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Oracle® CRM On Demand Marketing
Release 5.4.10
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Defining Automation Rules

This task is a step in Process of Creating an Adaptive Campaign Manually.

Use automation rules to configure how an automated campaign (adaptive or workflow) executes and sends program offers to prospects depending on list segmentation criteria and contact response behavior.

To define an automation rule

  1. From the Campaign Details screen, click Add in the Automation Rules section, or click the Automation Rules Wizard step at the top of the Campaign Details screen.

    The initial Automation Rules screen appears.

  2. Click New Rule.

    The Campaign Automation Rule Builder screen appears.

  3. Enter a name for the new rule.

Standard Available Triggers

The following is a list of the standard available triggers:

  • Contact targeted for a program.

  • Email delivered to a contact.

  • Email viewed by a contact.

  • Contact clicked on an email link.

  • Contact started registration.

  • Contact registered.

  • Contact downloaded an offer.

  • Contact is not qualified for more programs. Contact information has been updated or changed so that the contact no longer meets the criteria for a campaign or does not meet the criteria for the next programs within the campaign.

  • Always trigger this rule. The rule does not depend on any event trigger or this trigger can be used with Advanced Conditions defined using profiles and attributes.

  • Contact enters the automated campaign. (When a contact enters an automated campaign the action triggers immediately.)

Adding Triggers

Triggers are conditions or events upon which you can designate that the campaign execute a particular action. For example, you might have an adaptive campaign designed to offer a series of white papers on storage topics to your target audience. The first white paper is offered in program one for the campaign. Defining automation rules instructs Oracle CRM On Demand Marketing to send white paper two, depending on a contact's response behavior to program one or after a specified period.

Rules are defined to perform an action within a certain specified time after the last trigger event date. If you have a rule based on contact targeted, the rule applies only to those contacts who were targeted but have not taken any action. If a rule is defined based on Contact Started Registration, the rule applies only to those contacts meeting that specific status. The rule does not apply to targeted contacts nor does it apply to contacts who have downloaded the offer. Many rules can be set up to define an action to take for contacts in each stage or response status. The following is an example of triggers:

  • Send white paper one.

  • Send white paper two to everyone targeted for white paper one after 30 days.

  • Send white paper two to everyone who downloaded white paper one after 30 days.

  • Send white paper three to everyone who downloaded either white paper one or white paper two after 30 days.

To add triggers

  1. Choose a trigger, and click Add.

    You must define at least one trigger, and you can select multiple triggers.

  2. Enter the number of days to wait.

  3. Choose the starting event for the trigger, either Last Program Target Date or Last Trigger Event Date.

  4. (Optional) Set the advanced conditions. Select one of the following:

    • Send next program (per Arbitration Rules). Sends the program and selects the program in the current campaign from the list.

      This condition overrules the arbitration rules. Use it if every new contact who becomes eligible for the campaign receives program one first.

    • Switch Campaign. Contacts who meet the trigger condition are switched to the indicated campaign.

    • Exit Campaign. You must specify a reason for exiting.

  5. Click Save.