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Oracle® Fusion Middleware Template Editor Guide for Dynamic Converter
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)
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8 Generated Content

The following topics are covered in this section:

8.1 About Generated Content

Generated content is made up of two kinds of elements:

8.2 Adding a Text Element

Text elements are a way to insert text specified in the HC template directly into the output. Text elements work exactly the same way as custom document properties except text elements cannot be placed in the <head> of the document in a <meta> tag.

By default, no text elements are defined. In order to include them in the output from the conversion, each desired text element must first be defined here. They must then be added to the output from the conversion by inserting them into page layouts defined in the Output Page Layouts.

  1. Navigate to Generated Content > Text Element. Click the Add button. The Text Elements page is displayed.

    To remove a Text Element, select a defined text element from the list and click Remove. An element may not be removed if it is used by a page layout.

  2. In the Name text box, enter the name to use to reference this text element when creating/editing page layouts. This field is required.

  3. In the Value text box, enter the value to insert into the output when this text element is used in a page layout.

  4. In the Output format drop-down box, select the name of the output format. This will be used to format the text element when including its value in the output as visible text. Output formats are defined under Output Text Formats.

8.3 Adding a Navigation Element

Navigation elements allow you to generate navigation links in the HTML output. The following sections define how to create the three kinds of navigation elements:

8.3.1 Adding Document Navigation

Document Navigation is a way to link to various items in the source document based on the document's structure. A common example of how one would use this type of navigation is to create links to all the paragraphs marked with outline level 1 (such as "Heading 1" paragraphs) in the document. Before using this form of navigation, link mapping rules must first be added. This is done on the Link Mapping Rules page.

  1. Navigate to Generated Content > Navigation Elements. In the drop-down box, select Document Navigation. Click Add to add an element of that type. The Document Navigation page appears.

  2. In the Name field, enter a name by which the page layouts will refer to this navigation element. This is required.

  3. In the Link tag drop-down box, specify whether to use an anchor or option tag (<a> or <option>) to enclose the links in this element.

  4. Place a check in front of Generate parent levels when "orphan" levels are encountered to generate clean outline levels. When creating navigation based on outline levels, problems can arise when the document being converted is "sloppy" in its use of outline levels. An example of such sloppy outlining would be a paragraph tagged with outline level 1 followed later by one tagged with outline level 3 without an outline level 2 paragraph somewhere in between. That outline level 3 paragraph is considered to be an "orphan level."

    By setting this option, the Markup to insert before this set of links and the Markup to insert after this set of links entered in the Link Set Markup Tab from the link set (defined below) are inserted into the output for the orphan level.By default, this option is not set. An example of navigation that does not need to worry about orphan levels would be one where the link set did not need to define any Markup to insert before this set of links or Markup to insert after this set of links.

  5. Place a check in front of Only include links to targets on the same page to generate a small set of links to targets that all appear in the same output HTML page. An example of this would be to break a document up so there is one outline level 1 paragraph in each output HTML page. The user could then set this option as part of creating a line of links across the top of the page that go to all the outline level 2's that appear on the page.

    If this option is not set (the default), then links to targets across the entire document are generated.

  6. Enter a value for Word limit for labels to truncate the label after the specified number of words. The link's label is taken from the text of the document element the link goes to. Some target elements may contain large amounts of text. This can cause problems in the formatting of the list of links.

    Setting this option to 0, the default, causes the entire target element's text to be used as the link label.

  7. In the Link Sets section, you can add a definition (such as outline level 1) for which rules may be defined. Click Add to display the Link Set Markup Tab.

  8. In the Link Set Markup tab, under Custom link attributes, click the Add attribute button to insert a new "name/value" pair. Highlight a row in this table and click the Remove Attribute button to delete custom attributes.

  9. In the Custom markup section, enter specific HTML tags that you want to appear in the output before and after the link set.

  10. In the Link Formatting Tab, you can choose one of two ways to specify the formatting for links.

    If you place a check in front of Use external CSS class, then you must enter the name of a class from an external CSS file here. The URL of the external CSS file is specified with the External user stylesheet option set in Output Pages.

    If you choose to use Character Formatting, the types of character level formatting available are evident from the screen. Each type of formatting can be set to one of four values:

    • Always off - Forces the attribute to always be off when formatting the link.

    • Always on - Forces the attribute to always be on when formatting the link.

    • Inherit - In the case of navigation links this has the same effect as Do not specify below.

    • Do not specify - Leave the formatting unspecified. The state of the attribute will depend on the browser's rendering settings.

  11. In the Link Markup Tab, you can specify custom markup that can be inserted before and after each link in the set, and/or between links.

8.3.2 Adding Page Navigation

This provides a way to link to certain key pages in the output (first page, next page, etc.). It also provides a way to link to external pages (such as to

  1. Navigate to Generated Content > Navigation Elements. In the drop-down box, select Page Navigation. Click Add to add an element of that type. The Page Navigation page appears.

  2. In the Name field, enter the name by which the page layouts will refer to this navigation element. This is required.

  3. In the Link tag drop-down box, specify whether to use an anchor or option tag (<a> or <option>) to enclose the links in this element.

  4. In the Custom Markup Tab, enter any custom HTML tagging that should be inserted before and after this set of links.

  5. In the Navigation Formatting Tab, you can choose one of two ways to specify the formatting for links.

    If you place a check in front of Use external CSS class, then you must enter the name of a class from an external CSS file here. The URL of the external CSS file is specified with the External user stylesheet option set in Output Pages.

    If you choose to use Character Formatting, the types of character level formatting available are evident from the screen. Each type of formatting can be set to one of four values:

    • Always off - Forces the attribute to always be off when formatting the link.

    • Always on - Forces the attribute to always be on when formatting the link.

    • Inherit - In the case of navigation links this has the same effect as Do not specify below.

    • Do not specify - Leave the formatting unspecified. The state of the attribute will depend on the browser's rendering settings.

  6. In the Navigation Markup Tab, you can specify custom markup that can be inserted before and after each link in the set, and/or between links.

8.3.3 Adding Section Navigation

This provides navigation for multi-section documents, such as spreadsheets and presentations.

  1. Navigate to Generated Content > Navigation Elements. In the drop-down box, select Section Navigation. Click Add to add an element of that type. The Section Navigation page appears.

  2. In the Name field, enter the name by which the page layouts will refer to this navigation element. This is required.

  3. In the Link tag drop-down box, specify whether to use an anchor or option tag (<a> or <option>) to enclose the links in this element.

  4. In the Custom Markup Tab, enter any custom HTML tagging that should be inserted before and after this set of links.

  5. In the Navigation Formatting Tab, you can choose one of two ways to specify the formatting for links.

    If you place a check in front of Use external CSS class, then you must enter the name of a class from an external CSS file here. The URL of the external CSS file is specified with the External user stylesheet option set in Output Pages.

    If you choose to use Character Formatting, the types of character level formatting available are evident from the screen. Each type of formatting can be set to one of four values:

    • Always off - Forces the attribute to always be off when formatting the link.

    • Always on - Forces the attribute to always be on when formatting the link.

    • Inherit - In the case of navigation links this has the same effect as Do not specify below.

    • Do not specify - Leave the formatting unspecified. The state of the attribute will depend on the browser's rendering settings.

  6. In the Navigation Markup Tab, you can specify custom markup that can be inserted before and after each link in the set, and/or between links.