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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle ADF Model
11g Release 1 (


Package oracle.adfinternal.model.adapter.toplink

Interface Summary
TopLinkADFConstants Purpose: TopLink related constants that are ADF specific.


Class Summary
IsolatedTransactionBroker This class describes a TransactionBroker that uses an UnitOfWork that is not shared at the Session level, but is isolated to the data control that uses it.
JTATransactionBroker This class describes a TransactionBroker that uses a JTA-shared transaction model.
PersistenceManager Purpose: TopLink abstraction for brokering TopLink Sessions and UnitOfWorks across all ADF TopLink data controls and instances of a given application.
TopLinkAdapter Defines the AbstractAdapter for TopLink.
TopLinkDataControl Purpose: Data control for use of TopLink within ADF.
TopLinkDefinition Defines the AbstractDefinition for TopLink data controls.
TransactionBroker Purpose: Transactional unti used by all TopLinkDataControls that share common deployment resources in a given application context


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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle ADF Model
11g Release 1 (


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