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Oracle Java CAPS SWIFT Message Library User's Guide     Java CAPS Documentation
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Document Information

SWIFT Message Library

Overview of SWIFT Message Libraries

Library Versions and Access

Installing the SWIFT Message Library

Increasing the Heap Size

To Increase the Heap Size for GlassFish

To Increase the Heap Size for NetBeans

Using the SWIFT Message Library

SWIFT Message Type OTDs

SWIFT Message Structure

Message Library and Collaboration Locations in NetBeans

SWIFT Message Type Reference

Category 1 Messages

Category 2 Messages

Category 3 Messages

Category 4 Messages

Category 5 Messages

Category 6 Messages

Category 7 Messages

Category 8 Messages

Category 9 Messages

Validation Collaborations

SWIFT Generic Library

SWIFT Message Library JAR Files

Using Message Validation Features

Basic Validation Features

Validation Components

Validation Methods

Validation Collaboration Definitions

Validation Operation

Basic validation steps

Library Methods

Message Validation Rules

Message Format Validation Rules (MFVR)

MFVR Validation Methods

MFVR Errors

In Collaboration Validation Methods





Return Values






Return Values






Return Values


Calling the Validation Methods in your Collaboration

SWIFT Projects

Importing a Sample Project

To Import a Sample Project

SWIFT Projects and NetBeans

About the SWIFT MX Validation Sample

Sample Project

Descriptions of components

Running the MX Sample Project

SWIFT Correlation Repository Sample


Installation steps

Preparing an SCR flow

Designing an SCR flow

Linking the Domain Name and Direction to a Color

Using the SCR for Monitoring Flows

Using the Viewer for Monitoring Transactions

Using the SCR as Gatekeeper

Using the Viewer to Repair Messages

Updating BICDirService

Source of Information

Update Operation

BICDirService Method Operation

Lookup Method Definitions

Validation Method Definitions

BICDir Exceptions

Error message framework

Error Message General Form

Updating BICPlusIBAN

To Update BICPlusBAN Information

BICPlusIBAN Validation Method Definitions

Error Message Information

Error Messages

Setting the Debug Level

Message Examples

Parse Debug Level Message Example

Using SWIFT FIN-Based Funds OTDs

SWIFT Message Library Funds Features

Using SWIFT Message Library Java Classes

Relation to OTD Message Types

SWIFT Message Library Javadoc

OTD Library Java Classes

SWIFT Projects and NetBeans

A Project contains all of the Java CAPS components that you designate to perform one or more desired processes.

About the SWIFT MX Validation Sample

The SWIFT MX Validation sample demonstrates what types of ”Generic Validations” are done on MX messages and how they are applicable. The sample zip file on the Java CAPS sample site contains the following files and directories for SWIFT MX validation:

Note - The Batch Adapter is required when running the SWIFT MX Validation sample.

Sample Project

The Project's flow is represented in the Connectivity Map as follows:

Inbound File Adapter –> Schema Validation —> JMS Queue —> Generic Validation —> Batch Adapter, Outbound File Adapter

These are explained further below.

Descriptions of components

Running the MX Sample Project

To run the MX Sample Project, complete the following steps.

  1. Import the SWIFT Message Library SAR file.

  2. Import the sample project.

  3. In the NetBeans Projects window, under CAPS Components Library > Message Library > Swift, right-click on bic.jar and update CT, CU, and FI bic data files.

  4. In the Connectivity Map, make sure the directory name and the file name in both the File Adapter and Batch Adapter are valid.

  5. On the NetBeans Services window, create a new Environment for the project.

  6. Under the project, create a new Deployment Profile and map all components.

  7. Build and Deploy the project.

  8. Send the input file to the inbound File Adapter and watch for the outbound file.

    Note - You must build your own XSD OTD and Schema Validation collaboration, based on different MX message types to be validated. You can always reuse the Generic Validation collaboration for all MX messages.

SWIFT Correlation Repository Sample

The SWIFT Correlation Repository (SCR) is a Java CAPS utility used to visualize SWIFT workflows. In addition, the SCR does the following:


You must have an Oracle database, version 9i or greater to run the project.

Installation steps

  1. Install the database schema from the SCR_CreateUser.sql and SCR_CreateTable.sql files (located in the file).

  2. Extract the contents of the file into your local drive.

  3. Import the file.

  4. Set the environment variables (as shown in the figure below).

    image:SCR Environment Variables
  5. Create a deployment profile in the SCR project.

  6. Create a deployment profile in the TesterGatekeeper project.

  7. Deploy both the SCR and TesterGatekeeper deployment profiles.

Preparing an SCR flow

The SCR Workflow follows the tasks, procedural steps, required input and output information, for each step in the business process. The SCR workflow is used to view, manage, and enforce the consistent handling of work. The following figure is an example of a design of an SCR flow.

image:SCR Flow Example

Designing an SCR flow

  1. Start NetBeans.

  2. Open the imported SCR project.

  3. Choose both a short name and a long name for the flow (example: t2 :: Target2).

  4. Choose a string name for each event / message / direction (as shown in the SCR flow example above: TO_SWIFT_INIT).

  5. Add the flow name as a new choice in the viewer by navigating to the Viewer on the SCR page, then to the 1TrxList, and then to the pgTrxList.

    1. On the Properties tab, select SelDomain.

    2. Right-click the highlighted area on the design canvas, and select Edit Options. The Edit Options window opens.

    3. Add new flow elements to the properties of the control SelDomain. This project already has default values entered (t2 :: Target2).

Linking the Domain Name and Direction to a Color

You can link the name of a Domain to specific pointer directions and colors within the monitoring application.

  1. Extract the file included with the sample project.

  2. Link the domain name and the direction to a color by opening the file located in the directory where you extracted the ZIP file.

  3. A list of available directions and colors are listed in the SCR properties file. Possible Colored Directions (CD) for message lists include:






    • LRED, RRED

  4. Link the Domain to a specific pointer direction and color by using the following Syntax: CD_<Direction String> = <Colored Directions>.

Using the SCR for Monitoring Flows

Applications that send events to the SCR must do two things:

  1. Create a message following the input format shown below. Do not use the field whose usage is indicated as “Gatekeeper only”.

    image:SCR Message Input Format
  2. Send the message to either:

    • A file in the \SampleSCR\In location, with a .txt extension and a name starting with Loader.

    • A JMS message to the JMS queue, qSCRInEnv, in SCR/Loader.

Using the Viewer for Monitoring Transactions
  1. Use an Internet browser and navigate to the URL http://localhost:8080/scr. The Select Transaction window opens.

  2. Use one of the following criteria for monitoring transactions:

    • Select the 10 most recently updated transactions from the drop-down list.

    • Use the domain selector to restrict the transaction list.

    • Search for a transaction with a specific ID.

    • Search for a transaction that contains a message with a specific ID.

  3. Click the Search button.

Using the SCR as Gatekeeper

Applications sending events to the SCR as Gatekeeper must do two things:

  1. Create a message following the input format (as shown in the previous section)

  2. Send the message to the JMS queue “qGKeeperIn” in SCR/Gatekeeper. Make sure to add a JMS topic to the message. A code sample is shown below. outMsg = 
    outMsg.storeUserProperty( "SCRDestination", "DEST1" ); 
    outMsg.setTextMessage( input.getText() ); 
    jmsPublish.send( outMsg );
  3. Subscribe to the JMS queue ”qGKeeperOut” in SCR/Gatekeeper.

  4. Subscribe to the JMS topic that you used to publish the message.

Note - A complete test setup is located in the project TesterGatekeeper.

image:Tester Gatekeeper Conn Map
Using the Viewer to Repair Messages
  1. Use an Internet browser and navigate to the URL http://localhost:8080/scr. The Select Transaction window opens.

  2. Select the 10 most recently updated transactions from the drop-down list. Messages that have been held for review and resubmitting (e.g. messages that are duplicates, incorrect, or awaiting approval) are displayed.

  3. Select the message you wish to examine and click the Repair button. The Message Repair window opens, displaying detailed information regarding the message.

  4. You can resolve the message in the following ways:

    • Correct the message error and click the Resubmit button.

    • Examine a message that requires approval and click the Approve button.

    • Delete the message by clicking the Delete button