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Oracle® Fusion Middleware Developer's Guide for Content Server
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)
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6.3 COM Integration

Content Server utilizes a Component Object Model-based API which provides the capability to call functionality from within a Microsoft Component Object Model (COM) environment.

You can use a COM interface to integrate Content Management with Microsoft environments and applications. An ActiveX control and an OCX component are provided as interface options to gain access to the content and content management functions within Content Server. Additionally, you can communicate with ODMA-aware applications through a COM interface.


Calling services from a command line on the local server using the IdcCommandUX ActiveX Command Utility provides faster execution of commands than calling services remotely using the IntradocClient OCX component.

This section covers these topics:

6.3.1 ActiveX Interface

The IdcCommandUX ActiveX Command Utility is an ActiveX control that allows a program to execute Content Server services and retrieve file path information. The control serves as a COM wrapper for the standard IdcCommand services used by Content Server. IdcCommandUX works with multibyte languages.


A Visual Basic or Visual C++ development environment is required to use IdcCommandUX.

When executing services using the IdcCommandUX ActiveX Command Utility keep these items in mind:

  • IdcCommandUX must be initialized with a valid user and the intradoc.cfg directory. Outside of the init and connection managing methods, all methods use the serialized HDA format for communication.

  • IdcCommandUX attempts to establish a connection to a running server. If a connection is not made it fails.

  • The returned serialized HDA format string contains information about the success or failure of the command. The StatusCode will be negative if a failure occurs, and StatusMessage will indicate the error.

The following sections cover these topics: Setting Up IdcCommandUX

To set up IdcCommandUX, run the IdcCommandUX setup file, which is stored in extras/IdcCommandUX/setup.exe in the media. Calling IdcCommandUX from a Visual Basic Environment

To call IdcCommandUX from a Visual Basic environment:

  1. Add IdcCommandUX as a control to the Visual Basic project.

  2. Create the control as follows:

    Set idcCmd=CreateObject("Idc.CommandUX")
  3. Define and initialize the connection by calling the init (deprecated) function and defining the UserName and DomainDir parameters:

    Dim idcCmd
    idcCmd.init("UserName", "DomainDir")
    • The UserName parameter specifies a user that has permission to execute the services being called by IdcCommandUX.

    • The DomainDir parameter specifies the complete path to the content server directory that contains the intradoc.cfg configuration file.


    Dim idcCmd
    idcCmd.initRemote("sysadmin", "c:\domain\bin") Calling IdcCommandUX from a Visual C++ Environment

To call IdcCommandUX from a Visual C++ environment:

  1. Add the IdcCommandUX control to the project.

  2. Call the desired IdcCommandUX class. Executing Services

When executing services using IdcCommandUX, keep these points in mind:

  • IdcCommandUX must be initialized with a valid user name and the location of the intradoc.cfg file.

  • Functions that must use HDA format for communication include computeWebFilePath, computeNativeFilePath and computeURL. For more information on HDA formats, see Chapter 3, "Working with Components".

  • executeCommand can take HDA format or SOAP commands. To use SOAP, you must use the initRemote function instead of the init (deprecated) function.

  • IdcCommandUX attempts to establish a connection to a running content server. If a connection is not made, it fails.

  • The returned HDA-format string contains information about the success or failure of the command, using the StatusCode and StatusMessage variables.

    • If the command is successful, StatusCode is zero (0), and StatusMessage is a login message ("You are logged in as sysadmin").

    • If the command fails, StatusCode is negative (-1), and StatusMessage is an error message.

    See the Oracle Fusion Middleware Idoc Script Reference Guide for more information.

    See "Using the Launcher" for information on using the Launcher (a native C++ application that allows a Java program to start as a Windows service). Calling IdcCommandUX from an Active Server Page (ASP)

Calling IdcCommandUX from an Active Server Page (ASP) consists of these steps:

  1. "Creating the COM Object"

  2. "Initializing the Connection"

  3. "Defining Services and Parameters"

  4. "Referencing Custom Resources"

  5. "Executing the Service"

  6. "Retrieving Results"

Example 6-1 SOAP Example

In this SOAP sample:

  • The GET_SEARCH_RESULTS service is called.

  • The parameters for the service are defined using field/value pairs:

    • The ResultCount parameter sets the number of returned results to 5.

    • The SortField parameter sorts the returned results by release date.

    • The SortOrder parameter orders the returned results in descending order.

    • The QueryText parameter defines the query expression as "Content Type matches research."

The initRemote function must be used and isSOAP must be set to TRUE for a SOAP-formatted request, which is shown in the following example.

' Create COM object
Set idcCmd = CreateObject("Idc.CommandUX")
' Initialize the connection to the server
x = idcCmd.initRemote("/domain/ ", "sysadmin",
"socket:localhost:4444", true)
' Create the SOAP envelope
cmd = cmd & "<?xml version='1.0' ecoding='UTF-8'?>" + Chr(10)
cmd = cmd & "<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV=""http://"">" + Chr(10)
cmd = cmd & "<SOAP-ENV:Body>" + Chr(10)
' Define the service
cmd = cmd & "<idc:service xmlns:idc=""
IdcService/""" + Chr(10)
cmd = cmd & "IdcService=""GET_SEARCH_RESULTS"">" + Chr(10)
' Define the service parameters
cmd = cmd & "<idc:document>" + Chr(10)
cmd = cmd & "<idc:field name=""NoHttpHeaders"">1</idc:field>" +
cmd = cmd & "<idc:field name=""ClientEncoding"">UTF8</idc:field>"
+ Chr(10)
cmd = cmd & "<idc:field name=""QueryText"">dDocType
&lt;matches&gt; research</idc:field>" + Chr(10)
cmd = cmd & "<idc:field name=""ResultCount"">5</idc:field>" +
cmd = cmd & "<idc:field name=""SortOrder"">Desc</idc:field>" +
cmd = cmd & "<idc:field name=""SortField"">dInDate</idc:field>" +
cmd = cmd & "</idc:document>" + Chr(10)
cmd = cmd & "</idc:service>" + Chr(10)
cmd = cmd & "</SOAP-ENV:Body>" + Chr(10)
cmd = cmd & "</SOAP-ENV:Envelope>" + Chr(10)
' End SOAP envelope and execute the command
results= idcCmd.executeCommand(cmd)
' Retrieve results

Example 6-2 HDA Sample

' Create COM object
Set idcCmd = CreateObject("Idc.CommandUX")
' Initialize the connection to the server
x = idcCmd.initRemote("/domain/", "socket:localhost:4444", "sysadmin", true)
' Define the service
cmd = "@Properties LocalData" + Chr(10)
cmd = cmd + "IdcService=GET_SEARCH_RESULTS" + Chr(10)
' Define the service parameters
cmd = cmd + "ResultCount=5" + Chr(10)
cmd = cmd + "SortField=dInDate" + Chr(10)
cmd = cmd + "SortOrder=Desc" + Chr(10)
cmd = cmd + "QueryText=dDocType=research" + Chr(10)
' Reference a custom component
cmd = cmd + "MergeInclude=ASP_SearchResults" + Chr(10)
cmd = cmd + "ClassStyle=home-spotlight" + Chr(10)
cmd = cmd + "@end" + Chr(10)
' Execute the command
results = idcCmd.executeCommand(cmd)
' Retrieve results

' Create COM object
Set idcCmd = CreateObject("Idc.CommandUX")

Example 6-3 Creating the COM Object

The first line of code creates the COM object:

' Create COM object
Set idcCmd = CreateObject("Idc.CommandUX")

Example 6-4 Initializing the Connection

To initialize the connection to the Content Server, call the initRemote function (see "initRemote" for details about all parameters). In this example:

  • The HttpWebRoot parameter specifies a value for the Web root as defined in the config/config.cfg file.

  • The idcReference parameter specifics a string containing information on connection to the Content Server instance. This is specified as "socket" followed by the IntradocServerHostName and the IntradocServer Port address.

  • The idcUser is the user you are connecting as.

  • The isSoap parameter is a Boolean value indicating if the request is in SOAP XML format or HDA format. In this case it is FALSE because it is in HDA format.

    ' Initialize the connection to the server
    x = idcCmd.initRemote("/domain/", "socket:localhost:4444", "sysadmin", false)

Example 6-5 Defining Services and Parameters

To define the service and parameters, build an HDA-formatted string that contains with the following lines:

@Properties LocalData

The required and optional parameters vary depending on the service being called. For more information, see the Oracle Fusion Middleware Services Reference Guide for Universal Content Management.

In this example, the @end string is created after the optional custom component reference. See "Formatting with a Resource Include".

Example 6-6 Referencing Custom Resources

You can reference custom resources and pass parameters to a resource include from your ASP as follows:

  • To reference a custom resource include, set the MergeInclude parameter to the name of the include.

    In this example, the ASP_SearchResults include is used to format the output as HTML rather than a ResultSet. See "Formatting with a Resource Include" for more information.

  • To pass a parameter to a resource include, set the variable as name/value pair.

    In this example, the ClassStyle variable with a value of home-spotlight is available to the ASP_SearchResults include.


    The @end code is required to close the @Properties LocalData section in an HDA-formatted string. See "Defining Services and Parameters".

    ' Reference a custom component
    cmd = cmd + "MergeInclude=ASP_SearchResults" + Chr(10)
    cmd = cmd + "ClassStyle=home-spotlight" + Chr(10)
    cmd = cmd + "@end" + Chr(10)

Example 6-7 Executing the Service

To execute the service, call the executeCommand method.

After executing the service, you could use the closeServerConnections method to make sure that the connection is closed.

' Execute the service
results = idcCmd.executeCommand(cmd)

Example 6-8 Retrieving Results

The results can either be formatted HTML or a ResultSet.

In this example, the result of the service call is formatted HTML.

' Retrieve results
Response.Write(results) Formatting with a Resource Include

This section provides an example of a custom resource include that is used to format the output of a service executed by IdcCommandUX.

In the example described in "Calling IdcCommandUX from an Active Server Page (ASP)", the ASP_SearchResults resource include is used to format the output of a search function and return HTML rather than a ResultSet:

<@dynamichtml ASP_SearchResults@>
<table border=0>
    <$loop SearchResults$>
    <tr class="site-default">
    <td class="<$ClassStyle$>">
    <a href="<$URL$>" target=new><$dDocTitle$></a><br>
  • The <@dynamichtml ASP_SearchResults@> entry defines the name of the resource include. The <@end@> entry ends the resource definition.

  • The code defined between the <$loop SearchResults$> and <$endloop$> entries is executed for each content item in the SearchResults ResultSet, which includes all documents that matched the query defined for the GET_SEARCH_RESULTS service.

  • The <td class="<$ClassStyle$>"> entry displays the value of the <$ClassStyle$> Idoc Script variable. In this example, the ClassStyle value was passed in on the API call.

  • The <a href="<$URL$>" target=new><$dDocTitle$></a> entry displays the Title of the current content item as a link to the file.

  • The <$xAbstract$> entry displays the Abstract value for the current content item.

The HTML generated and returned to the Active Server Page from this resource include would have this format:

<table border=0>
<tr class="site-default">
<td class="home-spotlight">
<a href="/domain/dir/dir/xyz.htm"  target=new>Article 1</a><br>
This is the abstract for Article 1
<td class="home-spotlight">
<a href="/domain/dir/dir/xyz.htm"  target=new>Article 2</a><br>
This is the abstract for Article 2
<td class="home-spotlight">
<a href="/domain/dir/dir/xyz.htm"  target=new>Article 3</a><br>
This is the abstract for Article 3
<td class="home-spotlight">
<a href="/domain/dir/dir/xyz.htm"  target=new>Article 4</a><br>
This is the abstract for Article 4
<td class="home-spotlight">
<a href="/domain/dir/dir/xyz.htm"  target=new>Article 5</a><br>
This is the abstract for Article 5

Displaying this HTML page in a browser would look like this:

A depiction of the page in a browser. Connect to Content Server from a Remote System

This section describes how to establish a connection to the Content Server instance from a remote system using IdcCommandUX from an Active Server Page. These steps are required:

  1. "Creating Variables"

  2. "Creating a COM Object"

  3. "Initializing the Connection"

  4. "Returning the Connection Status"

  5. "Defining the Service and Parameters"

  6. "Executing the Service"

  7. "Retrieving Results"

Example 6-9 Coding the ASP Page

This example calls the CHECKIN_UNIVERSAL service to provide a checkin function from a remote system. This code does not check for an error condition.

' Create variables
Dim idccommand, sConnect, str
' Create COM object
Set idccommand = Server.CreateObject("idc.CommandUX")
' Initialize the connection to the server
x = idccommand.initRemote ("/domain/ ", "sysadmin", "socket:localhost:4444", false)
' Return connection status (optional)
sConnect = idccommand.connectToServer
if sConnect then
Response.Write "Connected"
Response.Write "Not Connected" 
end if  
str = "@Properties LocalData" & vbcrlf
' Define the service
str = str + "IdcService=" & "CHECKIN_UNIVERSAL" & vbcrlf
' Define the service parameters
str = str + "doFileCopy=1" & vbcrlf
str = str + "dDocName=RemoteTestCheckin23" & vbcrlf
str = str + "dDocTitle=Test1" & vbcrlf
str = str + "dDocType=ADACCT" & vbcrlf
str = str + "dSecurityGroup=Public" & vbcrlf
str = str + "dDocAuthor=sysadmin" & vbcrlf
str = str + "dDocAccount=" & vbcrlf
str = str + "primaryFile:path=C:/inetpub/Scripts/query2.asp" & vbcrlf
str = str + "@end" & vbcrlf
' Execute the command
' Return connection status
sClosed = idcCmd.closeServerConnection
if sClosed then
Response.Write "Server connection closed"
Response.Write "Failed to close server connection"
end if
' Retrieve results

Example 6-10 Creating Variables

The following variables must be created:

  • idccommand: The name of the COM object.

  • sConnect: The status of the connection to the Content Server instance.

  • str: The HDA-formatted string that defines the service and its parameters.

    ' Create variables
    Dim idccommand, sConnect, str

Example 6-11 Creating a COM Object

The following variables must be created:

  • idccommand: The name of the COM object.

  • sConnect: The status of the connection to the Content Server instance.

  • str: The HDA-formatted string that defines the service and its parameters.

    ' Create variables
    Dim idccommand, sConnect, str

Example 6-12 Initializing the Connection

Initialize the connection to the Content Server instance.

' Initialize the connection to the server
x = idccommand.initRemote ("/domain/ ", "sysadmin", "socket:localhost:4444", false)

Example 6-13 Returning the Connection Status

In this example, the connectToServer and closeServerConnections methods are used to return connection status information before and after the service is executed.

' Return connection status
sConnect = idccommand.connectToServer
if sConnect then
Response.Write "Connected"
Response.Write "Not Connected"
end if
' Return connection status
sClosed = idcCmd.closeServerConnection
if sClosed then
Response.Write "Server connection closed"
Response.Write "Failed to close server connection"
end if

Example 6-14 Defining the Service and Parameters

To define the service and parameters, build an HDA-formatted string that contains the following lines:

@Properties LocalData

The required and optional parameters vary depending on the service being called. For more information, see the Oracle Fusion Middleware Services Reference Guide for Universal Content Management.

In this example:

  • The CHECKIN_UNIVERSAL service is called.

  • The parameters for the service are defined using field/value pairs:

    • The doFileCopy parameter is set to TRUE (1), so the file will not be deleted from hard drive after successful check in.

    • The dDocName parameter defines the Content ID.

    • The dDocTitle parameter defines the Title.

    • The dDocType parameter defines the Type.

    • The dSecurityGroup parameter defines the Security Group.

    • The dDocAuthor parameter defines the Author.

    • The dDocAccount parameter defines the security account. (If accounts are enabled, this parameter is required.)

    • The primaryFile parameter defines original name for the file and the absolute path to the location of the file as seen from the server.


      The required parameters vary depending on the service called. See the Oracle Fusion Middleware Services Reference Guide for Universal Content Management for additional information.

      str = "@Properties LocalData" & vbcrlf
      ' Define the service
      str = str + "IdcService=" & "CHECKIN_UNIVERSAL" & vbcrlf
      ' Define the service parameters
      str = str + "doFileCopy=1" & vbcrlf
      str = str + "dDocName=RemoteTestCheckin23" & vbcrlf
      str = str + "dDocTitle=Test1" & vbcrlf
      str = str + "dDocType=ADACCT" & vbcrlf
      str = str + "dSecurityGroup=Public" & vbcrlf
      str = str + "dDocAuthor=sysadmin" & vbcrlf
      str = str + "dDocAccount=" & vbcrlf
      str = str + "primaryFile:path=C:/inetpub/Scripts/query2.asp" & vbcrlf
      str = str + "@end" & vbcrlf

Example 6-15 Executing the Service

To execute the service, call the executeCommand method.

' Execute the service

Example 6-16 Retrieving Results

In this example, the result of the CHECKIN_UNIVERSAL service call is formatted HTML.

' Retrieve results

6.3.2 IdcCommandUX Methods

This section describes the following IdcCommandUX methods: addExtraheadersForCommand

This command adds extra HTTP-like headers to a command.

  • For security reasons, some parameters can only be passed in the headers.

  • The most common use for this command is to set the values for EXTERNAL_ROLES and EXTERNAL_ACCOUNTS in a request.

  • Values must be all on one string and separated by a carriage return and a line feed.


The following is an ASP example:

extraHeaders = "EXTERNAL_ROLES=contributor" _
    + vbcrlf _
    + "EXTERNAL_ACCOUNTS=my_account"
idcCmd.addExtraHeadersForCommand(extraHeaders) closeServerConnections

Public Sub closeServerConnection()


Closes the server connection.

  • This method does not have to be called, because the executeCommand method automatically closes a connection after executing a service. It is provided only as a convenience for managing the state of the connection.




  • Returns TRUE if the connection is closed.

  • Returns FALSE if the connection failed to close.


This ASP example passes the result of the closeServerConnection method to a variable and uses an if/else statement to return a connection status message:

sClosed = idcCmd.closeServerConnection
if sClosed then
Response.Write "Server connection closed"
Response.Write "Failed to close server connection"
end if computeNativeFilePath

Public Function computeURL(Data As String, IsAbsolute As Boolean) As String


HDA-only function.

Returns the URL of a content item as a string.

  • A relative or absolute URL can be supplied to the Content Server.

    • When a relative URL is defined, the function evaluates the URL as a location valid on the local server.

    • For example:

    • When an absolute URL is defined, the function returns the absolute URL path.

    • For example:

  • To determine the values for the Content Server parameters (HttpRelativeWebRoot and HttpServerAddress), you can reference the properties data returned from a GET_DOC_CONFIG_INFO service call.

  • To determine the values for the required content item parameters (such as dSecurityGroup and dDocType), you can reference the ResultSet returned from a DOC_INFO or SEARCH_RESULTS service call.

    • The DOC_INFO service can be used to specify previous revisions (DOC_INFO returns a list of previous revision labels).

    • The SEARCH_RESULTS service returns only enough data to specify the most recent revision of a content item.

  • To return the URL for a specific revision and rendition, use the content item revision label (dRevLabel) and the file extension (dWebExtension) entries. For example:

  • To return the URL for the most recent revision, the content item revision label (dRevLabel) entry can be omitted. For example, defining just the Content ID (dDocName) and the file extension (dWebExtension) returns the most recent revision:



  • Data: An HDA-formatted string that defines the content item:

    • HttpRelativeWebRoot: The Web root directory as a relative path, such as /stellent/. This entry is required for a relative URL, and is optional for an absolute URL.

    • HttpServerAddress: The domain name of the Content Server, such as testserver17 or (The server address is specified as a partial URL such as rather than a full address such as This entry is required for an absolute URL, and is optional for a relative URL.

    • dSecurityGroup: The security group, such as Public or Secure.

    • dDocType: The Type, such as ADACCT or FILES.

    • dDocName: The Content ID, such as test10 or hr_0005467.

    • dWebExtension: The file extension of the Web-viewable file, such as xml, html, or txt.

    • dDocAccount: The account for the content item. If accounts are enabled, this parameter must be defined.

    • dRevLabel (optional): The revision label for the content item. If defined, the specific revision will be referenced.

  • IsAbsolute: Set to TRUE (1) to define an absolute URL address.


    Do not confuse the Content ID (dDocName) with the internal content item revision identifier (dID). The dID is a generated reference to a specific revision of a content item.


  • Returns a string that defines URL as the value of the string passed in as a parameter. For example:

  • Returns an HDA string containing StatusCode and StatusMessage.

    • If the command is successful, StatusCode is zero (0), and StatusMessage is a login message ("You are logged in as sysadmin").

    • If the command fails, StatusCode is negative (-1), and StatusMessage is an error message.

    • Returns FALSE if there is a connection failure.


This is an example of an HDA-formatted string:

String str = "@Properties LocalData\n"+
"@end\n"; computeURL

Public Function computeURL(Data As String, IsAbsolute As Boolean) As String


HDA-only function.

Returns the URL of a content item as a string.

  • A relative or absolute URL can be supplied to the Content Server.

    • When a relative URL is defined, the function evaluates the URL as a location valid on the local server.

    • For example:

    • When an absolute URL is defined, the function returns the absolute URL path.

    • For example:

  • To determine the values for the Content Server parameters (HttpRelativeWebRoot and HttpServerAddress), you can reference the properties data returned from a GET_DOC_CONFIG_INFO service call.

  • To determine the values for the required content item parameters (such as dSecurityGroup and dDocType), you can reference the ResultSet returned from a DOC_INFO or SEARCH_RESULTS service call.

    • The DOC_INFO service can be used to specify previous revisions (DOC_INFO returns a list of previous revision labels).

    • The SEARCH_RESULTS service returns only enough data to specify the most recent revision of a content item.

  • To return the URL for a specific revision and rendition, use the content item revision label (dRevLabel) and the file extension (dWebExtension) entries. For example:

  • To return the URL for the most recent revision, the content item revision label (dRevLabel) entry can be omitted. For example, defining just the Content ID (dDocName) and the file extension (dWebExtension) returns the most recent revision:



  • Data: An HDA-formatted string that defines the content item:

    • HttpRelativeWebRoot: The Web root directory as a relative path, such as /stellent/. This entry is required for a relative URL, and is optional for an absolute URL.

    • HttpServerAddress: The domain name of the Content Server, such as testserver17 or (The server address is specified as a partial URL such as rather than a full address such as This entry is required for an absolute URL, and is optional for a relative URL.

    • dSecurityGroup: The security group, such as Public or Secure.

    • dDocType: The Type, such as ADACCT or FILES.

    • dDocName: The Content ID, such as test10 or hr_0005467.

    • dWebExtension: The file extension of the Web-viewable file, such as xml, html, or txt.

    • dDocAccount: The account for the content item. If accounts are enabled, this parameter must be defined.

    • dRevLabel (optional): The revision label for the content item. If defined, the specific revision will be referenced.

  • IsAbsolute: Set to TRUE (1) to define an absolute URL address.


    Do not confuse the Content ID (dDocName) with the internal content item revision identifier (dID). The dID is a generated reference to a specific revision of a content item.


  • Returns a string that defines URL as the value of the string passed in as a parameter. For example:

  • Returns an HDA string containing StatusCode and StatusMessage.

    • If the command is successful, StatusCode is zero (0), and StatusMessage is a login message ("You are logged in as sysadmin").

    • If the command fails, StatusCode is negative (-1), and StatusMessage is an error message.

    • Returns FALSE if there is a connection failure.


This is an example of an HDA-formatted string:

String str = "@Properties LocalData\n"+
"@end\n"; computeWebFilePath

Public Function computeWebFilePath(Data As String) As String


HDA-only function.

Returns the path of a Web-viewable file as a string.

  • This function is generally used for processing Web-viewable text files (such as XML) to perform actions such as bulk file loading or retrieval.

  • Using computeWebFilePath instead of computeNativeFilePath provides the advantage of needing only the Content ID (dDocName) rather than the specific revision ID (dID) to return the most recent revision.

  • To determine the values for the required parameters (such as dSecurityGroup and dDocType), you can reference the ResultSet returned from a DOC_INFO or SEARCH_RESULTS service call.

    • The DOC_INFO service can be used to specify previous revisions (DOC_INFO returns a list of previous revision labels).

    • The SEARCH_RESULTS service returns only enough data to specify the most recent revision of a content item.


  • Data: An HDA-formatted string that defines the content item:

    • dSecurityGroup: The security group, such as Public or Secure.

    • dDocType: The content item Type, such as ADACCT or FILES.

    • dDocName: The Content ID, such as test10 or hr_0005467.

    • dWebExtension: The file extension of the Web-viewable file, such as xml, html, or txt.

    • dDocAccount: The account for the content item. If accounts are enabled, this parameter must be defined.


      Do not confuse the Content ID (dDocName) with the internal content item revision identifier (dID). The dID is a generated reference to a specific revision of a content item.


  • Returns a string that defines WebFilePath as the value of the string passed in as a parameter. For example:

  • Returns an HDA string containing StatusCode and StatusMessage.

    • If the command is successful, StatusCode is zero (0), and StatusMessage is a login message ("You are logged in as sysadmin").

    • If the command fails, StatusCode is negative (-1), and StatusMessage is an error message.

    • Returns FALSE if there is a connection failure.


This is an example of an HDA-formatted string:

String str = "@Properties LocalData\n"+
"@end\n"; connectToServer

Public Function connectToServer() As Boolean


Establishes a connection to the server.

  • The connection is held open until a command is executed. After a command is executed, the connection is closed automatically.

  • This method does not have to be called, because the executeCommand method automatically opens a connection to execute a service. It is provided only as a convenience for managing the state of the connection.




  • Returns TRUE if the connection is opened.

  • Returns FALSE if there is a connection failure.


This ASP example passes the result of the connectToServer method to a variable and uses an if/else statement to return a connection status message:

sConnect = idcCmd.connectToServer
if sConnect then
Response.Write "Connected"
Response.Write "Not Connected"
end if executeCommand

Public Sub executeCommand(Data As String)


Executes a Content Server service.

  • This method evaluates whether a connection has already been established with a connectToServer call. If a connection exists, it will use the open connection. If a connection does not exist, it will establish a connection.

  • On completion of the command, the connection will be closed.


  • Data: An HDA-formatted string that defines the IdcService command and any service parameters. For example:

    @Properties LocalData

    This can also be a SOAP-formatted message as shown in the previous example ("SOAP Example"). See also "initRemote".


  • Returns a string representing an HDA file that holds the original request and the results.

  • Returns an HDA string containing StatusCode and StatusMessage.

    • If the command is successful, StatusCode is zero (0), and StatusMessage is a login message ("You are logged in as sysadmin").

    • If the command fails, StatusCode is negative (-1), and StatusMessage is an error message.

    • Returns FALSE if there is a connection failure.

  • The return string is SOAP-formatted XML if a SOAP request was sent.


This ASP example executes the command specified in the data string defined by the cmd variable:

results = idcCmd.executeCommand(cmd) executeFileCommand

executeFileCommand (requestString)


This function is used to execute a service request, then pipe the raw response to the client. This command is identical to executeCommand but can only be called on an Active Server Page (ASP).

  • The response from the Content Server is redirected back to the client's browser (this is different from the response through executeCommand, in which the response is given as a string which can then be manipulated on the ASP).

  • This is useful for GET_FILE and similar services in which you need to transfer binary files from the Content Server to a client browser through an ASP.

  • This function returns extra headers unless the request parameters are passed as environment variables.

  • requestString is the name of the service request.

  • See "executeCommand" for more information.


None forwardRequest



This function is used to forward a multipart form post to the Content Server. This is useful for executing checkins.


None getLastErrorMessage



This method retrieves the specific error details for a communication or configuration error. For example, if you do not put in the correct host name for making a connection, this method returns the connection error. It does not return a value if the error is returned by the Content Server as part of the return value for a request.




This example creates an object and initializes a connection to the server.

Set idcCmd = Server.CreateObject("Idc.CommandUX")

x = idcCmd.init("sysadmin", "c:\domain\bin")
If x = false Then
y = idcCmd.getLastErrorMessage()
End If initRemote

initRemote(HttpWebRoot, idcReference, idcUser, isSoap)


This function initializes the module to connect to a Content Server. Note that you must first declare idcCmd.

Required Parameters

  • HttpWebRoot: The IdocScript value for HttpWebRoot.

  • idcReference: A string containing information on how to connect to the Content Server in the form socket:hostname:port. This is typically socket:localhost:4444. The hostname should be identical to IntradocServerHostName and port identical to IntradocServerPort.

  • idcUser: The user you are connecting as.

  • isSoap: A Boolean value indicating if the request is in SOAP XML format or HDA format. If this is set to TRUE, it indicates the SOAP XML format.


Dim idcCmd
idcCmd.initRemote("domain", "socket:test204:4444", "sysadmin", "false")

6.3.3 OCX Interface

The IntradocClient OCX component is used within a Windows Visual Basic development environment to gain access to the content and content management functions within Content Server. The OCX integration is designed to call services in a visual development environment, or to connect to a remote Content Server.

The IntradocClient OCX component provides functionality that you can access with a method call. Methods perform actions and often return results. Information is passed to methods using parameters. Some functions do not take parameters; some functions take one parameter; some take several.

The IntradocClient OCX component requires a username and password to execute the commands. The user must have the appropriate permissions to execute the commands. Some commands will require an administrative access level, other commands may require only write permission.

Outside of the init and connection managing methods, all methods use the serialized HDA format for communication. The returned serialized HDA format string contains information about the success or failure of the command. The StatusCode will be negative if a failure occurs, and StatusMessage indicates the error.

See the Oracle Fusion Middleware Services Reference Guide for Universal Content Management for additional information. This guide also contains information about the IntradocClient OCX API specifications listing the properties, methods, and events.

6.3.4 IdcClientOCX Component

An Object Linking and Embedding Control Extension (OCX) control is provided for connecting to a remote Content Server.and executing Content Server services. The IdcClient OCX control is used within a Windows Visual Basic development environment to gain access to the content and content management functions within Content Server.

This section provides a description of the IdcClient OCX control, setup instructions, and lists the events, methods, and properties. The IdcClient.ocx control is used to connect to a remote Content Server and perform typical server functions.

This section covers the following topics: IdcClient OCX Description

This section provides a general description of the IdcClient OCX control and basic information on events, methods, and properties. The IdcClient OCX interface is also discussed. General Description

IdcClient is an ActiveX control that allows a program to perform actions such as executing a service and retrieving file path information. The IdcClient control is also a wrapper for the Microsoft Internet Explorer browser.

The IdcClient OCX control is designed to use the Unicode standard and in most cases exchanges data with the Content Server in UTF-8 format. Unicode uses two bytes (16 bits) of storage per character and can represent characters used in a wide range of languages (for example, English, Japanese, Arabic). Since English language ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) characters only require one byte (8 bits), when an ASCII character is represented the upper byte of each Unicode character is zero.

See the Unicode Consortium on the Web for additional information about the Unicode standard at


IdcClient OCX is built atop the Microsoft Layer for Unicode, which allows Unicode applications to run on Win9x platforms. When distributing the IdcClient OCX Control on 9x platforms, the "unicows.dll" must also be distributed. This companion DLL cannot be distributed on Windows-based systems.

In most cases, the methods use the serialized HDA format for communication. A serialized HDA format is a Java method used for communication. The returned serialized HDA format string contains information about the success or failure of the command.

The IdcClient OCX control provides functionality that can be performed with a method call. Methods perform actions and often return results. Information is passed to methods using parameters. Some functions do not take parameters; some functions take one parameter; some take several. For example, a function with two parameters passed as strings would use this format:

Function(Parameter As String, Parameter As String) As String

  • IdcClient OCX enables users to write client applications to execute services. The OCX control takes name/value pairs containing commands and parameters and calls the specified services. Execution results are passed back to the calling program.

  • IdcClient OCX requires a username and password to execute the commands. The user must have the appropriate permissions to execute the commands. Some commands will require an administrative access level, other commands may require only write permission.

For more information, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Services Reference Guide for Universal Content Management. Events, Methods, and Properties

The IdcClient OCX control is used to connect to a remote Content Server and perform server functions. This section provides a basic overview on Visual Basic events, methods, and properties.

OCX Events

Events are executed when the user or server performs an action.

For example:

  • The IntradocBrowserPost event executes every time a user submits a form from within a browser.

  • The IntradocServerResponse event executes after the server completes a requested action.

    See "Events, Methods, and Properties" for additional information.

Example 6-17 OCX Methods

The Visual Basic Standard Controls provide methods that are common to every Visual Basic development environment. In addition, the IdcClient OCX control provides methods that are private and unique to this specific control. These methods are used to perform or initiate an action rather than setting a characteristic.

For example:

  • The AboutBox() method launches the About box containing product version information.

  • The GoCheckinPage method checks in a new content item or a content item revision.

See "Events, Methods, and Properties" for additional information.

Example 6-18 OCX Properties

Properties describe or format an object and can be modified with code or by using the property window in the Visual Basic development environment. Properties describe the basic characteristic of an object.

For example:

  • The UserName property provides the assigned user name.

  • The WorkingDir property specifies the location where downloaded files are placed.

See "Events, Methods, and Properties" for additional information. IdcClient OCX Interface

The IdcClient OCX control is used within a Windows Visual Basic development environment to gain access to the content and content management functions within Content Server. The OCX integration is designed to call services in a visual development environment, or to connect to a remote Content Server.

In most cases, methods use the serialized HDA format for communication. The returned serialized HDA format string contains information about the success or failure of the command. The StatusCode will be negative if a failure occurs, and StatusMessage will indicate the error. If the returned HDA does not contain a StatusCode parameter, the service call succeeded. IdcClient OCX Control Setup

This section provides a the steps required to setup the IdcClient OCX component and also provides information on creating a visual interface in the Microsoft Visual Basic development environment. Component Setup

Follow these steps to set up the IdcClient OCX component in the Microsoft Visual Basic development environment:

  1. Create a new project.

  2. Select Project then select Components.

  3. Browse to the IdcClient.ocx file on your system and click Open.

    The IdcClient module is added to the Component Controls list.

  4. Ensure that the check box for IdcClient ActiveX Control module is enabled and click OK.

    The IdcClient OCX control is placed in the list of controls.

  5. (Optional) You can use the Visual Basic development environment to build your own visual interface or follow the steps provided in "Creating a Visual Interface" to build a basic visual interface. Creating a Visual Interface


It is assumed that a Visual Basic project has been created and the IdcClient OCX control has been placed in the list of controls. See "Component Setup" for additional information.

Follow these steps to build a basic visual interface:

Figure 6-1 OCX control drawn on a Visual Basic form

Surrounding text describes Figure 6-1 .
  1. Select the control and draw it on the Visual Basic form.

  2. From the drop-down list of the Properties Window, select the IdcClient OCX control (if the Properties Window is not currently displayed select View then select Properties Window from the main menu).

  3. Rename the IdcClient OCX control IdcClientCtrl.

  4. Define the HostCgiUrl to reference the iss_idc_cgi.dll for your particular instance.

    For example:


    Figure 6-2 Edited IdcClient Properties

    Surrounding text describes Figure 6-2 .
  5. On the form, draw a textbox and name it CgiUrl.

  6. For the Text field, enter the HostCgiUrl value as the text to be displayed.

    For example:


    Figure 6-3 Edited CgiUrl TextBox properties

    Surrounding text describes Figure 6-3 .
  7. On the form, draw a textbox and name it Command.

  8. Clear the entry for the Text field (leave blank) and set MultiLine to true.

    Figure 6-4 Edited Command TextBox properties

    Surrounding text describes Figure 6-4 .
  9. On the form, draw a textbox and name it Response.

  10. Clear the entry for the Text field (leave blank).

    Figure 6-5 Edited Response TextBox properties

    Surrounding text describes Figure 6-5 .
  11. On the form, draw a button and name it SendPostCommand.

  12. For the Caption field, enter "Send Post Command" as the text to be displayed.

    Figure 6-6 Edited SendPostCommand CommandButton properties.

    Surrounding text describes Figure 6-6 .
  13. On the form, select View then select Code.

  14. Select SendPostCommand and then click from the drop-down lists and modify the code to perform these actions.

    • Set the Host Cgi Url

    • Issue the command

    • (Optional) Replace LF with CRLF to make the presentation in the edit control more readable.

    • Display the response

    For example:

    Dim R As String
    IdcClientCtrl.HostCgiUrl = CgiUrl.Text
    R = IdcClientCtrl.1.SendPostCommand(Command.Text)
    R = Replace(R, vbLf, vbCrLf
    Response.Text = R

    Figure 6-7 Edited SendPostCommand_Click code

    Surrounding text describes Figure 6-7 .
  15. Select Form and then Load from the drop-down lists and add the following lines to set the login prompt for the Content Server:

    IdcClientCtrl.UseBrowserLoginPrompt = True
    IdcClientCtrl.UseProgressDialog = True

    Figure 6-8 Edited Form_Load code

    Surrounding text describes Figure 6-8 .
  16. (Optional) Add appropriate descriptive labels such as Cgi Url, Command, and Response.

    Figure 6-9 Visual interface with descriptive label

    Surrounding text describes Figure 6-9 .
  17. Select Run then select Start to test the visual interface.

    Figure 6-10 Completed visual interface

    Surrounding text describes Figure 6-10 .
  18. Enter a formatted command in the Command field.

    For example, this command adds a user:

    @Properties LocalData

    See the Oracle Fusion Middleware Services References Guide for additional information about the ADD_USER service.

    Figure 6-11 Visual interface with defined command.

    Surrounding text describes Figure 6-11 .
  19. Click the Send Post Command button to execute the command. The returned results are displayed in the Response field.

    Figure 6-12 Visual interface with returned results

    Surrounding text describes Figure 6-12 .

Verify the Command

  1. In a Web browser, login to the Content Server as the administrator.

  2. Select Administration then select Admin Applets.

  3. Click the User Admin link. The applet launches and displays the added user (for example, user99).

6.3.5 IdcClient Events

Events are executed when the user or server performs an action. The following are IdcClient OCX Events: IIntradocBeforeDownload

Executes before a file is downloaded.

  • Initiates the server actions and updates required before a download.


The event passes these parameters:

  • ByVal params As String

  • cancelDownload As Boolean IIntradocBrowserPost

Executes every time a form is submitted from within a browser.


The event passes these parameters:

  • ByVal url As String

  • ByVal params As String

  • cancelPost As Boolean IntradocBrowserStateChange

Executes whenever the browser state changes.


The event passes these parameters:

  • ByVal browserStateItem As String

  • ByVal enabled As Boolean IIntradocRequestProgress

Executes a request for a progress report to be sent from the server. This event only occurs after a method has been called.


The event passes these parameters:

  • ByVal statusData As String

  • ByVal isDone As Boolean IntradocServerResponse

Executes after the server completes a requested action. For example, after a file has been downloaded. This event handles HDA encoded data that is a response from the server. This event only occurs when an action is performed in the browser.


The event passes one parameter:

  • ByVal response As String

6.3.6 IdcClient Methods

The following IdcClient OCX Methods are available:

Methods marked with an asterisk (*) are ones which are not related to browser activity and which return a value.


All parameters are required unless otherwise indicated. AboutBox

Sub AboutBox()


Launches the About box containing product version information.

  • This method displays the product About box.

  • The method returns FALSE if the call cannot be executed.


None Back

Sub Back()


Displays the previous HTML page.

  • Returns the user to the previous screen.

  • The method retrieves the previous HTML page from cached information for display to the user.


None CancelRequest

Function CancelRequest() As Boolean


This method cancels the currently active request. Returns FALSE if the function is unable to cancel the request or if there is no request currently active.




Returns a Boolean value:

  • Returns TRUE if request is canceled.

  • Returns FALSE if the cancel request is not performed. DoCheckoutLatestRev

Sub DoCheckoutLatestRev(docName As String, curID As String)


Checks out or locks the latest content item revision.

  • Given a content item name and the version label, the method checks out the latest content item revision.

  • Executes the IntradocServerResponse event. The event is executed before the method occurs. See "IdcClient Events" for details.


    The curID is the content item version label, not the generated content item revision ID.

This function returns the following:

  • Serialized HDA containing dID and dDocName.

  • FALSE if the latest revision cannot be checked out or cannot be found in the system.

  • The data that was passed in as parameters.


  • docName: The user-assigned content item name.

  • curID: The unique identifier for the latest revision. Optional. DownloadFile

Function DownloadFile(command As String, filename As String) As String


Downloads the defined file.

  • Given a currently-associated command and the file type, this method performs a file download of the post-conversion file (compare DownloadNativeFile).

  • Executes the IntradocBeforeDownload event. The event is executed before the method occurs. See "IdcClient Events" for details.

This function returns the following:

  • Serialized HDA containing the status code and status method.

  • The data that was passed in as parameters.

  • FALSE if it is unable to download the specified file.


  • command: The currently-associated command.

  • filename: The file format. This is the file type such as PDF, HTM, or other supported format. DownloadNativeFile

Function DownloadNativeFile(id As String, docName As String, filename As String) As String


Downloads the defined native file.

  • Given a content item revision ID, a content item name, and a file type, this method performs a file download of the native file (compare DownloadFile).

  • Executes the IntradocBeforeDownload event. The event is executed before the method occurs. See "IdcClient Events" for details.


    The id is the generated content item revision ID, not the content item version label.

This function returns the following:

  • Serialized HDA containing dID and dDocName.

  • The data that was passed in as parameters.

  • FALSE if it is unable to download the specified file.


  • id: The unique identifier for the latest revision.

  • docName: The user-assigned content item name.

  • filename: The file format. This is the file type such as DOC, RTF, or any other supported format. Drag

Sub Drag([nAction])


Begins, ends, or cancels a drag operation.

  • The Drag method is handled the same as a Standard Control implementation.

  • Refer to a Visual Basic API reference for additional information.


  • nAction: Indicates the action to perform. If you omit nAction, nAction is set to 1.

The settings for the Drag method are:

  • 0: Cancel drag operation; restore original position of control.

  • 1: (Default) Begin dragging the control.

  • 2: End dragging, that is, drop the control. EditDocInfoLatestRev

Sub EditDocInfoLatestRev(docName As String, curID As String, activateAction As String)


Edits the content item information for the latest revision.

  • ODMA related.

  • Given a content item name, the version label, and the currently-active requested action, the method edits the content item information for the latest revision.

  • The function returns FALSE if the content item information for the latest revision cannot be edited or cannot be found in the system.


    The curID is the content item version label, not the generated content item revision ID.


  • curID: The unique identifier for the latest revision.

  • activateAction: Passed to ODMActivate. This can be used as Idoc Script. Optional.

  • docName: The user-assigned content item name. Optional. Forward

Sub Forward()


Displays the next HTML page.

  • Moves the user to the next screen.

  • This method retrieves cached information for the next HTML page for display to the user.


None GoCheckinPage

Sub GoCheckinPage(id As String, docName As String, isNew As Boolean, params As String)


Checks in a new content item or a content item revision.

  • Given the content item revision ID and the content item name, the function checks in a new content item or a content item revision.

  • This method opens the content item check-in page and enters the unique content item identifier, user-assigned content item name, and any assigned content item parameters into the associated text fields. It is also specified whether this is a new content item or a revision.


    The id is the generated content item revision ID, not the content item version label.


This function returns the following:

  • FALSE if it is unable to check in the specified file.

  • Serialized HDA containing dID and dDocName.

  • The data that was passed in as parameters.

Parameters (all optional)

  • id: The unique identifier for the latest revision.

  • docName: The user-assigned content item name.

  • IsNew: Defines whether the content item to be checked in is a new content item or a revision.

    • If TRUE, a new unique content item version label is assigned.

    • Default is TRUE.

  • params: The parameters that pre-fill the Check In page. Home

Sub Home()


Returns the user to the defined home page.

  • Moves the user to the home screen.

  • Executes an HTML page request and displays the defined home page to the user.


None InitiateFileDownload

Function InitiateFileDownload(command As String, filename As String) As String


Initiates a file download.

  • Given the currently-associated command and the file type, the function initiates a file download. This method initiates a file download of a specific rendition of a content item, the latest revision, or the latest released revision.

  • Executes the IntradocServerResponse event. The event is executed before the method occurs.

  • See "IdcClient Events" for details.


  • command: The currently-associated command.

  • filename: The file format. This is the file type such as PDF, HTM, or other supported format.


  • Returns serialized HDA containing the requested information.

  • Returns the data that was passed in as parameters. InitiatePostCommand

Function InitiatePostCommand(postData As String) As String


Initiates a post command.

  • Initiates a service call. Given assigned post data, this method initiates a post command.

  • Executes the IntradocServerResponse event. The event is executed before the method occurs. See "IdcClient Events" for details.


  • postData: The serialized HDA containing the service command and any necessary service parameters.


  • Returns serialized HDA containing the requested information.

  • Returns StatusCode and StatusMessage.

    • The StatusCode will be negative if a failure occurs, and StatusMessage will indicate the error.

    • If the returned HDA does not contain a StatusCode parameter, the service call succeeded. Move

Sub Move(Left As Single, [Top], [Width], [Height])


Moves an object.

  • The Move method is handled the same as a Standard Control implementation.

  • Refer to a Visual Basic API reference for additional information.


  • nLeft: Specifies the horizontal coordinate for the left edge of the object. This is a single-precision value.

  • nTop: Specifies the vertical coordinate for the top edge of the object. This is a single-precision value.

  • nWidth: Specifies the new width of the object. This is a single-precision value.

  • nHeight: Specifies the new height of the object. This is a single-precision value. Navigate

Sub Navigate(url As String


Computes the URL path.

  • Given a complete URL, this method computes the URL from the serialized HDA and returns the value as a string.

This function returns the following:

  • Serialized HDA containing the requested information.

  • The data that was passed in as parameters.


  • url: The complete URL path. NavigateCgiPage

Sub NavigateCgiPage(params As String)


Computes the CGI path.

  • Given defined content item parameters, this method computes the CGI path from the serialized HDA and returns the value as a string.


  • params: The assigned content item parameters. Refresh Browser


Refreshes the browser.

  • This method refreshes the Web browser and updates dynamic information.


None SendCommand

Function SendCommand(params As String) As String


Issues a service request to the Content Server.

  • Given defined content item parameters, the function executes a service from the Content Server related to content item handling.


  • params: The CGI URL encoded parameters.


  • Returns serialized HDA containing the requested information.

  • Returns the data that was passed in as parameters. SendPostCommand

Function SendPostCommand(postData As String) As String


Sends a post command.

  • Executes a service call.

  • Executes the IntradocBrowserPost event. The event is executed before the method occurs. See "IdcClient Events" for details.


  • postData: The serialized HDA containing the service command and any necessary service parameters.


  • Returns serialized HDA containing the requested information.

  • Returns StatusCode and StatusMessage.

    • The StatusCode will be negative if a failure occurs, and StatusMessage will indicate the error.

    • If the returned HDA does not contain a StatusCode parameter, the service call succeeded. SetFocus

Sub SetFocus()


Assigns the focus to a control.

  • The SetFocus method is handled the same as a Standard Control implementation.

  • Refer to a Visual Basic API reference for additional information.


None Show DMS

Sub ShowDMS()


Opens the HTML page associated with the Content Manager.

  • ODMA related.

  • Displays the Content Manager access page in a browser.


None ShowDocInfoLatestRev

Sub ShowDocInfoLatestRev(docName As String, curID As String, activateAction As String)


Displays the content item information for the latest revision.


The curID is the content item version label, not the generated content item revision ID.


  • docName: The user-assigned content item name.

  • curID: The unique identifier for the latest revision. Optional.

  • activateAction: The currently-active requested action. Optional. ShowWhatsThis

Sub ShowWhatsThis()


Displays the What's This Help topic specified for an object with the WhatsThisHelpID property.

  • The ShowWhatsThis method is handled the same as a Standard Control implementation.

  • Refer to a Visual Basic API reference for additional information.


  • Object: Specifies the object for which the What's This Help topic is displayed. StartSearch

Sub StartSearch()


Displays the query page in the browser control.

  • Preforms browser manipulation.


None Stop

Sub Stop()


Stops the browser.

  • This method stops or cancels the loading of information in the browser.


None UndoCheckout

Sub UndoCheckout(docName As String, curID As String)


This service reverses a content item checkout.

  • Given a content item name and a version label, this service attempts to locate the content item in the system and undo the check out. The service fails if the content item does not exist in the system, if the content item is not checked out or the user does not have sufficient privilege to undo the checkout.

  • Executes the IntradocServerResponse event. The event is executed before the method occurs.

  • See "IdcClient Events" for details.


    The curID is the content item version label, not the generated content item revision ID.


  • curID: The unique identifier for the latest revision.

  • docName: The user-assigned content item name. Optional. ViewDocInfo

Sub ViewDocInfo(id As String)


Navigates to the content item information page and displays content item information in a browser.

  • Performs browser manipulation.

  • Given a content item revision ID, the method displays content item information in a browser.


    The id is the generated content item revision ID, not the content item version label.


  • id: The unique identifier for the latest revision. ViewDocInfoLatestRev

Sub ViewDocInfoLatestRev(docName As String, curID As String)


Navigates to the content item information page and displays content item information for the latest revision.

  • Given a content item name and a version label, the method displays the content item information for the latest revision.


    The curID is the content item version label, not the generated content item revision ID.

This function returns the following:

  • Serialized HDA containing dID and dDocName.

  • The data that was passed in as parameters.


  • docName: The user assigned content item name.

  • curID: The unique identifier for the latest revision. ZOrder

Sub ZOrder([Position])


Places a specified form or control at the front or back of the z-order within its graphical level.

  • The ZOrder method is handled the same as a Standard Control implementation.

  • Refer to a Visual Basic API reference for additional information.


  • nOrder: Specifies an integer indicating the position of the object relative to other objects. If you omit nOrder, the setting is 0.

The settings for the ZOrder method are:

  • 0: (Default) The object is positioned at the front of the z-order.

  • 1: The object is positioned at the back of the z-order.

6.3.7 IdcClient Properties

Each data item or "attribute" is implemented as a "Property" in Visual Basic. Properties are exposed through the Public Interface of an object within the Visual Basic development environment. These attributes can be used to further describe elements.

These are the IdcClient OCX Properties: ClientControlledContextValue

Provides the user-supplied context value. This value becomes available to Idoc Script as the variable ClientControlled in any Web page delivered by the Content Server.

  • Returns the value as a string.

  • Takes no parameters. HostCgiUrl

Provides the complete URL path of the host CGI bin.

  • Returns the value as a string.

  • Takes no parameters. Password

Provides the assigned user password.

  • Returns the value as a string.

  • Takes no parameters. UseBrowserLoginPrompt

Allows the use of a browser login prompt. Defines whether a dialog box for user authentication will display.

  • If set to TRUE, control will open a dialog box for user authentication

  • Default is TRUE.

Returns a Boolean value:

  • Returns TRUE if the login was successful.

  • Returns FALSE if the login was denied. UseProgressDialog

Allows the use of a user progress dialog. Defines whether a dialog box for user authentication will display.

  • If set to TRUE, control will open a dialog box for user progress.

  • Default is TRUE.

Returns a Boolean value:

  • Returns TRUE if the action was completed.

  • Returns FALSE if the action failed. UserName

Provides the assigned user name.

Returns the value as a string.

Takes no parameters. Working Directory

Specifies the working directory as a full path. This is the location where downloaded files are placed.

  • Returns the value as a string.

  • Takes no parameters.

6.3.8 ODMA Integration

The Open Document Management Application (ODMA) is a standard API used to interface between desktop applications and file management software. The ODMA integration for Content Server is available with Desktop, a separate product. Use the ODMA-integration products to gain access to the content and content management functions within Content Server (for ODMA-compliant desktop applications).

You can publish files to your Web repository directly from any ODMA-compliant application, such as Microsoft Word, Corel WordPerfect, and Adobe FrameMaker. With the Web centric adoption of ODMA, you can check in and publish information directly to the Web. This is a significant advancement over traditional ODMA client/server implementations, where information is published first to a server and is not immediately available on the Web for consumption.

For more information, refer to the ODMA or ODMA/FrameMaker online help. ODMA Client

The ODMA Client is a separate product and does not ship with the core product. It is used to check in and publish information directly to the Web from your desktop applications. ODMA Client surpasses traditional ODMA client–server models, which publish information to a server and not immediately to the Web for consumption. You can use ODMA Client from within your desktop application to perform many tasks which interact with Content Server, for example:

  • Save a file and immediately check it into the Content Server.

  • Save a file to check in later.

  • Check a file out of the Content Server.

  • Update a file's metadata (content information).

  • Save the file to your local file system and bypass the ODMA Client system. ODMA Interfaces

These ODMA Interfaces are available:

  • ODMA Client Interface: The Select Document screen with the Recent Files option selected displays a list of files that you recently used through ODMA. This screen is displayed instead of the typical Open dialog box. If a file does not display on this screen, you can search for it in the Content Server or the local file system.

  • ODMA Desktop Shell Interface: The Client Desktop Shell provides "drag and drop" check-in functionality, and access to the ODMA Client - Select Document screen from outside of your desktop application. Through the Desktop Shell, you can:

    • Select a file from your desktop or a Windows Explorer window and drag it to the Desktop Shell to check it into the Content Server.

    • Select and open a file from the Recent Files list or from the Content Server.

  • Content Server Interface with ODMA: You can open and check out an ODMA file directly from the Content Server Content Information page. When you open a file from the Content Server, it opens in its native application so you can edit it and quickly check the file back into the Content Server.


    You can also open and check out a file from within an ODMA-compliant application, and you can open a copy of a file instead of checking it out. See the ODMA Online Help for more information.