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Oracle® Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Content Server
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)
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9 Storing and Moving Content with Folders/WebDAV

This chapter discusses how to store and move content with folders/WebDAV. The chapter contains the following sections:

9.1 Introduction

This section covers the following topics:

9.1.1 About Folders

Folders is an optional component for use with Content Server that, when enabled, provides a hierarchical folder interface to content in Content Server in the form of virtual folders (also called hierarchical folders). Virtual folders enable you to create a multilevel folder structure.

Virtual folders provide this main benefit: Users can apply default metadata to content items by checking them in through a particular folder. Content Item Security

The user logins and security controls in Content Server also apply to content that is managed through virtual folders. For example, if you have Read permission for a content item, you will be able to view the file, but you will not be able to check in a revision to the file. Folder Metadata Inheritance

When you create a new folder, the metadata from the parent folder will populate the fields for the new folder. This allows the folder to initially inherit metadata, but enables you to make changes to the new folder. A folder has the same metadata as a content item.

Subsequent changes to a parent folder's metadata do not affect the metadata for existing subfolders. If you want to apply a parent folder's metadata to subfolders and content items, you can use Metadata Propagation. Default Metadata Values

When a file is checked into the content server through a virtual folder, default metadata values are entered on the content check-in form automatically. Default metadata values are evaluated in the following order:

  1. Virtual folder default values: When you click New Folder from the New Item menu, any content default metadata values defined for that virtual folder are entered on the content check-in form. These values are defined on the Hierarchy Folder Configuration Page.

  2. User default metadata values: If any content metadata defaults are not defined for the virtual folder, the user's default metadata values are applied. These values are defined by each user for new content items on their Default Information Field Configuration Page, and for revised content items on their Revision Information Field Configuration Page.


    User default metadata values are only applicable when creating new content items using WebDAV. They are not applicable when using the Content Server web interface.

  3. System default metadata values: The system default values are applied to any fields that are not defined by the virtual folder or the user's default metadata. These values are defined by the system administrator.


    System default metadata values are only applicable when creating new content items using WebDAV. They are not applicable when using the Content Server web interface.

  4. None: A metadata field can be blank as long as it is not a required field. If a required field is left blank, an error will occur and the content item will not be checked in. Trash Bin

The Trash Bin function is an optional feature that sends deleted items to a Trash folder, rather than permanently deleting the items. Items in the Trash folder can then be permanently deleted or restored to their original location in the folder hierarchy. This enables users to recover files and folders that have been mistakenly deleted.

Please note the following considerations with regard to the Trash Bin feature:

  • The Trash folder works much like a normal folder except that items deleted from the Trash folder are permanently deleted. See "Trash Exploring Page".

  • Deleting a revision from a content information page bypasses the Trash folder and permanently deletes the revision.

  • Users can select whether they want to make use of the Trash folder, or permanently delete items immediately. They can also choose whether to see all deleted items in the Trash folder, or just the items they deleted themselves. See "Folder Configuration Page".

  • Deleting an item from the Exploring page will put the item into the Trash folder.

  • Deleting an item from WebDAV will put it into the Trash folder. Metadata Propagation

The metadata propagation function enables contributors to copy default metadata values from a folder to its subfolders and content items. Typical uses for this function include:

  • After moving a large number of content items to a new folder structure, you want to apply the top-level folder's default metadata to all subfolders and content items.

  • You revised the default metadata for a folder, and you want to apply it to subfolders and content items within that folder.

Note the following considerations with regard to metadata propagation:

  • The propagation function applies each folder's metadata to all "uninhibited" subfolders and content items within those folders. This means that each uninhibited subfolder and content item will inherit the metadata of the folder from which propagation was launched.

  • When you inhibit a folder, it is not affected by metadata propagation from a higher-level folder. However, you can still launch metadata propagation from an inhibited folder.

  • The system administrator selects which metadata fields are included in propagation. (This is a system-wide setting.) By default, no metadata fields are included until they are specifically selected for metadata propagation.

  • If a folder metadata field does not have a value defined, subfolders and content items within that folder may not inherit the "blank" value during propagation and any existing metadata values may stay intact for these items. This depends on how the system administrator has set up the system.

  • When you launch metadata propagation, only folders and content items for which you have Write permission to the security group will be affected. Folder Content Item Revisions

When documents are edited and checked into the content server, the revised document must undergo a process that involves being converted, indexed, and released. Before this process is complete, the system considers the revised document to be the "latest" version. After the process is complete, the system considers the revised document to be the "latest released" version.

Depending on how Folders has been set up, users with read access to the content item will see either the latest version or nothing at all if the item is not released. Authors, however, will always see the latest version. By default, the latest version is available to all users with read access.

9.1.2 About WebDAV

WebDAV (Web-Based Distributed Authoring and Versioning) provides a way to remotely author and manage your content using clients that support the WebDAV protocol. For example, you can use Microsoft Windows Explorer to check in, check out, and modify content in the repository rather than using the browser interface. What is WebDAV?

WebDAV is an extension to the HTTP/1.1 protocol that allows clients to perform remote web content authoring operations. The WebDAV protocol is specified by RFC 2518.0. See the WebDAV Resources page at for more information.

When WebDAV is used with a content management system such as Content Server, the WebDAV client serves as an alternate user interface to the native files in the content repository. The same versioning and security controls apply, whether an author uses the web browser interface or a WebDAV client.

Desktop Integration Suite (DIS) provides a set of embedded applications that help you seamlessly integrate your desktop experience with the WebDAV-based Oracle Content Server repository. DIS provides convenient access to the content server directly from Microsoft Windows Explorer, Microsoft Office applications (Word, Excel, and PowerPoint), and supported e-mail clients (Microsoft Outlook and Lotus Notes). Integrating Oracle Content Server with your desktop applications improves your ability to work with files on the content server. You can easily manage files on the server and share files with other users directly from your desktop in addition to logging in to the content server and using the web browser interface. For more information about DIS, see Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Desktop Integration Suite.

The WebDAV interface in Content Server is based on the hierarchical Folders interface. See "About Folders" for more information. WebDAV Clients

A WebDAV client is an application that can send requests and receive responses using the WebDAV protocol.

You can use WebDAV virtual folders in Windows Explorer to manage files that were created in a non-WebDAV client, but you cannot use the native application to check content in to and out of the content server repository. WebDAV Connection Strings

With the use of a form-based login, WebDAV connection strings now require the _dav root before the webroot. For example:


9.2 Working With Folders

This section covers the following topics:

This guide assumes that your content server is using the Trays layout with the Oracle skin, which is the default for Content Server 11gR1.

9.2.1 Naming Folders

The Folders component mimics the Windows file system. Therefore, when you create a folder, you are not allowed to use double quotes in the name (for example, "doublequotedfolder"). Using double quotes will cause an error. You must use the standard naming conventions for Windows when creating folders.

9.2.2 Defining User Configuration Settings

Use the following procedure to define your virtual folder configuration settings:

  1. Open the My Content Server tray.

  2. Click My Folder Configuration.

    The Folder Configuration Page is displayed.

  3. Select a Content Style option.

  4. If the Hide/Unhide feature is enabled, select or clear the "Show hidden when browsing" check box.

  5. If the Trash Bin function is enabled, select or clear the following check boxes:

    • Remove items immediately when deleted

    • Show only items that user has deleted in trash virtual folder

  6. Click Update.

9.2.3 Defining User Metadata Defaults for New Content

Use the following procedure to define default metadata values for new content checked in by a particular user.

These defaults will be applied to any new content item checked in through a virtual folder only if a value is not defined for the folder. See "Default Metadata Values" for more information.

These metadata values are applied only on initial check-in of a content item. These settings do not affect revisions to existing content. See "Defining User Metadata Defaults for Revised Content" to set metadata defaults for revisions.


Each user should follow this procedure to define their default metadata before using WebDAV to check in content through a virtual folder. This is recommended to ensure that content items do not all have the same metadata, and to ensure that content can be checked in if required values are not defined for the folder or in the system defaults. Each WebDAV contributor should repeat this procedure after a required metadata field is added to the content server or after accounts are enabled.

To define user metadata defaults for new content:

  1. Open the My Content Server tray.

  2. Expand the My Folder Configuration link.

  3. Click Default Information Field Configuration for [User].

    The Default Information Field Configuration Page is displayed.

  4. Specify the default values to be applied to new content upon check-in. Idoc Script can be used in any information field.

  5. Click Update.

9.2.4 Defining User Metadata Defaults for Revised Content

Use the following procedure to define default metadata values for revised content checked in by a particular user. These defaults will be applied to any content item revision checked in through a virtual folder only if a value is not defined for the folder. See "Default Metadata Values" for more information.

These metadata values are applied only upon check-in of a revision; these settings do not affect new content items. See "Defining User Metadata Defaults for New Content" to set metadata defaults for new content.

To define user metadata defaults for revised content:

  1. Open the My Content Server tray.

  2. Expand the My Folder Configuration link.

  3. Click Revision Information Field Configuration for User.

    The Revision Information Field Configuration Page is displayed.

  4. Specify the default values to be applied to revised content upon check-in. Idoc Script can be used in any information field.

  5. Click Update.

9.2.5 Viewing Virtual Folders

Use the following procedure to view a virtual folder from a content server web page:

  1. Open the Browse Content tray.

  2. Click the Contribution Folders link.

    Exploring Contribution Folders is displayed. Depending on how the system administrator set up the system, long display lists may be truncated and spread out over multiple pages. Navigation links are then provided to move between pages.

  3. Click folder links to drill down to the desired folder.

  4. To view the Hierarchical Folder Information Page for a folder, click the Folder Information icon, select Folder Information from the Action menu, or explore the folder and click the Info link.

  5. If the Web Folder feature is enabled and you are using Internet Explorer 5.0 or higher, you can view the folder in Windows Explorer by selecting Open Web Folder from the Content Actions menu.

9.2.6 Viewing Content Items

Use the following procedure to view content items from a virtual folder:

  1. View the Exploring page for the virtual folder that contains the content item.

    Depending on how the system administrator set up the system, long display lists might be truncated and spread out over multiple pages. Navigation links are then provided to move between pages.

    For more information, see "Exploring Contribution Folders".

  2. To view the content information for a content item, click the Information icon or choose Content Information from the Actions icon popup menu.

  3. To view a file, click the file link in the Name column.

    • If you selected the Native option under Content Style on the Folder Configuration Page, the File Download screen enables you to open or save the file.

    • If you selected the Web Viewable (Browse only) option under Content Style on the Folder Configuration Page, the web-viewable file is displayed.

9.2.7 Checking In Content

Use the following procedure to check in a file through a virtual folder:

  1. View the Exploring page for the virtual folder you want to check the content item into.

    For more information, see "Exploring Contribution Folders".

  2. Display the content check-in form using one of the following methods:

    • Select New Content from the New Item link.

    • Click the Actions icon for an existing content item and select Check In Similar.

    The content check-in form is displayed, with the folder's default metadata already filled in.

  3. Enter the required metadata and any optional metadata for the content item.

  4. Enter the path and file name of the Primary File. You cannot check two files with the same file name into the same folder.

  5. In the Inhibit Propagation field, specify whether the content item should be included during metadata propagation.

    • Set the value to false if propagated metadata should be applied to the content item.

    • Set the value to true if the content item's metadata should remain unchanged during metadata propagation.

  6. Click Check In.

If the number of content items in the folder exceeds the limit set by the system administrator, you receive an error message and will not be able to check in the new content item.

9.2.8 Adding Virtual Folders

To add a virtual folder, you must be a contributor.

Use the following procedure to add a virtual folder:

  1. Select New Folder from the New Item link on the Exploring Folder page:

  2. Specify an owner for the virtual folder.

  3. Specify any additional metadata values for the folder.

    • These metadata values will be applied to content items upon initial check-in to this folder.

    • These metadata values override any values inherited from the parent folder.

    • Idoc Script can be used in any information field.

  4. In the Inhibit Propagation field, specify whether the folder should be included when metadata is propagated from a higher-level folder.

    • Set the value to false if the folder should be included in metadata propagation.

    • Set the value to true if the folder's metadata should remain unchanged during metadata propagation.

  5. Click Save).

    The new virtual folder is displayed on the Exploring Contribution Folders.

If the number of folders exceeds the limit set by the system administrator, you receive an error message and will not be able to check in the new folder.

9.2.9 Modifying Virtual Folders

To modify a virtual folder, you must have Admin permission to the folder's security group.

Use the following procedure to modify a virtual folder:

  1. Open the Hierarchical Folder Information Page.

  2. Select Update from the Folder Actions list.

    The Hierarchy Folder Configuration Page appears.

  3. Revise one or more metadata values for the folder.

    • These metadata values will be applied to content items upon initial check-in to this folder; these settings do not affect revisions to existing content in the folder.

    • These metadata values override any values inherited from the parent folder.

    • Idoc Script can be used in any information field.

  4. In the Inhibit Propagation field, specify whether the folder should be included when metadata is propagated from a higher-level folder.

    • Set the value to false if the folder should be included in metadata propagation.

    • Set the value to true if the folder's metadata should remain unchanged during metadata propagation.

  5. Click Submit Update.

    The modified virtual folder is displayed on the Exploring Contribution Folders.

If the number of folders exceeds the limit set by the system administrator, you receive an error message and will not be able to check in the new folder.

9.2.10 Moving Virtual Folders and Content

Use the following procedure to move virtual folders and content items from one virtual folder to another:

  1. View the Exploring page for the virtual folder that contains the folders, content items, or both that you want to move.

    For more information, see "Exploring Contribution Folders".

  2. Select the check boxes next to the folders and/or content items to be moved.

  3. Click item Actions, and select Move.

  4. Click the folder to move the selected items to. (You may need to navigate to a higher-level folder to display its subfolders.) The target folder is the open folder.

  5. Click OK.

    The selected items are moved to the target folder.

If local folder mapping is setup, if you move a file from one folder to another (either through the Folders user interface or WebDAV), the copy of that file in the local folder associated with the source folder is not deleted. For example, if you have a folder WebSite, files in this folder are automatically copied to its local folder, C:/Website/. If you now move a file from the folder WebSite to another folder, say, Intranet, with Z:/Intranet/ as the local folder, then the file copy in C:/Website/ is not deleted.

9.2.11 Creating a Shortcut

Use either of the following procedures to create a shortcut link to a virtual folder or content item in the folder hierarchy. You can create shortcuts in two ways: Creating a Shortcut from an Exploring Page

Use the following procedure to create a shortcut from an exploring page:

  1. View the Exploring page for the virtual folder that contains the folder or content item for which you want to create a shortcut.

    For more information, see "Exploring Contribution Folders".

  2. Click Folder Actions menu or Content Actions menu, and then click Create Shortcut.

    The Browsing Window is displayed.

  3. Click the folder where you want to create the shortcut link. (You may need to navigate to a higher-level folder to display its subfolders.) The target folder is the open folder.

  4. Click OK.

    A shortcut link is created in the target folder. Creating a Shortcut from a Folder Information or Content Information Page

Use the following procedure to create a shortcut from a folder information page or content information page:

  1. View the Hierarchical Folder Information Page or content information page for the folder or content item for which you want to create a shortcut.

  2. Select Create Shortcut from the Content Actions menu.

    The Browsing Window is displayed.

  3. Click the folder where you want to create the shortcut link. (You may need to navigate to a higher-level folder to display its subfolders.) The target folder is the open folder.

  4. Click OK.

    A shortcut link is created in the target folder.

9.2.12 Deleting Virtual Folders and Their Content

This section covers the following topics: About Deleting Folders and Content


When you delete a folder, all subfolders and all revisions of all content items in the folders are also deleted. When you delete a content item, all revisions of that content item are deleted. Be extremely careful when deleting folders and content items so that you do not accidentally delete content that you want to keep.

Keep the following in mind when deleting virtual folders and content items:

  • When you delete folders and content items from the Folders hierarchy, the action that occurs depends on whether the Trash Bin function is enabled and whether you have chosen to use the Trash Bin function in your user profile:

    Trash Bin function enabled by system administrator "Remove items immediately when deleted" check box on the Folder Configuration Page Result of Delete Action
    Enabled Cleared Deleting a folder or content item moves it to the Trash folder. Items can be permanently deleted or restored from the Trash folder.
    Enabled Selected Deleting a folder or content item permanently deletes it. Items cannot be restored.
    Disabled Selected or cleared Deleting a folder or content item permanently deletes it. Items cannot be restored.

  • To delete a content item, you must have Delete permission to the content item's security group. If accounts are enabled, you must have Delete permission to the account as well.

  • To delete a virtual folder, you must be the owner of the folder or a user with Delete permission to the folder's security group. If accounts are enabled, you must have Delete permission to the account as well.

  • If a folder contains any content items or subfolders that you do not have permission to delete, you will not be able to delete the folder. Deleting a Folder or Content Item


When you delete a folder, all subfolders and all revisions of all content items in the folders are also deleted. When you delete a content item, all revisions of that content item are deleted. Be extremely careful when deleting folders and content items so that you do not accidentally delete content that you want to keep.

To delete a content item, you must have Delete permission for the security group of that content item. To delete a folder, you must be the Owner of the folder or have Delete permission for the folder's security group, and you must have Delete permission for the security groups of all subfolders and content items within the folder.

Use the following procedure to delete folders and content items:

  1. View the Exploring page for the virtual folder that contains the folder or content item you want to delete.

    For more information, see "Exploring Contribution Folders".

  2. Select the check box next to each folder and content item to be deleted.

  3. For multiple selections, choose Delete from the Actions menu. For an individual selection, choose Delete from the Action icon menu.

    You are asked to confirm that you want to remove the selected items.

  4. Click OK.

    All revisions of selected content items, any selected folders, any subfolders of selected folders, and all revisions of content items in these folders are deleted. Whether or not they can be restored depends on how Folders has been set up. Permanently Deleting Folders and Content from Trash

Use the following procedure to permanently delete items from the Trash folder:

  1. View the Exploring page for the Trash folder.

    For more information, see "Exploring Contribution Folders".

  2. Select the check box next to each folder and content item to be permanently deleted.

  3. For multiple selections, choose Delete from the Actions menu. For an individual selection, choose Delete from the Action icon menu.

    You are asked to confirm that you want to remove the selected items.

  4. Click OK.

    All revisions of selected content items, any selected folders, any subfolders of selected folders, and all revisions of content items in these folders are permanently deleted from the content server. They cannot be restored.

9.2.13 Restoring Folders and Content from Trash

If you delete a folder or content item from the Trash folder, the folder or item is permanently deleted from Content Server. To prevent permanent deletion of folders and content, you can restore them from the Trash folder to their original parent folders. Items that remain in the Trash folder are still searchable.

Use the following procedure to restore an item from the Trash folder to its original parent folder:

  1. View the Exploring page for the Trash folder.

    For more information, see "Exploring Contribution Folders".

  2. Click the Actions icon and select Restore. (You can restore only one item at a time.)

  3. Click OK.

    The item is restored to its original parent folder.


    If the original parent folder has been deleted and is still in the Trash folder, the restored item will be moved to the original folder. If the original folder has been permanently deleted, you will not be able to restore the item.

9.2.14 Propagating Metadata

Use the following procedure to copy metadata from a folder to its subfolders and content items.

This procedure replaces metadata values for folders and content items that are not identified as "inhibited," and there is no "undo." Be extremely careful when propagating metadata so that you do not accidentally change values you meant to keep.

The system administrator selects which metadata fields are included in propagation. This is a system-wide setting. Make sure that you know which metadata fields are enabled for propagation before launching the process.

You can only propagate metadata for a folder if you are the owner or administrator of that folder. Empty metadata field values may not be propagated, depending on how the system has been set up.

  1. Display the Hierarchical Folder Information Page for the folder from which you want to propagate metadata.

  2. Select Propagate from the Folder Actions.

    The metadata values defined for the current folder are copied to any uninhibited subfolders and content items within those folders. Only content items and folders for which you have Write permission to the security group will be affected.

9.2.15 Searching for Content in Folders

You Content Server instance might or might not be configured for subfolders. If it is not, then you can still search for items in a single folder. Otherwise, you have the choice to search for content in a folder or the folder and everything below. If there are many subfolders, you might be limited in how many are actually searched.

If Folders is configured to support searching in a folder and its subfolders, then follow this procedure to search for content items in Folders:

  1. Click Search in the content server.

    The Search page is displayed with a Browse button.

  2. Click Browse to find and select the folder, including its subfolders, that you want to search.

  3. Specify other parameters on the Search page as needed, then click Search.

9.3 Working with WebDAV

This section covers the following topics:

9.3.1 Setting Up a Web Folder

See your system administrator for details about the specific documentation available that provides instructions about setting up a WebDAV web folder on a client machine.

9.3.2 Working with Virtual Folders

This section covers these topics: Folder Name Constraints

The following characters cannot be used in the name of a virtual folder:

  • Forward slash (/)

  • Backward slash (\)

  • Number sign (#) Viewing Virtual Folders

Virtual folders can be viewed in Windows Explorer or from the Open or Save As dialog in a WebDAV client. The virtual folders can be accessed in either of the following ways:

  • Select the Web folder under the My Network Places node

  • Expand the Web Folders node under the My Computer node, and then select the Web folder Creating a New Virtual Folder

You can create a new virtual folder in Windows Explorer or from the Open or Save As dialog in a WebDAV client. Select an existing web folder, right-click, and select New in the context menu, and then Folder.

  • The newly created folder will have the same default metadata as its parent folder. To modify the default metadata, see "Setting Default Folder Metadata".

  • You cannot create a new folder at the root level.

  • The following characters cannot be used in the folder name:

    • Forward slash (/)

    • Backward slash (\)

    • Number sign (#)

    • Quotation mark (") Deleting a Virtual Folder

You can delete a virtual folder from Windows Explorer or from the Open or Save As screen in a WebDAV client. Browse to the folder you want to delete, right-click, and choose Delete from the popup menu (or press the Delete key).


When you delete a folder, all subfolders and all revisions of all content items in the folders are also deleted. Be extremely careful when deleting folders so that you do not accidentally delete content that you want to keep.

See "Deleting Virtual Folders and Their Content" for detailed information on security and the Trash Bin function. Restoring a Virtual Folder

If the Trash Bin function is enabled, you can restore a virtual folder from Windows Explorer using one of the following methods:

  • Drag and drop the folder from the Trash folder to another virtual folder.

  • Cut the folder from the Trash folder and paste it into another virtual folder. Setting Default Folder Metadata

Setting default metadata cannot be done from the WebDAV client. Use the web user interface and the following procedure to define the metadata defaults for a virtual folder:

  1. Open the Hierarchy Folder Configuration Page for the folder.

  2. Enter the default metadata for the folder.

  3. Click Update.

9.3.3 Working with Content

This section covers the following topics:

Files that were not created in a supported WebDAV client can be checked in, viewed, deleted, copied, and moved through WebDAV virtual folders in Windows Explorer, but they must be checked out through the browser interface. Checking In Content

Placing a file in a virtual folder checks the file into the content server repository. Keep the following points in mind when checking in files through WebDAV:

  • You cannot check two files with the same file name into the same folder.

  • If an error occurs during check-in, a value might not have been defined for a required field. Make sure that you have defined user default values for required fields on the Default Information Field Configuration Page.

  • If the Save As screen appears when you attempt to place a file in a virtual folder, you do not have Write privileges to the security group defined for that folder. You must select a different virtual folder, or save the file on your hard drive and then check in the file through a web browser where you can select the appropriate metadata.

  • The title of the checked-in content item depends on the value of the WebDAV title allocation configuration parameter as set by the system administrator. The title will be either the file name (with or without the file extension) or the default title metadata value defined for the folder that the content item is dropped into. Content item titles are assigned as follows:

    • If the WebDAV title inheritance configuration setting is disabled (the default value), the file name without the file extension is used as the title (for example, "monthly_report"). This is the naming convention regardless of whether a default title metadata value has been defined for the folder.

    • If the WebDAV title inheritance configuration setting is enabled and no default title metadata value has been defined for the folder, the file name with the file extension is used as the title (for example, "monthly_report.doc").

    • If the WebDAV title inheritance configuration setting is enabled and a default title metadata value has been defined for the folder, the defined name is used as the title (for example, "Monthly Report").

  • In most WebDAV configurations, an open file is not checked into the content server repository until it is closed, so you can save the file repeatedly without affecting the revision number. Your system administrator can change this so that each save creates a new revision in the content server.

  • If your file has double-byte characters (for example, Chinese, Japanese, or Korean) in the file name and the content server is running on a Western European operating system, you may not be able to check in the file through WebDAV due to a limitation in Microsoft's WebDAV clients. Eliminate double-byte characters from the file name or check in the file through the web browser interface of the content server.

  • Do not use the number sign (#) in your file name. The number sign (#) is an illegal WebDAV character. Check-In Through Windows Explorer

Use either of the following methods to check in a content item through Windows Explorer:

  • Drag and drop a file from your hard drive or another network drive into a virtual folder.

  • Copy a file from your hard drive or another network drive and paste it into a virtual folder. Check-In Through Microsoft Office

Use the following method to check in a content item through a Microsoft Office application (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and so on):

  • Save a file in a virtual folder and then close the file. Checking Out Content

Opening a file from a virtual folder checks out the file from the content server repository, and locks the file so that other users can only view it. Any of the following actions will check out a content item: Check-Out Through Windows Explorer

Use the following method to check out a content item through Windows Explorer:

  • Open a file from a virtual folder. Check-Out Through Microsoft Office

Use the following method to check out a content item through a Microsoft Office application (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and so on):

  • Open a file from a virtual folder.

The Undo Check Out option cancels the content item check-out. This option is displayed only if the content item is checked out, and it is only available to the user who checked out the content item. Viewing Content

You can view a content item without affecting the revision number by opening the content item and then closing the file without saving it. This results in an "Undo Checkout" rather than a check-in of a new revision.


If you save any changes to a file opened from a WebDAV folder, you will create a new revision. Modifying Content

Modifying a file in a virtual folder checks in a new revision of the content item. Use one of the following procedures to modify a content item. Modifying a File in a WebDAV Client Format

Use the following procedure to modify a file that is in a WebDAV client supported format (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and so on):

  1. Open the file from a virtual folder, either through Windows Explorer or from a WebDAV client.

    The file is checked out of the content server repository.

  2. Make changes to the file.

  3. Save the changes.

  4. Close the file.

    The file is checked in as a new revision.

In most WebDAV configurations, an open file is not checked into the content server repository until it is closed, so you can save the file repeatedly without affecting the revision number. Your system administrator can change this so that each save, including automatic saves, creates a new revision in the content server. Modifying a File in a Non-WebDAV Client Format

Use the following procedure to modify a file that is not in a WebDAV client supported format:

  1. Copy the file from a virtual folder to a temporary location. Make sure that you do not change the file name.

  2. Make changes to the file.

  3. Save the changes and close the file. Make sure that you use the same file name.

  4. Move or copy the file to its original virtual folder, and replace the existing file.

    The file is checked in as a new revision. Deleting Content

Deleting a file from a virtual folder deletes all revisions of the content item. Any of the following actions will delete a content item. See "Deleting Virtual Folders and Their Content" for detailed information on security and the Trash Bin function. Deleting Through Windows Explorer

Use the following method to delete a content item through Windows Explorer:

  • Delete a file from a virtual folder. Deleting Through Microsoft Office

Use the following method to delete a content item through a Microsoft Office application (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and so on):

  • Delete a file from a virtual folder within the Open or Save As dialog box. Restoring Content

If the Trash Bin function is enabled, you can restore content items from Windows Explorer using one of the following methods:

  • Drag and drop the file from the Trash folder to another virtual folder.

  • Cut the file from the Trash folder and paste it into another virtual folder. Copying Content

Copying a file from one virtual folder to another will check in the copied file as a new content item, or, if the file has the same file name as an existing file in the target folder, it will check in a new revision. The new content item or new revision is stored with the file name and metadata of the latest revision of the source. Any of the following actions will copy a content item from one virtual folder to another if you elect to replace the existing file: Copying Through Windows Explorer

Use the following method to copy a content item through Windows Explorer:

  • Right-drag a file from a virtual folder to another, release, and select Copy Here.

  • Copy a file from a virtual folder and paste it into another virtual folder. Copying Through Microsoft Office

Use the following method to copy a content item through a Microsoft Office application (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and so on):

  • Open a file from a virtual folder, from the File menu, select Save As, select a different virtual folder, click OK, and close the file.


    If the Save As dialog appears twice, you do not have Write privileges to the security group defined for the virtual folder. You must select a different virtual folder, or save the file on your hard drive and then check in the file through a web browser where you can select the appropriate metadata. Moving Content

Any of the following actions will move a content item from one virtual folder to another: Moving Through Windows Explorer

Use the following method to move a content item through Windows Explorer:

  • Drag and drop a file from one virtual folder to another.

  • Cut a file from a virtual folder and paste it into another virtual folder. Moving Through Microsoft Office

Use the following method to move a content item through a Microsoft Office application (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and so on):

  • Open a file from a virtual folder, from the File menu, select Save As, select a different virtual folder, click OK, and close the file.

Moving a file to a different virtual folder does not change the metadata. To apply the new parent folder's metadata, you can use the Metadata Propagation function.

9.3.4 Displaying Web Pages

You can access the content server virtual folder web pages through Windows Explorer rather than through a web browser. Configuring Windows Explorer

To be able to display web pages through Windows Explorer, the application must be set to display the full path in the title bar:

  1. In Windows Explorer, from the Tools menu, select Folder Options.

    The Folder Options screen is displayed.

  2. Open the View tab.

  3. Under Files and Folders, select the "Display the full path in title bar" check box.

  4. Click OK. Displaying a Web Page

Use the following procedure to display a content server web page from Windows Explorer:

  1. Make sure that you have a Web Folders folder displayed in Windows Explorer. This folder can be in a number of possible locations, but it is usually under My Computer.

    If the Web Folders folder is not displayed, access your contribution folders under My Network Places. You might have to do this a few times for the Web Folders folder to appear.

  2. In the right pane of Windows Explorer, double-click the folder for which you want to display the web page.

  3. Click in the Address bar at the top of the screen.

  4. Press the Enter key.

    The exploring page for the folder is displayed.