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Using the Oracle Java CAPS 6.3 Installation GUI     Java CAPS Documentation
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Using the Java CAPS 6.3 Installation GUI

Overview of Installation

Installing the JDK Software and Setting JAVA_HOME

To Install the JDK Software and Set JAVA_HOME on a UNIX System

To Install the JDK Software and Set JAVA_HOME on a Windows System

Installing Java CAPS Using the Java CAPS Installer

To Install Java CAPS Components Using the Java CAPS Installer

Enabling Oracle Advanced Queueing

To Create the Java CAPS Advanced Queue User

To Install Advanced Queueing Support After Installing Java CAPS

To Allow Enterprise Manager to Delete Advanced Queue Messages

Enabling WebLogic JMS for Java CAPS

To Install WebLogic JMS Support After Installing Java CAPS

Adding the GlassFish Server to the NetBeans IDE

To Add the GlassFish Server

Installing Components Using the NetBeans IDE Update Center

To Install Components Using the NetBeans IDE Update Center

Installing Java CAPS Components Using the Java CAPS Uploader

To Install Java CAPS Components Using the Java CAPS Uploader

To Download and Expand ZIP Files Using the Java CAPS Uploader

Installing Plugins Using Enterprise Manager Web Applications Manager

To Install Java CAPS Plugins Using the Enterprise Manager Web Applications Manager

Starting and Stopping Java CAPS

Connecting to the Java CAPS Repository From the NetBeans IDE

To Connect to Java CAPS Repository from the NetBeans IDE

Creating a Windows Service for the GlassFish Domain

To Create the Windows Service

To Start, Stop, and Delete the Service

Increasing the NetBeans IDE Heap Size

To Increase the Heap Size in NetBeans IDE

Importing Java CAPS Sample Projects

To Import a Repository Sample Project

Enabling WebLogic JMS for Java CAPS

If you did not install support for WebLogic JMS during the Java CAPS installation, you can install it from a command line any time after installing Java CAPS.

To Install WebLogic JMS Support After Installing Java CAPS

You can also use this procedure to install WebLogic JMS support on a new domain that you create after Java CAPS is installed.

  1. Make sure the GlassFish server is running.
  2. From a command prompt, navigate to JavaCAPS_Home\appserver\bin.
  3. Type asadmin.
  4. From the asadmin prompt, enter a command similar to the following:

    create-wl --wlhost hostname --wlport portNumber--wlusername username --wlpassword password --wljmsservername JmsServerName --oracleaqpasswordwljmsmodulename JmsModuleName --wlsubdeploymentname SubDeploymentName moduleName

    Tip - For complete information about running create-wl, type help create-wl from the asadmin command prompt.

  5. Restart the GlassFish application server.

    Note - Running create-wl configures Enterprise Manager with a lifecycle module with the name specified at the end of the command. WebLogicMQ is prepended to the name you specify. You can modify the properties for the module from the GlassFish Admin Console on the Applications > Lifecycle Modules > ModuleName page. Running the command also copies the wlthingt3client.jar file to the domain's \lib directory.