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Oracle® Communications Marketing and Advertising System Administrator's Guide
Release 5.1

Part Number E20558-01
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9 Configuring the Oracle Communications Marketing and Advertising Web Application

This chapter describes how to configure the Oracle Communications Marketing and Advertising Web application.

Accessing the OCMA Console Extension

You use the OCMA extension in the WebLogic Administration console to configure the Web application.

To access the console extension, in the Domain Structure panel, click OCMA.

The OCMA panel opens.

These are the areas that you can configure in this panel:


The General tab covers a range of general setup information. Fill in the fields according to Table 9-1.

Configuration of any of the values in this tab require that you redeploy the module or restart the server for the changes to take effect.

Table 9-1 The General Tab

Field Name Description


A menu used to set the currency type and the email locale. It has no effect on the language displayed in the Web application, which is controlled by the browser language setting.

Default Fraction Digits

Default number of fractional digits to be used with the currency

Ocsg Network Provider

The name of the Network Provider created in the Web application GUI by the System Owner user. This is mapped to the OCSG instance.

Notification Message Active Period

The period (in hours) that notification messages are shown in the Web application GUI

Frequent Task Time Interval

How often, in seconds, "frequent periodic tasks" are run. These are tasks such as finding and processing notifications for time triggered events and sending any unsent email.

Seldom Task Time Interval

How often, in days, "infrequent periodic tasks" are run. These are tasks such as deleting old statistics, enforcing license policies, and finding any items marked to be deleted and actually deleting them from the database.

Seldom Task Start Time

The time of day to start "infrequent periodic tasks". The value should be between 0 to 23

Address List Block Size

The number of addresses in a scheduling "block", used by the Bulk Service and criteria-based subscriber lists

Country Calling Code

The country calling code defined by ITU-T recommendations E.123 and E.164; also called IDD or ISD code


URL for the Web application, used to generate the link the Web application creates to deliver user passwords

Max Token Age

The length of time (in minutes) a password reset token is valid. Users are sent notifications with a token-based link to set up their password. This value describes how long the taken is valid.

The JMX-accessible MBean with these attributes is named com.bea:Name=ocma,Type=oracle.ocma.configuration.beans.GeneralBean,Parent=[ocma-basic-domain]/CustomResources[ocma],Path=Resource[ocma]/General.

Mail Server

The Mail Server tab sets up the SMTP server information used to deliver notifications in email. Fill in the fields according to Table 9-2. Click Save when your changes are completed.

Table 9-2 The Mail Server Tab

Field Name Description

Mail Server Address

The address of the mail server used to send email notifications to users, for example:

Mail Server Port

The port to be used with the mail server, for example: 25

Mail Sender

The username@host combination that should appear in the From: field of the email, for example:

Enable SSL

If checked, SSL authentication is supported.

Mail Server User Name

The username the Web application should use to log into the mail server (leave blank if no login is necessary)

Mail Server password

The password the Web application should use to log into the mail server (leave blank if no login is necessary)

The JMX-accessible MBean with these attributes is named com.bea:Name=ocma,Type=oracle.ocma.configuration.beans.MailServerBean,Parent=[ocma-basic-domain]/CustomResources[ocma],Path=Resource[ocma]/MailServer.

OCSG Client

The OCSG Client tab sets up the part of the Web application that acts as a client to the delivery mechanism for bulk messaging. Fill in the fields according to Table 9-3.

Configuration of the Push Proxy Gateway Domain Address value in this tab requires that you redeploy the module or restart the server. for the changes to take effect.

Table 9-3 The OCSG Client Tab

Field Name Description

OCSG Service Address

The URL of the Services Gatekeeper Session Manager Web service, used to create sessions for bulk campaigns

Bulk MMS Address

The URL for the Services Gatekeeper bulk MMS Web service

Bulk MMS Order Max Queue Size

The maximum number of MMS orders Marketing and Advertising can submit to the Services Gatekeeper queue for processing

Bulk SMS Address

The URL for the Services Gatekeeper bulk SMS Web service

Bulk SMS Order Max Queue Size

The maximum number of SMS orders Marketing and Advertising can submit to the Services Gatekeeper queue for processing

Bulk WAP Push Address

The URL for the Services Gatekeeper bulk WAP Push Web service

Bulk WAP Push Order Max Queue Size

The maximum number of WAP Push orders Marketing and Advertising can submit to the Services Gatekeeper queue for processing

User Name

The username the client uses to authenticate with Services Gatekeeper Web services


The password the client uses to authenticate with Services Gatekeeper Web services

Push Proxy Gateway Domain Address

The push proxy gateway domain address, required for WAP Push addresses, appended to the number part of the address with TYPE=PLMN@. For example:

The JMX-accessible MBean with these attributes is named com.bea:Name=ocma,Type=oracle.ocma.configuration.beans.OCSGClientBean,Parent=[ocma-basic-domain]/CustomResources[ocma],Path=Resource[ocma]/OCSGClient.


The Statistics tab sets up how often the Event data Records (EDRs) used for creating statistical information for the Web application are stored. Fill in the fields according to Table 9-4.

Click Save when your changes are complete. Configuration of any of the values in this tab require that you redeploy the module or restart the server for the changes to take effect.

Table 9-4 The Statistics Tab

Field Name Description

Max EDR Buffer Size

Max size of EDRs buffer. The module which creates statistical information for the GUI aggregates information from the EDRs in memory and writes the result to the DB either when the size of the buffer reaches this value or when no new EDR arrives within Max Wait Time.

Max Wait Time

Max time the statistics module will wait for a new EDR before flushing the cache to the DB

The JMX-accessible MBean with these attributes is named com.bea:Name=ocma,Type=oracle.ocma.configuration.beans.StatisticsBean,Parent=[ocma-basic-domain]/CustomResources[ocma],Path=Resource[ocma]/Statistics.


Licensing costs for Marketing and Advertising are based on a value known as "Ads Served". This value is equal to the number of promotional messages, either Advertising or Marketing campaign based, that are successfully delivered to the network by the delivery mechanism during a 24 hour period, and on the aggregated total of all messages during a month.

The Licensing tab allows you to set limits for all types of messages. If your system hits 95% of any of the daily limits within a 24 hour period, a warning email is sent to system owner users. At 100%, a violation alert is sent. The overall monthly limit sends equivalent alerts. Warnings and violations are also stored in log files. Traffic flow is not interrupted if the limit is reached or surpassed.

Fill in the fields according to Table 9-5.

Table 9-5 The Licensing Tab

Field Name Description

SMS Marketing Limit

SMS marketing license limit, given as number of ads served during a 24 hour period

SMS AdCampaign Limit

SMS advertising campaign license limit, given as number of ads served during a 24 hour period

MMS Marketing Limit

MMS marketing license limit, given as number of ads served during a 24 hour period

MMS AdCampaign Limit

MMS advertising campaign license limit, given as number of ads served during a 24 hour period

WAP Marketing Limit

WAP marketing license limit, given as number of ads served during a 24 hour period

Overall Monthly Limit

Overall monthly license limit, given as total aggregated number of ads served during a calendar month by all campaign types and calculated on the first of each month

The JMX-accessible MBean with these attributes is named com.bea:Name=ocma,Type=oracle.ocma.configuration.beans.LicensingBean,Parent=[ocma-basic-domain]/CustomResources[ocma],Path=Resource[ocma]/Licensing.

Data Retention

The Data Retention tab is used to configure how long the data on which the statistical information presented in the Web application is based is kept in the Marketing and Advertising database. Fill in the fields according to Table 9-6.

Click Save when your changes are complete. Configuration of any of the values in this tab require that you redeploy the module or restart the server for the changes to take effect.

Table 9-6 The Data Retention Tab

Field Name Description

Hourly statistics retention time

How long, in days, hourly statistics data is kept in the database before being cleaned up

Logically deleted data retention time

How long, in days, logically deleted entities are retained in the database. For example, campaigns and ad spaces are deleted logically first, but are cleared from the database only after this retention period.

The JMX-accessible MBean with these attributes is named com.bea:Name=ocma,Type=oracle.ocma.configuration.beans.DataRetentionBean,Parent=[ocma-basic-domain]/CustomResources[ocma],Path=Resource[ocma]/DataRetention.


The BAM tab is used to set up integration with Oracle Business Activity Monitoring (BAM). Marketing and Advertising publishes ongoing campaign information to a JMS queue where it can be fetched by BAM for real-time analysis. Fill in the fields according to Table 9-7.

Click Save when your changes are complete. Configuration of any of the values in this tab require that you redeploy the module or restart the server for the changes to take effect.

Table 9-7 The BAM Tab

Field Name Description

Enable BAM

Check this to enable BAM integration

JMS Server Address

The URL of the JMS server to which the information is published

JMS Server user name

The login username for the JMS server

JMS Server password

The login password for the JMS server

JMS topic JNDI name

The JNDI name for the JMS topic to which the information is published, must be identical to the value set up in the BAM server.

JMS Connection FactoryJNDI name

The JNDI name for the JMS Connection Factory, must be identical to the value set up in the BAM server.

The JMX-accessible MBean with these attributes is named com.bea:Name=ocma,Type=oracle.ocma.configuration.beans.BAMBean,Parent=[ocma-basic-domain]/CustomResources[ocma],Path=Resource[ocma]/BAM.


For information about the fields in this tab, see the "Integrating with Siebel Enterprise Marketing Suite" chapter in Integration Guide, another document in this set.

Configuration of any of the values in this tab require that you redeploy the module or restart the server for the changes to take effect.


The Caching tab is used to configure the counters that control the frequency of ads sent to a single subscriber by a single campaign. The counters are stored in cache and in the database.

You can configure frequency duration that the counter cache is dumped and the counter cache size using the fields in Table 9-8.

Click Save when your changes are complete. Configuration of any of the values in this tab require that you redeploy the module or restart the server for the changes to take effect.

Table 9-8 The Caching Tab

Field Name Description

Counter Age

Age of a counter in minutes. Valid values are 1 through 30. This is the interval at which the counter in cache is dumped to the database.

Counter Cache Size

Number of entries in the counter cache. Default is 10000.