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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (


Uses of Class

Packages that use Step
oracle.ide.db.panels.sql UI classes for declaratively editing a SQL query. 
oracle.ide.db.transfer Contains an API for transfering database object from one DBObjectProvider to another. 
oracle.ide.db.transfer.generate Contains classes that control the targets available for generating database objects to in the IDE. 
oracle.ide.migration Contains API classes for support the migration of Node types and user preferences in the system directory. 
oracle.ide.wizard Contains classes that can be used to integrate gallery items and wizards into the product. 


Uses of Step in oracle.ide.db.panels.sql


Methods in oracle.ide.db.panels.sql that return Step
 Step[] SQLQueryEditDialog.getSteps()
          Returns a set of Step objects for the pages required to creating a SQLQuery.


Uses of Step in oracle.ide.db.transfer


Methods in oracle.ide.db.transfer that return Step
 Step[] TransferDescriptor.getReconcilePanels()
 Step[] TransferDescriptor.getScriptPanels()


Methods in oracle.ide.db.transfer with parameters of type Step
 void TransferDescriptor.setReconcilePanels(Step[] reconcilePanels)
 void TransferDescriptor.setScriptPanels(Step[] scriptPanels)


Uses of Step in oracle.ide.db.transfer.generate


Methods in oracle.ide.db.transfer.generate that return Step
protected  Step GenerateController.getChooseOpStep()
protected abstract  Step GenerateController.getManualReconcileStep()
protected abstract  Step GenerateController.getSourceStep()
static Step GenerateTargetRegistry.getSQLScriptStep()
          Utility method to get a wizard step for generating SQL scripts.
 Step[] GenerateTarget.getSteps()
          The Generate wizard includes any steps included here.
 Step[] GenerateTargetRegistry.getSteps(java.lang.Class<? extends TransferTarget> targ)
          Gets the wizard Steps to use for the given transfer target class.
protected abstract  Step GenerateController.getTargetStep()


Uses of Step in oracle.ide.migration


Method parameters in oracle.ide.migration with type arguments of type Step
static boolean MigrationWizard.runWizard(java.lang.String title, java.lang.String welcome, java.lang.String summary, TraversableContext context, java.util.List<Step> pages)
          Runs the MigrationWizard where users can choose what migration options they want and then migrate their files.


Uses of Step in oracle.ide.wizard


Methods in oracle.ide.wizard that return Step
static Step FinishPanel.newStep(java.lang.String finishText, java.lang.String descText, java.lang.String helpID)
          Convenience method for building a Step object for a FinishPanel based on the specified parameters.
static Step WelcomePanel.newStep(java.lang.String wizardName, java.lang.String welcomeText, java.lang.String descriptiveText, java.lang.String saveKey, java.lang.String helpID)
          Convenience method for building a Step object for a WelcomePanel based on the specified parameters.
static Step[] Step.newSteps(java.lang.String[] traversableClasses)
          Convenience method for creating an array of Step objects based on an array of strings that provide the fully qualified class names of the Traversables.


Methods in oracle.ide.wizard with parameters of type Step
 void GenericWizardLauncher.addPage(Step step)
          Adds the given step to the list of steps for the pages of the wizard.
 void GenericWizardLauncher.addPages(Step[] steps)
          Adds the given steps to the list of steps for the pages of the wizard.
protected  void Step.copyToImpl(Step copy)
 void FSMBuilder.newFinalState(java.lang.Object stateID, Step step)
          Tells the builder to create a new final state in the FSM.
static FSM FSMBuilder.newFSM(Step[] steps)
          Returns an FSM that is entirely based on the sequence of Steps specified.
 void FSMBuilder.newStartState(Step step, java.lang.Object defaultTargetStateID)
          Tells the builder to create a new start state in the FSM.
 void FSMBuilder.newState(java.lang.Object stateID, Step step, java.lang.Object defaultTargetStateID)
          Tells the builder to create a new non-final state in the FSM.
 void FSMBuilder.newState(java.lang.Object stateID, Step step, java.lang.Object defaultTargetStateID, boolean isFinalState)
          Tells the builder to create a new state in the FSM.


Constructors in oracle.ide.wizard with parameters of type Step
FSMBuilder(Step[] fsmSteps)
          Creates an FSMBuilder that is initialized to contain the specified Steps.
FSMWizard(Step[] steps, Namespace data)
          Creates a straight-through FSMWizard using the specified sequence of Steps.


Uses of Step in oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.dt.wizard.spi


Subclasses of Step in oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.dt.wizard.spi
 class DeployWizardStep
 class WizardStep


Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.dt.wizard.spi that return Step
 Step DefaultWizardState.getWizardStep()
 Step DeployActionsWizardState.getWizardStep()
 Step WizardState.getWizardStep()
protected static Step DeployToAppServerWizardState.makeStep(DeployAppServersToolkit appServersTk)


Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.dt.wizard.spi with parameters of type Step
protected  void AbstractWizardState.addFinalState(FSMBuilder builder, java.lang.Object stateId, Step step)
protected  void AbstractWizardState.addStartState(FSMBuilder builder, Step step, java.lang.Object defaultTran)
protected  void AbstractWizardState.addState(FSMBuilder builder, java.lang.Object stateId, Step step, java.lang.Object defaultTran)
 void DefaultWizardState.setWizardStep(Step step)
 void WizardState.setWizardStep(Step step)


Constructors in oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.dt.wizard.spi with parameters of type Step
DefaultWizardState(java.lang.Object stateId, java.lang.Object[] exitTransitions, Step step)
DeployToAppServerWizardState(java.lang.Object stateId, java.lang.Object[] exitTransitions, Step step)
DeployWizardState(java.lang.Object stateId, java.lang.Object[] exitTransitions, Step step)


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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (


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