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Oracle Fusion Middleware CMS Java API Reference for Oracle Security Developer Tools
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)



Implements the Cryptographic Message Syntax as specified in RFC-2630.


Interface Summary
CMS Defines various constants needed by users of this package.
CMSInputConnector A CMSInputConnector is used in place of a CMSInputStream when reading nested CMS objects.
CMSOutputConnector A CMSOutputConnector is used in place of a CMSOutputStream when constructing nested CMS objects.
CMSRecipientInfoSpec This interface defines no methods or constants.


Class Summary
CMSAuthenticatedDataContentInfo This class encapsulates a CMS object of content type authenticated-data.
CMSAuthenticatedDataInputConnector A CMSAuthenticatedDataInputConnector is used in place of a CMSAuthenticatedDataInputStream when reading nested CMS objects containing authenticated-data structures.
CMSAuthenticatedDataInputStream A CMSAuthenticatedDataInputStream is used to read authenticated-data CMS objects.
CMSAuthenticatedDataOutputConnector A CMSAuthenticatedDataOutputConnector is used in place of a CMSAuthenticatedDataOutputStream when constructing nested CMS objects containing authenticated-data structures.
CMSAuthenticatedDataOutputStream A CMSAuthenticatedDataOutputStream writes its output in the form of a CMS authenticated-data structure, generating the message authentication code in the process.
CMSCompressedDataContentInfo This class encapsulates a CMS object of content type digested-data.
CMSCompressedDataInputConnector A CMSCompressedDataInputConnector is used in place of a CMSCompressedDataInputStream when reading nested CMS objects containing compressed-data structures.
CMSCompressedDataInputStream A CMSCompressedDataInputStream is used to read compressed-data CMS objects.
CMSCompressedDataOutputConnector A CMSCompressedDataOutputConnector is used in place of a CMSCompressedDataOutputStream when constructing nested CMS objects containing compressed-data structures.
CMSCompressedDataOutputStream A CMSCompressedDataOutputStream writes its output in the form of a CMS digested-data structure, generating the message digest in the process.
CMSContentInfo The base class for all CMS objects.
CMSDataContentInfo This class encapsulates a CMS object of content type Data.
CMSDigestedDataContentInfo This class encapsulates a CMS object of content type digested-data.
CMSDigestedDataInputConnector A CMSDigestedDataInputConnector is used in place of a CMSDigestedDataInputStream when reading nested CMS objects containing digested-data structures.
CMSDigestedDataInputStream A CMSDigestedDataInputStream is used to read digested-data CMS objects.
CMSDigestedDataOutputConnector A CMSDigestedDataOutputConnector is used in place of a CMSDigestedDataOutputStream when constructing nested CMS objects containing digested-data structures.
CMSDigestedDataOutputStream A CMSDigestedDataOutputStream writes its output in the form of a CMS digested-data structure, generating the message digest in the process.
CMSEncryptedDataContentInfo This class encapsulates a CMS object of content type encrypted-data.
CMSEncryptedDataInputConnector A CMSEncryptedDataInputConnector is used in place of a CMSEncryptedDataInputStream when reading nested CMS objects containing encrypted-data structures.
CMSEncryptedDataInputStream A CMSEncryptedDataInputStream is used to read encrypted-data CMS objects.
CMSEncryptedDataOutputConnector A CMSEncryptedDataOutputConnector is used in place of a CMSEncryptedDataOutputStream when constructing nested CMS objects containing encrypted-data structures.
CMSEncryptedDataOutputStream A CMSEncryptedDataOutputStream writes its output in the form of a CMS encrypted-data structure, encrypting the data in the process.
CMSEnvelopedDataContentInfo This class encapsulates a CMS object of content type enveloped-data.
CMSEnvelopedDataInputConnector A CMSEnvelopedDataInputConnector is used in place of a CMSEnvelopedDataInputStream when reading nested CMS objects containing enveloped-data structures.
CMSEnvelopedDataInputStream A CMSEnvelopedDataInputStream is used to read enveloped-data CMS objects.
CMSEnvelopedDataOutputConnector A CMSEnvelopedDataOutputConnector is used in place of a CMSEnvelopedDataOutputStream when constructing nested CMS objects containing enveloped-data structures.
CMSEnvelopedDataOutputStream A CMSEnvelopedDataOutputStream writes its output in the form of a CMS enveloped-data structure, enveloping the data in the process.
CMSInputStream This abstract class is the superclass of all classes that implement an input stream filter for reading CMS Objects.
CMSKEKRecipientInfo This class encapsulates recipient information using the symmetric key encryption (wrapping) key exchange mechanism.
CMSKEKRecipientInfoSpec This class encapsulates a recipient key encipherment (wrapping) key management mechanism information.
CMSKeyTransRecipientInfo This class encapsulates recipient information using the Key Transport key exchange mechanism.
CMSKeyTransRecipientInfoSpec This class encapsulates a recipient key transport key management mechanism information.
CMSOutputStream This abstract class is the superclass of all classes that implement an output stream filter for creating CMS Objects.
CMSRecipientInfo The base class for all CMSRecipientInfo Objects.
CMSSignedDataContentInfo This class encapsulates a CMS object of content type signed-data.
CMSSignedDataInputConnector A CMSSignedDataInputConnector is used in place of a CMSSignedDataInputStream when reading nested CMS objects containing signed-data structures.
CMSSignedDataInputStream A CMSSignedDataInputStream is used to read signed-data CMS objects.
CMSSignedDataOutputConnector A CMSSignedDataOutputConnector is used in place of a CMSSignedDataOutputStream when constructing nested CMS objects containing signed-data structures.
CMSSignedDataOutputStream A CMSSignedDataOutputStream writes its output in the form of a CMS signed-data structure, signing the data in the process.
CMSSignerInfo The CMSSignerInfo represents one signature.
CMSSignerInfoSpec This class encapsulates message signer information.
CMSUtils Utility functions for users of this package.
ESSCertID Represents the ESSCertID of a certificate which is used in the Signing Certificate Attribute.
ESSReceipt This class encapulates a CMS object of content type Receipt.
OriginatorInfo Provides information about the message originator.
TSTInfo This class encapulates a CMS object of content type TimeStampTokenInfo.


Exception Summary
UnknownRecipientException Signals that the recipient of the message could not be found.
UnknownSignerException Signals that the signer of the message could not be found.


Package Description

Implements the Cryptographic Message Syntax as specified in RFC-2630.

This package is a full implementation of RFC-2630 which provides facilities for data protection. In addition, it provides support for S/MIME Enhanced Security Services (RFC-2634) and the TimeStamp Protocol (TSP).

Package Specification


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Oracle Fusion Middleware CMS Java API Reference for Oracle Security Developer Tools
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)


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