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Oracle® Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle WebCenter
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)
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2 Learning Your Way Around

This chapter provides basic information to get you started using the WebCenter Spaces application. It includes the following sections:


This chapter is intended for users who want to understand basic information about WebCenter Spaces self-registration, log in, personal space, page access, and online help.

2.1 Registering Yourself with WebCenter Spaces

Your WebCenter Spaces administrator may provide the opportunity to self-register to WebCenter Spaces. Self-registration enables you to create your own login credentials and enter WebCenter Spaces from there forward as an authenticated user. The privileges of authentication are many: your own personal space, access to other features based on your assigned user role, a broader range of available interactive features.


Whether self-registration is available depends on how your WebCenter Spaces administrator configures your WebCenter application.

To register yourself as a WebCenter Spaces user:

  1. Open the WebCenter Spaces application.

    For example:


    Where <host>:<port> refers to the host name and port number of the system where Oracle WebCenter is installed. By default, Oracle WebCenter is installed on port 8888.

  2. Click the Register button on the application Welcome page (Figure 2-1).


    Your WebCenter Spaces administrator can customize the look and feel of the Login dialog, but the information depicted in Figure 2-1 is essentially the same whatever the customization.

    See Also:

    Advanced users can extend WebCenter Spaces by customizing the public application Welcome page, where the Login dialog appears. For more information, see the white paper, "Extending WebCenter Spaces (" on the Oracle Technology Network:

    Figure 2-1 The Register Button on the Welcome Page

    Register button on Welcome page
  3. On the resulting Self-Registration page (Figure 2-2), enter your user information:

    Note that fields marked with an asterisk require a value.

    Figure 2-2 WebCenter Spaces Self-Registration Page

    Self-Registration page
    1. Enter your preferred user name in the Choose User Name field.


      The user name policy is set by the underlying identity store. Your application administrator may customize the Self-Registration page to include information that explains your organization's user name policy.

    2. Click the Check User Name Available button to ensure the uniqueness of your chosen user name.

      If the name you entered is in use, provide another user name and test that. Continue this cycle until the check assures you that your entry is unique.

    3. Provide a password in the Choose Password field.


      The password policy is set by the underlying identity store. Your application administrator may customize the Self-Registration page to include information that explains your organization's password policy.

    4. Reenter the password in the Re-enter Password field.

    5. Enter your first name in the First Name field.

    6. Enter your last name (that is, your surname) in the Last Name field.

    7. Enter your company email address in the Email Address field.


      You can create only one user account per email address.

  4. Click the Register button.

    If the data you entered is accepted, a log-in dialog opens, enabling you to log in to WebCenter Spaces.


    If a user name with the same mail ID exists, when you click Register a dialog opens informing you that the mail ID exists. The dialog includes a button for sending a message to the mail ID associated with the existing user name.Because you are not yet authenticated, your message is sent to a public mail box, provided your application administrator has configured public mail credentials.

2.2 Logging In and Out of WebCenter Spaces

This section describes how to log in and out of WebCenter Spaces. It makes some assumptions about, for example, the placement of Login and Logout links in the application user interface.

This section includes the following subsections:

2.2.1 Logging In to WebCenter Spaces

Some pages are public, and therefore available to users who are not logged in. But to take advantage of your user role assignment and the access that flows from that, you must log in. Logging in makes you an authenticated user. Authenticated users have a greater level of access to application pages and features.


WebCenter Spaces does not support single-user concurrency. That is, one user cannot log in to the same application at the same time more than once.

To log in to WebCenter Spaces:

  1. Using your Web browser, navigate to your WebCenter Spaces application.

  2. Click the Login link in the upper right corner of the application.

  3. On the Login page, enter your user name in the User Name field and your password in the Password field.

  4. Click the Login button, or press Enter.

    The application opens on the last page you accessed.

2.2.2 Logging Out of WebCenter Spaces

To log out of a WebCenter application, click the Logout link at the top of the application.

2.3 Getting to Know Your Personal Space

If you have log-in credentials for the WebCenter Spaces application, you also have your own personal space (Figure 2-3).

Figure 2-3 A Personal Space in a WebCenter Spaces Application

A personal space in a WebCenter Space application

In your personal space, you have all the privileges of an owner. That is, you can view, add, edit, and delete personal pages and content. Additionally, you can grant the same kinds of access to other users.


A WebCenter Spaces administrator can view, add, edit, and delete any pages and content in the application.

In Figure 2-3, The tab Personal Space identifies this as a personal space. Your personal space is easy to find because its tab is always on view (unless a page is in edit mode or a group space is configured to appear in full screen mode, see Section 13.8.5, "Applying a Group Space Site Template"). Your personal space may not always be foremost when you log in—that distinction is reserved for the last top-level tab you accessed—whether your personal space, a group space, or a dynamically generated top-level tab. But your personal space is always available (except as noted), and you can click it to bring your personal space forward.

See Also:

Advanced users can rename the Personal Space tab. For more information, see the white paper, "Extending WebCenter Spaces (" on the Oracle Technology Network:

Your personal space contains the personal pages you create and other content determined by your application administrator. A typical personal space provides a Welcome page and a Documents page.

Additionally, your application administrator may have added business role pages that are targeted to your particular line of business. For example, if you are on the sales force, you may have a Sales Force business role page in your personal space that displays content relevant to you and other sales people in your organization.

Active tabs display a downward arrow icon, which you click to access page actions. Access the menu on inactive tabs by right-clicking the tab.

For example, in Figure 2-4, both Personal Space and Welcome are active, in that they are both foremost in the application view. Note the downward arrow icons on both tabs.

Figure 2-4 A Personal Space in a WebCenter Spaces Application

A personal space in a WebCenter Space application

For a personal space, this menu provides the option to close all other top-level tabs (Figure 2-5).

Figure 2-5 Menu on an Active Personal Space

Menu on an active personal space

For a page in a personal space, this menu provides access to page actions (Figure 2-6).

Figure 2-6 Menu on an Active Tab

Page Actions menu

A page menu can include such actions as Hide Page, Edit Page, Copy Page, Rename Page, Set Page Access, Delete Page, Send Mail, Print Preview, and About This Page (for information about these actions, see Section 2.6, "Initiating Actions from Tabs").

The options that display on the page actions menu vary according to the type of page you are viewing and the permissions you have on that page. For example, most users cannot edit or rename default pages, such as Welcome and Documents, nor business role pages. However you can edit, rename, and set access on any page that you create in your personal space.

2.4 Viewing Your Personal Profile Gallery

When you first access the WebCenter Spaces application, you may notice a top-level tab next to your personal space that is labeled with your user name. This is your personal profile gallery (Figure 2-7).

Figure 2-7 A Personal Profile Gallery

A personal profile gallery
Description of "Figure 2-7 A Personal Profile Gallery"

Your personal profile gallery presents six subtabs, each devoted to a particular feature of the People Connections service (for more information, see Chapter 25, "Working with the People Connections Service"):

Click your user name at the top of the application to navigate to the Gallery tab of your personal profile gallery page. Except when a group space is shown in full-screen mode (for more information, see Section 13.8.5, "Applying a Group Space Site Template"), your personal profile gallery page is always available.

See Also:

For information about using the People Connections task flows, see Chapter 25, "Working with the People Connections Service."

2.5 Hiding, Showing, Opening, and Closing Pages

In a default installation, all WebCenter Spaces personal and group spaces are rendered as top-level tabs and all pages are rendered as subtabs. For example, in Figure 2-8 the Personal Space tab is a top-level tab, and its pages are subtabs.

Accessibility Note:

When you select a link in a WebCenter Spaces application, the active cursor does not automatically move to the content area in new non-popup/popover pages. To move your cursor to the new content area, manually tab over to it.

Figure 2-8 Pages in a Personal Space

Pages in a personal webcenter


It is possible that your WebCenter application is configured to show one or all group spaces in full-screen mode. When this is the case, a group space's pages are shown as top-level tabs. For more information, see Section 13.8.5, "Applying a Group Space Site Template."

Additionally, some services provide dynamically-generated pages that are rendered as top-level tabs. For example, a global search generates a top-level tab for its search results. The Tags service provides a dynamically-generated Tag Center, which also displays as a top-level tab. The Profile Viewer, which opens when you view your own or another user's profile, displays as a top-level tab.

Though you cannot close or hide a personal space, you can hide the pages in a personal space using either the page's actions menu or the Show Page checkbox in WebCenter Spaces Manage Pages dialog. You can hide and show all group spaces, group space pages, and dynamically-generated top-level tabs in your own application view.


Though you cannot actively hide a personal space, your personal space may be hidden when there are so many open group spaces and dynamic, top-level tabs that your personal space is not visible. When your personal space is hidden, you can access it by clicking the double arrows to the left of the top-level tab, and selecting Personal Space from the resulting menu.

Menu of open pages

When a group space is configured to appear in full screen mode., you can access your personal space by clicking the Personal Space link at the top of the application.

Personal Space link in the WebCenter Spaces application

Showing and hiding tabs and pages is a personalization in that such changes affect only your view of the application. Pages and tabs are not simultaneously shown or hidden in other users' application views.

This section describes how to open, hide, and show pages, and how to close dynamically generated pages. It contains the following subsections:

2.5.1 Opening Pages

There are a few ways to open a page. You can click its tab to bring it forward. If its tab is not shown, the page may be hidden or so many other tabs may be shown that the page you want—though available—is not currently shown.

This section describes how to open pages through the Manage Pages dialog and through a dynamic icon that appears when a page is open but hidden. It contains the following subsections: Opening Pages Through the Manage Pages Dialog

Within a given personal or group space, you can open hidden pages through the Manage Pages dialog.

  1. Log in, and select the Manage Pages command on the Page Actions menu (Figure 2-9).

    Figure 2-9 The Manage Pages Command

    Manage Pages command on Page Actions menu
  2. In the resulting Manage Pages dialog, select the Show Page checkbox next to the page you want to open (Figure 2-10).

    Figure 2-10 Show Page Checkboxes in the Manage Pages Dialog

    Show Page checkboxes in the Manage Pages dialog
    Description of "Figure 2-10 Show Page Checkboxes in the Manage Pages Dialog"

For more information, see Section 2.5.3, "Showing Hidden Pages."

See Also:

To learn more about the Manage Pages dialog, see Chapter 7, "Managing Pages." Accessing Pages that Are Open But Hidden

When so many tabs are displayed that you cannot see the page you want, dynamically-rendered icons appear, enabling you to select open-but-hidden pages from a pick list. This section describes how.

To access open-but-hidden pages:

  1. Log in, and click the Previous Page or Next Page icons (Figure 2-11).

    Figure 2-11 Previous Page Icon and Resulting Page List

    Previous Page icon and resulting page list
  2. Select the page you want to view from the resulting pick list.

    In Figure 2-11, the page that appears on the pick list is the Welcome page.

The Previous Page and Next Page icons appear dynamically, as needed.

A group space may be configured to open in full-screen mode. In such a case, click the Personal Space link at the top of the application to go to your personal space (Figure 2-12).

Figure 2-12 Personal Space Link in the WebCenter Spaces Application

Personal Space link in the WebCenter Spaces application

2.5.2 Hiding Pages

As you add pages to your personal space, it may become useful to hide some less-frequently-used pages. Once a page is hidden, it is easy to restore it to view (see Section 2.5.3, "Showing Hidden Pages").


Active pages provide access to an actions menu that includes a shortcut for hiding pages.

Page Actions menu

For more information, see Section 2.6, "Initiating Actions from Tabs."

To hide a page:

  1. Log in, and click your Personal Space tab or a group space tab to bring it forward.

  2. Select the Manage Pages command from the Page Actions menu (Figure 2-13).

    Figure 2-13 The Manage Pages Command

    Manage Pages command on Page Actions menu

    The Manage Pages dialog opens (Figure 2-14).

    Figure 2-14 The Manage Pages DIalog

    Manage Pages dialog
  3. In the Manage Pages dialog, go to the page you want to hide and clear its Show Page checkbox.


    If you clear the Show Page checkbox for the current page, the Manage Pages dialog closes and the current page is hidden.

    Within a particular scope, such as a personal or group space, one page must always be shown; therefore, you cannot hide all pages within a particular scope.

  4. Click the Close button to exit the Manage Pages dialog.

    The page is now hidden.

See Also:

To learn more about the Manage Pages dialog, see Chapter 7, "Managing Pages."

2.5.3 Showing Hidden Pages

To show a hidden page, you can follow the same process as you would to open a page. For more information, see Section 2.5.1, "Opening Pages."

2.5.4 Opening Group Spaces

To open a group space:

  1. Log in, and open the Group Spaces menu at the top of the application (Figure 2-15).

    Figure 2-15 The Group Spaces Menu

    Group Spaces menu
  2. Select the group space you want to open.

    The group space opens as a top-level application tab.

See Also:

Another way to open a group space is to click its display name on the My Group Spaces page (for more information, see Section 12.2, "Viewing Available Group Spaces"). For more information about group spaces, see Part III, "Working with WebCenter Spaces Group Spaces"

2.5.5 Closing Group Spaces and Other Top-Level Tabs

Group spaces and dynamically-generated pages (that is, top-level tabs) do not appear in the Manage Pages dialog, so you'll need an alternate way to close them. This section tells you how.

Note that some group spaces may be configured to open in full-screen mode. In such cases, you cannot close them so much as navigate away from them. You can navigate away from a group space that is displayed in full-screen mode by clicking the Personal Space link at the top of the application (Figure 2-16).

Figure 2-16 Personal Space Link in the WebCenter Spaces Application

Personal Space link in the WebCenter Spaces application

Doing so takes you to your own personal space. From there, you can select another group space from the Group Spaces menu at the top of the application.

To close a top-level tab:

  1. If necessary, click the top-level tab to bring it forward.

  2. Click the Close currently selected tab icon to the far right of all tabs (Figure 2-17).

    Figure 2-17 The Close Button

    Close (page) button

Another way to close a top-level tab is to select the Close This Tab or the Close Other Tabs option from the group space's actions menu (Figure 2-18).

Figure 2-18 A Group Space's Actions Menu

Group space actions menu

The Close Other Tabs option closes all top-level tabs except the current tab and the Personal Space tab.

See Also:

Group spaces are discussed in detail in Part III, "Working with WebCenter Spaces Group Spaces". For information about closing a group space for all users, see Section 14.6, "Closing a Group Space."

2.6 Initiating Actions from Tabs

Personal space, group space, and pages all provide access to a shortcut menu with options for performing actions on the associated page. To open the actions menu, click the menu icon on an active tab or right-click an inactive tab (Figure 2-19).

Figure 2-19 Actions Menu on a Personal Space Welcome Page

Actions menu on a personal space Welcome page

Most of the actions provided on space and page actions menus are described in other chapters in this guide. This section steps you through those options that are not described elsewhere. It contains the following subsections:


The options offered on page actions menus

2.6.1 What You Should Know About the Page Actions Menu

You can access an actions menu on page and personal and group space tabs by clicking the downward arrow icon on active tabs and by right-clicking inactive tabs.

The menu that renders for top-level tabs differs from the one that renders for pages. Additionally, the options presented on the menu for one type of top-level tab differs from the options presented on another type. For example, a personal space actions menu simply provides the Close Other Tabs option (Figure 2-20).

Figure 2-20 Menu on an Active Personal Space

Menu on an active personal space

A group space actions menu provides more options, including options to close the group space, to close all top-level tabs (except the current group space and the personal space), to send mail to the group space's members or moderator(s), and to view information about the current group space (Figure 2-21).

Figure 2-21 Menu on an Active Group Space

Group space actions menu

The actions that appear on page menus depend on whether the page is in a personal or group space and on the privileges you have on the page. For example, Figure 2-22 shows an actions menu on a page in a group space. Notice the option Add Page to personal space. This appears only on group space page actions menus.

Figure 2-22 Menu on an Active Group Space Page

Page tab menu on a group space page

Group space, personal space, and page actions menu icons appear only on active personal and group spaces and pages—that is, the actions menu icon appears on only the space and page that are currently forward. You can access the actions menu from inactive tabs by right-clicking the tab.

The actions menus on out-of-the-box service pages, such as Announcements, Documents, Lists, and so on, provide access to options for hiding the page, sending a link to the page through mail, previewing a print version of the page, and viewing information about the page (Figure 2-23).

Figure 2-23 Actions Menu Options on Out-of-the-Box Service Pages

Actions menu options on out-of-the-box service pages

2.6.2 Accessing a Space or Page Actions Menu

A personal space, group space, or page's actions menu icon appears on the personal or group space or page's tab whenever it is foremost in your application view.

To access a personal or group space or page actions menu:

  1. Log in, and go to your personal space or the group space where you want to access the actions menu.

  2. On an active tab, click the downward arrow icon to the right of the personal or group space or page name (Figure 2-24).

    Figure 2-24 Actions Menu Indicators on Space and Page Tabs

    Actions menu indicators on space and page tabs

    On an inactive tab (that is, one that is not forward), right click the tab.

    Menu options appear according to whether you access the menu from a personal space, a group space, or a page and according to your privileges on the personal or group space or page.

2.6.3 Sending a Message to Group Space Members or Moderators

The group space actions menu provides an efficient way to contact group space members and the people responsible for maintaining the group space, that is, its moderators. Use tab menu options to open a compose message window in your native email application, with the To field pre-populated with the group space members email address or those users assigned the moderator role on the current group space.

To send a message to group space members or moderators:

  1. Log in, and go to the group space from which to send a message.

  2. Open the actions menu on the group space tab, and select one of the following:

    • Send Mail to Moderator(s) to send a message to all moderators of the current group space.

    • Send Mail to Members to send a message to all members of the current group space.

    The compose mail window contains the URL to the group space. Compose and send the message like any other mail message. For more information, see Section 23.3.6, "Composing and Sending Mail Messages."

    The compose message window opens either in your native mail application or in WebCenter's mail compose window, depending on how your application administrator has configured this feature. If the administrator has made such controls available to users, you may define for yourself which mail client opens. For more information, see Section 3.10, "Selecting Your Preferred Mail Connection."


Some services also offer a means of sending a group space a mail message. For example, the Announcements, Events, and Documents services provide such a feature. For more information, see the chapters written for individual services.

2.6.4 Exposing a Group Space Page in Your Personal Space

WebCenter Spaces provides a means of exposing group space pages in your personal space. Use this feature to provide easy access to the group space pages you find most useful. As changes are made to such pages, they are reflected in your view of them in your personal space. The page scope remains that of the group space. For example, if the exposed page has an Events task flow on it, that task flow will continue to show the events associated with the exposed group space.

If you delete such a page from your personal space, it remains a part of its original group space. In other words, deleting it simply removes it from your view of your personal space; it does not actually delete the page. If the page is deleted from its group space, it is unavailable in your personal space, and to clear it from your view, you must refresh the page list in your personal space's Manage Pages dialog.

See Also:

To learn more about the Manage Pages dialog, see Chapter 7, "Managing Pages."


The group space page that is exposed in a personal space provides a reduced set of options on its actions menu. The actions menu on such pages offer the options Hide Page, Rename Page, Delete Page, Print Preview, and About This Page. You cannot, for example, access Edit Page, Set Page Access, and Copy Page options from such pages' actions menus.

To expose a group space page in your personal space:

  1. Log in, and go to the page of interest in its group space.

  2. Open the page's actions menu, and select Add Page to personal space (Figure 2-25).

    Figure 2-25 Add Page to Personal Space Option on a Group Space Page Actions Menu

    Add Page to personal space option

    The page is available for viewing and revising from within your personal space according to your permissions on the page. The group space name is prepended to the page name, so the Sales page in Finance becomes Finance - Sales in your personal space.

2.6.5 Renaming a Page

To rename a page from a page actions menu:

  1. Log in, and go to the page of interest in its group or personal space.

  2. Open the page's actions menu, and select Rename Page (Figure 2-26).

    Figure 2-26 Rename Page Option on a Page Actions Menu

    Rename Page option on a page actions menu

    The Rename Page dialog opens (Figure 2-27).

    Figure 2-27 Rename Page Dialog

    Rename Page dialog
  3. Revise the page name, and click the Save icon to save your changes and exit the dialog.

2.6.6 Sending a Link to a Page

To send a link to a page:

  1. Log in and go to the page from which to send a link.

  2. Expand the page actions menu on the page tab, and select Send Mail to open a compose message window.

    The compose message window opens either in your native mail application or in WebCenter's mail compose window, depending on how your application administrator has configured this feature. If the administrator has made such controls available to users, you may define for yourself which mail client opens. For more information, see Section 3.10, "Selecting Your Preferred Mail Connection."

The compose mail window contains the URL to the current page. Compose and send the message as you would any other mail message.

2.6.7 Previewing and Printing an Application Page

When you want to print an application page, the page actions menus on active and inactive tabs provide an option for doing so that includes a convenient print preview. Use the Print Preview option to preview and print pages with lots of text content. Print options are not useful for pages made up primarily of links, such as the Documents page, Events page, and Lists page. Print options are useful for pages where content is mainly text based, such as the Announcements page, wiki and blog pages, and other custom pages with lots of text.

To preview and print an application page:

  1. Log in, and go to the page of interest in its group or personal space.

  2. Open the page's actions menu, and select Print Preview (Figure 2-28).

    Figure 2-28 Print Preview Option on a Page Actions Menu

    Print Preview option on a page actions menu

    Your printer dialog opens, and a printable version of the page opens in a new browser window. Print the page, or close your printer dialog and simply preview the page.


    If you close your printer dialog, to reopen press Ctrl+p.

  3. Close the preview window when you are finished.

2.6.8 Viewing Space and Page Information

Every group space and every page has associated information, called metadata. Group space metadata includes such information as display name, internal identification, description, your membership role, user name of the creator, date created, and a direct URL to the group space location. Page metadata includes such information as display name, user name of the creator, dates created and last modified, and a reusable, direct URL to the group space or page's location.

To access information about a group space or a page:

  1. Log in, and go to the group space or page of interest.

  2. Open the group space or page's actions menu, and select About This Space or About This Page, whichever applies (Figure 2-29).

    Figure 2-29 About This Group Space Option on a Group Space Actions Menu

    About This Group Space option on a group space actions menu

    A Page or Group Space Information dialog opens (Figure 2-30 and Figure 2-31).

    Figure 2-30 Group Space Information Dialog

    Group Space Information dialog

    Figure 2-31 Page Information Dialog

    Page Information dialog
  3. Click OK when you are finished.

2.6.9 Obtaining a Group Space's Internal ID or a Group Space or Page's Direct URL

A group space internal ID is useful for operations that call for a unique identifier of a group space. The group space and page direct URLs are useful for publishing a particular group space or page to other users.

The process for obtaining these values is also described in Section 2.6.8, "Viewing Space and Page Information." This section covers this particular option to give it greater visibility.

To obtain a group space's internal ID or a group space or page's direct URl.:

  1. Log in, and go to the group space or page of interest.

  2. Open the group space or page's actions menu, and select About This Space or About This Page, whichever applies (Figure 2-32).

    Figure 2-32 About This Group Space Option on a Group Space Actions Menu

    About This Group Space option on a group space actions menu

    A Page or Group Space Information dialog opens (Figure 2-33 and Figure 2-34).

    Figure 2-33 Group Space Information Dialog

    Group Space Information dialog

    Figure 2-34 Page Information Dialog

    Page Information dialog
  3. The next step you take depends on whether you want to copy a group space internal ID or a group space or page direct—or pretty—URL:

    • To copy a group space internal ID, highlight the value next to Internal ID and copy it (Figure 2-35)

      Figure 2-35 A Group Space Internal ID

      A group space internal ID
    • To copy a group space or page URL, right-click the value next to Direct URL, and select Copy Link Location or your browser's equivalent command from the resulting context menu (Figure 2-36).

      Figure 2-36 Copying a Page's Direct URL

      Copying a page’s Direct URL


      Longer Direct URLs can be truncated. This is indicated by an ellipses (…) appended to the displayed URL. When you highlight and copy such a URL, the result is an incomplete URL. To avoid copying an incomplete URL, always use Copy Link Location, Copy Shortcut, or your browser's equivalent command, to copy a page's direct URL.

  4. Paste the value wherever you need it.

  5. Click OK to close the dialog.

2.7 Accessing WebCenter Spaces Online Help

Wherever you see a Help link or a Help button, click it to access help.

The Help link at the top of the application (Figure 2-37) opens the application's main help page. From there, you can navigate to topics of interest.

Figure 2-37 Help Link

Help link

Help buttons, located throughout the application, open help topics that describe what is currently shown.

Figure 2-38 Help Button

Help button

The About WebCenter Spaces link at the bottom of the application (Figure 2-39) opens the WebCenter Spaces About popup.

Figure 2-39 The About WebCenter Spaces Link

About WebCenter Spaces link

The About popup provides application version and copyright information (Figure 2-40).

Figure 2-40 Example About Popup

Example About popup

2.8 Contacting Your Application Administrator

WebCenter Spaces provides an easy link for launching a message window through which you can send an inquiry to your application administrator. Simply click the Administrator link at the bottom of the application (Figure 2-41).

Figure 2-41 The Administrator Link

Administrator link

A Contact the Administrator dialog opens (Figure 2-42).

Figure 2-42 Contact the Administrator Dialog

Contact the Administrator dialog

Provide a subject in the Subject field, compose your message in the text box, and click Send. Your message is sent to the application administrator's Worklist (see Chapter 31, "Working with the Worklist Service").

For example, if the application displays an error message, you can copy the message, along with its error code, and paste it into the Contact the Administrator text box. This information assists the administrator in addressing the problem.