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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle ADF Lifecycle
11g Release 1 (


Class StrutsPageLifecycle

  extended by oracle.adf.controller.v2.lifecycle.Phases
      extended by oracle.adf.controller.v2.lifecycle.PageLifecycle
          extended by oracle.adf.controller.v2.lifecycle.PageLifecycleImpl
              extended by oracle.adf.controller.v2.struts.lifecycle.StrutsPageLifecycle

public class StrutsPageLifecycle
extends PageLifecycleImpl

Base class for any Lifecycle running with the Struts controller. This is an adapted PageLifecycleImpl to work with specific Struts feature like error reporting, named forward and form bean.


Field Summary
static java.lang.String formFileInputHandlerName
          A custom input handler used by bindings dealing with FormFile type


Fields inherited from class oracle.adf.controller.v2.lifecycle.PageLifecycleImpl
DISABLE_VALIDATE_TOKENS, ordDomainInputHandlerName


Fields inherited from class oracle.adf.controller.v2.lifecycle.PageLifecycle
clazz, eventParam, events


Constructor Summary


Method Summary
protected  void buildInputValues(PageLifecycleContext plcContext)
          A Struts specific implementation that only deals with values coming from the ADFStrutsForm.
 void findForward(PageLifecycleContext plcContext)
          Determine the ActionForward that will be returned by the Struts action executing the Lifecycle.
 java.lang.Class getLifecycleContextClass()
          Returns the LifecycleContext class used by this PageLifecycle.
protected  boolean handleEvent(PageLifecycleContext plcContext, java.lang.String event)
          Handle an event.
 void prepareModel(LifecycleContext context)
          Give the opportunity for the data model to prepare and initialize.
 void prepareRender(LifecycleContext lfContext)
          Last phase before rendering a page.
 void processUpdateModel(LifecycleContext context)
          Update the data model with new and validated input values.
protected  void registerCustomInputHandler(PageLifecycleContext context)
          Register formFileInputHandlerName custom input handler to the binding context.
 void reportErrors(PageLifecycleContext plcContext)
          Provide the opportunity to build an error list in a format appropriate to the view layer.
 boolean shouldAllowModelUpdate(PageLifecycleContext plcContext)
          This method is called during the processUpdateModel phase.


Methods inherited from class oracle.adf.controller.v2.lifecycle.PageLifecycleImpl
applyInputValues, buildEventList, disableTokenValidationForRequest, executeEvent, findCtrlBinding, getEventMethod, getToken, handleError, hasErrors, initContext, initializeMethodParameters, initializeParameterValuesUsingRequestObject, invokeActionBinding, invokeEventMethod, isRecoverableException, metadataCommit, processComponentEvents, processEvent, shouldValidateToken, validateInputValues, validateModelUpdates


Methods inherited from class oracle.adf.controller.v2.lifecycle.PageLifecycle


Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


Field Detail


public static final java.lang.String formFileInputHandlerName
A custom input handler used by bindings dealing with FormFile type
See Also:
Constant Field Values

Constructor Detail


public StrutsPageLifecycle()

Method Detail


public java.lang.Class getLifecycleContextClass()
Returns the LifecycleContext class used by this PageLifecycle. Any PageLifecycle subclass can have their own context by subclassing PageLifecycleContext. The StrutsPageLifecycle uses the custom LifecycleContext called StrutsPageLifecycleContext
getLifecycleContextClass in class PageLifecycle
the Class object


protected void registerCustomInputHandler(PageLifecycleContext context)
Register formFileInputHandlerName custom input handler to the binding context.
registerCustomInputHandler in class PageLifecycleImpl


public void prepareModel(LifecycleContext context)
Description copied from class: PageLifecycleImpl
Give the opportunity for the data model to prepare and initialize.

If you need to reference prepared model values and/or update the values of any bindings in the binding container, then you can do it by overriding this method and doing it after calling the superclass.

prepareModel in class PageLifecycleImpl


public boolean shouldAllowModelUpdate(PageLifecycleContext plcContext)
Description copied from class: PageLifecycle
This method is called during the processUpdateModel phase. It provides a way to programmatically by-pass model updates. The data model updates are disabled when specific action like 'rollback' will be executed during the lifecycle. This is done by calling the ignoreUpdates method or each action in the event list. The custom method ignoreUpdates is also called. Bypassing update might be necessary for operations such as rollback or custom methods that want to veto the change.
Overide this method if you need to add logic to skip data model updates.
shouldAllowModelUpdate in class PageLifecycleImpl
See Also:


public void processUpdateModel(LifecycleContext context)
Description copied from class: PageLifecycleImpl
Update the data model with new and validated input values.

This phase is executed only if the shouldAllowModelUpdate method returns true.

In case of error when setting the value to the model the errors will not be thrown but collected in the binding container.

processUpdateModel in class PageLifecycleImpl


public void prepareRender(LifecycleContext lfContext)
Description copied from class: Phases
Last phase before rendering a page. This can be used to notify a binding that rendering is about to happen and allow them to optimize data preparation or processing before the rendering begins.

During this phase the model is refreshed.

prepareRender in class PageLifecycleImpl


public void reportErrors(PageLifecycleContext plcContext)
Provide the opportunity to build an error list in a format appropriate to the view layer. Retrieves the errors and convert them to Struts errors.
reportErrors in class PageLifecycleImpl


protected boolean handleEvent(PageLifecycleContext plcContext,
                              java.lang.String event)
                       throws java.lang.Exception
Handle an event. An event handler can be a method defined in a subclass of this PageLifecycle. To be recognized as an event handle the method need to have the following syntax:
 public void onEvent(LifecycleContext ctx)
    // Use the following method to execute the possible
    // action binding associated with this event
Where Event is the name of the event.

An event can also be an action binding with the same name of the event present in the current binding container. In addition to the super class behavior, the event name is used as a automatic forward mechanism. If it exist an action forward of the same name of the event, this action forward is set to the context to be the return value of the DataAction execute method.

handleEvent in class PageLifecycleImpl
plcContext - the PageLifecycle context
event - the name of the event to handle
true if the event was mapped to an action binding
See Also:


public void findForward(PageLifecycleContext plcContext)
                 throws java.lang.Exception
Determine the ActionForward that will be returned by the Struts action executing the Lifecycle. This method only set the ActionForward object in the actionForward property of the StrutsLifecycleContext. The DataAction executing the Lifecycle will return this value from the execute method.

If the actionForward property has already being set during a previous step of the Lifecycle, it respect this value and return. If there was errors during the Lifecycle, it uses the inputForward property of the action. The normal behavior for a DataForwardAction is to use the parameter property. For a DataAction it is to use the forward called "success".

Clients should override this method to select a forward based on the result of a custom method invocation. Since this method is called when the Lifecycle successfully executed or when an error was encountered, the user has to pay extra attention to always check for the error case using the hasError property.

    // Set my custom Action only when no error occured
    if ( ! hasErrors() )
findForward in class PageLifecycleImpl


protected void buildInputValues(PageLifecycleContext plcContext)
A Struts specific implementation that only deals with values coming from the ADFStrutsForm.
buildInputValues in class PageLifecycleImpl
plcContext - the Pagelifecycle context

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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle ADF Lifecycle
11g Release 1 (


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