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Understanding Oracle Java CAPS Master Index Configuration Options (Repository)     Java CAPS Documentation
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Understanding Oracle Java CAPS Master Index Configuration Options (Repository)

Related Topics

About Oracle Java CAPS Master Index (Repository)

Oracle Java CAPS Master Index Configuration

Features of Oracle Java CAPS Master Index

Configuration Overview for Oracle Java CAPS Master Index (Repository)

About the Configuration Files for Oracle Java CAPS Master Index (Repository)

Master Index Object Definition File

Master Index Candidate Select File

Master Index Match Field File

Master Index Threshold File

Master Index Best Record File

Master Index Field Validation File

Master Index Security File

Master Index Enterprise Data Manager File

Match and Standardization Engine Configuration Files

Using the Editors for Oracle Java CAPS Master Index (Repository)

XML Editors

Configuration Editor - Repository

Master Index Object Definition Configuration (Repository)

Master Index Object Definition Components (Repository)

Master Index Object Definition Objects

Master Index Object Definition Fields

Master Index Object Definition Relationships

The Master Index Object Definition File (Repository)

Modifying the Master Index Object Definition

Object Definition File Description

Object Definition File Example

Candidate Select Configuration (Repository)

Query Builder Components (Repository)

Basic Queries in a Master Index (Repository)

Blocking Queries in a Master Index (Repository)

Phonetic Queries in a Master Index (Repository)

Range Searching (Repository)

The Candidate Select File (Repository)

Modifying the Candidate Select File

Candidate Select File Description

Candidate Select Example

Range Search Processing (Repository)

Basic Query Range Searching

Blocking Query Range Searching

Blocking Query Offset Values

Blocking Query Constants

Blocking Query Offset and Constant Combinations

Threshold Configuration (Repository)

Manager Service Components (Repository)

Custom Logic Classes

Update Mode

Merged Record Updates

Blocking Query

Decision Maker

EUID Generator

The Threshold File (Repository)

Modifying the Threshold File

Threshold File Description

Threshold File Example

Match Field Configuration (Repository)

Matching Service Components (Repository)

Standardization Configuration

Matching Configuration

Match and Standardization Engines

Block Picker and Pass Controller

Phonetic Encoders

Sample Standardization and Matching Sequence (Repository)

The Match Field File (Repository)

Modifying the Match Field File

Match Field File Description

Match Field File Example

Best Record Configuration (Repository)

The Survivor Calculator and the SBR (Repository)

Update Manager Components (Repository)

Survivor Helper

Survivor Helper Default Strategy

Survivor Helper Weighted Strategy

Survivor Helper Union Strategy

Weighted Calculator

Weighted Calculator SourceSystem Strategy

Weighted Calculator SystemAgreement Strategy

Weighted Calculator MostRecentModified Strategy

Update Manager Policies

Update Manager Update Policies

Update Manager Update Policy Flag

The Best Record File (Repository)

Modifying the Best Record File

Best Record File Description

Best Record File Example

Weighted Calculator Logic

Field Validation Configuration (Repository)

The Field Validation File (Repository)

Modifying the Field Validation File

Field Validation File Structure

Field Validation File Example

Enterprise Data Manager Configuration

About the EDM

EDM Configuration Components

Object and Field Properties


Page Configurations

Audit Log

Local ID Labels

Search Page Configuration

Implementation Configuration

The Enterprise Data Manager File Structure

Modifying the Enterprise Data Manager File

Enterprise Data Manager File Description

Enterprise Data Manager File Example

Master Index Field Notations

ePath Notation

ePath Syntax

ePath Notation Example

Qualified Field Name Notation

Qualified Field Name Syntax

Qualified Field Name Example

Simple Field Name Notation

Simple Field Notation Syntax

Simple Field Notation Example

Understanding Oracle Java CAPS Master Index Configuration Options (Repository)

The topics listed here provide information about the configuration files for the master index application. They also describe what the configuration options mean and how they affect master index processing.

Note that Java CAPS includes two versions of Oracle Java CAPS Master Index. Oracle Java CAPS Master Index (Repository) is installed in the Java CAPS repository and provides all the functionality of previous versions in the new Java CAPS environment. Oracle Java CAPS Master Index is a service-enabled version of the master index that is installed directly into NetBeans. It includes all of the features of Oracle Java CAPS Master Index (Repository) plus several new features, like data analysis, data cleansing, data loading, and an improved Data Manager GUI. Both products are components of the Oracle Java CAPS Master Data Management (MDM) Suite. This document relates to Oracle Java CAPS Master Index (Repository) only.

The above topics are reference only. For instructions on configuring a master index application, see Configuring Oracle Java CAPS Master Indexes (Repository).