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Oracle® Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Content Server
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)
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The level of permission a member has to a content item. See also permission.

access list

A list of members who have permission to a project, folder, or content item.


A Oracle security element that enables greater flexibility and granularity in a security structure than security groups provide. Content can be assigned to a particular account upon check-in, and users can access the content only if they have the appropriate permission to that account. See also security group, documents without accounts, #none, and #all.

account hierarchy

Structure whereby accounts are ordered in levels (for example, Company/Region/Store). Permission to a particular level in the account hierarchy also permits access to all of its sub-level accounts.

account prefix

Permission to an account prefix grants access to all accounts with that prefix. For example, permission to the "ACME" account provides access to all content checked in with any account that begins with ACME, such as "ACME/Midwest" or "ACME/Midwest/Store_1".

active report

A list that contains the results of a database query that is dynamically generated each time the report page is accessed. This type of report always reflects current content server information. Active reports are accessed through the hierarchical link structure (the "Library"). See also historical report.

administration applets

See administration application.

administration application

One of the following Java applications that are used for administration purposes: User Admin, Workflow Admin, Web Layout Editor, Repository Manager, Configuration Manager (system administrator only), Archiver (system administrator only).

These applications can be run as a Java applet from a Java-enabled browser, or in stand-alone mode from the content server computer.

administration rights

Permission to use an administration application. A user must also have admin permission to at least one security group to be able to use the administration applications for which they have rights.


Person in an organization that manages all or part of a content server system. See also consumer, contributor, subadministrator, and system administrator.

admin permission

The permission level that enables users to perform the following tasks within a particular security group:

See also read permission, write permission, and delete permission.

admin role

A standard role that gives the user read, write, delete, and admin permission to all security groups and rights to all administration tools. This role does not allow a user to access the Admin Server. See also guest role, contributor role, and sysmanager role.

Advanced Search

A function that enables users to search by full-text and/or all metadata fields, specify search operators, and specify how search results are to be displayed. See also Quick Search.


A name that represents one or more users in workflows and subscriptions. For example, the "Sales" alias could include all users in a sales department.


A special account classification that can be used to assign a user a single permission level for all accounts.

alternate file

A web-viewable version of the primary file, or a version that can be converted to a web-viewable format upon check-in. The alternate file must be specified and checked in at the same time as the primary file. See also primary file.


To accept a revision in a workflow. See also reject.

ascending sort order

Arrangement of data in a low to high sequence; for example, from A to Z or from 0 to 9. See also descending sort order.

associated discussion

A discussion that is related to a particular folder or content item. See also discussion.


The process by which the content server system validates a user's logon information. The user name and password are compared against an authorized list. If the system detects a match, access is granted to the extent specified in the permissions list for that user.


A required metadata field that specifies the user who checked in a content item revision.

authorization type

The way that Oracle groups users, depending on how their user attributes are defined: local user, global user, or external user. Also referred to as user type.

automatic numbering

Assigning content IDs automatically in sequential order as new content items are checked in. This is an optional content server feature that can be enabled or disabled in the System Properties utility or the Admin Server.

autonumber prefix

An optional prefix that is placed before the sequential portion of the content ID when automatic numbering is enabled.

basic subscription

A subscription to an individual piece of content by content ID. See also criteria subscription, forced subscription, and open subscription.

basic workflow

A type of workflow where specific content items are entered into a workflow by an administrator. See also criteria workflow.


See field caption.

check in

To submit a file to the content server file repository.

check out

To lock a content item in the content server file repository so that no other users can revise it. Other users can still view and get a copy of a checked out content item. See also undo check-out.

check out and open

A feature that enables users to check out and open content items directly in a WebDAV-compliant native application from Content Server. This feature requires WebDAV to be enabled.


A page or folder that is one level lower in a hierarchical structure (such as a page in the Web Layout Editor or a folder in the Folders component). See also parent.

choice list

See option list.

Classic View

A predefined search result template showing a thumbnail, title, and other content information for each returned content item on multiple lines of a search result list.


An optional metadata field that is used for general notes about a content item.


A content server user who only needs to find, view, and/or print content. See also contributor, subadministrator, and administrator.

consumption site

A web site that content consumers use to view content. Content contributors use a different web site (a contribution site) to check in content.


A collective term for the content items in the Content Server repository.

content ID

A standard, required metadata field that provides a unique identifier for each content item.

content information

See metadata.

content item

A file that has been checked in to the Content Server repository. A content item includes a primary file and metadata, and can include an alternate file.

content profile

A set of criteria based on rules established by the system administrator to define which metadata fields are available on search and check in forms and how they behave, and which metadata information is displayed on the content information page.

content repository

The place where content files are stored. Content Server uses two file repositories: one for the native files and one for the web-viewable files.

content type

A designation used to group similar content by category (for example, "Invoices").

contribution site

A web site that content contributors use to check in content. Content consumers access a different web site (a consumption site) to view the content.


(1) A content server user who creates, revises, and collaborates on documents. See also consumer, subadministrator, administrator.

(2) A user who submits a content item to a basic workflow.

contributor role

A standard role that gives the user read and write permission (RW) to the Public security group. See also guest role, admin role, and sysmanager role.


The process of changing an electronic file to a different file format (for example, changing a Microsoft Word document into PDF or HTML format).


The basic functionality of Content Server.

criteria subscription

A subscription to a group of content items based on metadata criteria. See also basic subscription, forced subscription, and open subscription.

criteria workflow

A type of workflow where a content item automatically enters the workflow if the security group and one metadata field match predefined criteria. See also basic workflow and sub-workflow.

current revision

See latest revision.

custom metadata field

An administrator-defined metadata field.

Deleted status

The revision status that indicates that the revision has been deleted and is waiting to be completely removed from the content server during the next indexing cycle.

delete permission

The permission level that allows users to perform the following tasks within a particular security group:

See also read permission, write permission, and admin permission.

dependent choice list

An option list in which the options depend on what is selected in a different option list. For example, if there is an option list for the Continent field and another option list for the Country field, the available choices in the Country option list depend on which Continent is selected.

descending sort order

Arrangement of data in high to low sequence; for example, from Z to A or from 9 to 0. See also ascending sort order.


A set of threaded messages that enable project members to comment on projects, folders, content items, and general topics.

documents without accounts

A special account classification that assigns a permission level for content items that do not have an account specified. Same as #none.

document type

A designation used to group similar documents by category (for example, "Invoices").

Done status

The revision status that indicates that the revision has been indexed and is waiting to be released on its specified release date.


To copy a file from the content server to your local hard disk.

download applet

An optional Java applet that enables users to download multiple content items at the same time. The content items can also be checked out during the download process. See also multiple file check-out.


A user who can approve, reject, and check out a workflow item for editing.

Edit status

The revision status that indicates that the revision is at the initial contribution step of a workflow.

Expanded Form

The form on the advanced search page that displays all available metadata fields on a single page. See also Query Builder Form and Advanced Search.

expiration date

The date and time when a revision is no longer available for searching or viewing in the content server.

Expired status

The revision status that indicates that the revision is no longer available for searching or viewing in the content server.

external collection

A set of content files that are indexed and stored in a separate search engine collection rather than in the content server database.

external members

Users or groups who have access to your Content Server system but are not employees of your company or members of your organization.

external user

An authorization type where user security attributes (password, roles, and accounts) are stored in an external storage system. External users might use a Microsoft network login or another type of provider (LDAP) login. See also local user and global user.

field caption

The name of a metadata field as it appears on web pages. For example, "Content ID" is the field caption, while the internal field name is "dDocName".

file format

The structure of a file. The file format is determined by the application used to create the file, and can typically be determined by the file extension (such as .pdf or .doc).


A level in the project hierarchy. Folders can contain subfolders, content items, and general discussions.

Folder Name

A required metadata field that specifies a unique name for a folder.

folder owner

See owner.

Folders component

A Content Server "Extras" component that is required as a foundation for Content Server.

forced subscription

A subscription where users and/or aliases are assigned to the subscription by an administrator. If individual users are assigned, each user can unsubscribe if they wish. If an alias is assigned, the users in that alias cannot unsubscribe. See also open subscription, basic subscription, and criteria subscription.


The file type for a primary or alternate file, such as a Word document (.doc), bitmap image (.bmp), Acrobat file (.pdf), and so on.

full-text indexing

The process of creating a searchable index that includes every word in a file.

full-text search

A search that compares the query expression against every word in a file. See also metadata search.

full-text search operator

A word or symbol that refines the query expression for a full-text search (for example, AND, OR, and double quotation marks ").

GenWWW status

The revision status that indicates that the revision is being converted to web-viewable format or is being indexed, or has failed conversion or indexing.

global user

An authorization type where user security attributes (password, roles, and accounts) are stored on master content server, but the user has access to proxied content servers as well. Global users are considered "lightly managed" users, as this authorization type limits some of the user functions in order to enhance scalability and performance. It should be noted that all self-registered users are global users by default. See also local user and external user.


A group of users that can be referenced by a single name.

guest portal page

The web page that users see after they start Content Server but before they log in. See also login portal page.

guest role

A standard role that gives the user read permission (R) to the Public security group. A login is not required to access content items in the security groups for which the guest role has permission. This role is assigned to anonymous users by default. See also contributor role, admin role, and sysmanager role.

Headline View

A predefined search result template showing content information for each returned content item on a single line of a search result list.

historical report

A list that contains the results of a database query that was performed at a specific date and time. This type of report provides a "snapshot" of content server information as it existed at a particular moment. Historical reports are built with the Web Layout Editor and accessed through the Library. See also active report.

Home page

See guest portal page and login portal page.

Idoc Script

Oracle's proprietary server-side script language that is used to modify the functionality and look-and-feel of Content Server and related products. Idoc Script tags are in the format <$script$>.

Inbound Refinery

Content Server software that converts native files to web-viewable files, along with specific conversion add-on products (such as PDF Converter or XML Converter).


The name of the web page at the highest level of the Library hierarchy in the Web Layout Editor. All other pages are at a lower level than (are children of) the index page.


Software included with Content Server that full-text indexes files and stores the indexed words in a database. When you do a full-text search for content, the Content Server looks for the search terms in this index. See also search index.

information field

See metadata field.


A single copy of Content Server. Multiple content server instances may be running on the same computer.

internal field name

The name of a metadata field as it appears on web pages. For example, "Content ID" is a field caption, while the internal name of the field is "dDocName".

internal members

Users and groups who are employees of your company or members of your organization.

internet-style search syntax

Search techniques common to the most popular internet search engines.


A content item, folder, or discussion.

latest notification

The most recent date and time that a user was sent a subscription notification e-mail for a particular content item.

latest notification use

The most recent date and time that a user accessed a particular content item from a subscription notification e-mail.

latest revision

The most recent version of a content item.


A hierarchical structure of links that organizes content items based on metadata criteria. Users can drill down through the levels of the Library to find content items they are looking for. The Library hierarchy is built using the Web Layout Editor application, and is accessed by users through the Library link in the portal.


A setting that specifies the language of the content server interface and defines how the content server handles language-specific issues, such as date formatting and full-text indexing. See also system locale and user locale.

local page

A type of link in the hierarchical link structure (the "Library") that links to another web page that contains more local page links, URL links, and/or query links.

local user

An authorization type where user security attributes (password, roles, and accounts) are stored on master content server, and the user is included in all local content server functions. See also global user and external user.

log in

To gain access, or sign in, to the Oracle system. Logging in requires users to identify themselves by entering their user name and password, which Content Server uses to grant security permissions to content and rights to administrative functions.


See user name.

login portal page

The web page that users see after they log in. See also guest portal page.

major revision

The primary revision label (for example, the number portion of the revision sequence 1a, 1b, 2a, 2b). See also minor revision.


A user or group who has been given access to a particular project, folder, or content item.


Information about a content item, such as title, author, or security group. Metadata is used to describe, find, and group content items. Also referred to as content information.

metadata field

A field on a web page that is used to define metadata during check-in, or to define search criteria. Also referred to as content information field.

metadata propagation

A Folders component feature that enables contributors to copy default metadata values from parent folders to subfolders and content items.

metadata search

A search that compares the query expression against metadata field values. See also full-text search.

minor revision

The secondary revision label (for example, the letter portion of the revision sequence 1a, 1b, 2a, 2b). See also major revision.

multiple file check-in

An optional feature of Content Server that enables users to check in multiple content items as a single compressed zip file. See also upload applet.

multiple file check-out

An optional feature of Content Server that enables users to check out and download multiple content items at the same time. See also download applet.

My Checked-Out Content

Name of main menu element which provides links to a list of content that is currently checked out.

My Content Server

Name of main menu element which provides links to a number of user-specific tasks and options.

My Profile

Link in the toolbar and the My Content Server tray. See User Profile.

My Saved Queries

Name of main menu element which opens a list of queries that have been saved by the current user.

My Search Result Templates

Name of main menu element which provides links to the "Search Result Templates for 'User' Page", where you can specify what content item information is listed on a search results page and how that information is displayed.

My Subscriptions

Name of main menu element which opens a list of content items that the current user is subscribed to.


Name of main menu element which opens a list of URLs that have been saved by the current user.

My View

Name of search result template which allows you to specify the displayed metadata and how it is organized.

My Workflow Assignments

Name of main menu element which opens a list of content items in a workflow that the current user is assigned to do something with (for example, review).

native application

A software application that was used to create an original file that was checked in to the content server (for example, Microsoft Word or Adobe Photoshop).

native file

The original file that is checked into the content server file repository. See also primary file.

native file format

The file format that an original file was created in.


A special account classification that assigns a permission level for content items that do not have an account specified. Same as documents without accounts.


The act of informing users through e-mail. In Content Server, e-mail notification is used in subscriptions and workflows.

open subscription

A type of subscription where users manually subscribe to content items through a basic or criteria subscription. See also forced subscription, basic subscription, and criteria subscription.

option list

A list on a Oracle web page from which users can choose an item.

original file name

The name of the native file that was checked in as the primary file.


The user who has Admin permission to a folder by default. The owner is typically the user who created the folder.

page properties

The page title, page description, security group, and links for a specific web page defined in the Web Layout Editor.


A page or folder that is one level higher in a hierarchical structure (such as a page in the Web Layout Editor or a folder in the Folders component). See also child.

pass through

The process of storing a native file in the weblayout repository without converting it to a web-viewable format. Inbound Refinery may pass through a file if it cannot be converted (for example, because the native application is not supported), if a pass-through file format is specified during check-in, or if there is no need to convert the file (for example, if the original file is already in PDF format).

Pending status

The revision status that indicates that the revision is in a basic workflow and is waiting for approval of all revisions in the workflow.


The access that a user has to a particular security group or account. See also read permission, write permission, delete permission, and admin permission.

persistent URL

The URL (web address) that always points to the most recent version of a content item. When a new revision is checked in, the file name of the previous revision is changed to reflect the revision number (for example, 002050~1.pdf, 002050~2.pdf, and so on), and the new revision takes on the content ID as the file name (for example, 002050.pdf). The directory location of the file remains the same as long as the security group, Type, and account are not changed.

personal URL

A link from the portal navigation bar to a URL (web address) that a user accesses frequently.

plain folders

An optional feature that shows project locations as plain folder icons instead of project icons in project-specific lists.

Portal Design

A Content Server feature that enables users to personalize their portal navigation bar.

portal navigation bar

The customizable navigation area on the left side of most Content Server web pages. See also portal page.

portal page

See guest portal page and login portal page.


A message that is submitted to a discussion.

primary file

The original file that is checked in to the Content Server repository. See also native file and alternate file.


See permission.


The top-level unit of organization in Content Server.

project ID

An optional feature that displays the project ID in the page title on project-specific pages.

project lead

The user who has Admin permission and serves as the main contact for a project.

Project Name

A required metadata field that specifies a unique name for a project.


See metadata propagation.


A predefined security group. By default, no login is required to view Public content.


See search.

Query Builder Form

A form that allows queries to be built by using lists to select the metadata fields to be searched.

query expression

A statement that specifies the criteria to be matched during a search. See also search criteria.

query link

A link on a Library page that displays a list of content items that meet the specified search criteria.

query result page

See search results page.

Quick Help

A button on Oracle web pages that provides context-sensitive help.

Quick Search

A function that enables users perform a search from the portal navigation bar. See also Advanced Search.

read permission

The permission level that allows users to perform the following tasks within a particular security group:

See also write permission, delete permission, and admin permission.


See Inbound Refinery.


To disapprove a revision in a workflow. See also approve.

release date

The date and time when a revision is available for searching and viewing in the content server.

Released status

The revision status that indicates that the revision is available in the content server.


A particular file associated with a content item, such as the primary file, alternate file, or web-viewable file.


A list that contains the results of a content server database query. There are two types of reports, active report and historical report, which are built with the Web Layout Editor and accessed through the Library.


See content repository.

Repository Manager

An administration application that is used to do these tasks:

required field

A metadata field that must have a value for a content item to be checked in.


A user who can approve or reject a workflow revision but cannot check it out for editing. See also reviewer/contributor.


A user who can approve, reject, and check out a workflow revision for editing. See also reviewer.

reviewer/contributor step

A type of workflow step where users can approve or reject a revision and check it out for editing. See also reviewer step.

reviewer step

A type of workflow step where users can approve or reject a revision but cannot check it out for editing. See also reviewer/contributor step.

Review status

The revision status that indicates that the revision is in a workflow and is being reviewed.


A new or revised version of a content item. By default, revisions are numbered sequentially starting with Revision 1, and every time the content item is checked out and checked in again, the revision number is incremented by one.

revision history

A record of all revisions for a particular content item. The files and metadata can be accessed for all previous revisions that have not been deleted.

revision status

The status of a revision in the content server. The revision status can be Done status, Edit status,GenWWW status,Released status, Pending status,Expired status, Deleted status, or Review status.


The access that a user has to any of the following administration applications:

See also subadministrator.


A set of permissions for each security group. Each user is assigned one or more roles that define their access to content. There are four predefined roles:

See also permission and security group.


To send a content item to other users for review using a workflow.

R permission

See read permission.

RW permission

See write permission.

RWD permission

See delete permission.

RWDA permission

See admin permission.

saved query

A link from the portal navigation bar to a particular search that a user performs frequently.


A search results sorting option that rates each file with a number to determine how closely it matches the full-text search criteria. The higher the score, the closer the match.


To retrieve a list of content items that match specified criteria.

search criteria

The metadata values and/or full-text words and phrases to be matched during a search. See also query expression.

search engine

Software that performs metadata and full-text searches. See also search index.

search index

A set of files that contain metadata information and the full-text indexes. The search index is created by the Indexer and is read by the search engine.

search operator

A word or symbol that can be used in a query expression to refine the search criteria (for example, AND, OR, NOT, Substring, or Matches).

search result templates

A way of determining what content item information is listed on a search results page and how that information is displayed.

search results

A list of content items that match specified search criteria.

search results page

Standard Content Server page that displays the results of a query. Also referred to as query result page.


A predefined security group. By default, only the system administrator has access to this security group.

security group

A set of content items to which users are granted permission based on their roles. Each content item is assigned to a security group during check-in. There are two predefined security groups: Public and Secure.

security model

The specific configuration of security groups, roles, and accounts that is defined for an organization.

Select Member applet

A Java applet that is used to add members to projects, folders, and content items.


A function that enables users to create their own login credentials (user name and password).


A link to an original content item, general discussion, or folder.

sort order

The order in which content items are displayed on a search results page. By default, search results can be sorted by release date, title, or score, and each of these options can be displayed in ascending sort order or descending sort order.


See revision status.


A sequential stage in a workflow that defines which users can review, approve, and reject a revision. There are two types of steps: reviewer step and reviewer/contributor step.


A user who has rights to at least one administration application. See also consumer, contributor, administrator, and system administrator.


To indicate that you wish to be notified by e-mail when a new revision of a particular content item is checked in to the Content Server repository.


A user who is subscribed to a content item.


A function that notifies subscribed users by e-mail when a particular content item has been revised. See also criteria subscription, basic subscription, forced subscription, and open subscription.


A type of workflow that does not have an initial contribution step. A file can enter a sub-workflow only through a jump from a criteria workflow.

sysmanager role

A standard role that gives the user read permission (R) to the Public and Secure security groups, and access to the Admin Server. See also guest role, contributor role, and admin role.

system administrator

A user who has full administrative permission and administration rights to manage the Oracle system.

system locale

A setting that specifies the language of the content server interface and defines how the content server handles language-specific issues on a system-wide basis. See also user locale.


A miniature representation of a page or image. In Content Server, thumbnails are created by the Inbound Refinery and displayed on search result pages.

Thumbnail View

A predefined search result template showing a thumbnail image of each returned content item in a search result list.


A hierarchical group of posts within a discussion. See also discussion.


A descriptive name for a content item.


A piece of Idoc Script that defines variable users in a workflow.


The subject of a discussion post.


The set of navigation links at the top of most Oracle web pages.


A required metadata field that specifies which document category a content item belongs to.

undo check-out

To cancel a content item check-out without creating a new revision.


To cancel a subscription to a content item.


To modify the metadata for a revision without checking out the content item or adding a revision.

upload applet

An optional Java applet that enables users to check in multiple content items as a single compressed zip file. See also multiple file check-in.


A person who has been assigned a user name and password for Content Server.

User Admin

An administration application that is used to manage content server users and security access.

user ID

See user name.

user information

Information about a user, such as the user name, full name, and e-mail address.

user information field

A field that is used to define user information on the User Profile page.

user locale

A setting that specifies the language of the content server interface and defines how the content server handles language-specific issues for an individual user. See also system locale.

user login

A user name and password used to gain access to Content Server.

user name

The name of a user, as recognized by Content Server (for example, mjohnson).

User Profile

Personal information about a user, such as the user name, full name, and e-mail address. User information can be changed by an administrator through the User Admin administration application, or by the user on the User Profile page.

user type

See authorization type.


The Content Server directory where native files are stored.

WebDAV (Web-Based Distributed Authoring and Versioning)

A protocol that provides a way to remotely author and manage content using clients that support WebDAV. For example, you can use Microsoft Windows Explorer to check in, check out, and modify content in the Oracle repository rather than using Oracle's web browser interface.

web folder

A WebDAV feature that displays a Content Server project or folder in the Explorer view of the browser.


The Content Server directory where web-viewable files are stored.

Web Layout Editor

An administration application that is used to create the Library hierarchy, define reports, modify search result pages, and update the portal page.

web-viewable file

A file in a format that can be viewed using a web browser, such as PDF or HTML.


The process that routes a file for review and approval before it is released to the content server. Users are notified by e-mail when they have a file to review. There are three types of workflows: basic workflow, criteria workflow, and sub-workflow.

Workflow Admin

An administration application that is used to set up and manage workflows.

work in progress

A revision that is in GenWWW status or Done status.

write permission

The permission level that allows users to perform the following tasks within a particular security group:

See also read permission, delete permission, and admin permission.