Reviewing, Adjusting, and Deleting Employee Balances

This chapter provides an overview of employee balance adjustments and discusses how to:

See Also

Converting Employee Balances

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Employee Balance Adjustments

This section lists common elements and discusses:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCommon Elements Used in this Chapter

Adjustment Reason

Text that you enter here becomes part of the adjustment record and your audit trail.

Balance ID

Identify the type of balance being adjusted, such as calendar year, fiscal year, and so forth.


Identify the period within the balance ID that is to be adjusted. For example, if the calendar year and the fiscal year span different time periods, September would be period nine for the calendar year and could be period one for the fiscal year.


The system displays the quarter that corresponds to the balance ID and period that you entered.

Suspend Adjustment

Select to return to the first page in the component to reenter one or more of the keys.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicBalance Adjustments

Sometimes it is necessary to adjust employee balances, for example if an employee were taxed in the wrong state or province. To correct the error, you use the Balance Adjustment component to adjust the employee's balance records.

The balance records in the system are cumulative totals of the various deductions, earnings, and taxes for individual employees' paychecks. If an employee works for more than one company, the system maintains separate balance records for each. The system creates a new balance record for each month, updates all balances when you run the Pay Confirmation COBOL SQL process (PSPCNFRM), and maintains monthly, quarterly, and YTD totals.

See Also

Handling Employees with Multiple Jobs in the Same Organization

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicBalance Adjustment Component

Use the Balance Adjustment component to adjust employee balances. Pages are provided for both U.S. and Canadian payroll adjustments.

For each type of balance to be adjusted, there are two pages:

Note. (CAN) When there is a separate Canadian version of a page, the fields on that page have the same functionality as those on the U.S. version. However, in addition to company and balance ID, you can view information according to wage loss plan and province.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAdjustment Processing

Suppose it's November, and you need to adjust an employee's deduction balance for the previous March. When you make the adjustment, the system updates the March balance and then rolls the adjusted amount forward, updating all monthly, quarterly, and YTD balance records through November.

If you want to adjust a balance for a particular quarter, you can make the adjustment to any monthly balance in that quarter, and the system rolls the adjusted amount forward to the balance record for that quarter.

For each adjustment, the system creates an audit record that identifies the balance that was updated, the before and after values, and the amount of the adjustment, providing a complete snapshot of the adjustment, including the date and time it was made. You can view the audit trail for this adjustment online, using the balance inquiry pages located under Payroll for North America, Periodic Payroll Events, Balance Reviews.

For multiple adjustments to a balance record, the system stores the adjustments by sequence number. For example, if you adjust a January deduction balance in July and then adjust the April balance of the same deduction in September, the sequence information provided by the system enables you to retrace your steps to get a precise accounting of how the system arrived at the current balance.

Warning! You cannot cross years when adjusting employee balances. To adjust a balance from a previous year, do a check reversal and then make the adjustment in the current year. Also, when you make an adjustment to a previous year's balance, be sure to consider the year-end requirements, for example, whether you need to issue a revised year-end slip.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicNew Balance Records

You can create new balance records using the balance adjustment pages. For example, an employee has moved from Ohio to Indiana, and wages that were earned in the last pay period should have been in the Indiana tax balance. Using the Adjust Tax Balance pages, you can make an adjustment to reduce the Ohio wages and create a new Indiana tax balance, even though the employee doesn't have a state tax record for Indiana.

Note. Garnishment and Canadian Record of Employment (ROE) balance records cannot be created through the balance adjustment pages. For garnishments, you must first establish a Garnishment Specification Data record for the employee. For Canadian ROE, the balance adjustment process allows only for the reallocation of ROE earnings and hours information from one existing Employment Insurance period to another.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRelated Balances

Some employee balance records are related to others. For example, an employee's garnishment balance is a subset of the employee's overall deduction balance. However, the system treats each category of balance records independently. When you make an adjustment to an employee's garnishment balances, the system does not automatically make a corresponding adjustment to the employee's deduction balances.

Similarly, if you adjust earnings, deduction, or tax balances, which are components of the employee's check YTD balance, the system does not automatically adjust the corresponding check YTD balance.

To keep the related balances synchronized, you must do so manually. For example, if you update the taxes on the Adjust Tax Balance page, make a corresponding manual adjustment on the Adjust Check YTD Balance page (and vice versa).

See Also

Reviewing and Adjusting Other Balances

Confirming Pay

Administering Garnishments

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicHow to View Employee Balances

Use the balance inquiry pages to view employee balances for deductions, garnishments, earnings, taxes, arrears, special accumulators, and YTD paycheck totals. You can also use these pages to view the adjustments that are made to employee balances.

Note. The system automatically updates information on the balance adjustment inquiry pages each time you confirm a payroll or make an online adjustment.

Although you can click the page tabs to move from a balance inquiry page to its associated balance adjustment page, there is no correlation between the scroll areas on those two pages. The scroll area on the balance inquiry page moves among monthly balances. The scroll bar on the balance adjustment page moves independently among adjustments.

For example, if you're viewing a particular monthly deduction balance on the Deduction Balances page, the Deduction Balance Adjustments tab takes you to the employee's deduction balance adjustments, but not necessarily the adjustments of that particular monthly deduction balance.

Click to jump to parent topicReviewing and Adjusting Arrears Balances

This section provides an overview of arrears balances and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Arrears Balances

Typically, the system creates an arrears balance when an employee's net pay in a pay period is insufficient to cover a deduction (provided, that is, that you defined a deduction code in the Deduction table to allow arrears). You can also create a deduction arrears balance as a payback balance for recapture in the next pay period, such as for a draw.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Review and Adjust Arrears Balances

Page Name

Definition Name



Arrears Balances


  • Payroll for North America, Periodic Payroll Events USA, Balance Reviews, Arrears, Arrears Balances

  • Payroll for North America, Periodic Payroll Events CAN, Balance Reviews, Arrears, Arrears Balances

  • Payroll for North America, Periodic Payroll Events USF, Balance Reviews, Arrears, Arrears Balances

Review an employee's arrears balances.

Arrears Balance Adjustments


  • Payroll for North America, Periodic Payroll Events USA, Balance Reviews, Arrears, Arrears Balance Adjustments

  • Payroll for North America, Periodic Payroll Events CAN, Balance Reviews, Arrears, Arrears Balance Adjustments

  • Payroll for North America, Periodic Payroll Events USF, Balance Reviews, Arrears, Arrears Balance Adjustments

Review the arrears balance from before and after the adjustment.

Adjust Arrears Balance1


  • Payroll for North America, Periodic Payroll Events USA, Balance Adjustments, Arrears, Adjust Arrears Balance1

  • Payroll for North America, Periodic Payroll Events CAN, Balance Adjustments, Arrears, Adjust Arrears Balance1

  • Payroll for North America, Periodic Payroll Events USF, Balance Adjustments, Arrears, Adjust Arrears Balance1

Identify the deduction arrears for which you're adjusting balances.

Adjust Arrears Balance2


  • Payroll for North America, Periodic Payroll Events USA, Balance Adjustments, Arrears, Adjust Arrears Balance2

  • Payroll for North America, Periodic Payroll Events CAN, Balance Adjustments, Arrears, Adjust Arrears Balance2

  • Payroll for North America, Periodic Payroll Events USF, Balance Adjustments, Arrears, Adjust Arrears Balance2

Change the employee's arrears balances.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicIdentifying Arrears Balances

Access the Adjust Arrears Balance1 page (Payroll for North America, Periodic Payroll Events USA, Balance Adjustments, Arrears, Adjust Arrears Balance1; or Payroll for North America, Periodic Payroll Events CAN, Balance Adjustments, Arrears, Adjust Arrears Balance1 or Payroll for North America, Periodic Payroll Events USF, Balance Adjustments, Arrears, Adjust Arrears Balance1).

Identify the arrears balance that you want to adjust and enter an adjustment reason.

Note. Save this page to move to the next page. Selecting the Adjust Arrears Balance2 tab also takes you to the next page, but the fields are display only.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicChanging Arrears Balances

Access the Adjust Arrears Balance2 page (Payroll for North America, Periodic Payroll Events USA, Balance Adjustments, Arrears, Adjust Arrears Balance2; or Payroll for North America, Periodic Payroll Events CAN, Balance Adjustments, Arrears, Adjust Arrears Balance2; or Payroll for North America, Periodic Payroll Events USF, Balance Adjustments, Arrears, Adjust Arrears Balance2).


Enter the adjustment amount in this field. The system adds the amount that you enter to the balance.

Click to jump to parent topicReviewing and Adjusting YTD Check Balances

This section discusses how to change YTD check balances.

The system stores paycheck balances YTD. They include certain earnings, taxes, deductions, and net pay information.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Review and Adjust YTD Check Balances

Page Name

Definition Name



Check Balances Year-to-Date


  • Payroll for North America, Periodic Payroll Events USA, Balance Reviews, Check Year-to-Date, Check Balances Year-to-Date

  • Payroll for North America, Periodic Payroll Events USF, Balance Reviews, Check Year-to-Date, Check Balances Year-to-Date

Review an employee's YTD paycheck balances.

Cheque Balances Year-to-Date


Payroll for North America, Periodic Payroll Events CAN, Balance Reviews, Cheque Year-to-Date, Cheque Balances Year-to-Date

Review an employee's paycheque balances.

Check Balance Adjustments


  • Payroll for North America, Periodic Payroll Events USA, Balance Reviews, Check Year-to-Date, Check Balance Adjustments

  • Payroll for North America, Periodic Payroll Events USF, Balance Reviews, Check Year-to-Date, Check Balance Adjustments

Review online YTD adjustments to an employee's check balances.

Cheque Balance Adjustments


Payroll for North America, Periodic Payroll Events CAN, Balance Reviews, Cheque Year-to-Date, Cheque Balance Adjustments

Review online YTD adjustments to an employee's cheque balances.

Adjust Check YTD Balance 1


  • Payroll for North America, Periodic Payroll Events USA, Balance Adjustments, Check Year-to-Date, Adjust Check YTD Balance 1

  • Payroll for North America, Periodic Payroll Events USF, Balance Adjustments, Check Year-to-Date, Adjust Check YTD Balance 1

Identify the company, balance ID, year, and period for which you're adjusting an employee's YTD check balances.

Adjust Cheque YTD Balance 1


Payroll for North America, Periodic Payroll Events CAN, Balance Adjustments, Cheque Year-to-Date, Adjust Cheque YTD Balance 1

Identify the YTD cheque balances that you want to adjust.

Adjust Check YTD Balance 2


  • Payroll for North America, Periodic Payroll Events USA, Balance Adjustments, Check Year-to-Date, Adjust Check YTD Balance 2

  • Payroll for North America, Periodic Payroll Events USF, Balance Adjustments, Check Year-to-Date, Adjust Check YTD Balance 2

Change the employee's YTD check balances.

Adjust Cheque YTD Balance 2


Payroll for North America, Periodic Payroll Events CAN, Balance Adjustments, Cheque Year-to-Date, Adjust Cheque YTD Balance 2

Change the YTD cheque balances.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicChanging YTD Check Balances

Access the Adjust Check YTD Balance 2 page (Payroll for North America, Periodic Payroll Events USA, Balance Adjustments, Check Year-to-Date, Adjust Check YTD Balance 2; or Payroll for North America, Periodic Payroll Events CAN, Balance Adjustments, Cheque Year-to-Date, Adjust Cheque YTD Balance 2; or Payroll for North America, Periodic Payroll Events USF, Balance Adjustments, Check Year-to-Date, Adjust Check YTD Balance 2).

Adjustment to YTD (adjustment to year-to-date)

If you enter a value here, the system calculates the new current YTD.

Current Year-to-Date (current year-to-date)

If you enter a new current YTD balance, the system calculates the adjustment to YTD.

Note. To access this page you must first enter identifying criteria on the Adjust Check YTD Balance 1 page and save it.

Click to jump to parent topicReviewing and Adjusting Deduction Balances

This section discusses how to change deduction balances.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Review and Adjust Deduction Balances

Page Name

Definition Name



Deduction Balances


  • Payroll for North America, Periodic Payroll Events USA, Balance Reviews, Deductions, Deduction Balances

  • Payroll for North America, Periodic Payroll Events USF, Balance Reviews, Deductions, Deduction Balances

Review an employee's deduction balances.

Deduction Balances


Payroll for North America, Periodic Payroll Events CAN, Balance Reviews, Deductions, Deduction Balances

Review an employee's deduction balances.

Deduction Balance Adjustments


  • Payroll for North America, Periodic Payroll Events USA, Balance Reviews, Deductions, Deduction Balance Adjustments

  • Payroll for North America, Periodic Payroll Events USF, Balance Reviews, Deductions, Deduction Balance Adjustments

Review online adjustments to an employee's deduction balances.

Deduction Balance Adjustments


Payroll for North America, Periodic Payroll Events CAN, Balance Reviews, Deductions, Deduction Balance Adjustments

Review online adjustments to an employee's deduction balances.

Adjust Deduction Balance 1


  • Payroll for North America, Periodic Payroll Events USA, Balance Adjustments, Deductions, Adjust Deduction Balance 1

  • Payroll for North America, Periodic Payroll Events USF, Balance Adjustments, Deductions, Adjust Deduction Balance 1

Identify the deduction for which you're adjusting balances.

Adjust Deduction Balance 1


Payroll for North America, Periodic Payroll Events CAN, Balance Adjustments, Deductions, Adjust Deduction Balance 1

Identify which deduction balances you want to adjust.

Adjust Deduction Balance 2


  • Payroll for North America, Periodic Payroll Events USA, Balance Adjustments, Deductions, Adjust Deduction Balance 2

  • Payroll for North America, Periodic Payroll Events USF, Balance Adjustments, Deductions, Adjust Deduction Balance 2

Change deduction balances.

Adjust Deduction Balance 2


Payroll for North America, Periodic Payroll Events CAN, Balance Adjustments, Deductions, Adjust Deduction Balance 2

Change deduction balances.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicChanging Deduction Balances

Access the Adjust Deduction Balance 2 page (Payroll for North America, Periodic Payroll Events USA, Balance Adjustments, Deductions, Adjust Deduction Balance 2; or Payroll for North America, Periodic Payroll Events CAN, Balance Adjustments, Deductions, Adjust Deduction Balance 2; or Payroll for North America, Periodic Payroll Events USF, Balance Adjustments, Deductions, Adjust Deduction Balance 2).

Adjustment to Month-to-Date

If you enter an adjustment, the system calculates the new current month-to-date.

Current Month-to-Date

If you enter a new current month-to-date balance, the system calculates the adjustment to month-to-date.

Note. To access this page you must first enter identifying criteria on the Adjust Deduction Balance 1 page and save it.

Click to jump to parent topicReviewing and Adjusting Earnings Balances

This section discusses how to change earnings balances.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Review and Adjust Earnings Balances

Page Name

Definition Name



Earnings Balances


  • Payroll for North America, Periodic Payroll Events USA, Balance Reviews, Earnings, Earnings Balances

  • Payroll for North America, Periodic Payroll Events USF, Balance Reviews, Earnings, Earnings Balances

Review an employee's earnings balances and the associated hours balances for hourly and exception hourly employees. For salaried employees, it displays hour balances for earnings that accumulate hours, such as vacation.

Earnings Balances


Payroll for North America, Periodic Payroll Events CAN, Balance Reviews, Earnings, Earnings Balances

Review an employee's earnings balances and the associated hours.

Earnings Balance Adjustments


  • Payroll for North America, Periodic Payroll Events USA, Balance Reviews, Earnings, Earnings Balance Adjustments

  • Payroll for North America, Periodic Payroll Events USF, Balance Reviews, Earnings, Earnings Balance Adjustments

Review online adjustments to earnings balances.

Earnings Balance Adjustments


Payroll for North America, Periodic Payroll Events CAN, Balance Reviews, Earnings, Earnings Balance Adjustments

Review online adjustments to earnings balances.

Adjust Earnings Balance 1


  • Payroll for North America, Periodic Payroll Events USA, Balance Adjustments, Earnings, Adjust Earnings Balance 1

  • Payroll for North America, Periodic Payroll Events USF, Balance Adjustments, Earnings, Adjust Earnings Balance 1

Identify the earnings balances you're adjusting.

Adjust Earnings Balance 1


Payroll for North America, Periodic Payroll Events CAN, Balance Adjustments, Earnings, Adjust Earnings Balance 1

Identify the earnings for which you're adjusting balances.

Adjust Earnings Balance 2


  • Payroll for North America, Periodic Payroll Events USA, Balance Adjustments, Earnings, Adjust Earnings Balance 2

  • Payroll for North America, Periodic Payroll Events USF, Balance Adjustments, Earnings, Adjust Earnings Balance 2

Change earnings balances.

Adjust Earnings Balance 2


Payroll for North America, Periodic Payroll Events CAN, Balance Adjustments, Earnings, Adjust Earnings Balance 2

Change earnings balances.

Employee Earnings Record Rpt


  • Payroll for North America, Periodic Payroll Events USA, Balance Reviews, Employee Earnings Record Rpt, Employee Earnings Record Rpt

  • Payroll for North America, Periodic Payroll Events USF, Balance Reviews, Employee Earnings Record Rpt, Employee Earnings Record Rpt

Prints the PAY014 report, which is an earnings summary record for each employee selected as of the date specified.

Employee Earnings Record Rpt


Payroll for North America, Periodic Payroll Events CAN, Balance Reviews, Employee Earnings Record Rpt, Employee Earnings Record Rpt

Prints the PAY014CN report, which is an earnings summary record for each employee selected as of the date specified.

Employee Earnings Snapshot Report


  • Payroll for North America, Periodic Payroll Events USA, Balance Reviews, Employee Earnings Snapshot Rpt, Employee Earnings Snapshot Report

  • Payroll for North America, Periodic Payroll Events USF, Balance Reviews, Employee Earnings Snapshot Rpt, Employee Earnings Snapshot Report

Prints the PAY013 report, which reports detailed earnings information for employees as of the date that you specify.

Employee Earnings Snapshot Report


Payroll for North America, Periodic Payroll Events CAN, Balance Reviews, Employee Earnings Snapshot Rpt, Employee Earnings Snapshot Report

Prints the PAY013CN report, which reports detailed earnings information for employees.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicChanging Earnings Balances

Access the Adjust Earnings Balances 2 page (Payroll for North America, Periodic Payroll Events USA, Balance Adjustments, Earnings, Adjust Earnings Balance 2; or Payroll for North America, Periodic Payroll Events CAN, Balance Adjustments, Earnings, Adjust Earnings Balance 2; or Payroll for North America, Periodic Payroll Events USF, Balance Adjustments, Earnings, Adjust Earnings Balance 2).

Adjustment Month-to-Date and Current Month-to-Date

If you enter a new current month-to-date balance, the system calculates the adjustment to month-to-date; if you enter an adjustment to month-to-date, the system calculates the new current month-to-date.

Note. To access this page you must first enter identifying criteria on the Adjust Earnings Balance 1 page and save it.

Click to jump to parent topicReviewing and Adjusting Garnishment Balances

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Review and Adjust Garnishment Balances

Page Name

Definition Name



Garnishment Balances


  • Payroll for North America, Periodic Payroll Events USA, Balance Reviews, Garnishments, Garnishment Balances

  • Payroll for North America, Periodic Payroll Events CAN, Balance Reviews, Garnishments, Garnishment Balances

  • Payroll for North America, Periodic Payroll Events USF, Balance Reviews, Garnishments, Garnishment Balances

Review the garnishments that you have taken if you are garnishing an employee's wages.

Garn Balance Adjustment


  • Payroll for North America, Periodic Payroll Events USA, Balance Reviews, Garnishments, Garn Balance Adjustment

  • Payroll for North America, Periodic Payroll Events CAN, Balance Reviews, Garnishments, Garn Balance Adjustment

  • Payroll for North America, Periodic Payroll Events USF, Balance Reviews, Garnishments, Garn Balance Adjustment

Review online adjustments to garnishment balances.

Adjust Garnishment Balance 1


  • Payroll for North America, Periodic Payroll Events USA, Balance Adjustments, Garnishments, Adjust Garnishment Balance 1

  • Payroll for North America, Periodic Payroll Events CAN, Balance Adjustments, Garnishments, Adjust Garnishment Balance 1

  • Payroll for North America, Periodic Payroll Events USF, Balance Adjustments, Garnishments, Adjust Garnishment Balance 1

Specify which garnishment balances you're adjusting.

Adjust Garnishment Balance 2


  • Payroll for North America, Periodic Payroll Events USA, Balance Adjustments, Garnishments, Adjust Garnishment Balance 2

  • Payroll for North America, Periodic Payroll Events CAN, Balance Adjustments, Garnishments, Adjust Garnishment Balance 2

  • Payroll for North America, Periodic Payroll Events USF, Balance Adjustments, Garnishments, Adjust Garnishment Balance 2

Change garnishment balances.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Garnishment Balances

Access the Garnishment Balances page (Payroll for North America, Periodic Payroll Events USA, Balance Reviews, Garnishments, Garnishment Balances; or Payroll for North America, Periodic Payroll Events CAN, Balance Reviews, Garnishments, Garnishment Balances; or Payroll for North America, Periodic Payroll Events USF, Balance Reviews, Garnishments, Garnishment Balances).


Calculations for limit processing use this field. Enter this value in the Limit Balance field on the Garnishment Spec Data 3 page if you have adjusted the garnishment balances calculated by the system.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicChanging Garnishment Balances

Access the Adjust Garnishment Balance 2 page (Payroll for North America, Periodic Payroll Events USA, Balance Adjustments, Garnishments, Adjust Garnishment Balance 2; or Payroll for North America, Periodic Payroll Events CAN, Balance Adjustments, Garnishments, Adjust Garnishment Balance 2; or Payroll for North America, Periodic Payroll Events USF, Balance Adjustments, Garnishments, Adjust Garnishment Balance 2).

Deductions, Garnishments, Company Fees, and Payee Fees

If you enter a new current month-to-date balance, the system calculates the adjustment to month-to-date; if you enter an adjustment to month-to-date, the system calculates the new current month-to-date.

Note. To access this page you must first enter identifying criteria on the Adjust Garnishment Balance 1 page and save it.

Click to jump to parent topicReviewing and Adjusting Special Accumulator Balances

This section discusses how to change special accumulator balances.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Review and Adjust Special Accumulator Balances

Page Name

Definition Name



Special Accumulator Balances


  • Payroll for North America, Periodic Payroll Events USA, Balance Reviews, Special Accumulators, Special Accumulator Balances

  • Payroll for North America, Periodic Payroll Events USF, Balance Reviews, Special Accumulators, Special Accumulator Balances

Review an employee's hours and earnings balances for special accumulators, such as 401(k) and Thrift Savings Plan (TSP).

Spcl Accum Balance Adjustment (special accumulator balance adjustment)


  • Payroll for North America, Periodic Payroll Events USA, Balance Reviews, Special Accumulator, Spcl Accum Balance Adjustment

  • Payroll for North America, Periodic Payroll Events USF, Balance Reviews, Special Accumulators, Spcl Accum Balance Adjustment

Review online adjustments to special accumulators.

Special Accumulator Balances


Payroll for North America, Periodic Payroll Events CAN, Balance Reviews, Special Accumulators, Special Accumulator Balances

Review an employee's hours and earnings balances for special accumulators, such as 401(k) and TSP.

Spcl Accum Balance Adjustment (special accumulator balance adjustment)


Payroll for North America, Periodic Payroll Events CAN, Balance Reviews, Special Accumulators, Spcl Accum Balance Adjustment

Review online adjustments to special accumulators.

Adjust Special Accum Balance1 (adjust special accumulator balance1)


  • Payroll for North America, Periodic Payroll Events USA, Balance Adjustments, Special Accumulators, Adjust Special Accum Balance1

  • Payroll for North America, Periodic Payroll Events USF, Balance Adjustments, Special Accumulators, Adjust Special Accum Balance1

Identify the special accumulator for which you're adjusting balances.

Adjust Special Accum Balance2 (adjust special accumulator balance2)


  • Payroll for North America, Periodic Payroll Events USA, Balance Adjustments, Special Accumulators, Adjust Special Accum Balance2

  • Payroll for North America, Periodic Payroll Events USF, Balance Adjustments, Special Accumulators, Adjust Special Accum Balance2

Change special accumulator balances.

Adjust Special Accum Balance1 (adjust special accumulator balance1)


Payroll for North America, Periodic Payroll Events CAN, Balance Adjustments, Special Accumulator, Adjust Special Accum Balance1

Identify the special accumulator for which you're adjusting balances.

Adjust Special Accum Balance2 (adjust special accumulator balance2)


Payroll for North America, Periodic Payroll Events CAN, Balance Adjustments, Special Accumulator, Adjust Special Accum Balance2

Change special accumulator balances.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicChanging Special Accumulator Balances

Access the Adjust Special Accum Balance2 page (Payroll for North America, Periodic Payroll Events USA, Balance Adjustments, Special Accumulators, Adjust Special Accum Balance2; or Payroll for North America, Periodic Payroll Events CAN, Balance Adjustments, Special Accumulator, Adjust Special Accum Balance2; or Payroll for North America, Periodic Payroll Events USF, Balance Adjustments, Special Accumulators, Adjust Special Accum Balance2).

Hours and Gross Earnings

If you enter a new current month-to-date balance, the system calculates the adjustment to month-to-date; if you enter an adjustment to month-to-date, the system calculates the new current month-to-date.

Note. To access this page you must first enter identifying criteria on the Adjust Special Accum Balance1 page and save it.

Click to jump to parent topic(USA) Reviewing and Adjusting U.S. Tax Balances

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Review and Adjust U.S. Tax Balances

Page Name

Definition Name



Tax Balances


  • Payroll for North America, Periodic Payroll Events USA, Balance Reviews, Taxes, Tax Balances

  • Payroll for North America, Periodic Payroll Events USF, Balance Reviews, Taxes, Tax Balances

Review an employee's federal, state, and local tax balances.

Tax Balance Adjustments


  • Payroll for North America, Periodic Payroll Events USA, Balance Reviews, Taxes, Tax Balance Adjustments

  • Payroll for North America, Periodic Payroll Events USF, Balance Reviews, Taxes, Tax Balance Adjustments

Review online adjustments to an employee's tax balances.

Adjust Tax Balance 1


  • Payroll for North America, Periodic Payroll Events USA, Balance Adjustments, Taxes, Adjust Tax Balance 1

  • Payroll for North America, Periodic Payroll Events USF, Balance Adjustments, Taxes, Adjust Tax Balance 1

Identify the tax for which you're adjusting balances.

Adjust Tax Balance 2


  • Payroll for North America, Periodic Payroll Events USA, Balance Reviews, Taxes, Adjust Tax Balance 2

  • Payroll for North America, Periodic Payroll Events USF, Balance Reviews, Taxes, Adjust Tax Balance 2

Change tax balances.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicIdentifying Tax Balances

Access the Adjust Tax Balance 1 page (Payroll for North America, Periodic Payroll Events USA, Balance Adjustments, Taxes, Adjust Tax Balance).

Identify the tax balances that you want to adjust and enter an adjustment reason.


Enter $U if you're adjusting federal tax balances.

Enter $E if you're adjusting advanced Earned Income Credit balances.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicChanging Tax Balances

Access the Adjust Tax Balance 2 page (Payroll for North America, Periodic Payroll Events USA, Balance Reviews, Taxes, Adjust Tax Balance 2).

Taxes, Taxable Gross, Tips Earnings, and No Limit Gross

If you enter a new current month-to-date balance, the system calculates the adjustment to month-to-date; if you enter an adjustment to month-to-date, the system calculates the new current month-to-date.

Click to jump to parent topic(E&G) Reviewing and Adjusting 1042 Tax Balances

This section discusses how to change 1042 tax balances.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Adjust 1042 Tax Balances

Page Name

Definition Name



1042 Tax Balances


Payroll for North America, Periodic Payroll Events USA, Balance Reviews, 1042 Taxes, 1042 Tax Balances

Review an employee's 1042 tax balances.

1042 Tax Balance Adjustments


Payroll for North America, Periodic Payroll Events USA, Balance Reviews, 1042 Taxes, 1042 Tax Balance Adjustments

Review online adjustments to an employee's 1042 tax balances.

Adjust 1042 Tax Balance 1


Payroll for North America, Periodic Payroll Events USA, Balance Adjustments, 1042 Taxes, Adjust 1042 Tax Balance 1

Identify the country, income code, tax rate, state, and reason for adjustment to an employee's 1042 tax balances.

Adjust 1042 Tax Balances 2


Payroll for North America, Periodic Payroll Events USA, Balance Adjustments, 1042 Taxes, Adjust 1042 Tax Balance 2

Change 1042 tax balances.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicChanging 1042 Tax Balances

Access the Adjust 1042 Tax Balances 2 page (Payroll for North America, Periodic Payroll Events USA, Balance Adjustments, 1042 Taxes, Adjust 1042 Tax Balance 2).

Tax, Taxable Gross, WH Allowance, (withholding allowance) and Exemption Code

You can make the adjustment either by entering a new current month-to-date balance or by entering the adjustment amount in adjustment to month-to-date. If you enter a new current month-to-date balance, the system calculates the adjustment to month-to-date; if you enter an adjustment to month-to-date, the system calculates the new current month-to-date.

Note. To access this page you must first enter identifying criteria on the Adjust 1042 Tax Balance 1 page and save it.

Click to jump to parent topic(CAN) Reviewing and Adjusting Canadian Tax Balances

This section discusses how to change Canadian tax balances.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Review and Adjust Canadian Tax Balances

Page Name

Definition Name



Canadian Tax Balances


Payroll for North America, Periodic Payroll Events CAN, Balance Reviews, Taxes, Canadian Tax Balances

Review an employee's tax balances.

Canadian Tax Balance Adjust (Canadian tax balance adjustment)


Payroll for North America, Periodic Payroll Events CAN, Balance Reviews, Taxes, Canadian Tax Balance Adjust

Review online adjustments to an employee's Canadian tax balances.

Adjust Tax Balance 1


Payroll for North America, Periodic Payroll Events CAN, Balance Adjustments, Taxes, Adjust Tax Balance 1

Identify the taxes for which you're adjusting balances.

Adjust Tax Balance 2


Payroll for North America, Periodic Payroll Events CAN, Balance Adjustments, Taxes, Adjust Tax Balance 2

Change tax balances.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicChanging Canadian Tax Balances

Access the Adjust Tax Balance 2 page (Payroll for North America, Periodic Payroll Events CAN, Balance Adjustments, Taxes, Adjust Tax Balance 2).

Tax/PA, Taxable Gross, and No Limit Gross

If you enter a new current month-to-date, the system calculates the adjustment to month-to-date. If you enter an adjustment to month-to-date, the system calculates the new current month-to-date.

Note. To access this page you must first enter identifying criteria on the Adjust Tax Balance 1 page and save it.

Click to jump to parent topicReviewing and Adjusting Other Balances

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topic(E&G) Reviewing and Adjusting Contract Prepay Balances

See Adjusting Contract Employee Prepay Balances.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topic(CAN) Reviewing and Adjusting ROE Balances

See Reviewing and Updating ROEs Online.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topic(USF) Reviewing and Adjusting Leave Accrual Balances

See Managing Leave Accrual.

Click to jump to parent topicGenerating a Balance Adjustment Report

This section discusses how to generate a Balance Adjustment Report.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Generate the Balance Adjustment Report

Page Name

Definition Name



Balance Adjustment Report


  • Payroll for North America, Periodic Payroll Events USA, Balance Adjustments, Balance Adjustment Report, Balance Adjustment Report

  • Payroll for North America, Periodic Payroll Events USF, Balance Adjustments, Balance Adjustment Rpt, Balance Adjustment Report

Generate the PAY025 report, which details the information recorded with each balance adjustment processed through the balance adjustment pages.

Balance Adjustment Report


Payroll for North America, Periodic Payroll Events CAN, Balance Adjustments, Balance Adjustment Report, Balance Adjustment Report

Generate the PAY025CN report, which details the information recorded with each balance adjustment processed through the balance adjustment pages.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicGenerating a Balance Adjustment Report

Access the Balance Adjustment Report page (Payroll for North America, Periodic Payroll Events USA, Balance Adjustments, Balance Adjustment Report, Balance Adjustment Report; or Payroll for North America, Periodic Payroll Events CAN, Balance Adjustments, Balance Adjustment Report, Balance Adjustment Report; or Payroll for North America, Periodic Payroll Events USF, Balance Adjustments, Balance Adjustment Rpt, Balance Adjustment Report).

Select Date Type

Selecting Use Balance Date reports balance records for periods in the specified date range to which you've applied adjustments. Selecting Use Adjustment Date reports all balance records that you adjusted on dates in the specified date range.

Click to jump to parent topicDeleting Employee Balances

This section provides an overview of the Delete Balances COBOL SQL process (PSPDLBAL in the U.S. and PSPDLBLC in Canada) and discusses how to run the Delete Balances process.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Delete Balances COBOL SQL Process (PSPDLBAL, PSPDLBLC)

The Delete Balances process is an effective way to purge obsolete historical data from the system and free disk space. This process deletes employee payroll balances for the year and period that you specify. Specifically, it deletes balances for earnings, deductions, taxes, and paychecks YTD.

When you run the Delete Balances process depends on when your company no longer has legal or corporate requirements that require it to maintain the information. For example, you might run the process annually after you print W-2s, produce quarterly reports, and so on.

Warning! Running the Delete Balances process deletes balances for earnings, deductions, taxes, and paychecks YTD for the year and period that you specify. Once deleted, this information is not recoverable. Use this process with care.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Delete Balances

Page Name

Definition Name



Balance Deletion


  • Payroll for North America, Periodic Payroll Events USA, Balance Adjustments, Delete Balances, Balance Deletion

  • Payroll for North America, Periodic Payroll Events CAN, Balance Adjustments, Delete Balances, Balance Deletion

  • Payroll for North America, Periodic Payroll Events USF, Balance Adjustments, Delete Balances, Balance Deletion

Specify process parameters for the Delete Balances process. You can delete balances for a specific company and a specific balance year and period.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning the Delete Balances COBOL SQL Process (PSPDLBAL, PSPDLBLC)

Access the Balance Deletion page (Payroll for North America, Periodic Payroll Events USA, Balance Adjustments, Delete Balances, Balance Deletion; or Payroll for North America, Periodic Payroll Events CAN, Balance Adjustments, Delete Balances, Balance Deletion; or Payroll for North America, Periodic Payroll Events USF, Balance Adjustments, Delete Balances, Balance Deletion).

Balance ID

Maintain these values in the Balance ID table, and identify the various year types for which you maintain balances (for example, calendar year, or fiscal year). For each balance ID in the Balance ID table, you must also define the following:

  • The balance years, or the years included in that balance year type.

  • The applicable periods for each balance year in which you maintain balances.

Balance Year and Period

For the balance year, the system deletes employee balance records up to but not including:

  • The period that you specify in the Period field.

  • The period in which the last activity was posted to the balance.

In February 2005, an organization deletes balances for the previous calendar year, specifying December 2004 as the period on the Balance Deletion page. The system:

  • Deletes the balance records for the months of January through November 2004.

  • Retains the balance records for December 2004.

If an employee had a deduction that met its goal balance in September, the September balance record would be retained, because it is the latest updated balance record for that deduction.