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Using SOAP Message Handlers     Java CAPS Documentation
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Using SOAP Message Handlers

About SOAP Message Handlers

Uses for SOAP Message Handlers

JAX-RPC Message Handler Archive Files

SOAP Message Handler Chains

SOAP Message Handlers in Java CAPS

Importing a JAX-RPC Handler Archive

To Import an Existing Message Handler Archive

Creating a JAX-RPC Handler Chain

To Create a New Chain of Message Handlers

Assigning Handler Chains to External Systems

To Assign the Handler Chain to a SOAP/HTTP Web Services External System

Implementing Custom SOAP Message Handlers

Creating a SOAP Message Handler Archive File

To Create the SOAP Message Handler Archive File

Sample SOAP Message Handler: Console Logger Handler

Sample Descriptor File for the Console Logger Handler

Creating a JAX-RPC Handler Chain

Figure 4 Message Handler Chain Icon

image:Image of a Message Handler Chain icon.

To begin, you need to have imported one or more JAX-RPC message handlers as described in Importing a JAX-RPC Handler Archive.

To Create a New Chain of Message Handlers

  1. In the NetBeans Services window, expand CAPS Environments.
  2. Right–click the Environment in which you want to create a handler chain, point to New, and select SOAP Message Handler Chain.

    The Configure Handler Chain wizard appears.

  3. Enter a name and a description for the handler chain.
  4. Click Next.

    The Handler Selection wizard appears with a list of all imported message handlers in the left box.

    Figure 5 Configure Handler Chain Wizard: Handler Selection

    image:Screen capture of Configure Handler Chain wizard Handler Selection dialog.
  5. Select the handlers you want to include in the new chain, using the Add and Remove buttons to populate the right pane.
  6. Use the Move Up and Move Down buttons to modify the order of the handlers in the chain. Handlers are applied in the sequence you specify.

    Note - You can return to this wizard to modify the settings at a later time by selecting Edit in the handler chain’s context menu.

    The message handler chain now appears in the Services window as a child node of the Environment, as shown in the following figure.

    Figure 6 Message Handler Nodes

    image:Screen capture showing message handler nodes.

    Note - You can define multiple handler chains containing different combinations of handlers, or different sequences of the same handlers.