter the worker's national ID number. The system checks the format of the entry against the default format that you enter on the National ID Type Table page.

(GBR) For the U.K. the normal format of two letters followed by six digits and then one letter for National Insurance identification appears by default. Other options that are dependent on employee status are available.

(GBR) When you enter a national insurance number, the system uses the NID Prefix GBR page to check that you have entered a valid national insurance prefix. You can't save this page if you have entered an invalid national insurance prefix.

Primary ID

Select if the national ID is the person's primary ID. If this is the only data row for this person, the system selects the check box by default. You can deselect it.

Tax Ref

(SGP) Select if the worker's national registration ID is used as the person's employer tax reference number. This field is for information only.

National ID Expiry Date

(CAN) Enter the expiration date for this National ID.

(CAN) Verifying Social Insurance Numbers for Canadian Employees

Invoke a modulus 10-check digit formula to verify an employee's social insurance number (SIN), if needed. The formula follows federal standards for using the ninth digit in an employee SIN to verify the number.

If you enter an employee SIN that doesn't match the check digit that is calculated by the formula, an error message appears.

(NLD) Verifying Social Security IDs for Dutch Employees

The Dutch national ID is commonly called the SoFi (Social/Fiscal) number. You can invoke the 11-check digit formula to verify a Dutch employee's SoFi number. The 11-check formula is a mathematical formula that evaluates the entry for the employee's social security ID and verifies that the result of the calculation is 11, to determine whether the national insurance/social security ID has a valid format.

(USA) Reporting to Government Agencies When the Social Security Number Is Unknown

When the social security number (SSN) is missing, the system enters the default number that is defined on the National ID Type table, usually all 9s. However, reports and files that are created by PeopleSoft Enterprise Payroll for North America for submission to government agencies, such as the IRS or Social Security Administration, convert missing or unknown SSNs to the specific format that is required by the government agency. For example, a missing or unknown SSN is reported to the IRS using all zeros on the W-2 file.

See Also

Tracking Employee Medical Exam Results

Entering Additional Data in Human Resources Records

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Contact Information

Access the Contact Information page (Workforce Administration, Personal Information, Biographical, Add a Person, Contact Information).

Current Address

Address Type

Select the type of address that appears in this row. The system automatically displays Home for the first address that you enter.

Note. Payroll for North America requires the person to have one address with type Home to successfully calculate taxes. You must set up each Puerto Rico employee's home address with country code USA and state code PR for proper tax reporting.

Add Address

Click to add an address and access the Edit Address page to edit addresses.

Note. (ITA) When entering Italian addresses, use the Address Search link on the Edit Address page to locate valid cities based on province.

Note. Laws in Belgium, the Netherlands, and Japan require maintaining effective-dated address information for employees.

Phone Information

Phone Type and Telephone

Select the phone type and enter the phone number. The system formats the number based on the standard phone number format for the person's country as indicated in the address. If no special formatting is specified for the selected address country, the format is 000/000-0000.

Select Main to designate a phone number as the individual's primary contact number.

Note. (JPN) Phone numbers are custom format fields. If you enter a phone number without any hyphenation (such as 9256944023), the system reformats the number into the standard format for the selected country (for example, the U.S. format: 925/694-4023). Because a 10-digit phone number in Japan can be formatted in several ways (03-1234-5670, 045-123-4567, or 0567-21-1234), this automatic formatting doesn't work for Japanese phone numbers. Japanese customers who want to store telephone numbers exactly as they are entered, without automatic formatting, should modify the Telephone field manually by using PeopleSoft Application Designer.

Email Addresses

Email Type and Email Address

Select an email type and enter the employee's email address.

Note. If an employee has more than one address, click the Add (+) button after selecting the address type.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Country-Specific Person Data

Access the Regional page (Workforce Administration, Personal Information, Biographical, Add a Person, Regional).

Local country laws that require employers to verify a person's nationality and eligibility to work in that country might require information that you enter here. Much of the data that you enter is required for regulatory reporting in PeopleSoft Enterprise Human Resources.

(BRA) Brazil

Issued By

Enter the Registro Geral (RG) issuing entity. This information is required if you enter the individual's RG number in the National ID group box.

Issued Date and State

Enter this information, which is required if you enter the individual's RG number.


Enter the work card number.

Exp Date (expiration date)

Enter the work card's expiration date. This information is required if a Carteira de Trabalho e Previdência Social (CTPS) number is provided.


Enter the political subdivision of the CTPS issuing agency. This information is required if a CTPS number is provided.

Zone, Section, City, and State

Enter this information, which is required if a voter registration card is provided.

Series, Region, and Category

Enter this information, which is required if a reserve certificate is provided.


Enter the political subdivision of the issued reserve certificate. This information is required if a reserve certificate is provided.

Cert Type (certificate type)

Enter the type of military service. Values are: Aeronautic, Army, Marine, or Other. This information is required if a reserve certificate is provided.

Inscription Date

Enter the date of registration at PIS / PASEP. This information is required if the PIS/PASEP number is provided in the National ID group box.

(CAN) Canada

Self Identification Data

Click this link to access the Self Identification Data Canada page, where you enter ethnic background information for the person. The Self Identification Data Canada page has two fields:

  • Use the Visible Minority field to indicate if the person's ethnic background is apparent based on physical appearance.

  • Use the Aboriginal Person check box to indicate if the person is a Canadian aboriginal person.

The Self Identification Data link is visible only to users with access to the Self Identification Data Canada page. To secure this page and protect the confidentiality of the ethnicity data, you can use the delivered permission list HCCPHR40CA and the delivered role HR Admin CAN Confdl Data.

Bilingualism Code

Record the appropriate code for the person. If the Official Languages Act applies to the organization, use the bilingualism code as part of the Official Languages reports (PER102CN and PER108CAN) that you submit to the government.

Health Care Number and Health Care Province

Enter a number and select the health care province.

(CHE) Switzerland


Minors who are age 18 or younger or people with mental illness must have a parent or guardian sign employment contracts on their behalf. Enter the name of the parent or guardian who is authorized to act for this employee.

Place of Origin

Enter a place of origin. Every Swiss person has at least one place of origin, usually determined by the father or husband's birthplace.

Main Origin

Select if the place of origin in the Place of Origin field is the person's main place of origin. (A person can have more than one place of origin.)

(CHN) China

Regulatory Region

Enter a regulatory region for the person.

Ethnic Group

Enter the person's ethnic group.


Enter the person's religion.

Hukou Type

Enter the person's Hukou type.

Hukou Location

Enter the person's Hukou location.

Working Life Start Date

Enter the date on which the person first began to work.

Working & Living Status

Enter the status of the worker's working and living permit. Values are: Expired, Granted, and Renewed.

Issue Date

Enter the date on which the working and living permit was issued.

Renew Date

Enter the date on which the working and living permit was renewed.

Expiration Date

Enter the date on which the working and living permit expires.

(DEU) Germany

Expected Military Date

If the person hasn't already completed military service, enter the date when service is expected to begin.

HR Responsible ID

Select the ID of the human resources representative responsible for this person.

Nationality Date

Enter the effective date of the person's nationality status. If the employee is a native citizen of the country, enter the person's birth date. If the person is a naturalized citizen, enter the date on which the person became a citizen.


Enter the person's nationality by selecting a nationality code.

German labor laws require recording an employee's nationality to determine if the employee is eligible to work in certain industries, particularly those that are related to technology or defense. Use the nationality code to determine the employee's eligibility to work in a regulated industry based on the employee's country's participation in OECD or the European Union. You can maintain information about whether each nationality code participates in the OECD and European Union.

Note. Duevo-compliant nationality codes are established by the Duevo Directive and are provided by the PeopleSoft system.

(ESP) Spain

Social Security Affiliation Dt (social security affiliation date)

Enter the date when the person is assigned a Spanish social security number.

(FRA) France

Date of First Entry in France

Leave blank if the person is a native-born French citizen. If the person is foreign-born, enter the date on which the person first arrived in France. This data is used to maintain work visa information for foreign workers who are employed in France.

CPAM ID (Caisse Primaire d'Assurance Maladie ID)

Enter the code of the CPAM ID that is assigned to the person. CPAM depends on the person's home address. The CPAM is the social security body that compensates persons for illness and work accidents.

(GBR) United Kingdom

Expected Retirement Date

The system calculates and displays this value, based on the system date and the birth date that you enter on this page. This field is for information only; you can't change it.

A person's expected retirement date is based on the birth date that you enter on the Name/Location page. For men in the U.K., the expected retirement date is always the 65th birthday. For women, it is the 60th birthday. The British government is introducing measures to raise the state pension age for women. The retirement age for women will gradually increase to 65 years between 2010 and 2020. This table shows the expected retirement dates for women in the U.K.:

Birth Date

Expected Retirement Age

Before April 6, 1950.

60 years.

After April 6, 1950 and before April 6, 1955.

Retirement date is delayed one month for each month that the woman is born after April 6, 1950.

After April 6, 1955.

65 years.

The calculation that the system uses to determine the retirement age of U.K. employees is stored in FUNCLIB_HR_UK.EXP_RETIRE_DT.FieldFormula.

(GBR) Community Background

The system displays the following fields only if you're logged in as an authorized user. Northern Ireland law requires that only a designated monitoring officer see community background data for employees. The system includes a special user class (UKNIPNLS) and user ID (UKNI) for you to use to enforce these rules.

Community Background

Select the person's community background: Protestant, Catholic, or Undetermined/Other.

Arrived by Direct Question

Select if you determine the person's community background by asking the employee directly.

Determination Date

Enter the date on which you determine the person's community background category.

The data that you enter about a Northern Ireland worker's community background is required under the Fair Employment Act. Employers must include this information in the Northern Ireland report (UKNI001) that they submit to the administrative body that monitors employment in Northern Ireland. This report provides an annual summary of the state of the workforce for a particular employer and breaks down employees and applicants for employment into their respective community background categories.

(IND) India

Blood Type

Select the person's blood type or select Unknown. When the blood type is entered on this page at the time that an employee is hired, a component interface updates the employee's blood type on the physical exam record. Thereafter, this field is disabled and displays by default the blood type data from the physical exam record.


Select the person's caste.

(ITA) Italy

Type of Service

Select the type of service that the person performed in the military.

Function or Rank

Enter the function or rank that was held by the person in the military.

Military End Date

Indicate the date on which the person's military service ended, if applicable.

(JPN) Japan

Honseki Prefecture

Select the family prefecture, or place of registration. Tracking a person's Honseki Prefecture is a matter of custom.

(MEX) Mexico

AFORE (Retirement Funds Institution Code Mexico)

Enter the AFORE for the employee. Values include: Banamex, Bancomer, Dresdner, GNP, Garante, ING, Inbursa, Principal, Santander, Tepeyac, XXI, and Zurich.

Med Region Code (medical region code)

Enter the three-character code for the medical region where the person resides.

(MYS) Malaysia, (THA) Thailand, and (SGP) Singapore

In Malaysia, Thailand, and Singapore, you use the Ethnic Group and Religion fields for eligibility and calculation of festive advances.

(USA) United States

Date Entitled to Medicare

(Optional) Enter the date on which this person is entitled to receive Medicare coverage.

Military Discharge Date

Displays the military discharge date from the Maintain Military Dischrg Date page. This date is used by the VETS-100 report to determine which veterans qualify for the Newly Separated Veteran designation.

To enter or modify the date, click the Edit Discharge Date link to access the Maintain Military Dischrg Date page.

Citizenship (Proof 1) and Citizenship (Proof 2)

Enter two forms of ID (for example, passport and Social Security card) to prove U.S. citizenship (required by U.S. law).

Eligible to Work in U.S.

Select if the person is eligible to work in the U.S.

(FPS) French Public Sector

The information that you enter here is mandatory for including an employee in the French Public Sector security system.

Supporting Document Required

Select to track supporting documents. The system inserts a row in the Supporting Documents group box. The row is identified by the person ID, the action code, and the effective date and enables you to verify that the person provided the required documents.

See Also

Understanding French Social Security Tracking Code Maintenance

(CAN) Meeting Regulatory Requirements for Canada

Maintaining Payroll Data

Setting Up Base Benefits Core Tables

(JPN) Setting Up Japanese Control Tables

Effective Dates

Setting Up and Working with Languages

Understanding PeopleSoft HRMS System Data Regulation

Common Elements Used in PeopleSoft HRMS

(AUS) Meeting Regulatory Requirements for Australia

(FRA) Meeting Regulatory Requirements for France

Tracking Supporting Documents

(GBR) Meeting Regulatory Requirements for the United Kingdom

(USA) Meeting Regulatory Requirements for the United States

Enterprise PeopleTools PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Process Scheduler

Enterprise PeopleTools PeopleBook: Global Technology

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating Organizational Relationships and Maintaining Checklists

Access the Organizational Relationships page (Workforce Administration, Personal Information, Biographical, Add a Person, Organizational Relationships).

Choose Org Relationship to Add

Select Employee, Contingent Worker, or Person of Interest to indicate the organizational relationship of this person.

If you select Person of Interest, select one of the available person of interest types:

You can assign any of the POI types that are defined on the POI_TYPE_TBL. After a person is created, the POI relationships can be added in various places. POIs without Jobs can be added from Enterprise Learning and from within Campus Solutions. POIs with Jobs relationships are created from within the relevant applications, such as Stock, Global Payroll, Absence Management, Benefits, and Pension.

When you select Employee, Contingent Worker, or a POI type with a job, the Empl Rcd Nbr field appears. The system determines the next employee record number available for this person, or you can enter your own number and the system will verify that the number you entered does not already exist for this person.

To create a checklist for the person on the Employee Checklist page at the same time, select the appropriate checklist.

Note. Contingent workers are not paid in Payroll for North America. Customers using the E&G contract pay functionality, need to add contract workers using the Add Employment Instance component or select Employee on the Organizational Relationships page.

Add the Relationship

Click this button to save the data on this component. If you select Employee or Contingent Worker, the system opens either the New Employment Instance component (JOB_DATA_EMP) or the New Contingent Worker Instance component (JOB_DATA_CWR).

If you select Person of Interest, the system opens either the Person of Interest Job Data component (JOB_DATA_POI) or the Add a POI Reltn to a Person component (PERS_POI_ADD), depending on the POI type you selected.

Note. You can only select one relationship when you create the Personal Data record, but you can create additional relationships directly from the New Employment Instance, New Contingent Worker Instance, Add Person of Interest Job, and Add a POI Type to a Person components.

Note. If you create a person but do not create and save a job data record or POI type record for them, the system will save the person as a POI without job with a POI Type of Unknown. When you do create and save a record for the person on the Add an Employment Instance component, Add a Contingent Worker component, Add a POI Instance component, or Add a POI Reltn. component, the system will delete the Unknown POI without job instance for that person.

(FPS) French Public Sector

If you have French Public Sector installed and you select Employee, you select one of these types of employee:

If you select French Public Sector Employee, the system displays these fields: Business Unit, Department, and Job Code. Complete these fields for the new employee.

Use the French P Sector Employee checklist for French public sector employees.

See Hiring French Public Sector Employees.

See Also

Controlling Data Access for POIs Without Jobs

Adding Organizational Instances for Employees, Contingent Workers, and POIs

(E&G) Administering Contract Pay

Click to jump to parent topicControlling Data Access for POIs Without Jobs

This section provides an overview of security for POIs without jobs and discusses how to add and maintain POI types.

See Also

Setting Up and Administering HRMS Security

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Security for POIs Without Jobs

When a POI does not have a job record you need to enter additional information about them in order to control user access to their data.

Data access for POIs without jobs is primarily controlled by POI type. Assign the person a POI type in the Add a POI Relationship component (PERS_POI_ADD) or Maintain a Person's POI Reltn component (PERS_POI_MAINTAIN).

You can add additional security criteria by assigning the person to one or more business units, locations, or institutions.

For example, a person has the POI type of External Instructor and the following security types:

Security Type

Security Key



Business Unit




The following users have access to this person:

Note. Data permission security for employees, contingent workers, and POIs with jobs is controlled by data you enter on the person's job record.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Control Access to the Data of POIs Without Jobs

Page Name

Definition Name



Add a POI Relationship

Maintain a Person's POI Reltn


  • Workforce Administration, Personal Information, Organizational Relationships, Add a POI Relationship, Add a POI Relationship

  • Workforce Administration, Personal Information, Organizational Relationships, Maintain a Person's POI Reltn, Maintain a Person's POI Reltn

Use these pages to set up and maintain a person of interest's POI type and security access keys.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAdding and Maintaining POI Types

Access the Add a POI Relationship page (Workforce Administration, Personal Information, Organizational Relationships, Add a POI Relationship, Add a POI Relationship) or the Maintain a Person's POI Reltn page (Workforce Administration, Personal Information, Organizational Relationships, Maintain a Person's POI Reltn, Maintain a Person's POI Reltn).

Person of Interest Type

Select a person of interest type when you create a record for the person. You can create multiple records for a person with different POI types on the Add New POI Type component.

Security Data

Get Enabled Security Types

Click to add a row to the Security Data grid for each security type that has been enabled for the people without jobs.

Security Access Type

To restrict user access to this person's data using values in addition to the POI type, select a security access type.

Value 1 and Value 2

If you select a security access type of Business Unit or Institution, select the business unit or institution associated with this person for security purposes.

If you select a security access type of Location, first select the appropriate business unit for the location's SetID in Security Key 1 and the location associated with this person for security purposes in Security Key 2.

You can enter multiple rows in this group box to set up multiple security access types and keys. PeopleSoft includes the Business Unit, location, and institution security types as part of the system data. You can choose to disable any of these security types.

Click the Get Enabled Security Types button to find out which security types are enabled. You can enter data for a type that has not been enabled, allowing you to capture additional data on a POI without a job without having to modify the system. To do this, you must create a new security type on the Security Access Type page for the People without Jobs Security Set and enter a new field name. Then use the new field name in this component and capture the required data for this POI.

See Setting Up and Administering HRMS Security.

Person of Interest History

Maintain a history of this person of interest type using the effective date field and by adding new rows as necessary. Make the person inactive if they are not being used in system.

Note. Some of the POI Types without Jobs use application-specific transaction tables to capture the history of this relationship. The system makes this table available for External Trainee or Other POIs. You can track information about Students and External Instructor POIs on other system components intended for this purpose For example, the External Instructor POI Type is tracked in the Enterprise Learning Instructor Table components. This is defined on the POI Type setup table.

See Setting Up Instructors.

See PeopleSoft Enterprise Learning Management PeopleBook.

Planned Exit

Select the date the person will exit this person of interest type, if known. This field is for information only.