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Oracle® Healthcare Master Person Index Release Notes
Release 1.1

Part Number E20112-01
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Oracle® Healthcare Master Person Index

Release Notes

Release 1.1


February 2011

This document introduces you to Oracle Healthcare Master Person Index (OHMPI) 1.1, summarizes the new features included in the release, and provides instructions for obtaining My Oracle Support, and locating Oracle Health Sciences information and documentation.


Oracle Healthcare Master Person Index provides trusted single view of healthcare entities such as patient, clinicians, and providers. OHMPI helps increase the quality of person data when and where it is needed; improve enterprise cost efficiency in delivering that information; and sustain system usability. OHMPI enables healthcare organizations to quickly and accurately verify the identity of a patient, provider, or other person-independent of how they enter the healthcare delivery system. This product has been developed over many years and is an established person identity resolution solution in the market with an extensive customer base in the healthcare segment. OHMPI provides a flexible framework for designing and creating custom single-view applications, or master person indexes. A master person index cleanses, matches, and cross-references healthcare objects (such as patients and clinicians) across an enterprise. A master person index that contains the most current and accurate data about each healthcare object ensures the availability of unified, trusted data to all systems in the enterprise.

This document contains information on OHMPI 1.1 and supersedes the product documentation. It also contains last-minute information that could not be included in the OHMPI documentation. Read this document before installing OHMPI. This document may be updated after it is released. To check for updates to this document, and to view other Oracle documentation, refer to the Documentation section on the Oracle Technology Network (OTN) Web site:

Oracle recommends that you read this document before installing and using OHMPI.

This document includes the following topics:

Release Package

Oracle Healthcare Master Person Index 1.1 Media Pack includes the following:

Installing Oracle Healthcare Master Person Index 1.1

The Oracle® Healthcare Master Person Index 1.1 Installer contains the required OHMPI application parts except for the Oracle WebLogic Server 11gR1, which is a separate installation.


Refer to the following OHMPI document:

Features Implemented

This section provides a brief description of the enhancements added to the Oracle Healthcare Master Person Index 1.1 since release of OHMPI 1.0.

Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise (IHE) Profiles

Oracle Healthcare Master Person Index 1.1 now provides the capability to create an IHE Profiles Application project that contains a pre-configured master person index project that adheres to related IHE profiles and corresponding HITSP standards. By extending support to IHE profiles, OHMPI helps healthcare enterprises and information exchanges create, process, and manage electronic health records in secure patient cross-reference applications. OHMPI Release 1.1 implements Health Level 7 (HL7) v2 and v3 messaging and transport standards natively to support the select set of IHE profiles. OHMPI now incorporates support for the following IHE profiles:

  • Patient Identifier Cross Referencing (PIX) allows cross-referencing of patient identifiers across a network of healthcare sites

  • Patients Demographics Query (PDQ) queries and retrieves patient demographics

  • Audit Trail and Node Authentication (ATNA) uses certificates and transmits audit events to a secure repository to maintain patient confidentiality

  • Consistent Time (CT) synchronizes time stamps and system clocks on computers functioning within a healthcare network

  • Patient Identity Management (PIM) under Patient Administration Management (PAM) creates a patient record, updates the record, links the record to another patient record, and if the records represent the same patient, merges the records

  • Patient Identifier Cross-Reference and Patient Demographics Query for HL7v3 (PIX/PDQ/v3) leverages HL7 v3 to extend the capability of these profiles

Support for HL7 Standards

  • Native support for parsing and ack'ing HL7 messages

  • Transport support: HLLP & MLLP + TCP/IP support

  • OHMPI supports selected IHE ITI profiles with native HL7 v2 and v3 messaging and transport capability.

  • OHMPI uses a canonical data model that is derived from both HL7 v2 and v3 standards. The canonical data model is primarily based on HL7 v2, but it is extended to support HL7 v3 as well.

Oracle WebLogic Server 11gR1

Oracle Healthcare Master Person Index 1.1 now supports deployments of OHMPI projects and IHE projects on Oracle WebLogic Server 11gR1. Note that the Oracle WebLogic Server is a separate installation. Please follow the instructions in the Oracle Healthcare Master Person WebLogic User's Guide (Part Number E18593-01) for information on how to successfully install and configure the server.

Design-time Upgrade

  • NetBeans IDE 6.9.1

Spanish Localization in Mexico

Oracle Healthcare Master Person Index 1.1 now includes support for the Spanish language in Mexico. OHMPI is configurable to set Spanish as the default language in Mexico. This release includes:

  • Out-of-the-box support for the Spanish language as applicable to Mexico, including names and addresses

  • Translation of key words in the properties files

  • Configurable headings and tabs in the Master Index Data Manager (MIDM)

Known Limitations and Workarounds

This section discusses the known limitations in this version of OHMPI, and the suggested workarounds that may solve the issues. This section includes the following topics:

Generating Master Person Index Files

Sometimes when you build an OHMPI project, the build does not compile and package the generated EJB files in the EAR file. The workaround is to choose "Generate Master Index Files" from the Master Person Index Project Action menu before you build your OHMPI files.

Finding Information and Patches on My Oracle Support

Your source for the latest information about Oracle Healthcare Master Person Index is Oracle Support's self-service Web site My Oracle Support (formerly MetaLink).

Before you install and use OHMPI, always visit the My Oracle Support Web site for the latest information, including alerts, White Papers, installation verification (smoke) tests, bulletins, and patches.

Creating a My Oracle Support Account

You must register at My Oracle Support to obtain a user name and password account before you can enter the Web site.

To register for My Oracle Support:

  1. Open a Web browser to

  2. Click the Register here link to create a My Oracle Support account. The registration page opens.

  3. Follow the instructions on the registration page.

Signing In to My Oracle Support

To sign in to My Oracle Support:

  1. Open a Web browser to

  2. Click Sign In.

  3. Enter your user name and password.

  4. Click Go to open the My Oracle Support home page.

Finding Information on My Oracle Support

There are many ways to find information on My Oracle Support.

Searching by Article ID

The fastest way to search for information, including alerts, White Papers, installation verification (smoke) tests, and bulletins is by the article ID number, if you know it.

To search by article ID:

  1. Sign in to My Oracle Support at

  2. Locate the Search box in the upper right corner of the My Oracle Support page.

  3. Click the sources icon to the left of the search box, and then select Article ID from the list.

  4. Enter the article ID number in the text box.

  5. Click the magnifying glass icon to the right of the search box (or press the Enter key) to execute your search.

    The Knowledge page displays the results of your search. If the article is found, click the link to view the abstract, text, attachments, and related products.

Searching by Product and Topic

You can use the following My Oracle Support tools to browse and search the knowledge base:

  • Product Focus — On the Knowledge page under Select Product, type part of the product name and the system immediately filters the product list by the letters you have typed. (You do not need to type "Oracle.") Select the product you want from the filtered list and then use other search or browse tools to find the information you need.

  • Advanced Search — You can specify one or more search criteria, such as source, exact phrase, and related product, to find information. This option is available from the Advanced link on almost all pages.

Finding Patches on My Oracle Support

Be sure to check My Oracle Support for the latest patches, if any, for your product. You can search for patches by patch ID or number, or by product or family.

To locate and download a patch:

  1. Sign in to My Oracle Support at

  2. Click the Patches & Updates tab. The Patches & Updates page opens and displays the Patch Search region. You have the following options:

    • In the Patch ID or Number is field, enter the number of the patch you want. (This number is the same as the primary bug number fixed by the patch.) This option is useful if you already know the patch number.

    • To find a patch by product name, release, and platform, click the Product or Family link to enter one or more search criteria.

  3. Click Search to execute your query. The Patch Search Results page opens.

  4. Click the patch ID number. The system displays details about the patch. In addition, you can view the Read Me file before downloading the patch.

  5. Click Download. Follow the instructions on the screen to download, save, and install the patch files.

Finding Oracle Documentation

The Oracle Web site contains links to all Oracle user and reference documentation. You can view or download a single document or an entire product library.

Finding Oracle Health Sciences Documentation

To get user documentation for Oracle Health Sciences applications, go to the Oracle Health Sciences documentation page at:

Always check the Oracle Health Sciences Documentation page to ensure you have the latest updates to the documentation.

Finding Other Oracle Documentation

To get user documentation for other Oracle products:

  1. Go to the following Web page:

    Alternatively, you can go to, point to the Support tab, and then click Documentation.

  2. Scroll to the product you need and click the link.

  3. Click the link for the documentation you need.

Documentation Accessibility

Our goal is to make Oracle products, services, and supporting documentation accessible to all users, including users that are disabled. To that end, our documentation includes features that make information available to users of assistive technology. This documentation is available in HTML format, and contains markup to facilitate access by the disabled community. Accessibility standards will continue to evolve over time, and Oracle is actively engaged with other market-leading technology vendors to address technical obstacles so that our documentation can be accessible to all of our customers. For more information, visit the Oracle Accessibility Program Web site at

Accessibility of Code Examples in Documentation

Screen readers may not always correctly read the code examples in this document. The conventions for writing code require that closing braces should appear on an otherwise empty line; however, some screen readers may not always read a line of text that consists solely of a bracket or brace.

Accessibility of Links to External Web Sites in Documentation

This documentation may contain links to Web sites of other companies or organizations that Oracle does not own or control. Oracle neither evaluates nor makes any representations regarding the accessibility of these Web sites.

TTY Access to Oracle Support Services

To reach AT&T Customer Assistants, dial 711 or 1.800.855.2880. An AT&T Customer Assistant will relay information between the customer and Oracle Support Services at 1.800.223.1711. Complete instructions for using the AT&T relay services are available at After the AT&T Customer Assistant contacts Oracle Support Services, an Oracle Support Services engineer will handle technical issues and provide customer support according to the Oracle service request process.

Oracle Healthcare Master Person Index Release Notes, Release 1.1


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