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Installing Patches for Oracle Java CAPS     Java CAPS Documentation
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Installing Patches for Java CAPS

Java CAPS 6.3 Patch Overview

Java CAPS 6.3 Patch Management Tools

Installing Java CAPS 6 Patches

To Install a GlassFish Enterprise Server Environment Patch

To Install an Enterprise Manager Environment Patch

To Install a Design-time NetBeans IDE Environment Patch

To Install a Command-line Codegen Environment Patch

To Install a Repository Environment Patch

Uninstalling Java CAPS 6.3 Patches

To Uninstall a Java CAPS Patch

Installing Java CAPS 6 Patches

This topic provides instructions on how to install Java CAPS 6 patches, including information that helps you verify that the installation completed successfully. For information about patches, script variables, and uninstallation procedures, see Java CAPS 6.3 Patch Overview, Java CAPS 6.3 Patch Management Tools, and Uninstalling Java CAPS 6.3 Patches.

Note - As in previous releases, Java CAPS user applications will have to be rebuilt and redeployed if you want to use the patched product component. This situation can arise after a design-time NetBeans IDE, design-time Command-line Codegen, and/or a Repository patch has been installed.

If you have installed Java CAPS across multiple servers, such as NetBeans IDE on server 1 and GlassFish Enterprise Server on server 2, you need to install the patches on more than one machine. The tool informs you of a successful patch installation at the conclusion of the process.

Note - If a patch installation is interrupted, use the uninstall script to remove the patch before applying the patch again.

To Install a GlassFish Enterprise Server Environment Patch

This procedure installs a runtime patch on the GlassFish Enterprise Server, with the ZIP file name using the format of nnnnnnn-nn–

Note - The -domain option is used to patch a particular domain. If you want to patch only the application server installation directory you must run the patch without the -domain option.

  1. Change directory to JavaCAPS6–INSTALL-DIR/appserver/domains/domain-name/bin.

    Note - JavaCAPS6–INSTALL-DIR is the directory where you installed Java CAPS.

  2. From the command line, run ./ or (stopserver.bat) to stop the application server.
  3. Change directory to JavaCAPS6–INSTALL-DIR/caps-patch/util/bin.
  4. At the command line, enter ./caps-patch-install -verbose -domain domain-name -patch any-directory/

    Note - any-directory is the path to the patch.

  5. Change directory to JavaCAPS6–INSTALL-DIR/appserver/domains/domain-name/bin.
  6. From the command line, run ./ (or startserver.bat) to start the application server.

To Install an Enterprise Manager Environment Patch

This procedure installs a patch on the Enterprise Manager Server, with the ZIP file name using the format of nnnnnnn-nn–

  1. Change directory to JavaCAPS6–INSTALL-DIR/emanager.

    Note - JavaCAPS6–INSTALL-DIR is the directory where you installed Java CAPS.

  2. From the command line, run ./ (or stopserver.bat) to stop the Enterprise Manager server.
  3. Change directory to JavaCAPS6–INSTALL-DIR/caps-patch/util/bin.
  4. At the command line, enter ./caps-patch-install -patch any-directory/

    Note - any-directory is the path to the patch.

  5. Change directory to JavaCAPS6–INSTALL-DIR/emanager.
  6. From the command line, run ./ (or startserver.bat) to start the Enterprise Manager server.

To Install a Design-time NetBeans IDE Environment Patch

This procedure installs a patch on NetBeans IDE, with the ZIP file name using the format of nnnnnnn-nn–

  1. Close NetBeans IDE.
  2. Change directory to JavaCAPS6–INSTALL-DIR/caps-patch/util/bin.

    Note - JavaCAPS6–INSTALL-DIR is the directory where you installed Java CAPS.

  3. At the command line, enter ./caps-patch-install -verbose -patch any-directory/

    Note - any-directory is the path to the patch.

To Install a Command-line Codegen Environment Patch

This procedure installs a command-line Codegen patch with the ZIP file name using the format of nnnnnnn-nn–

  1. Change directory to JavaCAPS6–INSTALL-DIR/caps-patch/util/bin.

    Note - JavaCAPS6–INSTALL-DIR is the directory where you installed Java CAPS.

  2. At the command line, enter ./caps-patch-install -verbose -clirepdir cmdlineCodegenRepositoryDir -patch any-directory/

    Note - any-directory is the path to the patch.

To Install a Repository Environment Patch

This procedure installs a Repository patch with the ZIP file name using the format of nnnnnnn-nn–


Caution - This patch cannot be uninstalled.

  1. Change directory to JavaCAPS6–INSTALL-DIR/repository/repository.

    Note - JavaCAPS6–INSTALL-DIR is the directory where you installed Java CAPS.

  2. From the command line, run ./ (or stopserver.bat) to stop the Repository.
  3. Change directory to JavaCAPS6–INSTALL-DIR/caps-patch/util/bin.
  4. At the command line, enter ./caps-patch-install -verbose -patch any-directory\

    Note - any-directory is the path to the patch.

  5. Change directory to JavaCAPS6–INSTALL-DIR/repository/repository.
  6. From the command line, run ./ (or startserver.bat) to start the Repository.
  7. Start NetBeans IDE, or if it is already running, refresh it.