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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (


Interface DebuggerEvaluator

public interface DebuggerEvaluator

Evaluators are keyed to a particular debuggee stop (stack frame and thread) and the evaluator expires as soon as the debuggee resumes. Don't hold on to expired evaluators. Let them be garbage collected after each 'resume' and 'finish'.

Method Summary
 java.util.List<DebuggeeData> evaluate(java.util.List<java.lang.String> expressions, DebuggeeData context)
          Evaluate expressions into DebuggeeData representations in the context of the currently set thread and stack position and an optional DebuggeeData object.
 DebuggeeData evaluate(java.lang.String expression, DebuggeeData context)
          Evaluate one expression into a DebuggeeData representation in the context of the currently set thread and stack position and an optional DebuggeeData object.
 java.util.List<DebuggerThread> getAllThreads()
          Get all the current threads
 Context getContext()
          Get the context of this evaluator
 DebuggerEvaluator getEvaluator(DebuggerThread thread)
          Get a new evaluator for another thread.
 DebuggerEvaluator getEvaluator(int stackFrame)
          Get a new evaluator for a specific 0-based stack frame for the same thread as the current evaluator
 int getStackFrame()
          Get the 0-based index of the stack frame for this evaluator.
 int getStackFrameCount()
          Find out how many stack frames there are.
 DebuggerThread getThread()
          Get the thread for this evaluator.
 boolean hasExpired()
          Check if this evaluator has expired.


Method Detail


boolean hasExpired()
Check if this evaluator has expired.
True if this evaluator has expired, false otherwise.


Context getContext()
Get the context of this evaluator
the context or null if this evaluator has expired


int getStackFrame()
Get the 0-based index of the stack frame for this evaluator. Every evaluator is tied to a stack frame
the stackframe index or -1 if this evaluator has expired


DebuggerThread getThread()
Get the thread for this evaluator. Every evaluator is tied to a thread
the thread or null if this evaluator has expired


DebuggeeData evaluate(java.lang.String expression,
                      DebuggeeData context)
Evaluate one expression into a DebuggeeData representation in the context of the currently set thread and stack position and an optional DebuggeeData object.
expression - One expression to evaluate
context - An optional Object to use as the context for the evaluation which is useful if a DebuggeeData has children and the caller wants to evaluate a child in the context of the parent. If null, the context is the stack frame and thread of this DebuggerEvaluator.
A DebuggeeData Object representing the result of the evaluation, null if the evaluation failed or if the evaluator has expired.


java.util.List<DebuggeeData> evaluate(java.util.List<java.lang.String> expressions,
                                      DebuggeeData context)
Evaluate expressions into DebuggeeData representations in the context of the currently set thread and stack position and an optional DebuggeeData object.
expressions - Expressions to evaluate
context - An optional Object to use as the context for the evaluations which is useful if a DebuggeeData has children and the caller wants to evaluate a child in the context of the parent. If null, the context is the stack frame and thread of this DebuggerEvaluator.
A List of DebuggeeData representing the result of the evaluations, where the DebuggeeData of a failed evaluation is null. This method returns null if the evaluator has expired.


int getStackFrameCount()
Find out how many stack frames there are.
the number of stack frames or -1 if the evaluator has expired.


DebuggerEvaluator getEvaluator(int stackFrame)
Get a new evaluator for a specific 0-based stack frame for the same thread as the current evaluator
a new DebuggerEvaluator or null if this evaluator has expired or if the stack frame is invalid.


DebuggerEvaluator getEvaluator(DebuggerThread thread)
Get a new evaluator for another thread. The new evaluator will be for the top of the stack of that thread
thread - The thread to use
A new DebuggerEvaluator or null if this evaluator has expired or if the thread is invalid


java.util.List<DebuggerThread> getAllThreads()
Get all the current threads
A list of the current threads, which will be null if this evaluator has expired.

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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (


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