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Oracle® Enterprise Data Quality for Product Data COM API Interface Guide
Release 5.6.2

Part Number E23724-02
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A Server Information API

This API has been deprecated. The TransformServer Object should be used instead.

Server Information API to the Oracle DataLens Server

Getting Transform Map and Data Lens Information

The Oracle DataLens Server provides a COM component called Client Info, which is part of the DataLensServices.dll library.

This is used as an interface to the Oracle DataLens Server. This COM component provides functions to get information on the data lenses and the Transform Maps.

Instantiate the InfoClient

Dim oInfoClient as DataLensServices.ClientInfo
Set oInfoClient = new DataLensServices.ClientInfo

Get Data Lens Information

Initialize the COM Object with the Following Parameters.

  • Server name or address

  • Server port number

  • Oracle DataLens Server-supplied application API access code

  • Application name/identifier used for tracking statistics/usage

REM Initialize the COM Object with the server information
call oInfoClient.initProjectClient(serverName, serverPort, clientCode, userName)

Get the Data Lens Information from the Oracle DataLens Server

REM Do the Transform Map Transformation
Dim dataResultPrj
dataResultPrj = oInfoClient.transformData()

dataResultPrj is an array of data lens information with the following output fields:

  • Data lens Name

  • Source locale

    FOR i=1 to UBound(dataResultPrj, 1)
    Val = "DataLensName" & dataResultPrj(i,1)
             Val2 = "Source Locale" & dataResultPrj(i,2)

Get Transform Map Information

There are both array and collection interfaces to this information. This document describes the collection interface.

Initialize the COM Object with the Following Parameters.
  • Server name or address

  • Server port number

  • Oracle DataLens Server-supplied application API access code

  • Application name/identifier used for tracking statistics/usage

    REM Initialize the COM Object with the server information
    Call oInfoClient.initMapClient(serverName, serverPort, clientCode, userName)

Get the Transform Map Information from the Oracle DataLens Server

Rem Do the Transform Map Transformation and get a ProjectClient.STARMapInfo object
Set oStarMapInfo = oInfoClient.transformData2()

StarMapInfo is an Object that can be accessed as follows:

Dim oStarMap As Object
Dim cStarMaps As Collection
    Set cStarMaps = oStarMapInfo.getStarMaps()
    For Each oStarMap In cStarMaps
        Dim sMapName As String
        Dim bIsDecision, bHasDbSource As Boolean
        Dim lInputColumnsCount, lOutputColumnsCount As Long
        Rem Get the name and properties
        sMapName = oStarMap.mapName
        bIsDecision = oStarMap.IsDecisionMap
        bHasDbSource = oStarMap.hasDbSource
        resultStr = resultStr + sMapName + vbCrLf
        resultStr = resultStr + vbTab + "Is Decision: " + CStr(bIsDecision) + vbCrLf
        resultStr = resultStr + vbTab + "Has Db Src: " + CStr(bHasDbSource) + vbCrLf
        Rem Get the Input columns
        lInputColumnsCount = oStarMap.InputColumnsCount
        resultStr = resultStr + vbTab + CStr(lInputColumnsCount) + " Input Columns." + vbCrLf
        Dim cInputColumns As Collection
        Set cInputColumns = oStarMap.InputColumns
        Dim oInputColName As Variant
        For Each oInputColName In cInputColumns
            resultStr = resultStr + vbTab + vbTab + oInputColName + vbCrLf
        Rem get the Output columns
        lOutputColumnsCount = oStarMap.OutputColumnsCount
        resultStr = resultStr + vbTab + CStr(lOutputColumnsCount) + " Output Columns." + vbCrLf
        Dim cOutputColumns As Collection
        Set cOutputColumns = oStarMap.OutputColumns
        Dim oOutputColName As Variant
        For Each oOutputColName In cOutputColumns
            resultStr = resultStr + vbTab + vbTab + oOutputColName + vbCrLf
        resultStr = resultStr + vbCrLf

Check the State of the Client-Side Objects

Check the Status of Initialization and Session

This function can be used to output informational messages while dumping out the state of the ClientProcessMap object. This function must be called after the object has been initialized and a session has been started.

checkStr = ObjReference.CheckInitAndStart("Processing was done with the following parameters.")

The output will be similar to the following:

Processing was done with the following parameters.; Run-Time Server URL:; Oracle Enterprise Data Quality for Product Data Cleansing and Matching Server Map name: sampleMap; Oracle Enterprise Data Quality for Product Data Cleansing and Matching Server User name: testApplication

Check the Status of Instantiation

Another function that can be used to check that the COM object is being accessed correctly from the application program is just called CheckCOM. This function just returns the string that is passed to it, verifying that the COM object has be instantiated correctly and that it is working properly. The Oracle DataLens COM object does not need any special initialization to call this particular function.

dim checkComStr
checkComStr = ObjReference.CheckCOM("Test the COM object for a response.")