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Managing Java CAPS Users

Managing Repository Users

Repository User Names and Roles

Adding and Deleting Repository Users

To Add a Repository User

To Delete a Repository User

Adding and Deleting Roles

To Add a Role for a Repository User

To Delete a Role for a Repository User

Changing Passwords

To Change a Password

Creating Roles

To Create a Role for a Current User

Managing Oracle Java CAPS JMS IQ Manager Users

Oracle Java CAPS JMS IQ Manager User Names and Roles

Disabling and Enabling the File-Based Realm

To Log In to the Configuration Agent

To Disable the File-Based Realm

To Enable the File-Based Realm

Adding and Deleting Oracle Java CAPS JMS IQ Manager Users

To Add an Oracle Java CAPS JMS IQ Manager User

To Delete an Oracle Java CAPS JMS IQ Manager User

Managing Enterprise Manager Users

Enterprise Manager User Names and Roles

Security Gateway Overview

Adding and Deleting Enterprise Manager Users

To Add an Enterprise Manager User

To Delete an Enterprise Manager User

Editing Enterprise Manager Users

To Edit an Enterprise Manager User


Managing Oracle Java CAPS JMS IQ Manager Users

This topic explains how to use a file-based realm to manage Oracle Java CAPS JMS IQ Manager users. A realm is a collection of users, groups, and roles that are used in enforcing security policies.

For information about how to use a Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP)-based realm to manage Oracle Java CAPS JMS IQ Manager users, see Using LDAP with Oracle Java CAPS.

Oracle Java CAPS JMS IQ Manager User Names and Roles

By default, Oracle Java CAPS JMS IQ Manager stores user information in the user store of the GlassFish Application Server. When you install Java CAPS, you create one default administrator user. The default name for this user is admin, but you must specify a password during installation.

Roles enable you to organize users into groups. Each user name is associated with one or more predefined roles. The following table describes the predefined roles for Oracle Java CAPS JMS IQ Manager users.

Table 3 Predefined Roles (Oracle Java CAPS JMS IQ Manager)

Tasks Allowed
Enables clients to access the JMS IQ Manager.
Enables use of the JMS control utility (stcmsctrlutil) or Enterprise Manager, and enables clients to access the JMS IQ Manager.

Disabling and Enabling the File-Based Realm

By default, Oracle Java CAPS JMS IQ Manager is configured to use a file-based realm for user management. You can disable and enable the file-based realm using the Configuration Agent.

To Log In to the Configuration Agent

  1. If the application server is not running, then start the application server.
  2. In a browser, enter the following URL:


    Set the hostname to the TCP/IP host name of the computer where the application server is installed. Set the port number to the administration port number of the application server. For example:

    The Configuration Agent Security Gateway appears.

  3. In the User ID field, enter an application server user name.
  4. In the Password field, enter the corresponding password.
  5. Click Login.

    The Configuration Agent appears.

To Disable the File-Based Realm

  1. In the left pane of the Configuration Agent, click the JMS IQ Manager node (for example, IQ_Manager_18007).
  2. Click the Access Control tab.
  3. Clear the check box to the right of the Enable File Realm label.
  4. Ensure that at least one other realm is selected, and that the Default Realm drop-down list is not set to the file-based realm.
  5. Click Save.

To Enable the File-Based Realm

  1. In the left pane of the Configuration Agent, click the JMS IQ Manager node (for example, IQ_Manager_18007).
  2. Click the Access Control tab.
  3. Ensure that the check box to the right of the Require Authentication label is selected.
  4. Select the check box to the right of the Enable File Realm label.
  5. Click Save.

Adding and Deleting Oracle Java CAPS JMS IQ Manager Users

If you are using the file-based realm to manage Oracle Java CAPS JMS IQ Manager users, then you add and delete users from the GlassFish Admin Console.

image:Screen capture of the New File Realm User list window.

To Add an Oracle Java CAPS JMS IQ Manager User

  1. Log in to the Admin Console.
  2. In the left pane, expand the Configuration node, the Security node, and the Realms node.
  3. In the left pane, select the admin-realm node.
  4. Click Manage Users.
  5. Click New.
  6. In the User ID field, enter a name for the user.
  7. In the Group List field, enter one of the Java CAPS JMS IQ Manager roles: asadmin or application.
  8. In the New Password and Confirm New Password fields, enter the password.
  9. Click OK.

To Delete an Oracle Java CAPS JMS IQ Manager User

  1. Log in to the Admin Console.
  2. In the left pane, expand the Configuration node, the Security node, and the Realms node.
  3. In the left pane, select the admin-realm node.
  4. Click Manage Users.
  5. Select the check box to the left of the user.
  6. Click Delete.