Defining Training Courses and Programs

This chapter provides an overview of course and program setup and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Course and Program Setup

This section lists prerequisites and discusses:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicTraining Courses

Courses are the foundation of in-house course session administration. To set up courses:

  1. Define training resources.

    Enter information about the vendors, instructors, training facilities, equipment, and materials that are needed for course delivery.

  2. Define course categories and subcategories.

    Categories and subcategories help organize courses by topic so that users can find them easily in the training catalog.

  3. Define courses.

    For each course, define general information, such as the duration, primary delivery method, and whether the course is internal or external. Also identify course prerequisites, instructor competencies and target competencies for the course (if you're using the Manage Profiles business process), equipment and materials, and the course category and subcategory.

  4. Organize the course catalog, as needed.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicTraining Programs

After you define courses, you can create training programs. You specify the courses within the program, the sequence in which the courses are to be taken, and which are required.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrerequisites

When you set up training courses, you can specify competencies, accomplishments, education, and skills that are required to teach a course or that are assigned to students after successful completion of the course. To do this, you need to set up your content catalog provided in the Human Resources: Manage Profiles business process.

See Also

Setting Up the Content Catalog

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Vendors and Vendor Contacts

To set up vendors and vendor contacts, use the Vendors (TRN_VENDOR_TABLE1) and the Vendor Contacts (TRN_VNDR_CNTCT_TB1) components.

You'll probably outsource some of the services that you use to run training course sessions. For example, you might use caterers to provide meals for attendees or hotel conference rooms to hold some courses. In the Vendors component, you enter information about the vendors that you use frequently.

Note. (FRA) Use the Vendors component to set up finance fund providers for 2483 reporting in France.

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Set Up Vendors and Vendor Contacts

Page Name

Definition Name



Vendor Profile


Enterprise Learning, Define Training Resources, Vendors, Vendor Profile

Enter basic information about a vendor.

Vendors - Address


Enterprise Learning, Define Training Resources, Vendors, Address

Enter the vendor's address and the default cost charged by the vendor.

Vendor Contact Phone


Enterprise Learning, Define Training Resources, Vendor Contacts, Vendor Contact Phone

Enter the details of a vendor contact.

Vendor Contact Address


Enterprise Learning, Define Training Resources, Vendor Contacts, Vendor Contact Address

Enter the address of a vendor contact.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Basic Vendor Information

Access the Vendor Profile page (Enterprise Learning, Define Training Resources, Vendors, Vendor Profile).

Vendor Type

Select the type of services provided by the vendor: Consulting Firm, Equipment Rental, Facilities Rentals, Financing Fund, Guest Speaker, Other, Outside Instructors, Training Materials, or Training Provider.

Note. (FRA) The Consulting Firm, Training Provider, and Financing Fund values activate the France section of the page. Select Consulting Firm to designate that the vendor provides competency checks. Select Training Provider to designate that the vendor delivers training. Select Financing Fund when the vendor represents a financing organization to which you contribute funds for training.

(FRA) France

This section is activated only when the selected vendor type is Consulting Firm, Training Provider, or Financing Fund.

Financing Type

When the vendor type is Financing Fund, identify the type of fund the vendor finances:

Select Financing Training Leave Fund if the fund pertains to individual training leave (Congé Individuel de Formation or CIF). Select Financing Fund if the fund is not used for individual training leave. Your selection determines the section (Group L, indicator 5 or Group L, indicator 11) of the 2483 report, under which training funded by this vendor are reported.

Provider Referenced By

This field is available only when the vendor type is Consulting Firm or Training Provider. Select the organization that provides funding for competency checks. Funding organizations are delivered as system data in the Vendor table (PS_TRN_VENDOR_TBL).

Link to Centre Inffo (OPCA)

Click this link to access the website that lists the names and addresses of the fund collecting organizations (Organismes paritaires collecteurs agréés (OPCA).

(FRA) Certification

If the vendor type is Training Provider, enter the provider's certification details in this group box

Certified, Number, and Date

Select if the government certifies the provider, and enter the certification number and date.


Select the provider's area of expertise.

(FRA) Agreement

For each training provider, record all agreements that have been reached with your organization. This information is needed to meet French legal reporting requirements. Add a row for each agreement.

Agrmt Date (agreement date)

Enter the date of the agreement between your organization and the training provider.

Agreement Type

Select the type of agreement: Simple, Annual, or Multi-ann (multiannual).

Co (company)

Select the provider name from the vendors that you defined in the Vendor table.

Agreement Nbr (agreement number)

Enter the number of the agreement between your organization and the training provider.


Minority Owned

Select if a member of an ethnic minority owns the vendor's business.

See Also

(FRA) Producing the French Training Report 2483

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Vendor Addresses and Cost Information

Access the Vendors - Address page (Enterprise Learning, Define Training Resources, Vendors, Address).

Training Cost Estimation

Per Unit Cost

Enter the vendor cost and update the currency in the currency field if necessary. The system uses this value as a default vendor cost when you define course costs.

Cost Unit

Select the unit for the vendor cost.

See Also

Understanding Training Cost Tracking

Understanding Country Codes

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Vendor Contact Details

Access the Vendor Contact Phone page (Enterprise Learning, Define Training Resources, Vendor Contacts, Vendor Contact Phone).

Vendor Contact

Contact Nbr (contact number)

The system assigns a sequential number to each contact that you add. You can renumber contacts.

Contact Phone Numbers

Add a row for each phone number, such as a business telephone number, fax number, or cellular phone number.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Vendor Contact Addresses

Access the Vendor Contact Address page (Enterprise Learning, Define Training Resources, Vendor Contacts, Vendor Contact Address).

Same Address as Vendor

Select if the contact's address is the same as the vendor address that you entered on the Address page. The system displays the vendor address and makes the address fields unavailable.

When you change the vendor address on the Address page, the system updates the business address on this page for each contact for which this check box is selected.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Training Equipment, Materials, and Facilities

To set up training equipment, materials, and facilities, use the Equipment and Materials (TRN_EQUIP_TABLE) and the Training Facilities (TRN_FACILITY_TBL) components.

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Set Up Training Equipment, Materials, and Facilities

Page Name

Definition Name



Equipment and Materials


Enterprise Learning, Define Training Resources, Equipment and Materials, Equipment and Materials

Identify equipment and materials used for in-house training courses. To ensure that equipment is available where the courses take place, you associate equipment and materials with specific training facilities.

Training Facilities - Address


Enterprise Learning, Define Training Resources, Training Facilities, Address

Record the address of each training facility that your organization uses.

Contacts and Equipment


Enterprise Learning, Define Training Resources, Training Facilities, Contacts and Equipment

Enter the contact name and telephone number for the training facility and list the available equipment.

Training Facilities - Training Rooms


Enterprise Learning, Define Training Resources, Training Facilities, Training Rooms

Track information about each training room at a facility: location, capacity, cost, and the fixed equipment that is available in the room.

Training Facilities - Directions


Enterprise Learning, Define Training Resources, Training Facilities, Directions

Enter directions to a training facility.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicIdentifying Equipment and Materials

Access the Equipment and Materials page (Enterprise Learning, Define Training Resources, Equipment and Materials, Equipment and Materials).

Equipment Type

Select from the available options.


Author, Year Published, and ISBN

Enter bibliographic information in these fields.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Training Facility Addresses

Access the Training Facilities - Address page (Enterprise Learning, Define Training Resources, Training Facilities, Address).

Training facilities can be on company premises or offsite at an external vendor's facility.

Business Unit

Select the business unit that is linked to the training facility.

Location Code

If the training facility is on company premises, select a location code. You can select only location codes that are assigned to the business unit that you selected.

If you change the business unit after entering a location code, and the location code isn't tied to this business unit, the system displays a warning message and clears this field.

If the training facility is offsite, leave this field blank.

Facility Name

If you didn't enter a location code, enter the facility's name and address.

If you entered a location code, the system completes this field and makes it unavailable.

Mail Drop ID

Enter a mail drop identifier, if there is a designated collection point for mail that is addressed to the training facility.

Note. The mail drop isn't part of the normal address and isn't included in the standard training letters that are supplied by PeopleSoft.


If you entered a location code, the system completes this field. If you didn't enter a location code, select a country.

When you move out of the field, the system generates the address format for that country, as specified on the Country Table - Address Format page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Contact and Equipment Information

Access the Contacts and Equipment page (Enterprise Learning, Define Training Resources, Training Facilities, Contacts and Equipment).

Note. You need to fill out this page if you use training budgets.

Contact Name

Enter a contact name for the training facility. This field is required to generate the Equipment Checklist report (TRN034).

Vendor ID

If the contact works for a vendor, select the vendor ID.

Contact Phone Numbers

Phone Type and Phone

Select a phone type and enter the number. These fields are required to generate the Equipment Checklist report (TRN034).

Equipment/Materials Available

List all equipment that is shared between training rooms. Don't include fixed equipment that is tied to a particular room.

Equipment/Materials Code

The system displays the name of the selected equipment.

Qty (quantity)

Enter the quantity of each piece of equipment that is available at the training facility.

Per Unit Cost

Enter a per unit cost for each item. This field is optional, but it's helpful as a reference, especially for comparing facility site costs.

In the field next to per unit cost, select the currency code for the item. The default currency code is from the value that is specified in the EXCHNG_TO_CURRENCY field in the BUS_UNIT_OPT_HR record. You can override this value.

Cost Unit

Select a cost unit that is associated with the item.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicTracking Training Room Information

Access the Training Facilities - Training Rooms page (Enterprise Learning, Define Training Resources, Training Facilities, Training Rooms).

Note. You only need to fill out this page if you use training budgets.

Training Rooms

Room Code

Each room in a training facility must have a unique room code.

Building Nbr and Floor Nbr (building number and floor number)

Enter the room name, the name or number of the building in which the room is located, and the floor number.

Per Unit Cost

Enter a per unit cost for the room.

Cost Unit

Select the cost unit that is associated with the per unit cost.

Maximum Nbr of Students (maximum number of students)

Enter the maximum number of students that can be accommodated in the room. When you set up a course session, the system checks this field to determine whether the room is large enough for the selected course.

Room Active

Deselect this check box if the training room isn't available for training. You can schedule sessions in a room only if Room Active is selected.

Fixed Equipment/Materials

Equip Code and Quantity (equipment code and quantity)

Select a code for each item in the training room and the number of each item. Include only fixed equipment that is tied to the room.

The system displays the item's name.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Training Facility Directions

Access the Training Facilities - Directions page (Enterprise Learning, Define Training Resources, Training Facilities, Directions).

You can use the directions that you enter here in the confirmation form letters that you send to students.

See Also

Producing Training Letters

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Instructors

To set up profiles for internal and external instructors, use the Instructors (TRN_INSTRUCTR_TBL1) component.

Instructor profiles help you track instructor costs and areas of expertise; and choose the most qualified instructor for a course.

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Set Up Instructors

Page Name

Definition Name



Instructors - Instructor Profile


Enterprise Learning, Define Training Resources, Instructors, Instructor Profile

Add an instructor to the Instructor table.

Instructors - Qualification


Enterprise Learning, Define Training Resources, Instructors, Qualification

Define the courses that an instructor is qualified to teach.

Matching Competencies


Click the Matching Competencies link on the Qualification page.

View the instructor's competencies, along with the course requirements. This page helps you determine the instructor's suitability to teach the course.

Matching Accomplishments


Click the Matching Accomplishments link on the Qualification page.

View the instructor's accomplishments, along with the course requirements. This page helps you determine the instructor's suitability to teach the course.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAdding Instructors

Access the Instructors - Instructor Profile page (Enterprise Learning, Define Training Resources, Instructors, Instructor Profile).

An individual must have a person record in PeopleSoft Enterprise Human Resources in order to be added as an instructor.

See Adding a Person in PeopleSoft Human Resources.

Note. You only need to complete this page if you use training budgets.


The system populates this field as follows:

Internal: Instructor is an employee.

External: Instructor is a nonemployee.

Vendor ID

Select a vendor ID if the instructor works for a vendor that you added through the Vendors component. If the instructor is internal, this field is unavailable.

School Code and School Name

If the instructor works at a school that you added to the School Table page, select a school code. The system displays the school name. To enter a school that isn't in the School table, leave the School Code field blank and enter a name in the School Name field.

If the instructor is internal, these fields are unavailable.

Per Unit Cost

Enter the per unit cost for this instructor. This value is used as the default instructor cost in the course cost setup. If the instructor is internal, the cost for the instructor appears as the default from the Trainees Salary Costs page.

See Identifying Training Compensation by Employee.

Cost Unit

Select a cost unit for the instructor's time.

Area of Expertise

Enter a brief description of the instructor's area of expertise.


Enter any further comments about the instructor's area of expertise. You don't need to specify the courses that the instructor teaches: these are added to the Instructors - Qualification page.

(MEX) Mexico

Instructor RFC

Enter the RFC for the instructor.

(FRA) France

Full-Time Instructor

Select if the instructor works full-time.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Courses that an Instructor Is Qualified to Teach

Access the Instructors - Qualification page (Enterprise Learning, Define Training Resources, Instructors, Qualification).

Note. Complete this page after you define courses.

Courses Qualified to Teach

Course Code

When you move out of this field, the system displays the course title and compares the course requirements with the instructor's competencies and accomplishments that are included in the instructor's profile. The results of this comparison appear in the Competencies Match Analysis and Accomplishments Match Analysis group boxes.

If the instructor is qualified to teach the course, add the course to the instructor's profile.

Competencies Match Analysis

If you haven't set up course competency requirements, the system displays 0 out of 0

Matching Competencies

Click to access the Matching Competencies page and view required competencies alongside the instructor's competencies.

Accomplishments Match Analysis

If you haven't set up course accomplishments, the system displays 0 out of 0.

Matching Accomplishments

Click to access the Matching Accomplishments page and view required accomplishments alongside the instructor's accomplishments.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Instructor Competencies

Access the Matching Competencies page (click the Matching Competencies link on the Qualification page).

Instructor Competencies

This group box lists the competencies in the instructor's profile. The system compares the instructor's profile of type PERSON with the course requirements.

Competencies Match Analysis

This group box lists the competencies that are required to teach the course as defined on the Courses - Required Instr Comps/Accomps (courses - required instructor competencies and accomplishments) page. If the competency is included in the instructor's PERSON profile, the check box is selected.

See Also

Managing Profiles

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Instructor Accomplishments

Access the Matching Accomplishments page (click the Matching Accomplishments link on the Qualification page).

Instructor Accomplishments

This group box lists the accomplishments in the instructor's profile. The system compares the instructor's profile of type PERSON with the course requirements.

Accomplishments Match Analysis

This group box lists the accomplishments that are required to teach the course as defined on the Courses - Required Instr Comps/Accomps (courses required instructor competencies and accomplishments) page. If the accomplishment is included in the instructor's profile, the check box is selected.

See Also

Managing Profiles

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Course Categories

To set up course categories, use the Category/Subcategory (CATEGORY_TABLE) component.

You can classify each course by category and further by subcategory. This organizational structure can help employees find courses and determine training plans.

The following example shows how PeopleTools courses 1 and 2 have been classified as technical courses in the Human Resources category. Likewise, the Supervisory Skills and Performance Reviews courses are classified as administrative courses in the same category. All courses have been added to the catalog.



Course Name

Catalog Status

Human Resources


PeopleTools 1


Human Resources


PeopleTools 2


Human Resources


Supervisory Skills


Human Resources


Performance Reviews


When you create a new category, the system uses the default subcategory code value UNKNOWN. Use the UNKNOWN subcategory to assign courses to a category that you don't want to divide into subcategories. This enables you to limit the catalog structure to a single category level. The Subcategory Code field value is display-only, but you can modify the description fields.

Note. Every category that you define has an UNKNOWN subcategory associated with it.

To make it easier to automatically populate values, the UNKNOWN subcategory is at the same level as the category. For example, on the Catalog Costs component, you can populate the table with any courses that are tagged with a category and subcategory value that you identify. This enables you to specify the costs that are associated with similar courses quickly, without having to enter them into the Catalog Costs component one at a time.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Set Up Course Categories

Page Name

Definition Name





Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Enterprise Learning, Category/Subcategory, Category/Subcategory

Define the course categories that form the training catalog.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Course Categories

Access the Category/Subcategory page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Enterprise Learning, Category/Subcategory, Category/Subcategory).

Description tab

Add a row for each subcategory that you want to add to the category.

Duration/Capacity tab

Enter the category duration time for the allocated course and the associated unit of time.

Enter the minimum and maximum number of students allowed in the course session.

Note. The system uses the Duration Time, Unit, Min Students, and Max Students field values as defaults when you define session costs.

See Also

Organizing the Course Catalog

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Courses

To set up courses, use the Courses (COURSE_TABLE2) component.

This section discusses how to:

To view a list of defined courses, generate the Course Table report.

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Page Name

Definition Name



Courses - Course Profile


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Enterprise Learning, Courses, Course Profile

Define general course information.

Courses - Required Instr Comps/Accomps (courses required instructor competencies / accomplishments)


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Enterprise Learning, Courses, Required Instr Comps/Accomps

Define competencies and accomplishments that instructors need to teach the course. When you add an instructor using the Instructors component, you can compare the instructor's profile with the course requirements before you add the course to the instructor's list.

Prereqs,Goals (prerequisites, goals)


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Enterprise Learning, Courses, Prereqs,Goals

Specify the courses that a student must complete before taking this course, as well as target skills and certifications.

Courses - Equipment


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Enterprise Learning, Courses, Equipment

Define required equipment and materials. Add this information only for in-house courses.

Courses - Catalog


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Enterprise Learning, Courses, Catalog

Specify how courses are classified in the catalog.

Courses - Description


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Enterprise Learning, Courses, Description

Enter information about course content, target audience, and agenda.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining General Course Information

Access the Courses - Course Profile page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Enterprise Learning, Courses, Course Profile).

Title and Short Title

Enter the course title and an abbreviated title.

Course Status

Select from:

Active: The course is currently available, and you can set up a course session.

Inactive: You cannot set up a course session

Proposed: The course is not yet available. You can't set up a course session.

Creation Date

If you're setting up a new course, the system date (usually today's date) appears by default. You can change it.

Revision Date

Enter a revision date when you make changes to an existing course.


Select Internal if the course is held in-house and External if the course is held offsite.

Session Administration

With Session Administration selected, you can create course sessions, set up waiting lists, enroll students in courses, and send out form letters.

You can select Session Administration for internal and external courses.

Note. If you can't find a session when you're administering course sessions in the Administer Training business process, check to see if Session Administration is selected for the course code, or check to see if the course session is active.

Course Type

Use this field to categorize the courses. It doesn't affect the way that you administer the course in Human Resources.

Select from:

Contin Ed: Continuing education.

Comp check: Competency check.


Mgmt Devel: Management development.

Skill Dev: Skill development.

Supv Skill: Supervisory skills.


Multilingual Course

Select if the course is offered in multiple languages. This check box is available if you selected Session Administration.

Primary Delivery Method

Select from:

Audio: For audio training, such as language tapes.

Computer: For computer-based training.

Instructor : For instructor-led courses.

On-the-Job: For on-the-job training.

Video: For video-based training.

Workbook: For self-taught courses with workbooks.

Instructor Comps/Accomps Req (instructor competencies/accomplishments required)

Select to define a set of instructor competencies and accomplishments for the course. This check box is only available if the Primary Delivery Method is Instructor. Selecting this check box makes the Required Instr Comps/Accomps page available.

Min/Max Students (minimum/maximum students)

Enter the minimum and maximum number of students that can enroll in the course.

Duration Time

Enter the duration of the course.

Cost Unit

If you completed the Duration Time field, select the unit in which duration time is measured.

Course Units

Enter the number of course units for external courses.

Course Offering

Indicate how often the course is offered.

School Code/School

This field is not available for internal courses.

For external courses, enter details of the school in the School Code or School field.

If the school doesn't have a code, leave the School Code field blank and enter the school name in the School field.

(FRA) France

The fields in this group box pertain to French regulatory reporting requirements.


Select to have the costs that you enter for this course treated as chargeable, by default, for 2483 reporting. The Compute Student Cost process will consider this option when splitting the training cost by student.

Chargeable Percent

Specify the percentage of this course's time that a student must attend for the course to be considered chargeable. For example, a value of 80% indicates that a student must attend at least 80% of the course for the course to be chargeable.

EDDF Course

Select if this course is eligible for funding under the Engagement De Développment de la Formation (EDDF). Costs related to EDDF courses appear on the 2483 report in Group C – Line 7.

Eligible to DIF

Select to enable students to request the use of DIF entitlement for this course and to enable administrators to record the DIF hours taken.

See Also

(FRA) Producing the French Training Report 2483

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Instructor Competencies and Accomplishments

Access the Courses - Required Instr Comps/Accomps page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Enterprise Learning, Courses, Required Instr Comps/Accomps).

Note. Select the Instructor Comps/Accomps Req check box on the Course Profile page to make the fields on this page available.

Specify the competencies and accomplishments that instructors must have to teach this course. Competencies and accomplishments are defined in the Content Catalog, which is part of the Manage Profiles business process.

See Also

Setting Up the Content Catalog

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSpecifying Course Prerequisites

Access the Prereqs,Goals page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Enterprise Learning, Courses, Prereqs,Goals).

Prerequisite Courses

Before you can select courses as prerequisites, you have to create them using the Course table. Enter the basic courses first and work your way up to the courses that require prerequisites.

Target Competencies


Select a target competency. Competencies are defined in the Content Catalog, which is part of the Manage Profiles business process.


Select the default proficiency level for a competency that the student receives upon completing the course. For example, a beginner's course competency might give a rating of Fair, while an advanced-level course competency could warrant a rating of Expert.

Grant to Empl after Course (grant to employee after course)

Select to have the system add the selected competency to the employee's profile and set the specified proficiency rating upon completing the course. The system adds the competency to the employee's profile with the profile type PERSON. Competencies that are automatically assigned to an employee's profile have the evaluation type Approved/Official.

Target Accomplishments

License/Certification Code

Select a code if students are awarded a license or certification upon completion of the course.

Grant to Empl after Course (grant to employee after course)

Select to have the system update employees' profiles upon course completion. The system adds the accomplishment to the employee's profile with the profile type PERSON.

Target Languages


Select a language.

Speak, Read, Write

Select High, Moderate, or Low in each field to indicate the level of proficiency that you expect students to have achieved upon completion of the course.

Grant to Empl after Course (grant to employee after course)

Select to have the system update employees' profiles upon course completion. The system adds the accomplishment to the employee's profile with the profile type PERSON.

See Also

Managing Profiles

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Course Equipment and Materials

Access the Courses - Equipment page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Enterprise Learning, Courses, Equipment).

Specify the equipment and materials that are needed for the course. Define equipment and materials on the Equipment and Materials page.

See Also

Setting Up Training Equipment, Materials, and Facilities

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSpecifying Course Classification

Access the Courses - Catalog page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Enterprise Learning, Courses, Catalog).

Place courses in a catalog to organize training courses into a structure that helps you administer courses more efficiently.

Not in Catalog

Select if you don't want to include the course in the catalog. If selected the Category Code and Subcategory Code fields are unavailable.

Note. If you've already specified a category or subcategory for a course, and you select this check box, the system clears any category or subcategory information on the page. If you select the check box again later, you have to specify the course category again.


Categories define training subjects, and subcategories allow for a more specific definition of subject matter.

Category Code and Subcategory Code

To add a course to the catalog, select a category code and a subcategory code. Define categories and subcategories on the Category/Subcategory page.

To add the course to a different category, insert a new row.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSpecifying Course Content, Audience, and Agenda

Access the Courses - Description page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Enterprise Learning, Courses, Description).


Select a description type for the type of information to add. Options are Agenda, Contents, Audience, and General.

Enter an effective date and a description for the selected description type.

Note. The effective date on this page applies only to the description, not to the entire course definition.

Click to jump to parent topicOrganizing the Course Catalog

To organize the course catalog, use the Catalog Organization (TRN_CATALOG_MOVE) component.

This section discusses how to examine and adjust the category and subcategory organizational structure of the catalog. You add courses to the catalog through the Courses - Catalog page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Organize the Course Catalog

Page Name

Definition Name



Catalog Organization


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Enterprise Learning, Catalog Organization, Catalog Organization

View courses that are associated with a selected category and subcategory. Reorganize the training catalog by moving courses between categories or subcategories.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing and Reorganizing Courses

Access the Catalog Organization page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Enterprise Learning, Catalog Organization, Catalog Organization).

To view courses in a selected subcategory, select the category code and subcategory code in the left or right column. The system lists the courses in that subcategory.

To move courses from one subcategory to another, select the check box next to the course name. In the other column, find the category and subcategory into which you want to move the selected course. Click the appropriate arrow button to move the selected course into the other column.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Training Programs

To set up programs, use the Program Information (TRN_PROGRAM_TABLE) component.

Training programs group courses into a logical progression. You can associate training programs with job codes in the Job Code Table.

This section discusses how to create training programs.

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Page Name

Definition Name



Program Information


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Enterprise Learning, Program Information, Program Information

Create a training program.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating Training Programs

Access the Program Information page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Enterprise Learning, Program Information, Program Information).

Program Status

Select Active (the default), Inactive, or Proposed.

Short Title

Enter an abbreviated description of the training program.

Creation Date

The default is the system date (usually today's date).

Revision Date

If you update the program later, enter that date.

Business Unit

Select the business unit that you want to associate with this training program.

Owning Dept ID (owning department ID)

Based on the business unit that you selected, select the department that is responsible for maintaining the training program.

Training Program


The system sorts courses by course code. If you want the codes that you select in the Course Code field to appear in a different order, enter sequence numbers in this field to define the order in which students should take courses.

To view the new order, save the changes and close the page. When you open the page again, the courses appear in the new order.

Course Code

Select a code for each course in the training program.


Select if the course is mandatory.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Noncourse Training

Use the Non-Course Training (NON_COURSE_TBL) component to set up noncourse training.

Not all training involves taking a course or attending a class, so you may need to establish training IDs for other forms of training, such as multimedia CD-ROM presentations, videos, or self-paced training guides. This section discusses how to set up noncourse training.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Set Up Noncourse Training

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Definition Name



Non-Course Training


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Enterprise Learning, Non-Course Training, Non-Course Training

Track training that isn't course-based.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Noncourse Training

Access the Non-Course Training page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Enterprise Learning, Non-Course Training, Non-Course Training).

Click to jump to parent topic(MEX) Creating Training and Development Plans

Companies that operate in Mexico must create training and development plans for their employees. You can store the details for the training and development plans on the Program Information page.

Each plan identifies the courses and events that meet the training and development needs of the workforce. Each course or event should have a detailed description of the objective and activities. Training can be internal or external. Depending on the type of training, there are specific legal forms to fill out. The mixed committee for training and development must review and approve the training plan.

See Also

Setting Up Training Programs

Click to jump to parent topicRunning Training Course and Training Program Reports

This section discusses training course and program reports.

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Definition Name



Run Control


Enterprise Learning, Course Reports, Courses, Run Control

The Course Table report (PER703) lists available courses, including course descriptions, type codes, locations, durations, and schools. You can use it to track internal courses and courses offered by outside vendors. This is a Crystal report.

Target Course Certifications


Enterprise Learning, Course Reports, Target Course Certifications

The Target Course Certifications report (TRN016) lists the licenses and certifications that students receive on successful completion of a course. This is a Crystal report.

Course Description


Enterprise Learning, Course Reports, Course Description

The Course Description report (TRN023) lists course descriptions. This is a Crystal report.

Course Category


Enterprise Learning, Course Reports, Course Category

The Course Category report (TRN024) lists training catalog course categories. This is a Crystal report.

Course Equipment


Enterprise Learning, Course Reports, Course Equipment

The Course Equipment report (TRN025) lists the equipment needed for a course. This is a Crystal report.

Course Vendors


Enterprise Learning, Course Reports, Course Vendors

The Course Vendors report (TRN026) lists vendors that are associated with a course on the Course table. This is a Crystal report.

Prerequisite Courses


Enterprise Learning, Course Reports, Prerequisite Courses

The Prerequisites Course report (TRN027) lists prerequisite courses for a course. This is a Crystal report.

Target Qualifications


Enterprise Learning, Course Reports, Target Qualifications

The Target Qualifications report (TRN028) lists the competencies that the course aims to develop or improve. This is a Crystal report.