Enrolling and Wait-Listing Students

This chapter provides an overview of student enrollment options and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Student Enrollment Options

This section lists common elements and discusses enrollment methods.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCommon Elements Used in This Chapter

First, Previous, Next, and Last

Click to display another group of student IDs.

Refresh Search Fields

Click to clear the search criteria that you entered on the Name or ID Search page.

Search on Name or ID

Click to access the Name or ID Search page and filter students by name or ID.


Individual Training Rights (Droit Individuel a la Formation). Select this check box to calculate how many hours the employee gets for training purposes, according to his seniority, contract type and working hours.

Training Out of Working Hours

Specify the number of hours a student spends outside their work schedule.

Training Plan Category

Select a training plan category.

The values are: Skill Development, Adaptation to Job Changement, Job Preservation, Not Specified.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEnrollment Methods

Enrollment options enable you to:

Note. When you use the Enroll by Department Demand, Enroll by Employee Demands, or Group Enroll components, students with a wait-list status also appear in the course waiting list, and students with an enrolled status appear on the Enroll Individually page.

For all enrollment options, you can generate standard letters to notify students when you enroll them in a course or reschedule or cancel a course session.

Click to jump to parent topicGenerating Student Form Letters

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Generate Student Form Letters

Page Name

Definition Name



Create Training Letters


Enterprise Learning, Student Enrollment, Create Training Letters, Create Training Letters

Produce training letters.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicProducing Training Letters

You can automatically generate a variety of student form letters. PeopleSoft Enterprise Human Resources delivers samples of the following types of training letters:

To generate training letters:

  1. Review (and update as needed) the letter codes on the following pages for students to whom you'll send letters:

  2. Run the Training Letters report to generate form letters containing student data.

    You can run the report for all course sessions that are scheduled within a defined period, for course sessions of a specified course within a defined period, or for one course session.

    This report runs three processes:

  3. Print the training letters using Microsoft Word.

    The system creates the form letters in a temporary directory on the application server, putting all letters of the same type in one file.

    Note. So that employees can receive training letter emails, course sessions must be defined with facility and room information.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning the Training Letters Report

Access the Create Training Letters page (Enterprise Learning, Student Enrollment, Create Training Letters, Create Training Letters).

From Date and Thru Date (through date)

Enter the start and end date to generate letters for all course sessions within a period.

Course Code

Enter the course code to generate letters for a specified course. Enter information in either:

  • The From Date and Thru Date fields, to print letters of all sessions in the period.

  • The Course Session Nbr (course session number) field, to print letters for a single session.


Click the Run button to display the Process Scheduler Request page.

  • Select the Email Training Letters process (TRN001-J) (process type PSJob) if you want PeopleSoft Process Scheduler to automatically run the processes sequentially. The process:

    1. Runs the SQR report process to extract data.

    2. Initializes Winword.

    3. Runs the Application Engine that calls the Microsoft Word macro to merge the data.

    4. Runs the Application Engine process that sends email training letters to students with email addresses.

  • Select Training Letters process (TRN001DG) (Process Type PSJob) to create the letters without mailing them. To run the PSJob Training Letters process properly, at the first step of the PSJob (the SQR Report), select File in the Type File field and LP in the Format field. The PSJob generates the letters into the third step (PSMERGE). Then run the Application Engine process for emails.

  • Select the Training Letters Data Extract process (TRN001) (process type SQR Report) to create the data file in order to check the extracted data. Select File in the Type field and LP in the Format field. Then run the Application Engine process for emails. The file is posted on the web server, on the Report Repository.

No matter the output destination that you specify on Process Scheduler, the system always sends the data extract files and the form letter to the Report Repository. Use Word to print the letters. Always run the Email Training Letters and Training Letters PSJobs on with the Process Scheduler set for WinWord processes.

See Also

Using Naming Conventions in Form Letter Files

Click to jump to parent topicEnrolling Students Manually

Enrolling individual students is useful if you create course sessions before students request enrollment.

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Page Name

Definition Name



Enroll Individually


Enterprise Learning, Student Enrollment, Enroll Individually, Enroll Individually

Enroll individual students, add them to a course session waiting list, and adjust to existing subscriptions. Check the results of the automatic enrollment.

To adjust several student subscriptions, use the Course Session Auto Enrollment page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEnrolling Individual Students

Access the Enroll Individually page (Enterprise Learning, Student Enrollment, Enroll Individually, Enroll Individually).

Note. You can access only sessions for which the Session Administration check box is selected on the Course Session Profile page.

To remove students from a session, delete the row from the page.

Prerequisite Checking

Click to check whether a student has met the requirements for a course before confirming final enrollment.

Transfer-Course Session Setup

Click to access the Course Session table.

See Setting Up Courses.



Select the student's status:

Enrolled: Enroll a student in the session.

If you enroll more than the maximum number of students allowed in the session, you get a warning message when you save the page.

Sessn Wait (session waitlist): Add a student to a session waiting list.

You can change a student's status to any value except Crse Wait (course waitlist). To add a student to a course waiting list, use the Create/Update Course Wait List page. To change a student's status to Crse Wait, use the Student Training - Course Student Enrollment page.

(USF) Request: For U.S. federal users only. Use to enter a training request. When you've entered the training request data, PeopleSoft Workflow routes the request and tracks the process from Request to Authorized to Enrolled or Waitlisted.

Status Date

Displays the system date, usually today's date, as the initial value, which you can change.

Waitlist Entry Date (waitlist date)

Enter the waiting list date if the student is on a session waiting list and has an Attendance status of Sessn Wait. The system hides this field when the student is enrolled in a training course.

Training Reason

Select a reason for the training.

Letter Code

Enter a letter code to generate a form letter. Values are:

CON: Use if the student's status is Enrolled.

WTS: Use if the student's status is Session Waitlist.

Date Letter Printed

Displays the date once you generate the letter.

Prerequisites Met

If you identified prerequisites on the Course Table - Prereqs, Goals page, the system selects this check box if the student has met all of the prerequisites. Otherwise, you can select the box manually.


Appears when the student's status is Completed.


Business Unit and Department

The system populates these fields from the employee's job data record. If you've enrolled a nonemployee in a course session, the nonemployee's business unit information comes from the information that you entered in the Add Non-Employee component.

(USF) Training Request Data

U.S. federal users can request a training session and track student training processes, such as accessing student data, maintaining student training data, viewing training summary information, tracking student tuition reimbursement, and reviewing training-related employee data.

Training Request Required

Select this check box to process training request information for an employee. The system displays the Trn Request button and the Print SF182 icon.

Training Request Data

(USF) Click to access the Employee Training Request Data page and enter additional information.

Print SF182

(USF) Click this icon to print the training request form (SF-182). The form is printed after you have completed and saved the request information.

Demand from Budget Training

In this group box, you link enrollments with a training demand that you defined in the Budget Training business process. With this link, the system can compute the ratio between the projected costs in the Budget Training business process and the actual costs that you track in the Human Resources Administer Training business process.


Select this check box and prompt for a demand ID to look for people who have entered a demand for the current course. The system uses the employee's department information to retrieve matching demands.

If selected, the system displays all Budget Training demands with the following restrictions:

  • The course session start and end dates must be in the budget period of the demand.

  • For individual demands, the employee must be the same as the employee ID that you entered on this page.

  • For general demands, the employee ID on the Enroll Individually page must be on both the Demand Department list and the Demand Job list.

  • The course of the demand must be the same as the enrolling course.


Select to look for demands that are associated with the current course or with the demand category or subcategory that includes that course. The system uses the catalog hierarchy to retrieve a demand for the current course.

If you select this check box and prompt for a demand ID, the system displays all Budget Training demands with the following restrictions:

  • The course session start and end dates must be in the budget period of the demand.

  • When the demand course value is UNKNOWN, the demand subcategory must include the current course.

  • When the demand course value is not UNKNOWN, the demand course must be the same as the current course.

  • When the course and the subcategory values for the demand are UNKNOWN, the demand category must include the current course.

Population and Catalog

If you select both check boxes, the system displays all Budget Training demands, with the following restrictions:

  • The course session start and end dates must be in the demand budget period.

  • For individual demands, the employee ID of the demand must be the same as the student ID for the enrollment.

  • For general demands, the student ID of the enrollment must be on both the Demand Department list and the Demand Job list.

  • When the demand course value is UNKNOWN, the demand subcategory must include the current course.

  • When the demand course value is not UNKNOWN, the demand course must be the same as the current course.

Demand ID

Displays the budget training demands that match the criteria (when you select the search criteria).

(FRA) France

For French companies, enter the additional enrollment information that is required for French Training report (2483).

Professionalization Period

Select if course enrollment occurs as part of a professionalization contract.

Training Leave

Select if the employee is taking the training course during his or her leave.

Part Time Course

Select if you're enrolling the employee in a sandwich course, where the employee gains work experience while studying.


Select to activate the DIF fields on the Training Hours Details secondary page.

When this check box is selected, the system sets the Session Cut DIF Duration on the secondary page to the Session Cut Duration for all session cuts that have a status of Awaiting Review. When the check box is deselected, the DIF related rows are hidden on the secondary page and all DIF values are set to zero.

Out of Working Schedule

Select to track enrollments out of the working schedule that trigger training allocation payments from the payroll system.

There are two allocations for training out of the working schedule: one is for DIF training, and the other is for skills development training.

When this check box is selected, the Duration out of Working Schedule field on the Training Hours Details page is set to the Session Cut Duration for all session cuts that have a status of Awaiting Review.

Note. . If you select Out of Working Schedule but do not select DIF, you must set the Training Plan Category to Skills Development to enable allocations from the payroll system.

Note. The system automatically prevents you from changing the DIF and Out of Working Schedule options when all session cuts in a training session have a status other than Awaiting Review.

See Also

Producing Training Letters

Click to jump to parent topicEnrolling Students by Department Demand

This section discusses how to:

See Also

Defining Employee Training Demands and Demand by Course

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Enroll Students by Department Demand

Page Name

Definition Name



Department Demand


Enterprise Learning, Student Enrollment, Enroll by Department Demands, Department Demand

Enroll students (employees who qualify for training according to a set criteria) in a course session. Add students (who are included in a department demand) to a waiting list.

Department Demand - Demands Search Criteria


Click the Demands Filter link on the Department Demand page.

Limit the selection to a specific course or courses within a particular category or subcategory. List employees who have subscribed to a training course and who belong to the specified business unit and department for sessions that occur within the budget period.

Department Demand - Employee / Course Details


Click the Details link on the Department Demand page.

View information about the course session that you selected on the Department Demand page.

Department Demand - Subscriptions


Enterprise Learning, Student Enrollment, Enroll by Department Demands, Subscriptions

View subscribed employee information for students who successfully subscribed to the courses and sessions that you selected on the Department Demand page. Check their status and the course enrollment dates.

Subscriptions - Employee/Course Details


Click the Details link on the Enroll by Department Demands - Subscription page.

View information about the selected course session.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEnrolling Students by Department

Access the Department Demand page (Enterprise Learning, Student Enrollment, Enroll by Department Demands, Department Demand).

Budget Period

Enter the budget period for the department demand to enroll in a course session.

Demand ID

Enter the demand ID to include in the enrollment process. The training demand includes information about the course in which students should be enrolled, course category classifications, budget period dates, and employee qualification criteria.


Enter the department code for the students to enroll in a session. You can select only from the departments that are included in the demand ID that you specified. When you move out of the Department field, the system makes the Display Demands button available.

Demands Filter

To limit the search further, click this link to access the Demands Search Criteria page and specify a category or subcategory from the training catalog. You can also specify a course and approved demands only.

To limit demands using selection criteria after you click the Display Demands button, cancel the page and start again.

Display Demands

Click to populate the Matching Employees group box with employees who meet the selection criteria (such as department and job codes) that are defined in the demand ID.

Matching Employees


Click to access the Department Demand - Employee / Course Details page and view the employee's name and the details of the course session that you selected.

Subscribe Demand

In this group box, you enroll employees or add them to the course or session waiting list.


Select from one of the following valid statuses:

Crse Wait (course wait-listed), Enrolled, and Sessn Wait (session wait-listed).

If you've already found matching employees and have reset the Attendance field, the system clears any session information that you entered.

Prerequisite Checking

Select to verify whether students have met the prerequisites for a course specified in the Course table. Students who haven't met the prerequisites won't be enrolled in the course when the system processes the request.


Click this button once you have selected the employees to enroll or add to the waiting list. Depending on the attendance value that you selected, the system enrolls or wait-lists students for whom you selected the Do check box.

(FRA) France

Override Training Category

To override the training category that is associated with the training demand, select the category here.

Keep Category From Demand

Select this option to retain the training category that is associated with the training demand.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Subscribed Employees

Access the Enroll by Department Demands - Subscriptions page (Enterprise Learning, Student Enrollment, Enroll by Department Demands, Subscriptions).

The system lists employees who were enrolled or wait-listed in the courses and course sessions that you selected on the Department Demand page.

Click the Details link to access the Employee / Course Details page and view the employee's name and the details of the course session.

Click to jump to parent topicEnrolling by Employee Demand

Use the Enroll by Employee Demand component to enroll employees for training with the employee demand profile. This component is nearly identical to the Enroll by Department Demand component.

This section lists pages used to enroll by employee demand.

See Also

Methods of Determining Training Demand

Enrolling Students by Department Demand

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Enroll by Employee Demand

Page Name

Definition Name



Employee Demands


Enterprise Learning, Student Enrollment, Enroll by Employee Demands, Employee Demands

Select approved employee demands to enroll in the requested courses. You set up courses on the Employee Demand Profile page or the Employee Demand Course page.

Employee Demands - Demands Search Criteria


Click the Demands Filter link on the Employee Demands page.

Limit the selection to a course or courses in a particular category or subcategory.

Employee Demands - Employee/Course Details


Click the Details link on the Employee Demands page.

View information about the selected course session.

Employee Demands - Subscriptions


Enterprise Learning, Student Enrollment, Enroll by Employee Demands, Subscriptions

View employees who successfully subscribed to the courses and sessions that you indicated on the Employee Demands page. Check status and course enrollment dates.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSpecifying Employee Demand

Access the Employee Demands page (Enterprise Learning, Student Enrollment, Enroll by Employee Demands, Employee Demands).

(FRA) France

Override Training Category

Select this option to override an existing training category and assign a new one during enrollment.

Keep Category From Demand

Select this option to retain the training category selected. Deselect Keep Category from Demand to activate Override Training Category.

Click to jump to parent topicEnrolling Students by Group

This section discusses how to:

See Also

Setting Up and Working with Group Definitions

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Enroll Students by Group

Page Name

Definition Name



Enroll Group


Enterprise Learning, Student Enrollment, Enroll by Group, Enroll Group

Enroll or wait-list group members to a course.



Click Group Comments on the Enroll by Group or Group Enrollment - Subscriptions page.

View a description of selected group and the criteria used to build the group.

Enroll Group - Name or ID Search


Click the Search by Name or ID link on the Enroll Group page.

Select members of the group to enroll or add to waiting lists.

Enroll Group - Employee/Course Details


Click the Details link on the Enroll Group page.

View details of the course session for which the selected employee is enrolled or wait-listed.

Enroll by Group - Subscriptions


Enterprise Learning, Student Enrollment, Enroll by Group, Subscriptions

View the students who were subscribed to the courses and sessions indicated on the Enroll Group - Employee/Course Details page.

Subscriptions - Name or ID Search


Click the Search on Name or ID link on the Group Enrollment - Subscriptions page.

Select the members of the group whose details you want to view.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEnrolling or Wait-Listing Group Members

Access the Enroll Group page (Enterprise Learning, Student Enrollment, Enroll by Group, Enroll Group).

Group Comments

Click to access the Comments page and view a description of the group and the group definition.

Course Code and Course Name

Displays the course code and name. If the course is multilingual, a message instructs you to select a course session.

Session Number

Enter a session in a language that is appropriate for the group. This field is required for multilingual courses that don't have course waiting lists.


If you completed the Session # field, the system completes this field using values from the Course Session Table - Location, Instructor page. If you didn't specify a facility when you created the session, the field is blank. This field is unavailable for entry.


Displays the language. If you completed the Session # field, and the course is multilingual, the system completes this field from the Course Session table. This field is unavailable for entry.

Prerequisite Checking

Select to verify whether students meet the course prerequisites. Students are added to waiting lists even if they don't meet the prerequisites, and you can decide if they should attend the course.

Subscribe All

Select to select the Do check box for students who are listed in the Matching Employees scroll area.

The system loads students into this page in batches. You determine the number of rows in a batch in the Max Number of Rows in Scrolls (maximum number of rows in scrolls) field on the Installation Table - Third Party/System page. You manage the display of batches using filters and navigation buttons. Filters enable you to enter search criteria for identifying a group of students.

Click the Search by Name or ID link to access the filter fields. After entering information in the filter fields, click the Load Students button to populate the page with the IDs of students who meet the search criteria.

Load Students

Hides after the system populates the Matching Employees scroll area and appears again when you select new search criteria or click the Refresh Search Fields button.

Student Worksheet

When you click the Load Students button, the system populates the Student Worksheetgrid area with students who match the search criteria that you entered.

The system reviews each student's training records to find out whether the student has attended the course.

Select the check box next to the student ID to update the selected student's training data with the current data. For example, if you set the Attendance field value to Enrolled and complete the session details, the system enrolls the student only if this check box is selected. The system ignores the rows of data where this check box is deselected.

Student ID

Displays the employee or nonemployee ID. To display the student's full name, click the Details link.

Course Code

Displays the course code that you selected. To select a different course for the group, update the Course field at the top of the page and rerun the search.

Session Number

Displays the session number in this field if a student's attendance field value is Enrolled or Sessn Wait. You can change the course session without affecting other students in the list.

For students with an Attendance field value of Crse Wait, this field appears blank. To add the student to a course session, select the session from the list. When you move out of the field, the system clears the Attendance field; you must set it to Sessn Wait or Enrolled.

If the student has completed the course, the system displays the session number and makes the field unavailable.

Start Date and End Date

If the student's attendance field value is set to Enrolled, Sessn Wait, or Completed, the system populates these fields from the Course Session table and makes them unavailable.

(check box column after End Date column)

Appears selected if a student has already been enrolled in a course session or added to a waiting list through the Group Enrollment component. The check box is for information only; you can still change the subscription information on the page. For example, if a student has been previously added to a course waiting list, you can add the student to a session waiting list from this page by updating the Attendance and Session Number fields.

If you subscribed the student using a different option (for example, if you used Enroll Individually to enroll the student manually), the system doesn't select this check box. You can't modify the Attendance or the Session Number fields for that student.


Displays the Attendance field value from the student's training records if a student is wait-listed for the course, enrolled in a course session, or has completed the course. If the course isn't included in a student's training records, the system sets this field's value. Values are:

Crse Wait: The student is on the course waiting list. The system uses this value if the student hasn't been enrolled or wait-listed for the course and the Session Number field is blank. To enroll or add the student to a session waiting list, select Enrolled or Sessn Wait and optionally complete the Session Number field.

Enrolled: The student is enrolled in the selected course session. When you first click the Load Students button, the Enrolled field value appears only if the student was previously enrolled in the course session (the system doesn't enroll students on this page).

Sessn Wait: The student is on the course session waiting list. The system uses this value if a student hasn't been enrolled or wait-listed for the course, and you specify a session number. To enroll the student in the session, select Enrolled. If you have reached the maximum number of students for the course session, you receive a warning message.

Completed: The student has completed the course. Once a student has completed a course, you can't enroll that person in the course again, and all fields in that row are unavailable. You can't select Completed on this page. You need to update the course session status on the Course Table - Course Profile page.


Click to access the Employee/Course Details page and view the student's full name and the course session details.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Subscribed Employees

Access the Enroll by Group - Subscriptions page (Enterprise Learning, Student Enrollment, Enroll by Group, Subscriptions).

The system loads students into this page in batches, similar to the Enroll Group page. The Load Students button is hidden after you click it to load the data.

Group Comments

Click to access the Comments page and view a description of the group and the group definition.

Training Scheduled

When you click the Load Students button, the system populates the Students scroll area with students who match the search criteria that you entered.

Prerequisites Met

If you selected the Prerequisite Checking check box on the Enroll Group page, the system verifies whether students have met the course prerequisites. When you access the Subscriptions page, the system selects this check box if the student has met the course prerequisites and deselects it if the student has not.

Set up course prerequisites on the Course Table - Prereqs, Goals page (course table - prerequisites, goals page).

Click to jump to parent topicManaging Waiting Lists

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Manage Waiting Lists

Page Name

Definition Name



Create/Update Course Wait List


Enterprise Learning, Student Enrollment, Create/Update Course Wait List, Create/Update Course Wait List

Add students to waiting lists and assign the enrollment status.

Course Waitlist Details


Click the student's name on the Create/Update Course Wait List page.

View details of the course or course session for which the selected student is wait-listed.

Course Session Auto Enrollment


Enterprise Learning, Student Enrollment, Course Session Auto Enrollment, Course Session Auto Enrollment

Enroll students in a course session automatically.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAdding Students to Waiting Lists

Access the Create/Update Course Wait List page (Enterprise Learning, Student Enrollment, Create/Update Course Wait List, Create/Update Course Wait List).

You can add employees and nonemployees to a waiting list. Insert additional rows to add students.


Displays the name when you select the employee ID. Click the student's name to access the Course Waitlist Details page and view more information about the selected course session.


Values are:

Crse Wait: Enroll the student in any session of the course that becomes available. You haven't set up any open sessions for the student to request.

Sessn Wait: Wait-list the student for a particular course session. To select this status, you must have created the session in the Course Session table and given it a status of Active. Students with a Sessn Wait status have priority over students with a Crse Wait status.

Note. For multilingual courses, you must use Sessn Wait and select a session in the student's language.

Letter Code

Displays a default letter code according to the student's waiting list status. For wait-listed students, the letter code is WTC; for session wait-listed students, it is WTS. If you've created waiting list form letters, you can generate the letters once you save the information that you've entered on this page. Create letter codes on the Standard Letter Table page.

Waitlist Dt (wait list date)

Displays the wait list date. You can override this value if the student has requested the course on a different date. The system uses this date to enroll students, from the oldest date to the most recent.

The system sorts students by session number in ascending order. Within each session, it sorts students by status (session wait list first and course wait list second), wait-list date, and ID. Nonemployees appear after employees, using the same sort sequence. The system also uses this sequence for automatic enrollment.

Session Nbr

Enter a session number if you selected an attendance value of Sessn Wait. When you leave this field, the system completes the Start Date, Facility, and Language (if it's a multilingual course) fields.

Status Date

Displays the system date, usually the current date.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEnrolling Students Automatically

Access the Course Session Auto Enrollment page (Enterprise Learning, Student Enrollment, Course Session Auto Enrollment, Course Session Auto Enrollment).

Before you can enroll students in course sessions, you must have already created the session in the Course Session table, given it a status of Active, and entered a maximum number of students per session.

If you've set up lists for students who are waiting for courses or sessions, you can streamline the enrollment process by using automatic system enrollment.

When a student is automatically enrolled and you've given the student a status of Sessn Wait for several sessions of a course and one status of Crse Wait, the system deletes all the other data rows on the waiting list for this student for this course.

Note. If you're managing training budgets, the Course Auto Enroll process links costs to the appropriate department and demand in the Budget Training business process. This isn't necessarily the department in which the employee works, as specified on the job record, but it is the department to be billed for the employee's training costs.


Session Nbr

To start automatic enrollment, enter a session number.

When you move out of the field, the system issues one of two messages:

  • If the session is full, then the message says that the session is overenrolled. Click OK and select another session number, or click Cancel.

  • If the session isn't full, the message indicates how many slots are available in the session. Click OK. The system enrolls students up to the maximum number allowed for the session, as shown in the Max Students (maximum number of students) field.

The system first enrolls students with an acceptance field value of Sessn Wait(session wait) where the Sessn (session) field value matches the selected session number.


When you first access this page, the Attendance group box displays all employees and nonemployees who are on the session waiting lists or the course waiting list. Students are sorted using the same sequence as on the Create/Update Course Wait List page.

Once you select a session number, the system updates student details. All students who are enrolled in the course session have a status of Enrolled. The system also displays a letter code value of CON, so that you can generate form letters informing students of their enrollment.

Once you've saved the Course Session Auto Enrollment page, you can move to the Enroll Individually page to make any adjustments to the enrollees in this session.

See Also

Producing Training Letters

Click to jump to parent topicMoving Students Between Course Sessions

Use the Express Rescheduling component to review and update information about students who are enrolled in active course sessions or are on waiting lists. You can move students from one session to another, change their enrollment status, and designate a form letter to send. Although you can change student status, you can't add or remove students from a course.

This section lists pages used to move students between course sessions.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Move Students Between Course Sessions

Page Name

Definition Name



Reschedule Between Sessions


Enterprise Learning, Student Enrollment, Reschedule Between Sessions, Reschedule Between Sessions, Reschedule Between Sessions

Move students between course sessions.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicMoving Students Between Sessions

Access the Reschedule Between Sessions page (Enterprise Learning, Student Enrollment, Reschedule Between Sessions, Reschedule Between Sessions).

Session Nbr

Displays session numbers for enrolled or wait-listed students. To enroll a student in a session, select the session number.


Values are:

Enrolled: Enroll a student in the session that you selected in the Session # field.

Crse Wait

Sessn Wait

Status Date

When you select a different status for a student, the system updates this field.

Letter Code

Changes according to the status. The next time that you generate training letters, the system creates a letter of the type that is defined by the letter code.

Note. If the number of enrolled students in a session exceeds the maximum number allowed, you receive a warning message.

See Also

Producing Training Letters

Click to jump to parent topicRunning Enrollment and Waiting List Reports

This section lists pages used to run enrollment and waiting list reports.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Run Enrollment and Waiting List Reports

Page Name

Definition Name



Runctl SF182


Enterprise Learning, Training Reports, SF182, Runctl SF182

(USF) Provides a standardized mechanism for generating SF182 reports to request, authorize, and detail estimates costs and billing, as well as certify training programs for employees. This is an SQR report.

Course Waiting List


Enterprise Learning, Course Reports, Course Waiting List

Lists students on all waiting lists for a course. This is a Crystal report.