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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle ADF Share
11g Release 1 (


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CACHE_PERMISSION - Static variable in class
CACHE_SUBJECT - Static variable in class
cacheDocument(String) - Method in class oracle.adf.share.jndi.JarFileBackingStore
CALLBACK_FILE - Static variable in class oracle.adf.share.config.ADFConfigImpl
CALLBACK_FILE - Static variable in class oracle.adf.share.config.ADFSettingsImpl
Cause - Annotation Type in oracle.adf.share.annotations
checkInitCSFStore() - Method in class
checkNotNull(String, String, String, Object) - Static method in class
checkSerializable(Object) - Static method in class
checkSerializable(String, String, Credential, String) - Static method in class
Checks if the given credential passes is serializable or not.
childrenNamesSpi() - Method in class oracle.adf.share.prefs.ADFPreferences
Returns the names of the children of this preference node.
childSpi(String) - Method in class oracle.adf.share.prefs.ADFPreferences
Returns the named child of this preference node, creating it if it does not already exist.
ClassLoaderHelper - Interface in
CLASSNAME - Static variable in class oracle.adf.share.config.ADFSettingsImpl
ClassUtils - Class in oracle.adf.share.common
Contains utility methods for finding class files
ClassUtils() - Constructor for class oracle.adf.share.common.ClassUtils
ClassUtilsForNamePrivAction - Class in oracle.adf.share.common
ClassUtilsForNamePrivAction(String) - Constructor for class oracle.adf.share.common.ClassUtilsForNamePrivAction
ClassUtilsForNamePrivAction(String, Class) - Constructor for class oracle.adf.share.common.ClassUtilsForNamePrivAction
ClassUtilsGetResourceAsStreamPrivAction - Class in oracle.adf.share.common
ClassUtilsGetResourceAsStreamPrivAction(ClassLoader, String) - Constructor for class oracle.adf.share.common.ClassUtilsGetResourceAsStreamPrivAction
ClassUtilsGetResourcePrivAction - Class in oracle.adf.share.common
ClassUtilsGetResourcePrivAction(ClassLoader, String) - Constructor for class oracle.adf.share.common.ClassUtilsGetResourcePrivAction
cleanup() - Method in class oracle.adf.share.perf.Timer
Cleanup the timer.
cleanUp() - Method in class oracle.adf.share.prefs.ADFPreferencesManager
cleanUp() - Method in class oracle.adf.share.prefs.ADFPreferencesRegistry
cleanUpApplicationCaches(ClassLoader) - Static method in class oracle.adf.share.config.ADFConfigFactory
cleanUpApplicationState(ClassLoader) - Static method in class oracle.adf.share.config.ADFConfigFactory
cleanUpApplicationState(ClassLoader) - Static method in class oracle.adf.share.prefs.ADFPreferencesFactory
This method cleans up ADFPreferences related objects from the application classloader.
cleanupSensors(ClassLoader) - Static method in class oracle.adf.share.logging.internal.perf.SensorTable
cleanupWithToken(TimerToken) - Method in class oracle.adf.share.perf.Timer
Cleanup the timer using token.
clear() - Method in class oracle.adf.share.HashMapScopeAdapter
clear() - Method in class oracle.adf.share.http.HttpServletRequestScopeAdapter
clear() - Method in class oracle.adf.share.http.HttpSessionScopeAdapter
clear() - Method in class oracle.adf.share.http.ServletContextScopeAdapter
clear() - Method in class oracle.adf.share.http.StateHolder
clear() - Method in class
Internal: Applications should not use this method. Clears this hashtable so that it contains no keys
clear() - Method in class oracle.adf.share.statemanager.StateManagerScopeAdapter
clearAdfConfigCaches(ADFConfigEx) - Static method in class oracle.adf.share.config.ADFConfigFactory
clearCachedLocale() - Method in class oracle.adf.share.ADFContext
Clears the cached locale for the context and it's Enviroment (if any).
clearCachedLocale() - Method in class oracle.adf.share.Environment
If the enviroment caches the locale, it should implement this method to clear the cached locale value.
clearCachedLocale() - Method in class oracle.adf.share.http.ServletEnvironment
clearCaches() - Method in interface oracle.adf.share.ADFConfigLifecycle
clearCaches() - Method in class oracle.adf.share.config.ADFConfigImpl
clearCaches() - Method in class oracle.adf.share.config.MDSConfigImpl
clearCustomizations() - Method in class oracle.adf.share.jndi.MDSBackingStore
clearSession() - Method in class oracle.adf.share.jndi.MDSBackingStore
clearStates(Object) - Method in class oracle.adf.share.http.HttpSessionStateManagerImpl
clearStates(Object) - Method in class oracle.adf.share.statemanager.j2ee.StateManagerImpl
clearStates(Object) - Method in class oracle.adf.share.statemanager.javacache.StateManagerImpl
clearStates(Object) - Method in interface oracle.adf.share.statemanager.StateManager
Removes all states for the specified conext.
clearTLCache() - Static method in class oracle.adf.share.common.rc.util.LoaderUtil
Forget the loaders presently in the cache.
close() - Method in class oracle.adf.share.jndi.AdfInitialContext
close() - Method in class oracle.adf.share.jndi.ContextImpl
close() - Method in class oracle.adf.share.logging.internal.diagnostic.ADFConsoleHandler
Close the current output stream.
close() - Method in class
close() - Method in class
Convenience method to close the passed in reader without having to catch any resulting IOExceptions (they will be logged however).
close() - Method in class oracle.adf.share.statemanager.DefaultContext
closeDocument(String) - Method in class oracle.adf.share.jndi.DocumentBackingStore
This method should be overwritten by Writable backing store, so that they close and flush the resources used.
closeDocument(String) - Method in class oracle.adf.share.jndi.MDSBackingStore
collectParms(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class
COMMENT_PREFIX - Static variable in class oracle.adf.share.logging.internal.LoggingConstants
composeName(Name, Name) - Method in class oracle.adf.share.jndi.ContextImpl
composeName(String, String) - Method in class oracle.adf.share.jndi.ContextImpl
composeName(Name, Name) - Method in class
composeName(String, String) - Method in class
composeName(Name, Name) - Method in class oracle.adf.share.statemanager.DefaultContext
composeName(String, String) - Method in class oracle.adf.share.statemanager.DefaultContext
CompositeIterator<E> - Class in oracle.adf.share.common.rc.util
CompositeIterator(Iterator<E>[]) - Constructor for class oracle.adf.share.common.rc.util.CompositeIterator
config(String) - Method in class oracle.adf.share.logging.ADFLogger
Log a CONFIG message.
config(String, String, String) - Method in class oracle.adf.share.logging.ADFLogger
Log a CONFIG message, with no arguments.
config(String, String, String, Object) - Method in class oracle.adf.share.logging.ADFLogger
Log a CONFIG message, with one object parameter.
config(String, String, String, Object[]) - Method in class oracle.adf.share.logging.ADFLogger
Log a CONFIG message, with an array of object arguments.
CONFIG_FILENAME - Static variable in interface oracle.adf.share.ADFConfig
CONFIG_NAMESPACE_PREFIX - Static variable in class
CONFIG_SECURITY_NAMESPACE - Static variable in class
ConfigContainerFactory - Class in oracle.adf.share.config
ConfigContainerFactory() - Constructor for class oracle.adf.share.config.ConfigContainerFactory
ConfigHelper - Class in oracle.adf.share.config
ConfigHelper() - Constructor for class oracle.adf.share.config.ConfigHelper
ConfigUtils - Class in oracle.adf.share.config
ConfigUtils() - Constructor for class oracle.adf.share.config.ConfigUtils
CONN_INIT_REQUIRED - Static variable in class oracle.adf.share.jndi.AdfJndiHelper
CONN_MBEAN_EXECUTING - Static variable in class oracle.adf.share.jndi.AdfJndiHelper
connect() - Method in class oracle.adf.share.connection.jmx.JMXConnection
ConnectionEventContext - Interface in oracle.adf.share.jndi
ConnectionException - Exception in oracle.adf.share.connection
ConnectionException(String) - Constructor for exception oracle.adf.share.connection.ConnectionException
ConnectionException - Exception in oracle.adf.share.jndi
ConnectionException(String) - Constructor for exception oracle.adf.share.jndi.ConnectionException
ConnectionException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception oracle.adf.share.jndi.ConnectionException
ConnectionException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception oracle.adf.share.jndi.ConnectionException
ConnectionReference - Class in oracle.adf.share.jndi
ConnectionReference(String) - Constructor for class oracle.adf.share.jndi.ConnectionReference
ConnectionReference(String, RefAddr) - Constructor for class oracle.adf.share.jndi.ConnectionReference
ConnectionReference(String, RefAddr, String, String) - Constructor for class oracle.adf.share.jndi.ConnectionReference
ConnectionReference(String, String, String) - Constructor for class oracle.adf.share.jndi.ConnectionReference
CONNECTIONS_RESOURCE - Static variable in class oracle.adf.share.ADFContext
connectionsFileChanged(String) - Static method in class oracle.adf.share.ADFContextManager
ConnectionType - Interface in oracle.adf.share.connection
Describes a type of connection (eg MDS, Database, UDDI) and provides the name of the InitialContextFactory that should be used to create an resource catalog adapter for a provider of this type.
ConnectionTypeLoader - Interface in oracle.adf.share.connection
Interface that defines the methods the ConnectionTypeManager will call to load connection type definitions
ConnectionTypeLoaderFactory - Class in oracle.adf.share.connection
Factory class for creating an ExtensionLoader that will load connection and/or resource type extensions.
ConnectionTypeManager - Class in oracle.adf.share.connection
Manages the set of ConnectionTypes that are available in the deployed environment.
ConnectionTypeRegistry - Class in oracle.adf.share.connection
Manages the set of ConnectionTypes that are accessible to a specific application.
ConnectionTypeRegistry(ClassLoader) - Constructor for class oracle.adf.share.connection.ConnectionTypeRegistry
private constructor to force use of getInstance().
ConsoleFormatter - Class in oracle.adf.share.logging.internal.diagnostic
A simple console log formatter.
ConsoleFormatter() - Constructor for class oracle.adf.share.logging.internal.diagnostic.ConsoleFormatter
containsKey(Object) - Method in class oracle.adf.share.HashMapScopeAdapter
containsKey(Object) - Method in class oracle.adf.share.http.HttpServletRequestScopeAdapter
containsKey(Object) - Method in class oracle.adf.share.http.HttpSessionScopeAdapter
containsKey(Object) - Method in class oracle.adf.share.http.ServletContextScopeAdapter
containsKey(Object) - Method in class oracle.adf.share.http.StateHolder
containsKey(Object) - Method in class
Internal: Applications should not use this method. Returns true if this map contains a mapping for the specified key.
containsKey(Object) - Method in class oracle.adf.share.statemanager.StateManagerScopeAdapter
Method is not supported by the StateManager.
containsValue(Object) - Method in class oracle.adf.share.HashMapScopeAdapter
containsValue(Object) - Method in class oracle.adf.share.http.HttpServletRequestScopeAdapter
containsValue(Object) - Method in class oracle.adf.share.http.HttpSessionScopeAdapter
containsValue(Object) - Method in class oracle.adf.share.http.ServletContextScopeAdapter
containsValue(Object) - Method in class oracle.adf.share.http.StateHolder
containsValue(Object) - Method in class
Internal: Applications should not use this method. Returns true if this map maps one or more keys to the specified value.
containsValue(Object) - Method in class oracle.adf.share.statemanager.StateManagerScopeAdapter
Method is not supported by the StateManager.
CONTEXT_OBJECT - Static variable in interface oracle.adf.share.jndi.ProviderProperties
ContextImpl - Class in oracle.adf.share.jndi
ContextInfo - Class in oracle.adf.share
ContextInfo(String, URL, Class) - Constructor for class oracle.adf.share.ContextInfo
contextSaved(ContextSaveEvent) - Method in interface oracle.adf.share.jndi.ContextSaveListener
ContextSaveEvent - Class in oracle.adf.share.jndi
ContextSaveEvent(ConnectionEventContext) - Constructor for class oracle.adf.share.jndi.ContextSaveEvent
ContextSaveListener - Interface in oracle.adf.share.jndi
convertHexStringToByte(String) - Static method in class oracle.adf.share.common.RepConversion
COUNTER - Static variable in class oracle.adf.share.logging.internal.LoggingConstants
Counter - Class in oracle.adf.share.perf
This class is a wrapper of DMS Event sensor.
Counter() - Constructor for class oracle.adf.share.perf.Counter
creates an empty Counter object.
CPXREGISTRY - Static variable in class oracle.adf.share.common.rc.util.MetadataRegistry
CREATE_ROW - Static variable in class
CREATE_SESSION_BACKING_STORE - Static variable in class oracle.adf.share.jndi.AdfJndiHelper
createADFLogger(String) - Static method in class oracle.adf.share.logging.ADFLogger
Find or create a logger for a named subsystem.
createADFLogger(String, String) - Static method in class oracle.adf.share.logging.ADFLogger
Find or create a logger for a named subsystem.
createADFLogger(Class) - Static method in class oracle.adf.share.logging.ADFLogger
Find or create a logger for a named subsystem.
createADFLogger(Class, String) - Static method in class oracle.adf.share.logging.ADFLogger
Find or create a logger for a named subsystem.
createADFLogger(Package) - Static method in class oracle.adf.share.logging.ADFLogger
Find or create a logger for a named subsystem.
createADFLogger(Package, String) - Static method in class oracle.adf.share.logging.ADFLogger
Find or create a logger for a named subsystem.
createApplication(ClassLoader, String) - Method in class oracle.adf.share.config.ADFConfigFactory
createApplication(ClassLoader, String) - Method in class oracle.adf.share.config.MDSConfigFactory
createBindingPermissionInstance() - Method in class
Create an instance of BindingPermission base on the BindingPermissionDef to support create java permission, check permission and cache the result of the permission.
createContext() - Method in class oracle.adf.share.ContextInfo
createCounter(Level, String, String, String) - Static method in class oracle.adf.share.perf.Counter
Create a Counter object identified by the sensorGroupName and the sensorName.
createCounter(Level, String, String, String, String) - Static method in class oracle.adf.share.perf.Counter
Create a Counter object identified by the sensorGroupName and the sensorName.
createDefaultConfig() - Method in class oracle.adf.share.config.ADFConfigFactory
If we didn't find an adf-config.xml you will get the default implementation.
createDefaultNonCachedConnectionsContext() - Static method in class oracle.adf.share.jndi.AdfJndiHelper
This method creates the ADF Connection Architecture's based InitialContext with using the default DocumentBackingStore (MDSBackingStore) such that the returned context is writable if possible, and non-cached.
createDocument(String) - Method in class oracle.adf.share.jndi.DocumentBackingStore
createDocument(String) - Method in class oracle.adf.share.jndi.FileSystemBackingStore
createDocument(String) - Method in class oracle.adf.share.jndi.JarFileBackingStore
createDocument(String) - Method in class oracle.adf.share.jndi.MDSBackingStore
createDocument(String) - Method in class oracle.adf.share.jndi.ResourceBackingStore
createDocumentBackingStore() - Method in class oracle.adf.share.jndi.ContextImpl
createMDSInstanceFromelement(Element) - Static method in class oracle.adf.share.config.ADFMDSConfig
createMDSInstanceFromelement(Element, String) - Static method in class oracle.adf.share.config.ADFMDSConfig
createMDSInstanceFromelement(Element, String, String) - Static method in class oracle.adf.share.config.ADFMDSConfig
createMDSSession(ADFContext) - Method in interface oracle.adf.share.config.ADFContextMDSConfigHelper
createMDSSession(ADFContext) - Method in class oracle.adf.share.config.ADFContextMDSConfigHelperImpl
createMDSSession(MDSInstance) - Method in class oracle.adf.share.config.MDSConfigFactory
createMDSSession(MDSInstance) - Method in class oracle.adf.share.config.MDSConfigImpl
createNew() - Static method in class oracle.adf.share.connection.jmx.JMXConnectionFactory
Convenience method for test code that needs an empty JMXConnection
createPermissionInstance(String) - Method in class
createPermissionInstance(Hashtable) - Method in class
createPermissionInstance(Hashtable) - Method in interface
Create a FunctionPermission, DataPermission or Permission.
createPermissionInstance(Hashtable) - Method in class
createReadOnlyFileSystemContext(String) - Static method in class oracle.adf.share.jndi.AdfJndiHelper
This method creates the ADF Connection Architecture's based InitialContext with a FileSystemBackingStore which is not updateable.
createReadOnlyFileSystemContext(String, String) - Static method in class oracle.adf.share.jndi.AdfJndiHelper
This method creates the ADF Connection Architecture's based InitialContext with a FileSystemBackingStore which is not updateable.
createRefAddrElement(Document, RefAddr) - Static method in class oracle.adf.share.jndi.DocumentHelper
createReferenceElement(Document, String, Reference) - Static method in class oracle.adf.share.jndi.DocumentHelper
createRole() - Method in class
Internal: Applications should not use this method.
createRole() - Method in interface
Internal: Applications should not use this method. This method should return a Role object or subclass that the caller can use to build up a Role definition to submit to the UserManager for adding to the identity management system.
createRole() - Method in class
createScope(String) - Method in class oracle.adf.share.ADFContext
May be implemented by custom ADFContext classes to create a scope for the specfied name.
createScope(String, boolean) - Method in class oracle.adf.share.ADFContext
createScope(String) - Method in class oracle.adf.share.http.ServletADFContext
createServletMDSComponentConfig() - Method in class oracle.adf.share.http.ServletADFContext
Deprecated. should not call anymore. See bug#6473565
createSessionOptions(ADFContext) - Method in class oracle.adf.share.config.ADFContextMDSConfigHelperImpl
createSessionOptions(SessionOptions, String) - Method in class oracle.adf.share.mds.ADFSessionOptionsFactoryImpl
createSessionOptions(SessionOptions) - Method in class oracle.adf.share.mds.ADFSessionOptionsFactoryImpl
createSessionOptions() - Static method in class oracle.adf.share.mds.MDSUtil
createSessionOptions(SessionOptions) - Method in interface oracle.adf.share.mds.SessionOptionsFactory
Called to allow the application code to create a new SessionOptions object.
createStateHandler(ADFContext) - Method in class oracle.adf.share.config.ADFContextMDSConfigHelperImpl
createStateHandler() - Static method in class oracle.adf.share.mds.MDSUtil
createStateTracker(Level, String, String, byte, String, String) - Static method in class oracle.adf.share.perf.StateTracker
Create a Counter object identified by the groupName and the name.
createStateTracker(Level, String, String, String, byte, String, String) - Static method in class oracle.adf.share.perf.StateTracker
Create a Counter object identified by the groupName and the name.
createSubcontext(Name) - Method in class oracle.adf.share.jndi.ContextImpl
createSubcontext(String) - Method in class oracle.adf.share.jndi.ContextImpl
createSubcontext(String) - Method in class
createSubcontext(Name) - Method in class
createSubcontext(Name) - Method in class oracle.adf.share.statemanager.DefaultContext
createSubcontext(String) - Method in class oracle.adf.share.statemanager.DefaultContext
createTimer(Level, String, String, String) - Static method in class oracle.adf.share.perf.Timer
Create a Timer object identified by the groupName, the name, and the description.
createTimer(Level, String, String, String, TimerProvider) - Static method in class oracle.adf.share.perf.Timer
Create a composite timer object identified by the groupName, the name, the description, and a timer provider.
createTimer(Level, String, String, String, String) - Static method in class oracle.adf.share.perf.Timer
Create a Timer object identified by the groupName, the name, the type, and the description.
createTimer(Level, String, String, String, String, TimerProvider) - Static method in class oracle.adf.share.perf.Timer
Create a summerized Timer object identified by the groupName, the name, the type, the description, and a bunch of sub timers provided by the provider.
createTimers(Level, String, String, String, String) - Method in interface oracle.adf.share.perf.TimerProvider
Create children timers based on the parent timer level, groupName, name, type, and desc
createUser() - Method in interface
Internal: Applications should not use this method. This method should return a User object or subclass of it that is able to represent a user as expected by the identity management system implemented by this provider.
createUser() - Method in class
Internal: Applications should not use this method.
createUser() - Method in class
Credential - Class in
Internal: Applications should not use this class. This class implements map and use a hashtable to store and retrieve property values.
Credential() - Constructor for class
Internal: Applications should not use this method. Sole constructor
CREDENTIAL_STORE_ENV_DEFAULT - Static variable in class
CREDENTIAL_STORE_USER_DEFAULT - Static variable in class
CredentialNotFoundException - Exception in
ADF Security exception indicating credential not found
CredentialNotFoundException(String) - Constructor for exception
Constructs a CredentialNotFoundException with the specified detail message.
CredentialNotFoundException(String, String) - Constructor for exception
CredentialNotFoundException(String, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception
CredentialProvisioner - Class in
Internal: Applications should not use this class. CredentialProvisioner provides management of user/role principals credentials.
CredentialProvisioner() - Constructor for class
Internal: Applications should not use this method. Constructor for a credential provisioner.
CredentialProvisioner(String) - Constructor for class
Internal: Applications should not use this method. Constructor for a credential provisioner of a specific provider class.
CredentialProvisioning - Interface in
Internal: Applications should not use this interface. An interface for managing credentials for user or role principals.
CredentialProvisioning2 - Interface in
Internal: Applications should not use this interface. An interface for managing credentials for user or role principals.
CredentialStorage - Interface in
Internal: Applications should not use this class. The credential store service provider interface.
CredentialStorage2 - Interface in
Internal: Applications should not use this class. The credential store service provider interface.
CredentialStore - Class in
Internal: Applications should not use this class. CredentialStore is the runtime interface to a credential storage for the current user.
CredentialStore() - Constructor for class
Internal: Applications should not use this method. Constructor for a credential store.
CredentialStore(String) - Constructor for class
Internal: Applications should not use this method. Constructor for a credential store of a specific provider class.
CREDENTIALSTORE_CONFIG - Static variable in class
CREDENTIALSTORE_CONTEXT - Static variable in class
CredentialStoreContext - Class in
Internal: Applications should not use this class. This class provide the starting point for getting CredentialStore related objects and a centralized place for managing CredentialStore properties.
CredentialStoreContext(Hashtable) - Constructor for class
CredentialStoreHelper - Class in oracle.adf.share.jndi
CredentialStoreHelper() - Constructor for class oracle.adf.share.jndi.CredentialStoreHelper
CredentialStoreHelper(String) - Constructor for class oracle.adf.share.jndi.CredentialStoreHelper
CSFCredentialStore - Class in
CSFCredentialStore() - Constructor for class
Initialize the csf credential store using the ADF Security context environment.
CSFCredentialStore(String) - Constructor for class
Initialize the csf credential store using the config from named ADF context
CUST_LAYER_ROLE - Static variable in class oracle.adf.share.config.ADFRolesCC
CUST_LAYER_USER - Static variable in class oracle.adf.share.config.ADFUserCC

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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle ADF Share
11g Release 1 (


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