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Oracle Java CAPS Master Index User's Guide     Java CAPS Documentation
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Oracle Java CAPS Master Index User's Guide

Related Topics

Master Index Development Process Overview

The Master Index Framework and the Runtime Environment

Before You Begin Developing a Master Index

Preliminary Data Analysis for a Master Index

Planning a Master Index Project

Master Index Project Initiation Checklist

Creating a Master Index Application

Step 1: Create a Project and Start the Wizard

To Create a Project and Start the Wizard

Step 2: Name the Master Index Application

To Name the Master Index Application

Step 3: Define Source Systems

To Define Source Systems

Step 4: Define the Deployment Environment

To Define the Deployment Environment

Step 5: Define Parent and Child Objects

Creating Undefined Objects

Creating Objects from a Template

Deleting an Object from the Structure

Step 6: Define the Fields for Each Object

Adding a Field

Configuring Field Properties

Deleting a Field

Step 7: Generate the Project Files

To Generate the Configuration Files

Step 8: Review the Configuration Files

Master Index Wizard Field Properties and Name Restrictions

Master Index Wizard Field Name Restrictions

Master Index Wizard General Field Properties

Master Index Wizard MIDM Field Properties

Custom Plug-ins for Master Index Custom Transaction Processing

Master Index Update Policy Plug-ins

Enterprise Merge Policy

Enterprise Unmerge Policy

Enterprise Update Policy

Enterprise Create Policy

System Merge Policy

System Unmerge Policy

Undo Assumed Match Policy

Master Index Field Validation Plug-ins

Master Index Field Masking Plug-ins

Master Index Match Processing Logic Plug-ins

Custom Match Processing Logic Methods

Custom Match Processing Logic Plug-in Requirements

Custom Match Processing Configuration

Master Index Custom Plug-in Exception Processing

Custom Plug-Ins for Master Index Custom Components

Master Index Survivor Calculator Plug-ins

Master Index Query Builder Plug-ins

Master Index Block Picker Plug-ins

Master Index Pass Controller Plug-ins

Match Engine Plug-ins

Standardization Engine Plug-ins

Phonetic Encoders Plug-ins for a Master Index

Implementing Master Index Custom Plug-ins

To Create Custom Plug-ins

Generating the Master Index Application

To Generate the Application for the First Time

To Regenerate the Application

Master Index Database Scripts and Design

Master Index Database Scripts

Master Index Database Requirements

Database Platform Requirements

Operating System Requirements

Hardware Requirements

MySQL Database

Oracle Database

Microsoft SQL Server

Master Index Database Structure

Designing the Master Index Database

Designing for Performance Optimization

Data Structure Analysis

Common Table Data

User Code Data

Database Considerations

Database Sizing

Database Distribution

Database Indexes

Creating the Master Index Database

Step 1: Analyze the Master Index Database Requirements

Step 2: Create a Master Index Database and User

Step 3: Define Master Index Database Indexes

To Define an Index

Step 4: Define Master Index External Systems

To Define an External System

Master Index Database Table Description for sbyn_systems

Step 5: Define Master Index Code Lists

To Customize Common Table Data for MySQL

To Customize Common Table Data for Oracle

To Customize Common Table Data for SQL Server

Step 6: Define Master Index User Code Lists

To Define a User Code List

Master Index Database Table Description for sbyn_user_code

Step 7: Create Custom Master Index Database Scripts

To Create a Custom Script

Step 8: Create the Master Index Database Structure

To Create the Database Structure

Step 9: Specify a Starting EUID for a Master Index

Dropping Master Index Database Tables

To Delete Database Tables

Defining the Database Connection Pools

Step 1: Add the MySQL or Oracle Driver to the Application Server

Step 2: Create two JDBC Connection Pools

To Create the JDBC Connection Pools

Step 3: Create the JDBC Resources

To Create the JDBC Resources

Creating a Master Index Application

The wizard provides a simple method for you to create the object definition and the runtime configuration files for your master index application. This section provides instructions for creating a new project and using the wizard to create the configuration files for the master index application. To create the initial master index framework, follow these steps.

Step 1: Create a Project and Start the Wizard

When you create a new Master Index project in NetBeans, the wizard for creating a master index application automatically appears.

To Create a Project and Start the Wizard

  1. On the NetBeans toolbar, click New Project.

    The New Project wizard appears.

    Figure 1 New Project Wizard

    image:Figure shows the wizard that appears when you select New Project.
  2. Under Categories, select CAPS and then select MDM.
  3. Under Projects, select Master Index Application and then click Next.

    The Project Name page appears.

    Figure 2 Project Name and Location

    image:Figure shows the Project Name page of the New Project wizard.
  4. Enter the project name and the path where you want to store the project files in the upper portion of the window.
  5. Enter the application server and Java version you are using in the lower portion of the window.
  6. To make the Master Index project a main project, select Set as Main Project.
  7. Click Next.
  8. Continue to Step 2: Name the Master Index Application.

Step 2: Name the Master Index Application

Before you can configure the new master index application, you must give the master index application a unique name. It is a good practice to give each master index application a unique name you create because certain components within the application server are based on the application name. Dependent components include the data source for the JDBC connection and the outbound Topic (if one is used).

Figure 3 Name Application Window

image:Figure shows the window of the wizard where you name the application.

To Name the Master Index Application

  1. Complete Step 1: Create a Project and Start the Wizard.
  2. In the Application field of the Name Application window, enter a name for the new master index application, and then click Next.

    Note - Give the application the same name you will give to the parent object when you define the object structure.

    The Define Source Systems window appears.

  3. Continue to Step 3: Define Source Systems.

Step 3: Define Source Systems

After you specify a name for the new master index application, you need to specify the processing codes for the source systems that will be integrated into the master index system.

Figure 4 Define Source Systems

image:Figure shows the window on the wizard where you define source systems.

To Define Source Systems

  1. Complete Step 2: Name the Master Index Application.
  2. In the Name field of the Define Source Systems window, enter the processing code of one of the source systems that will share data in the master index system, and then click Add.

    You can enter any of the following characters:

    • ! _ ~ ( ) { } + \Q # $ % & : ; - /

    • a-z

    • A-Z

    • 0-9

    • þ ÿ Þ ß ’à-ö ø-ý À-Ö Ø-Ý

      The value you entered appears in the Systems box.

      Note - Be sure to enter the processing code of the system and not the name. This value is entered in update.xml for defining survivor strategies for the SBR.

  3. Do any of the following:
    • To define additional systems, repeat the above step for each source system that will share information with the master index application.
    • To remove a system from the list, highlight the name of that system in the Systems box, and then click Remove.
    • To remove all systems from the list, click Remove All.
  4. When you have defined all required source systems, click Next.

    The Define Deployment Environment window appears.

  5. Continue to Step 4: Define the Deployment Environment.

Step 4: Define the Deployment Environment

Once you define systems, you must specify information about the deployment environment, including the database, match engine, and standardization engine vendors.

Figure 5 Define Deployment Environment

image:Figure shows the window on the wizard where you define deployment information.

To Define the Deployment Environment

  1. Complete Step 3: Define Source Systems.
  2. On the Define Deployment Environment window, enter the following information:
    • Database – The type of database being used for the master index application. You can select MySQL, Oracle or SQL Server.

    • Match Engine – The type of match and standardization engine to use for the implementation. Currently, the only option is “Sun Match Engine”.

    • Date Format – The date format for the master index system. This defines how dates should be entered and how they appear on the MIDM. You can select MM/dd/yyyy, dd/MM/yyyy, or yyyy/MM/dd.

    • Transaction Mode – An indicator of whether transactions are distributed. Select one of the following options:

      • XA (across applications), if the transactions will be distributed across multiple applications

      • XA (within application only), if the transactions will be distributed just across the master index application.

      • Local, if the transactions will not be distributed.

  3. When you have defined the deployment environment fields, click Next.
  4. Continue to Step 5: Define Parent and Child Objects.

Step 5: Define Parent and Child Objects

After you define the deployment environment for the master index application, you can begin to define the structure of the object you want to index. The primary object will be the parent object for any other objects defined. Child objects are not required if all information is stored under the parent object.

You can create new undefined objects, create objects using predefined templates, or use a combination of both methods to create the objects in your enterprise object. Perform any of the following actions to define the objects in the enterprise object.

Complete Step 4: Define the Deployment Environment before performing these procedures.

Note - The names of database constraints are created based on the parent and child object names. Due to database naming restrictions, the length of the parent object name plus the length of any of the child object names must be 21 characters or less. Give the parent object the same name you gave the application earlier in the wizard.

Creating Undefined Objects

When you create undefined objects, you create an empty object with no predefined fields or child objects.

Figure 6 Define Enterprise Object

image:Figure shows the window on the wizard where you define the object structure.

To Create Undefined Parent and Child Objects

  1. On the Define Enterprise Object window, click Add Primary Object.

    The initial node appears on the tree. By default, the name of the field is the same as the name of the application you defined in Step 2: Name the Master Index Application.

  2. Accept the default name by pressing Enter, or type a new name and press Enter.
  3. To create a new child object, select the primary object created above and then click Add Sub Object.

    The new child node appears on the tree.

  4. Accept the default name by pressing Enter, or type a new name and press Enter.
  5. Repeat the previous two steps for each child object.
  6. Continue to Step 6: Define the Fields for Each Object.

Creating Objects from a Template

When you create objects from a template, secondary objects and fields are predefined. You can modify the objects, fields, and field properties in a template to suit your processing needs.

Figure 7 Define Enterprise Object

image:Figure shows the Person template object structure on the wizard.

To Create Parent and Child Objects From a Template

  1. To create a complete object structure from a template, click Templates on the Define Enterprise Object toolbar, and select the template you want to use.

    The objects and fields from the template appear in the tree-view panel in the center of the window.

  2. To create a child object from a template after creating the parent object, right-click the parent object, point to Template, and then select the name of the template you want to use.

    The new object and any defined fields appear in the object tree.

  3. If necessary, change the name of the new object by doing the following:
    1. Click twice on the name.
    2. Type the new name.
    3. Press Enter.
  4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 for each child object template you want to create.
  5. Continue to Step 6: Define the Fields for Each Object.

Deleting an Object from the Structure

If you add an object in error, or do not want to use one of the objects in a predefined template, you can delete the object from the structure.

To Delete an Object From the Structure

  1. On the Define Enterprise Object window, select the object you want to remove.
  2. Do any of the following:
    • Right-click in the object tree panel, and then select Delete.
    • Press the Delete key.
    • In the wizard toolbar, click Delete.

      The object and any fields associated with that object are deleted. If you remove the parent object, all child objects are deleted.

Step 6: Define the Fields for Each Object

After you define all the parent and child objects for your enterprise object, you need to define the fields in each object. Every field has a set of properties that must be configured before creating the master index configuration files. If you chose a predefined template to create your objects, be sure to check the properties for all predefined fields to be sure they are configured correctly for your implementation.

After you define the parent and child objects, you can perform any of the following actions to define the fields for those objects.

Adding a Field

If you created an empty object in Step 5: Define Parent and Child Objects, you need to create each field that belongs to the object. If you created objects using a predefined template, you can add new fields to the object if needed.

To Add a Field

  1. Complete Step 5: Define Parent and Child Objects.
  2. In the object tree panel of the Define Enterprise Object window, do one of the following:
    • To add the field to the end of the object’s field list, select the name of the object to which you want to add a new field and then click Add Field.
    • To add the field immediately following an existing field, select the field after which you want to add the new field and then click Add Field.

      The tree expands and a new field is inserted.

  3. Do one of the following:
  4. Continue to Configuring Field Properties.

Configuring Field Properties

When you create a field, a set of default properties is defined for that field. You can modify the property configuration for each field to suit your data processing, storage, and display requirements. After you modify a property value, press Enter to apply the change.

To Configure Field Properties

  1. Complete the steps under Adding a Field.
  2. In the object tree panel of the Define Enterprise Object window, select the field you want to configure.
  3. On the Properties page in the right side of the window, modify the value of any of the properties listed in Master Index Wizard General Field Properties.

    Figure 8 Field Properties

    image:Figure shows the field Properties window.
  4. On the right side of the window, click the MIDM tab, and then modify the value of any of the properties listed in Master Index Wizard MIDM Field Properties.

    Figure 9 Field MIDM Properties

    image:Figure shows the MIDM Properties page.
  5. When you have created and configured all of the necessary fields for each object, click Next.
  6. Continue to Step 7: Generate the Project Files.

Deleting a Field

If you add a field in error, or do not need one of the predefined fields from a template, you can delete the field.

To Delete a Field

  1. In the object tree panel of the Define Enterprise Object window, select the field you want to delete.
  2. Right-click in the object tree panel.
  3. From the context menu, select Delete.

    The field is removed from the object tree.

Step 7: Generate the Project Files

Once you have named the application and configured the source systems, deployment environment, objects, and fields for the master index application, you need to generate the configuration files and database scripts. Review the configuration files to be sure the application is set up correctly for your data processing environment.

Note - Modifying the configuration files is not covered in this document. For instructions on configuring a master index application, see Oracle Java CAPS Master Index Configuration Guide.

Figure 10 Generate Project Files

image:Figure shows the final window of the wizard.

To Generate the Configuration Files

  1. Complete Step 6: Define the Fields for Each Object.
  2. Verify that all of the information you have entered is complete and correct.
  3. On the Generate Configuration Files window, click Finish.

    The configuration files are generated in the NetBeans project.

  4. Continue to Step 8: Review the Configuration Files.

Step 8: Review the Configuration Files

After the wizard is complete, several nodes representing the master index configuration files are placed in the project for the master index application. Verify that the configuration files are customized correctly for your implementation. If you need to modify the configuration files, see Oracle Java CAPS Master Index Configuration Guide for information about configuration tasks. For information about the configuration files and configurable options, see Oracle Java CAPS Master Index Configuration Reference .