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Oracle Java CAPS XSLT Editor User's Guide     Java CAPS Documentation
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Using the XSLT Editor

About the XSLT Service Engine

XSLT Service Engine Features

Request-Reply (requestReplyService)

Invoke-Send (filterOneWay)

Request-Invoke-Reply Chain (filterRequestReply)

Runtime Properties

Starting the Application Server

To Start the GlassFish Application Server

Viewing Service Engine Properties

To View XSLT Service Engine Properties

Runtime Property Descriptions

Configuring the XSLT Service Engine

Use Case 1

Use Case 2

Configuring the XSLT Service Engine

transformJBI attribute

messageType attribute

XSLT Service Engine Component Limitations -- Running the JBI Runtime Separately

XSLT Service Engine Features

The XSLT Service Engine supports the following use cases:

Request-Reply (requestReplyService)

Request-Reply is a standard request-reply scenario. An XML message request is transformed and the result is sent back to the original consumer of the XSLT endpoint. The sequence of events includes:

  1. XML message in

  2. XSL transformation of message

  3. Transformed result out

Invoke-Send (filterOneWay)

Invoke-Send is a standard one-way invocation. An XML message request is transformed, and the result is sent (not to the original consumer but rather) to another endpoint in the JBI environment. The sequence of events includes:

  1. XML message in

  2. XSL transformation of message

  3. Transformed result out to third party

Request-Invoke-Reply Chain (filterRequestReply)

The Request-Invoke-Reply chain is a representation of the adapter pattern; it applies two separate XSL transformations. This scenario is useful when there are two existing web services which must be integrated even though they have incompatible input and output.

The first existing service acts as a consumer to the XSLT endpoint, sending a request. This message is transformed to match the input of the second service.

The second service is then invoked in an asynchronous manner. When the response from the second service arrives via the NMR, it is transformed to match the expected reply to the first (consuming) service. The sequence of events includes:

  1. XML message in

  2. XSL transformation of message using first XSL style sheet

  3. Invoke service, sending transformed message as input

  4. Receive response from invoked service endpoint

  5. XSL transformation of response using second XSL style sheet

  6. Reply to original sender with transformed third party response