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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (


Class ElementAttributes

  extended by oracle.ide.model.DefaultAttributes
      extended by oracle.ide.model.ElementAttributes

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class ElementAttributes
extends DefaultAttributes

Extends Attributes to focus on the notion of Element attributes.

Field Summary
static int ACTIVE
          ACTIVE is a mutable attribute that indicates that the Element is currently active.
static int BUILDABLE
          BUILDABLE is an immutable attribute that controls the Make and Rebuild menu items.
static int CLOSEABLE
          CLOSEABLE is an immutable attribute that controls the File | Close menu item.
static int COMPOSITE
          COMPOSITE is a mutable attribute that indicates that the Element is a composite of two or more elements.
          DECORATES_DATA_ELEMENT is a mutable attribute that indicates that the Element's getData() method returns another Element that is being decorated.
static int DELETEABLE
          DELETEABLE is an immutable attribute that controls the Edit | Delete, File | Remove from [Container], and File | Erase from Disk menu items.
static int DEPLOYABLE
          DEPLOYABLE indicates that the Element is eligible to be deployed.
static int DIRTY
          DIRTY is a mutable attribute that indicates that the Element is currently dirty.
          DIRTY_COMPOSITE is a mutable attribute that indicates that the Element composite state is dirty.
          EDITOR_SAVEABLE_AS controls the File | Save As menu item when an editor is the active view.
static int ERASEABLE
          ERASEABLE is an immutable attribute that controls the File | Erase from Disk menu item.
static int HIDE_CHILDREN
          HIDE_CHILDREN indicates that the Folder children should not be displayed.
          HIDE_FILE_EXTENSION indicates that the Element short label should be displayed without a suffix.
static int NAVIGABLE
          NAVIGABLE controls the File | New -> Navigator menu item
static int NON_EDITABLE
          EDITABLE indicates that the Element should not be editable by editors directly, such as the code editor.
static int NON_HISTORIED
          NON_HISTORIED is a mutable attribute that indicates that the Element should not have a local history.
          NON_RELOADABLE controls if the node is not subject to the automatic reloading when the IDE regains focus.
static int OPEN_AS_TEXT
          OPEN_AS_TEXT indicates that the Element is a node that when opened by the user using the URLChooser dialog it should be encapsulated by a TextNode.
static int PRINTABLE
          PRINTABLE is an immutable attribute that controls the File | Print menu item.
static int READ_ONLY
          READ_ONLY is a mutable attribute that indicates that the Element is currently read only.
static int REMOVEABLE
          REMOVEABLE is an immutable attribute that controls the File | Remove from [Container] menu item.
static int RENAMEABLE
          RENAMEABLE is an immutable attribute that controls the File | Save As, and File | Rename menu items.
static int SAVEABLE
          SAVEABLE is an immutable attribute that controls the File | Save, File | Save As, and File | Rename menu items.
static int SAVEABLE_AS
          SAVEABLE_AS controls the File | Save As menu item.
          SELECTION_CONTAINER indicates that the Element is a container node which supports the unconstrained selection of children.


Fields inherited from class oracle.ide.model.DefaultAttributes


Constructor Summary
ElementAttributes(DefaultAttributes attributes)
ElementAttributes(int attribute)


Method Summary
 Attributes duplicate()
          Return an exact duplicate of me.
static int nextImmutableAttribute()
          Returns the next available immutable attribute.
static int nextMutableAttribute()
          Returns the next available mutable attribute.


Methods inherited from class oracle.ide.model.DefaultAttributes
clear, decAttr, equals, equalsImpl, incAttr, isSet, maxAttr, minAttr, noneAttr, set, unset


Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


Field Detail


public static final int ERASEABLE
ERASEABLE is an immutable attribute that controls the File | Erase from Disk menu item. Generally, this attribute should be set when a node can only be removed from a project when it is also removed from the file system. When setting this attribute, the DELETEABLE attribute should be unset.


public static final int REMOVEABLE
REMOVEABLE is an immutable attribute that controls the File | Remove from [Container] menu item. Generally, this attribute should be set when a node can only be removed from a project and not from the file system. When setting this attribute, the DELETEABLE attribute should be unset.


public static final int DELETEABLE
DELETEABLE is an immutable attribute that controls the Edit | Delete, File | Remove from [Container], and File | Erase from Disk menu items. Persistent elements that extend Node and have the DELETEABLE attribute set indicate that the File | Remove from [Container] and File | Erase from Disk menu itmes should be enabled. Transient elements having the DELETEABLE attribute set indicate that the Edit | Delete menu item should be enabled.


public static final int BUILDABLE
BUILDABLE is an immutable attribute that controls the Make and Rebuild menu items.


public static final int PRINTABLE
PRINTABLE is an immutable attribute that controls the File | Print menu item.


public static final int SAVEABLE
SAVEABLE is an immutable attribute that controls the File | Save, File | Save As, and File | Rename menu items.


public static final int RENAMEABLE
RENAMEABLE is an immutable attribute that controls the File | Save As, and File | Rename menu items.


public static final int CLOSEABLE
CLOSEABLE is an immutable attribute that controls the File | Close menu item.


public static final int EDITOR_SAVEABLE_AS
EDITOR_SAVEABLE_AS controls the File | Save As menu item when an editor is the active view.


public static final int SAVEABLE_AS
SAVEABLE_AS controls the File | Save As menu item.


public static final int NAVIGABLE
NAVIGABLE controls the File | New -> Navigator menu item


public static final int NON_RELOADABLE
NON_RELOADABLE controls if the node is not subject to the automatic reloading when the IDE regains focus.


public static final int DEPLOYABLE
DEPLOYABLE indicates that the Element is eligible to be deployed. By default, elements are not considered deployable.


public static final int NON_EDITABLE
EDITABLE indicates that the Element should not be editable by editors directly, such as the code editor. This can be used by nodes or elements whose content should be protected from direct user editing. By default, elements are considered to be editable.


public static final int OPEN_AS_TEXT
OPEN_AS_TEXT indicates that the Element is a node that when opened by the user using the URLChooser dialog it should be encapsulated by a TextNode.


public static final int SELECTION_CONTAINER
SELECTION_CONTAINER indicates that the Element is a container node which supports the unconstrained selection of children.


public static final int HIDE_FILE_EXTENSION
HIDE_FILE_EXTENSION indicates that the Element short label should be displayed without a suffix. This attribute takes effect only when the navigator cell renderer attribute HIDE_FILE_EXTENSIONS has been set. Clients need only set this attribute on folders only. By default the file extension of elements is hidden when the cell renderer attribute indicates so.


public static final int HIDE_CHILDREN
HIDE_CHILDREN indicates that the Folder children should not be displayed. This attribute takes effect only when the navigator cell renderer attribute HIDE_FILE_EXTENSIONS has been set. Clients need only set this attribute on folders only. This attribute is needed to support the same folder displayed with children in the workspaces navigator and without children in the applications navigator. Once the workspaces navigator displays only files and directories or packages, this attribute should be removed or deprecated.


public static final int COMPOSITE
COMPOSITE is a mutable attribute that indicates that the Element is a composite of two or more elements. This attribute takes effect only when the cell renderer attribute has been set to HIDE_CHILDREN. To use the COMPOSITE attribute you need to create your own element subclass and set the COMPOSITE when an instance of your subclass is created. Your subclass can now have two dirty states. The normal DIRTY state and the DIRTY_COMPOSITE state. The normal dirty state should be set only when the class primary element is modified. The DIRTY_COMPOSITE state should be set whenever the primary element or any of the other elements comprising the composite node are modified.


public static final int ACTIVE
ACTIVE is a mutable attribute that indicates that the Element is currently active.


public static final int DIRTY
DIRTY is a mutable attribute that indicates that the Element is currently dirty.


public static final int READ_ONLY
READ_ONLY is a mutable attribute that indicates that the Element is currently read only.


public static final int DIRTY_COMPOSITE
DIRTY_COMPOSITE is a mutable attribute that indicates that the Element composite state is dirty. This flag is only checked COMPOSITE attributes are set.


public static final int NON_HISTORIED
NON_HISTORIED is a mutable attribute that indicates that the Element should not have a local history.


public static final int DECORATES_DATA_ELEMENT
DECORATES_DATA_ELEMENT is a mutable attribute that indicates that the Element's getData() method returns another Element that is being decorated. The purpose of this attribute is to inform the IDE's context menu that ContextMenuListeners should be invoked on the type of the decorated Element instead of the decorator Element.

Constructor Detail


public ElementAttributes()


public ElementAttributes(int attribute)


public ElementAttributes(DefaultAttributes attributes)

Method Detail


public Attributes duplicate()
Return an exact duplicate of me.


public static final int nextImmutableAttribute()
Returns the next available immutable attribute.


public static final int nextMutableAttribute()
Returns the next available mutable attribute.

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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (


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