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Oracle® Fusion Middleware Template Editor Guide for Dynamic Converter
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)
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A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  R  S  T  U  V  W  X 


<!DOCTYPE> declaration, 5.4.1
<HTML> tag
including HTML or scripting in top of file, 5.4.1
<LI> tag as a custom tag, 3.6.1


About the HTML Conversion Editor, 1.3
Add Document Property, B.2.1
Add Format Mapping Rules, B.4.6
Add Link Mapping Rules, B.3.4.4
Add Navigation Elements, B.3.3
Add Output Markup Items, B.4.2
Add Output Page Layouts, B.4.8
Add Output Text Formats, B.4.4
Add Page Links, B.3.5.4
Add Text Elements, B.3.1
Adding a Navigation Element, 8.3
Adding a Text Element, 8.2
Adding Document Navigation, 8.3.1
Adding Page Navigation, 8.3.2
Adding Section Navigation, 8.3.3
Address (System) element
explained, 2.3.13
using to format address information, 5.8.1
Address Tab, A.7.3
advanced CSS options, 3.3.2
Advanced Settings Dialog
Borders Tab, A.5.8
General Tab, A.5.7
Padding Dialog, A.5.9
Width Tab, A.5.10
alignment of tables, 2.6.12
alignment property of a rank, 2.4.7
Alignment Tab, A.5.18
alternative text
adding for bullets, 3.6.2
adding for separators on a Web page, 5.3
adding to an icon, 3.10.2
as a link property, 4.2
associating with a graphic, 3.10.7
creating from a caption, 3.5.9
obtaining from a source document, 3.10.7
Ami Pro
standard metadata, 2.7.10
appearance of tables, 3.5.2, 3.5.5
applying the <LI> tag as a custom tag, 3.6.1
Archives Tab, B.1.5
ASCII source documents, 5.8.7


background color
for paragraphs, 3.10.6
setting, 5.7.1
background graphic from a graphics Set, 5.7.2
background image, 3.10.5
body page
elements assigned to, 2.3.1
handling an event within, 5.4.2
placing metadata in, 2.3.10
border, 3.3.6
adding, 3.3.6
Borders and Sizing Tab, A.5.17
borders for paragraphs, 3.3.3
borders of tables, 3.5.6
bulleted list
bullets for, 3.6.2
creating a paragraph pattern for, 2.6.10
formatting, 3.6.3
bulleted lists, 3.6.2
button bar for navigating page elements, 4.5.6
button bar for navigating pages, 4.5.4


creating alternative text from, 3.5.9
Captions Dialog, A.8
cascading style sheets
explained, 3.2
Change Associations Dialog, A.10
Change Metadata Associations Dialog, A.4.26
Change Pattern Association Dialog, A.4.19
Change Pattern Associations dialog box, 2.6.3
Change Style Associations Dialog, A.4.16
Change Style Associations dialog box, 2.3.12
Change Text Effects Dialog, A.5.3
Change Text Effects dialog box, 3.9.2
character pattern, 2.6.5
Character tab dialog, 3.4.1, 3.4.2
formatting in tables, 3.5.1
formatting with CSS, 3.4.1
formatting without CSS, 3.4.2
Color dialog box, 3.9.3
color property of a rank, 2.4.10
colors for a Web page, 5.7.1
colors in tables, 3.5.3
Colors Tab, A.5.19
compliance with HTML 4.0, 5.4.1, 5.4.7
Configuring HTML Settings, 9.2
Configuring Output Markup Items, 9.3
Configuring Output Page Layouts, 9.6
Configuring Output Text Formats, 9.4
graphics in source documents, 3.7
HTML source files, 5.4.4
copyright line for a Web page, 5.8.1
creating alternative text from a caption, 3.5.9
Creating multiple web pages from a single document, 2.3.14
cross-references in a Web page, 5.5
advanced options, 3.3.2
explained, 3.2
formatting a text bar, 4.5.3
formatting characters with, 3.4.1
formatting characters without, 3.4.2
CSS generation, 9.2
Custom link attributes, 8.3.1
Custom Markup Tab, B.3.5.1, B.3.6.1
custom metadata, 2.7.1, 2.7.10
custom tag
adding before or after an element, 2.8.3
applying <LI>, 3.6.1
for new metadata, 2.7.8
including JavaScript, 2.8.3
Custom target attribute, 9.2


Database Tab, B.1.6
Default Character element
explained, 2.3.13
Default Paragraph element
explained, 2.3.13
dialog boxes
Change Style Associations, 2.3.12
Change Text Effects, 3.9.2
Color, 3.9.3
Effects, 3.9.1
Gallery, 4.6.1
Link Properties, 4.2
headers and footers in a Web page, 5.8.4
alternative text from, 3.10.7
converting graphics in, 3.7
including revision information from, 5.8.5
opening from a Web page, 4.4, 4.4.1, 4.4.2
skipping carriage returns in ASCII, 5.8.7
splitting into web pages, 2.3.14
splitting on hard page breaks, 2.3.15
Document Formatting, B.1
Document Navigation, B.3.4
Document Properties, 7, B.2
Document Property, B.2.2


editing options for templates, 1.2.1
Effects dialog box, 3.9.1
element, 2.2
adding custom tags before or after, 2.8.3
assigning an HTML tag to, 2.8.2
associating a metadata with, 2.7.7
associating HTML or scripting code with, 3.8
changing assignments, 2.3.1
changing association with a rank, 2.4.8
changing its association with a pattern, 2.6.3
changing its association with a style, 2.5.6
changing its association with metadata, 2.7.9
changing properties, 2.3.2
changing the name of, 2.3.4
character, 2.3.3
creating, 2.3.5
deleting, 2.3.11
explained, 2.2
handling an event for, 2.3.8
Index Entry, 2.3.3
Index Heading, 2.3.3
Index SubEntry, 2.3.3
linking with a button bar, 4.5.6
linking with a text bar, 4.5.7
paragraph, 2.3.3
placing in a Meta tag, 2.3.9
placing in the Head, 2.3.9
placing in Web pages, 2.3.10
properties, 2.3.6
special, 2.3.13
system character, 2.3.3
system paragraph, 2.3.3
element button bar
adding a Specific Page link, 4.5.2
creating, 4.5.6
Element Properties
Events Tab, A.4.7
General Tab, A.4.3
HTML Tag Tab, A.4.5
Meta Tag Tab, A.4.6
Split Tab, A.4.4
element setup, 1.2.1
Element Setup - Pattern Property
Font Tab, A.4.21
Element Setup Dialog, A.4
Element Setup property sheet
explained, 2.1
element text bar
creating, 4.5.7
element-based metadata
creating, 2.7.7
ordering, 2.7.13
Elements list, 2.3.3
Elements Tab, A.4.1
Elements tab dialog, 2.3.7
Email (System) element
explained, 2.3.13
using to format address information, 5.8.2
Email element, 2.3.13
embedded graphics, 3.7
endnotes in a Web page, 5.8.8
event, 2.3.8, 5.4.2
event handler, 2.3.8, 5.4.2
examples of pattern matching, 2.6.12
standard and custom metadata, 2.7.10
External user stylesheet, 8.3.1, 9.2


figure numbers
creating a paragraph pattern for, 2.6.7
font properties of a pattern, 2.6.13
font property of a rank, 2.4.9
footer in a Web page, 5.8.4
footnotes in a Web page, 5.8.8
Format HTML source for readability, 9.2
Format Mapping Rules, B.4.7
formatting, 1.2.1
bulleted lists, 3.6.2, 3.6.3
characters in tables, 3.5.1
characters with CSS, 3.4.1
characters without CSS, 3.4.2
colors in tables, 3.5.3
explained, 3.1
headings in tables, 3.5.8
inserting icons, 3.10.2
inserting rules, 3.10.3
inserting separators, 3.10.4
lists, 3.6.4
numbered lists, 3.6.5
paragraphs in tables, 3.5.4
paragraphs with CSS, 3.3.4
paragraphs without CSS, 3.3.5
rule for a graphics set,
table alignment, 2.6.12
table borders and size, 3.5.6
tables, 3.5.2
text effects, 3.9.1
Formatting a Database File, 6.7
Formatting a Presentation File, 6.4
Formatting a Spreadsheet File, 6.3
Formatting a Text/Word Processing File, 6.2
Formatting an Archive File, 6.6
Formatting an Image File, 6.5
Formatting Character Dialog, A.5.1
Formatting Dialog, A.5
Formatting Graphics Dialog, A.5.20
Formatting HTML Dialog, A.5.22
Formatting Icons Dialog, A.5.13
Formatting Layout Dialog, A.5.23
Formatting Lists Dialog, A.5.14
Formatting Paragraph Dialog, A.5.5
Formatting property sheet
explained, 3.1
Formatting Rules Dialog, A.5.12
Formatting Separators Dialog, A.5.11
Formatting Tables Dialog, A.5.16
frequency of ranks, 2.4.14


creating a new group of graphics,
creating new graphics set,
deleting a graphics set,
dialog box, 4.6.1
editing a graphics set,
editing a group of graphics,
Group mode, 4.6.1
selecting a graphics Set from, 5.7.2
Sets, 4.6.2
Sets mode, 4.6.1
using your own graphics,
Gallery Dialog, A.11
Gallery Example Dialog, A.11.1
Gallery Groups Dialog, A.11.2
Gallery Groups Example Dialog, A.11.3
Gallery HTML Code, A.11.4
Gallery Set Dialog, A.11.5
Generate parent levels when "orphan" levels are encountered, 8.3.1
Generated Content, 8, B.3
generating XML-compliant output, 5.4.8
Global Colors Tab, A.7.1
explained, 5.1
globals, 1.2.1
Globals Dialog, A.7
Globals property sheet
explained, 5.1
associating alternative text with, 3.10.7
background, 5.7.3
changing to properties of a group, 4.6.5
converting in source documents, 3.7
creating a paragraph pattern for, 2.6.8
editing a group of,
using your own in the Gallery,
graphics Set
selecting, 5.7.2
graphics set
changing properties, 4.6.4
formatting a rule for,
the Gallery, 4.6.1
grayed out elements in Elements list, 2.3.3
Group mode in the Gallery, 4.6.1
group of graphics
changing the properties of, 4.6.5
creating new,


handling an event for an element, 2.3.8
handling an event within a body page, 5.4.2
hard page returns for splitting a source document, 2.3.15
including HTML or scripting code in, 5.4.4
placing elements in, 2.3.9
Head Tab, A.7.4
in a Web page, 5.8.4
headings in tables
formatting, 3.5.8
height of lines in paragraphs, 3.3.9
hierarchy of ranks, 2.4.14
HTML 4.0
compliance with, 5.4.7
HTML code
associating with an element, 3.8
at top of HTML file, 5.4.1
in the head of a Web page, 5.4.4
including in a Web page, 5.4.3
HTML output
placing elements in body pages, 2.3.10
placing metadata in Meta tags, 2.3.9
HTML source files, 5.4.4
HTML Tab, A.7.10
HTML tag
assigning to an element, 2.8.2
explained, 2.8.1
including a version number in, 5.4.5
including HTML or scripting code in, 5.4.5
including the LANG attribute in, 5.4.5
HTML version 4.0, 5.4.1
element, 2.3.13
targets for external links, 5.6


inserting, 3.10.2
Icons tab dialog, 3.10.2
Image sizing method, 9.2
Images Tab, B.1.4
including scripting variables in output, 5.4.6
indent, 3.3.6
adding, 3.3.6
in bulleted lists, 3.6.1
Index Entry element, 2.3.13
Index Heading element, 2.3.13
Index SubEntry element, 2.3.13
input effects, 3.9.2
inserting icons, 3.10.2
inserting rules, 3.10.3
inserting separators, 3.10.4
Interlaced GIF, 9.2


JavaScipt in custom tags, 2.8.3
JavaScript in custom tags, 2.8.3
JPEG quality, 9.2


Keywords element, 2.3.13


LANG attribute, 5.4.5
Language string, 9.2
Layout Tab, A.7.12
line height for paragraphs, 3.3.9
line indentation, 3.3.7
Specific Page, 4.5.1, 4.5.2
Link Formatting Tab, B.3.4.2
Link Mapping Rules, B.3.4.5
Link Markup Tab, B.3.4.3
Link Properties Dialog, A.9
Link Properties dialog box, 4.2
Link Set Markup, 8.3.1
Link Set Markup Tab, B.3.4.1
Link to Source link, 4.4, 4.4.2
a Web page to a specific page, 4.5.1
an element to a specific page, 4.5.2
page elements with a button bar, 4.5.6
page elements with a text bar, 4.5.7
to a specific page, 4.3
Web pages with a button bar, 4.5.4
Web pages with a text bar, 4.5.5
setting colors for, 5.7.1
targets for, 5.6
bulleted, 3.6.3
formatting, 3.6.4
numbered, 3.6.5
selecting bullets for, 3.6.2
List Bullets Dialog, A.5.15
list of elements, 2.3.3


Main Image Size Dialog, A.5.21
mapping input and text output effects, 3.9.2
mapping text effects, 3.9.1
margin, 3.3.6
adding, 3.3.6
Margins Dialog, A.5.6
margins of paragraphs, 3.3.8
Markup to insert after this set of links, 8.3.1
Markup to insert before this set of links, 8.3.1
matching patterns, 2.6.14
matching patterns by using text expressions, 2.6.19
Meta tag
placing an element in, 2.3.9
changing the association with an element, 2.7.9
changing the properties of, 2.7.11
creating, 2.7.4
custom tags for, 2.7.8
explained, 2.7.1
including in HTML output, 2.3.9, 2.3.10
list of standard, 2.7.5
making element-based, 2.7.7
options, 2.7.6
ordering, 2.7.13
placing in body pages, 2.3.10
placing in Meta tags, 2.3.9
placing in Web pages, 2.3.10
removing from a template, 2.7.14
uses of, 2.7.1
Metadata Properties Dialog, A.4.27
Metadata Tab, A.4.24
Metadata tab dialog, 2.7.12


navigating to another Web site, 4.3
navigation, 1.2.1
creating a page button bar, 4.5.4
creating a page text bar, 4.5.5
creating an element button bar, 4.5.6
creating an element text bar, 4.5.7
navigation aids
in a Web page, 5.8.6
setting order of, 3.10.1
Navigation Dialog, A.6
Navigation Element Button Bar Link Properties, A.6.3
Navigation Element Button Bar Tab, A.6.2
Navigation Element Text Bar Tab, A.6.5
Navigation Formatting Tab, B.3.5.2, B.3.6.2
Navigation Layout, B.4.11
Navigation Markup Tab, B.3.5.3, B.3.6.3
Navigation Page Text Bar Tab, A.6.4
New Element Dialog, A.4.2
New Metadata Dialog, A.4.25
New Pattern Dialog, A.4.18
new rank
creating, 2.4.13
New Rank Dialog, A.4.9
New Style Dialog, A.4.14
numbered list, 3.6.5
creating a paragraph pattern for, 2.6.9
formatting, 3.6.5


Only include links to targets on the same page, 8.3.1
template, 1.2.1
Options Tab, A.7.6
order of navigation and visual aids, 5.8.6
order of ranks, 2.4.6
ordered lists, 3.6.5
ordering metadata, 2.7.13
Output character set, 9.2
Output DPI, 9.2
output effects, 3.9.2
Output Markup Items, B.4.3
Output Page Layouts, B.4.9
Output Pages, 9, B.4, B.4.1
Output Text Format - Formatting Tab, B.4.5.2
Output Text Format - Markup Tab, B.4.5.1
Output Text Formats, B.4.5


padding, 3.3.6, 3.3.6
padding for paragraphs, 3.3.1
page button bar
adding a Specific Page link, 4.5.1
navigating with, 4.5.4
Page Button Bar Tab, A.6.1
Page Layout, B.4.12
Page Links, B.3.5.5
Page Navigation, B.3.5
page text bar
navigating with, 4.5.5
page TOC
elements assigned to, 2.3.1
paragraph, Glossary
paragraph margins, 3.3.8
paragraph pattern
for a bulleted list, 2.6.10
for a numbered list, 2.6.9
for figure numbers, 2.6.7
for graphics in a source document, 2.6.8
for tables, 2.6.11
paragraph properties of a pattern, 2.6.14
Paragraph tab dialog
formatting with CSS, 3.3.4
formatting without CSS, 3.3.5
paragraph width, 3.3.10
adding padding to, 3.3.1
advanced CSS options, 3.3.2
background color, 3.10.6
background image, 3.10.5
borders, 3.3.3
defined, Glossary
formatting in tables, 3.5.4
formatting with CSS, 3.3.4
formatting without CSS, 3.3.5
line height, 3.3.9
setting line indentation, 3.3.7
width, 3.3.10
changing its association with an element, 2.6.3
changing properties, 2.6.2
changing the name of, 2.6.4
character, 2.6.5
creating, 2.6.6
explained, 2.6.1
font properties, 2.6.13
matching, 2.6.12
previewing, 2.6.17
properties, 2.6.15
removing from a template, 2.6.18
text expression properties, 2.6.19
Pattern Property
General Tab, A.4.20
Paragraph Tab, A.4.22
Text Expression Tab, A.4.23
Patterns Tab, A.4.17
Patterns tab dialog, 2.6.16
standard and custom metadata, 2.7.10
Presentations Tab, B.1.3
patterns, 2.6.17
Previewing a Converted Document, B.5.2
Previewing and Saving your Template, B.5
Previewing the Template XML Structure, B.5.1
changing a pattern name, 2.6.4
changing for patterns, 2.6.2
changing for styles, 2.5.7
element, 2.3.2, 2.3.6
element name, 2.3.4
graphics sets, 4.6.4
of a pattern, 2.6.14
of a style, 2.5.3
of metadata, 2.7.11
pattern, 2.6.15
rank, 2.4.5, 2.4.11
property sheets
Element Setup, 2.1
Formatting, 3.1
Globals, 5.1
Navigation, 4


changing alignment property, 2.4.7
changing association with an element, 2.4.8
changing color property, 2.4.10
changing effects, 2.4.12
changing font property, 2.4.9
creating, 2.4.13
explained, 2.4.1
frequency, 2.4.14
hierarchy, 2.4.14
order, 2.4.6
properties, 2.4.5, 2.4.11
removing from a template, 2.4.2
rules, 2.4.4
Rank Defaults Dialog, A.4.10
Rank Properties Dialog, A.4.11
rank rules
changing, 2.4.12
Rank Rules Dialog, A.4.12
Ranks Tab, A.4.8
Ranks tab dialog, 2.4.3
renaming a graphics set,
revision information from source documents, 5.8.5
standard metadata, 2.7.10
adding to a Web page, 5.2
for ranks, 2.4.4
inserting, 3.10.3
Rules Tab, A.7.9
Rules tab dialog, 3.10.3


Saving your Template, B.5.3
including in top of file, 5.4.1
scripting code
associating with an element, 3.8
at top of HTML file, 5.4.1
in head of Web page, 5.4.4
including in a Web page, 5.4.3
scripting variables
including in output, 5.4.6
Section Navigation, B.3.6
Select a Document Dialog, A.2
Select Preview Document Dialog, A.3
a background graphic, 5.7.3
a graphics Set for a Web page, 5.7.2
adding to a Web page, 5.3
inserting, 3.10.4
Separators Tab, A.7.8
Set Preview Document, B.5.2
Set Tab, A.7.11
Sets mode in the Gallery, 4.6.1
Sets of graphics, 4.6.2
Setting Format Mapping Rules, 9.5
Show style information, 9.2
size of tables, 3.5.6
skipping single hard carriage returns in ASCII documents, 5.8.7
source file URL, 4.2
special elements, 2.3.13
Specific Page link, 4.3, 4.5.1, 4.5.2
specific page URL, 4.2
splitting a source document into several web pages, 2.3.14
splitting a source document on hard page breaks, 2.3.15
Spreadsheets Tab, B.1.2
standard HTML tags, 2.8.1
standard metadata
explained, 2.7.1, 2.7.10
list of, 2.7.5
stripping non-list items, 3.6.6
changing its association with an element, 2.5.6
changing the properties of, 2.5.7
creating, 2.5.5
deleting, 2.5.4
explained, 2.5.1
properties of, 2.5.3
removing from a template, 2.5.4
to format the appearance of tables, 3.5.5
Style Properties Dialog, A.4.15
Styles Tab, A.4.13
Styles tab dialog, 2.5.2
cross-references in a Web page, 5.5
footnotes and endnotes in a Web page, 5.8.8
tables in a Web page, 5.8.10


Table Override Dialog, A.5.4
creating a paragraph pattern for, 2.6.11
formatting, 3.5.2
formatting characters, 3.5.1
formatting headings, 3.5.8
formatting paragraphs, 3.5.4
setting alignment, 2.6.12
setting borders and size, 3.5.6
setting colors, 3.5.3
setting up styles to format, 3.5.5
suppressing in a Web page, 5.8.10
tags before or after an element, 2.8.3
Tags Tab, A.7.5
targets for external hyperlinks, 5.6
adding a new element to, 2.3.5
editing options, 1.2.1
explained, 1.1
removing a pattern from, 2.6.18
removing a rank from, 2.4.2
removing a style from, 2.5.4
removing an element from, 2.3.11
Template Editing Options, 1.3.1
Templates and Associated Graphics Sets, A.11.5
text bar
formatting with CSS, 4.5.3
navigating page elements, 4.5.7
navigating pages, 4.5.5
text effects, 3.9.1
Text Effects Dialog, A.5.2
Text Elements, B.3.2
text expression properties of a pattern, 2.6.19
Text/Word Processing Tab, B.1.1
creating for a Web page, 5.8.3
Title (System) element
explained, 2.3.13
Title Source, B.4.10
Titles Tab, A.7.2


unordered list
formatting, 3.6.3
removing indent from, 3.6.1
Use DOCTYPE, 9.2
Use external CSS class, 8.3.1


Value for unmapped characters, 9.2
scripting, 5.4.6
version attribute, 5.4.5
visual aids
in a Web page, 5.8.6
setting order of, 3.10.1


web page
adding a copyright line, 5.8.2
adding a Specific Page link to, 4.5.1
adding an address, 5.8.1
adding an email address, 5.8.2
adding options to, 5.8.9
adding rules to, 5.2
adding separators to, 5.3
adding titles to, 5.8.3
converting graphics for, 3.7
displaying headers and footers in, 5.8.4
formatting, 3.1
formatting bulleted list, 3.6.3
formatting characters in tables, 3.5.1
formatting characters with CSS, 3.4.1
formatting characters without CSS, 3.4.2
formatting colors in tables, 3.5.3
formatting lists, 3.6.4
formatting numbered lists, 3.6.5
formatting paragraphs in tables, 3.5.4
formatting paragraphs with CSS, 3.3.4
formatting paragraphs without CSS, 3.3.5
formatting table alignment, 2.6.12
formatting tables, 3.5.6
formatting text effects, 3.9.1, 3.9.2
including HTML or scripting code at the top, 5.4.1
including HTML or scripting code in, 5.4.3
including HTML or scripting code in the head, 5.4.4
inserting icons, 3.10.2
inserting rules, 3.10.3
inserting separators, 3.10.4
linking to, 4.3
linking with a button bar, 4.5.4
linking with a text bar, 4.5.5
making compliant with HTML 4.0, 5.4.7
opening a source document from, 4.4.1, 4.4.2
placing an element in, 2.3.10
selecting a background color for, 5.7.3
setting colors for, 5.7.1
setting order of navigation and visual aids, 3.10.1, 5.8.6
suppressing cross-references, 5.5
suppressing footnotes and endnotes, 5.8.8
suppressing tables in, 5.8.10
Web site
navigating to, 4.3
Weblink element, 2.3.13
width of paragraphs, 3.3.10
standard and custom metadata, 2.7.10
Word limit for labels, 8.3.1
Word Pro
standard metadata, 2.7.10
Word versions 2 and 6
standard metadata, 2.7.10
standard metadata, 2.7.10


XML Options Dialog, A.7.7
XML Structure Viewer, B.5.1
XML-compliant output, 5.4.8