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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle ADF Model
11g Release 1 (


Class QueryCollectionPool

  extended by oracle.jbo.pool.ResourcePool
      extended by oracle.jbo.server.QueryCollectionPool

public class QueryCollectionPool
extends ResourcePool

This class maintains strong references to QueryCollection's in shared AM.

Field Summary


Fields inherited from class oracle.jbo.pool.ResourcePool


Method Summary
protected  ResourcePoolLogger createPoolLogger()
protected  int getMaxAvailableSize()
          Return the maximum number of available instances that should exist in the pool after pool garbage collection.
protected  int getMaxInactiveAge()
          Return the duration in milliseconds that a resource may remain available before it is considered inactive.
protected  int getMinAvailableSize()
          Return the minimum number of available instances that should exist in the pool after pool garbage collection.
protected  java.lang.Object getResourcePoolKey()
protected  int getTimeToLive()
          Return the duration in milliseconds that a resource may remain in the pool.
 java.lang.Object instantiateResource(java.util.Properties properties)
          Instantiate a new pooled resource.
 java.lang.Object removeResource(java.lang.Object resource)
          Remove a resource from the pool.


Methods inherited from class oracle.jbo.pool.ResourcePool
addResource, addToRemoveList, allocateResource, beforeResourceFinalized, canAllocateResource, canFinalizeResource, canRemoveResource, createInitializer, createResource, decrementRefCount, destroy, dumpPoolStatistics, finalizeResource, getAvailableResourceCount, getCreationTimeMillis, getInitializer, getInitPoolSize, getMaxPoolSize, getMaxWaitTime, getName, getRefCount, getResource, getResourceCount, getResourceDetails, getResourceInfo, getResourcePoolStatistics, getState, getSyncLock, getTimeToCreateMillis, incrementRefCount, initialize, isAvailable, isUseExclusive, logPoolEvent, markResourcesForRemove, prepareForGCRemove, prepareResource, releaseResource, removeFromManager, removeResourceInternal, removeResources, resourceStateChanged, seekLRUAvailableResource, seekMRUAvailableResource, setAvailable, setAvailable, setState, useResource, wakeup


Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


Method Detail


public java.lang.Object removeResource(java.lang.Object resource)
Description copied from class: ResourcePool
Remove a resource from the pool.
removeResource in class ResourcePool


public java.lang.Object instantiateResource(java.util.Properties properties)
Description copied from class: ResourcePool
Instantiate a new pooled resource. Invoked by ResourcePool.useResource(Properties) if it is necessary to create a new pooled resource. Applications should implement this method to return a new instance of a pooled resource.
Specified by:
instantiateResource in class ResourcePool


protected ResourcePoolLogger createPoolLogger()
createPoolLogger in class ResourcePool


protected java.lang.Object getResourcePoolKey()
Specified by:
getResourcePoolKey in class ResourcePool


protected int getMaxInactiveAge()
Description copied from class: ResourcePool
Return the duration in milliseconds that a resource may remain available before it is considered inactive. Inactive resources are always removed from the pool until the pool minimum available size has been reached.
getMaxInactiveAge in class ResourcePool
See Also:


protected int getMinAvailableSize()
Description copied from class: ResourcePool
Return the minimum number of available instances that should exist in the pool after pool garbage collection. Pool garbage collection will remove inactive, available resources until there are no inactive, available resources to be removed or until the minimum available pool size has been reached.

An available resource is defined as inactive if it has not been used for a duration longer than the pool's maximum inactive age.

getMinAvailableSize in class ResourcePool
See Also:


protected int getMaxAvailableSize()
Description copied from class: ResourcePool
Return the maximum number of available instances that should exist in the pool after pool garbage collection. Pool garbage collection will remove available resources until there are no available resources to be removed or until the maximum available pool size has been reached.
getMaxAvailableSize in class ResourcePool


protected int getTimeToLive()
Description copied from class: ResourcePool
Return the duration in milliseconds that a resource may remain in the pool.
getTimeToLive in class ResourcePool

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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle ADF Model
11g Release 1 (


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