Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (


Uses of Class

Packages that use TriStateBoolean
oracle.ide.util Contains utility classes. 


Uses of TriStateBoolean in oracle.ide.controls.checkboxlist


Fields in oracle.ide.controls.checkboxlist declared as TriStateBoolean
protected  TriStateBoolean CheckBoxListCellData._checkBoxState
          If there is a check box, this variable reports its state.


Methods in oracle.ide.controls.checkboxlist that return TriStateBoolean
 TriStateBoolean CheckBoxListCellData.getCheckBoxState()


Methods in oracle.ide.controls.checkboxlist with parameters of type TriStateBoolean
 void CheckBoxListCellData.setCheckBoxState(TriStateBoolean checkBoxState)
 void CheckBoxListCellData.setCheckBoxStateWithoutFiring(TriStateBoolean checkBoxState)
          Sets the state of the checkbox without firing any change event.


Constructors in oracle.ide.controls.checkboxlist with parameters of type TriStateBoolean
CheckBoxListCellData(javax.swing.Icon icon, java.lang.String text, boolean hasCheckBox, TriStateBoolean checkBoxState, java.lang.Object userObject)
          A CheckBoxListCellData with an icon, text label, a checkbox whose state is initially set to checkBoxState.
CheckBoxListCellData(javax.swing.Icon icon, java.lang.String text, boolean hasCheckBox, TriStateBoolean checkBoxState, java.lang.Object userObject, java.lang.String toolTipText)
          A CheckBoxListCellData with an icon, text label, a checkbox whose state is initially set to checkBoxState.


Uses of TriStateBoolean in oracle.ide.controls.tree


Fields in oracle.ide.controls.tree declared as TriStateBoolean
protected  TriStateBoolean JTreeCellData._checkBoxState
          If there is a check box, this variable reports its state.


Methods in oracle.ide.controls.tree that return TriStateBoolean
 TriStateBoolean JMutableTreeNode.descendingUpdateNodes()
          Beginning with the given actionNode this method recurses down the sub-tree and updates the checked status of non-leaf checkboxes.
 TriStateBoolean JTreeCellData.getCheckBoxState()


Methods in oracle.ide.controls.tree with parameters of type TriStateBoolean
 void JTreeCellData.setCheckBoxState(TriStateBoolean checkBoxState)


Constructors in oracle.ide.controls.tree with parameters of type TriStateBoolean
JTreeCellData(javax.swing.Icon icon, java.lang.String text, boolean hasCheckBox, TriStateBoolean checkBoxState)


Uses of TriStateBoolean in oracle.ide.util


Fields in oracle.ide.util declared as TriStateBoolean
static TriStateBoolean TriStateBoolean.FALSE
          FALSE corresponds to a typical Boolean FALSE.
static TriStateBoolean TriStateBoolean.TRI_STATE
          TRI_STATE represents the tri-state.
static TriStateBoolean TriStateBoolean.TRUE
          TRUE corresponds to a typical Boolean true.
static TriStateBoolean TriStateBoolean.UNDEF
          Special TriStateBoolean object representing an uninitialized value.


Methods in oracle.ide.util that return TriStateBoolean
 TriStateBoolean TriStateBoolean.aggregate(TriStateBoolean b)
          This method is used to help determine if a set of TriStateBoolean values are all the same or have some difference.
 TriStateBoolean TriStateBoolean.and(TriStateBoolean b)
          AND true false tri true true false tri false false false tri tri tri tri tri
Truth table for tri-state AND operator
static TriStateBoolean TriStateBoolean.getState(boolean state)
static TriStateBoolean TriStateBoolean.getState(java.lang.Boolean state)
 TriStateBoolean PatternFilters.inferFromFilters(java.lang.String relPath)
 TriStateBoolean IntersectedFilters.inferFromFilters(java.lang.String relPath)
 TriStateBoolean TriStateBoolean.not()
          NOT true => false.
NOT false => true.
NOT tri => tri.
 TriStateBoolean TriStateBoolean.or(TriStateBoolean b)
          OR true false tri true true true tri false true false tri tri tri tri tri
Truth table for tri-state OR operator
 TriStateBoolean TriStateBoolean.toggle()
          This method defines the "toggle" operation as follows: Toggling TRUE returns FALSE.
Methods in oracle.ide.util with parameters of type TriStateBoolean
 TriStateBoolean TriStateBoolean.aggregate(TriStateBoolean b)
          This method is used to help determine if a set of TriStateBoolean values are all the same or have some difference.
 TriStateBoolean TriStateBoolean.and(TriStateBoolean b)
          AND true false tri true true false tri false false false tri tri tri tri tri
Truth table for tri-state AND operator
 TriStateBoolean TriStateBoolean.or(TriStateBoolean b)
          OR true false tri true true true tri false true false tri tri tri tri tri
Truth table for tri-state OR operator
Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (


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