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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (


Uses of Interface

Packages that use Dockable
oracle.ide.docking Contains interfaces and classes responsible for the dockable behavior provided by JDeveloper. 
oracle.ide.explorer Contains the interfaces and classes addins use to provide a structured view of data contained in nodes displayed in a navigator or an editor. 
oracle.ide.inspector Contains interfaces and classes that integrators may use to make their objects editable from the property inspector. 
oracle.ide.log Contains the interfaces and classes that allow addins to provide their own log pages. 
oracle.ide.navigator Contains classes providing navigator support. 
oracle.ide.palette2 Contains interfaces and classes that allow for palette integration. 


Uses of Dockable in oracle.ide.docking


Classes in oracle.ide.docking that implement Dockable
 class DockableView
          This interface is the bridge between the Dockable interface docking system and the View interface.
 class DockableWindow
          This class is the bridge between the Dockable interface docking system and the View interface.
 class DrawerDockableWindow
 class DrawerWindow


Methods in oracle.ide.docking that return Dockable
abstract  Dockable DockStation.findDockable(ViewId viewId)
          Searches/create a dockable based on a name.
protected  Dockable DockableWindow.getCachedDockable()
          This method returns the Dockable as know by the docking system based on the view ID.
 Dockable DockableContainer.getClient(int i)
 Dockable TitleChangeEvent.getDockable()
          Gets dockable panel that changed title.
 Dockable DockableHolder.getDockable()
 Dockable DrawerDockableWindow.getDockable(DrawerElement drawerElement)
abstract  Dockable DockStation.getDockable(ViewId viewId)
          Searches a dockable based on a name.
 Dockable DockableFactory.getDockable(ViewId viewId)
 Dockable[] DockableDragContext.getDockables()
 Dockable DockingParam.getReference()
 Dockable DockableEvent.getSource()


Methods in oracle.ide.docking with parameters of type Dockable
abstract  boolean DockStation.activateDockable(Dockable dockable)
          Sets the focus in the specified dockable.
abstract  void DockStation.addDockableListener(DockableListener l, Dockable d)
          Dockable listeners are manipulated by the DockStation to simplify the implementation of the Dockable interface.
protected abstract  void DockStation.addToCache(Dockable dockable)
abstract  void DockStation.close(Dockable dockable)
          Close the specified dockable.
abstract  void DockStation.dock(Dockable dockable, DockingParam dockingParam)
          Inserts the dockable into the docking system.
abstract  int DockStation.getDockableStatus(Dockable dockable)
abstract  int DrawerModel.indexOf(Dockable dockable)
 boolean DockableContainer.isClientAccessible(Dockable dockable)
          Checks if the client is visible.
abstract  boolean DockStation.isDockableVisible(Dockable dockable)
static boolean DockUtil.isMinimizedByDefault(Dockable dockable, Layout layout)
          Indicates whether the given dockable is minimized by default in the given layout.
static boolean DockUtil.isRaisedByDefault(Dockable dockable, Layout layout)
          Indicates whether the given dockable is raised by default in the given layout.
static boolean DockUtil.isShowingByDefault(Dockable dockable, Layout layout)
          Indicates whether the given dockable is showing by default in the given layout.
abstract  void DockStation.removeDockableListener(DockableListener l, Dockable d)
          Unregisters a dockable listener.
protected abstract  void DockStation.removeFromCache(Dockable dockable)
 void DockableDragContext.setDockables(Dockable[] dockables)
abstract  void DockStation.setDockableVisible(Dockable dockable, boolean bVisible)
 void DockingParam.setPosition(Dockable reference, int position)
          Docks the window relative to another dockable.
 void DockingParam.setPosition(Dockable reference, int position, int alternateAbsolutePosition)
          Same as DockingParam.setPosition(Dockable, int) but if the Dockable is not found, the window will be placed at the alternateAbsolutePosition.
 void DockingParam.setReference(Dockable newReference)
 void DockableEvent.setSource(Dockable src)
 void DockingParam.setTabbedWith(Dockable reference)
          Docks the window together with one (or more) dockable window.
abstract  void DockStation.undock(Dockable dockable)
          Remove the dockable.
protected abstract  void DockStation.undock(Dockable dockable, int flags)


Constructors in oracle.ide.docking with parameters of type Dockable
DockableEvent(Dockable dockable, int nID)
DockableEvent(Dockable dockable, int nID, int flags)
          Full featured constructor.
Note:The event context is set by DockStation.fireDockableEvent
TitleChangeEvent(Dockable dockable)
          Constructs a TitleChangeEvent with the specified dockable.


Uses of Dockable in oracle.ide.explorer


Classes in oracle.ide.explorer that implement Dockable
 class ExplorerWindow


Uses of Dockable in oracle.ide.inspector


Classes in oracle.ide.inspector that implement Dockable
 class InspectorWindow
          The InspectorWindow is a View consisting of a Toolbar area, a main body area and a status area.


Uses of Dockable in oracle.ide.log


Classes in oracle.ide.log that implement Dockable
 class LogWindow
          The LogWindow is the dockable view responsible for managing log pages.


Uses of Dockable in oracle.ide.navigator


Classes in oracle.ide.navigator that implement Dockable
 class NavigatorWindow
          NavigatorWindow interface provides the API for managing the contents of a navigator window tree.
 class ProjectNavigatorWindow


Uses of Dockable in oracle.ide.palette2


Classes in oracle.ide.palette2 that implement Dockable
 class PaletteWindow
          The PaletteWindow class is the Component Palette View.


Uses of Dockable in oracle.ide.view


Classes in oracle.ide.view that implement Dockable
 class AbstractPinnable
          AbstractPinnable implements the Pinnable interface as it applies to a DockableWindow which is capable of responding to changes in selection in the active View as well as changes of the active View from one View to another.


Uses of Dockable in oracle.ideri.navigator


Classes in oracle.ideri.navigator that implement Dockable
 class oracle.ideri.navigator.DefaultNavigatorWindow


Uses of Dockable in oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.changelist


Classes in oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.changelist that implement Dockable
 class ChangeListWindow
          A dockable view containing a ChangeList instance.


Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.changelist that return Dockable
 Dockable ChangeListDockableFactory.getDockable(ViewId viewId)


Uses of Dockable in oracle.jdevimpl.bookmarks


Classes in oracle.jdevimpl.bookmarks that implement Dockable
 class BookmarkDockable


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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (


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