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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (


Class AbstractTextBuffer

  extended by oracle.javatools.buffer.AbstractTextBuffer

All Implemented Interfaces:
ReadTextBuffer, TextBuffer

public abstract class AbstractTextBuffer
extends java.lang.Object
implements TextBuffer

The AbstractTextBuffer class is a starting point for classes implementing the TextBuffer interface. It takes care of providing a basic implementation for some of the functionality (such as locking or line map) of the TextBuffer interface.

This is declared package-private intentionally as it is part of the implementation, and not part of the published API.

Implementation Notes on Change Id

The Change ID is tagged to a "version" of a buffer's contents. It is guaranteed to be different for two versions of buffer contents that are different (but not vice versa.) It is used for two purposes:

Since change id's are taken from the set of int's, they will invariably repeat over time. This implementation should not be used for a buffer that is heavily modified over a very long period of time without clearing the modified state. For such purposes, this implementation should be changed to use a long field instead.

See Also:

Nested Class Summary
static class AbstractTextBuffer.UndoState
          The UndoState is a layer of indirection between the TextBuffer and UndoableTextEdit's to allow undo's to be detached from the TextBuffer and reattach to a TextBuffer with the same buffer contents.


Field Summary
protected  ReadWriteLock bufferLock
          The lock used for read/write locking.
protected static char[] EMPTY_CHARS
          Private constant for an empty array if trying to call getChars() with length 0.
protected static char EOF_MARKER
          Constant for marking the end of the buffer - primarily for debugging purposes.
protected static java.lang.String platformEOLType
          Stores the platform EOL type - default is Windows if we can't obtain one from the system.


Fields inherited from interface oracle.javatools.buffer.TextBuffer


Fields inherited from interface oracle.javatools.buffer.ReadTextBuffer


Constructor Summary
protected AbstractTextBuffer(ReadWriteLock lockToUse)
          Initialize this abstract class using the given lock instance to use.


Method Summary
 OffsetMark addOffsetMark(int offset)
          Create a new OffsetMark at the given location.
 OffsetMark addOffsetMark(int offset, boolean bias)
          Create a new OffsetMark at the given location.
 void addTextBufferListener(TextBufferListener listener)
          Registers the given observer to begin receiving notifications when changes are made to the text buffer either by an insert or remove.
 boolean addWriteLockRequestListener(WriteLockRequestListener listener)
          Add a write lock request listener on this text buffer.
 javax.swing.undo.UndoableEdit append(char[] data)
          Appends the indicated data into the text buffer at the end of the buffer.
protected  void applyInsert(int offset, char[] data, int oldChangeId)
          Re-inserts the data based on stored undo information.
protected  void applyRemove(int offset, char[] data, int oldChangeId)
          Re-removes the data based on stored undo information.
protected  boolean attachUndoState(AbstractTextBuffer.UndoState state)
          Reattach the UndoState to this TextBuffer.
 void beginEdit()
          Used to instruct to the text buffer to start a compound edit such that all the changes made between this point and when the endEdit() is called should be combined into a single UndoableEdit record.
 void clearModified()
          Clears the modification status of the buffer so that it indicates that it has not been modified.
protected  AbstractTextBuffer.UndoState copyUndoState()
          Copy the UndoState from this TextBuffer.
protected  AbstractTextBuffer.UndoState detachUndoState()
          Detach the UndoState from this TextBuffer.
 javax.swing.undo.UndoableEdit endEdit()
          Used to indicate to the text buffer to end an in progress compound edit.
 int getChangeId()
          Fetches a change, or incarnation, number that represents the current version of the buffer contents.
abstract  char getChar(int offset)
          Fetches the character from the given offset.
 char[] getChars(int offset, int length)
          Fetches a number of characters from the indicated offset in the buffer.
protected abstract  char[] getCharsImpl(int offset, int length)
          Internal version of getChars() for subclasses to override.
 java.lang.String getEOLType()
          Fetches the EOL terminator type found in the document when its data was read with read( Reader ).
abstract  int getLength()
          Fetches the number of characters in this buffer.
 LineMap getLineMap()
          Fetches a line map for the text buffer.
 int getLockStatus()
          Fetch the lock status for the current thread only.
 java.lang.String getPlatformEOLType()
          Fetches the default EOL terminator type associated with this platform as defined by the 'line.separator' property in the system properties.
 java.lang.String getString(int offset, int length)
          Fetches a number of characters from the indicated offset in the buffer and returns it as a String.
protected abstract  java.lang.String getStringImpl(int offset, int length)
          Internal version of getString() for subclasses to override.
 void getText(int offset, int length, javax.swing.text.Segment segment)
          Fetches the text contained within the given section of the TextBuffer The Segment object is provided by the caller.
protected abstract  void getTextImpl(int offset, int length, javax.swing.text.Segment segment)
          Internal version of getText() for subclasses to override.
 javax.swing.undo.UndoableEdit insert(int offset, char[] data)
          Inserts the indicated data into the text buffer at the given offset.
 javax.swing.undo.UndoableEdit insert(int offset, reader)
          Inserts the data from a Reader instance into the text buffer at the given offset.
protected  void insertImpl(int offset, char[] data)
          Internal version of insert() for subclasses to override.
protected abstract  void insertImpl(int offset, char[] data, int dataOffset, int dataLength)
          Internal version of insert() for subclasses to override.
 boolean isModified()
          Fetches whether the buffer has been modified since its modification flag was last reset.
 boolean isReadOnly()
          Fetches whether this TextBuffer is in read-only mode or not.
protected  javax.swing.undo.UndoableEdit normalizedInsert(int offset, char[] data)
          Inserts the indicated data into the text buffer at the given offset, without performing EOL normalization.
protected  void read(oracle.javatools.buffer.EOLNormalizer normalizer)
          Read implementation that takes care of locking, notification, undo, and so on, and delegates the read to a normalizer instance.
 void read(java.nio.channels.FileChannel channel, java.nio.charset.CharsetDecoder decoder)
          Replaces the current contents of the text buffer with the data from a file channel instance and given character set decorder.
 void read( reader)
          Replaces the current contents of the text buffer with the data from a reader instance.
 void readLock()
          Attempts to acquire a read lock on this text buffer for the purposes of reading the text buffer - this is a blocking call.
 void readUnlock()
          Releases a held read lock on this text buffer.
 javax.swing.undo.UndoableEdit remove(int offset, int count)
          Removes a range of data from the text buffer.
protected abstract  void removeImpl(int offset, int count)
          Internal version of remove() for subclasses to override.
 void removeOffsetMark(OffsetMark offsetMark)
          Remove an existing OffsetMark from the text buffer.
 void removeTextBufferListener(TextBufferListener listener)
          Unregisters the given observer from the notification list so that it will no longer receive change updates.
 javax.swing.undo.UndoableEdit removeToEnd(int offset)
          Removes data from the text buffer starting at the given offset to the end of the buffer.
 void removeWriteLockRequestListener(WriteLockRequestListener listener)
          Remove a write lock request listener from this text buffer.
 void setEOLType(java.lang.String eolType)
          Changes the EOL terminator type associated with this document to the type specified.
 void setReadOnly(boolean readOnly)
          Sets the read-only mode of this TextBuffer to the requested mode.
 boolean tryReadLock()
          Attempts to acquire a read lock on this buffer in a non-blocking manner.
 boolean tryWriteLock()
          Attempts to acquire a write lock on this text buffer in a non-blocking manner.
 void write( writer)
          Writes the current contents of the text buffer to a writer, and closes the writer.
 void write( writer, boolean clearModified)
          Writes the current contents of the text buffer to a writer, and closes the writer.
 void writeLock()
          Attempts to acquire a write lock on this text buffer for the purposes of writing to the text buffer - this is a blocking call.
 void writeLock(boolean checkIfReadOnly)
          Attempts to acquire a write lock on this text buffer for the purposes of writing to the text buffer - this is a blocking call.
 void writeUnlock()
          Releases a held write lock on this text buffer.


Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


Field Detail


protected static final char EOF_MARKER
Constant for marking the end of the buffer - primarily for debugging purposes.
See Also:
Constant Field Values


protected static final char[] EMPTY_CHARS
Private constant for an empty array if trying to call getChars() with length 0.


protected static java.lang.String platformEOLType
Stores the platform EOL type - default is Windows if we can't obtain one from the system.


protected final ReadWriteLock bufferLock
The lock used for read/write locking.

Constructor Detail


protected AbstractTextBuffer(ReadWriteLock lockToUse)
Initialize this abstract class using the given lock instance to use.
lockToUse - the ReadWriteLock instance to use for this buffer instance

Method Detail


public void setReadOnly(boolean readOnly)
Sets the read-only mode of this TextBuffer to the requested mode.
Specified by:
setReadOnly in interface TextBuffer
readOnly - the new mode to set, READ_ONLY to mark as read-only, WRITABLE to allow modifications


public boolean isReadOnly()
Fetches whether this TextBuffer is in read-only mode or not.
Specified by:
isReadOnly in interface TextBuffer
true if this text buffer is marked as read only


public abstract int getLength()
Fetches the number of characters in this buffer.
Specified by:
getLength in interface ReadTextBuffer
length of buffer


public abstract char getChar(int offset)
                      throws java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException
Fetches the character from the given offset.
Specified by:
getChar in interface ReadTextBuffer
offset - the offset in the buffer to get the character from
the character at the given offset
java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException - if offset is invalid


public char[] getChars(int offset,
                       int length)
                throws java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException
Fetches a number of characters from the indicated offset in the buffer. If length is zero, implementations should return a zero-length array, such as AbstractTextBuffer.EMPTY_CHARS.
Specified by:
getChars in interface ReadTextBuffer
offset - the offset in the buffer to start from
length - number of characters to fetch
an array containing the requested characters
java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException - if offset or length are invalid


protected abstract char[] getCharsImpl(int offset,
                                       int length)
                                throws java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException
Internal version of getChars() for subclasses to override. Fetches a number of characters from the indicated offset in the buffer.
offset - the offset in the buffer to start from
length - number of characters to fetch
an array containing the requested characters
java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException - if offset or length are invalid


public java.lang.String getString(int offset,
                                  int length)
                           throws java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException
Fetches a number of characters from the indicated offset in the buffer and returns it as a String. If the length is zero, a zero-length String will be returned.
Specified by:
getString in interface ReadTextBuffer
offset - the offset in the buffer to start from
length - number of characters to fetch
a String containing the requested characters
java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException - if offset or length are invalid


protected abstract java.lang.String getStringImpl(int offset,
                                                  int length)
                                           throws java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException
Internal version of getString() for subclasses to override. Fetches a number of characters from the indicated offset in the buffer as a String
offset - the offset in the buffer to start from
length - number of characters to fetch
a String containing the requested characters
java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException - if offset or length are invalid


public void getText(int offset,
                    int length,
                    javax.swing.text.Segment segment)
             throws java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException
Fetches the text contained within the given section of the TextBuffer The Segment object is provided by the caller.
Specified by:
getText in interface ReadTextBuffer
offset - the offset into the buffer representing the desired start of the data >= 0
length - the length of the desired data >= 0
segment - the caller's Segment object to return the data in
See Also:
Document.getText(int, int)


protected abstract void getTextImpl(int offset,
                                    int length,
                                    javax.swing.text.Segment segment)
                             throws java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException
Internal version of getText() for subclasses to override. Fetches the text contained within the given section of the TextBuffer The Segment object is provided by the caller.
offset - the offset into the buffer representing the desired start of the data >= 0
length - the length of the desired data >= 0
segment - the caller's Segment object to return the data in
See Also:
Document.getText(int, int)


public javax.swing.undo.UndoableEdit insert(int offset,
                                            char[] data)
                                     throws ReadOnlyException
Inserts the indicated data into the text buffer at the given offset. This causes all registered TextBufferListeners to be notified by calling insertUpdate().
Specified by:
insert in interface TextBuffer
offset - the offset at which to insert the new data
data - the text to insert
an UndoableEdit representing this insert change unless a compound edit is in progress
ReadOnlyException - if the buffer is in read only mode
See Also:
TextBuffer.beginEdit(), TextBuffer.endEdit(), TextBuffer.addTextBufferListener(oracle.javatools.buffer.TextBufferListener), TextBuffer.removeTextBufferListener(oracle.javatools.buffer.TextBufferListener)


protected javax.swing.undo.UndoableEdit normalizedInsert(int offset,
                                                         char[] data)
                                                  throws ReadOnlyException
Inserts the indicated data into the text buffer at the given offset, without performing EOL normalization. This should only be called if you know that the given data only contains '\n' terminators. This causes all registered TextBufferListeners to be notified by calling insertUpdate().
offset - the offset at which to insert the new data
data - the text to insert
an UndoableEdit representing this insert change unless a compound edit is in progress
ReadOnlyException - if the buffer is in read only mode


protected void applyInsert(int offset,
                           char[] data,
                           int oldChangeId)
                    throws ReadOnlyException
Re-inserts the data based on stored undo information. This will also restore the change id information so that when the insertUpdate() is fired, the information in the text buffer is correct. This method must be kept in sync with the one above (minus Undo support.)
offset - the offset at which to insert the old data
data - the text to insert
oldChangeId - what to restore the old change id to


public javax.swing.undo.UndoableEdit append(char[] data)
                                     throws ReadOnlyException
Appends the indicated data into the text buffer at the end of the buffer. This is a convenience routine which simply performs an insert at the end of the buffer.
Specified by:
append in interface TextBuffer
data - the text to insert
the UndoableEdit representing the append performed if a compound edit is not in progress
ReadOnlyException - if the buffer is in read only mode
See Also:
TextBuffer.insert(int, char[]), TextBuffer.beginEdit(), TextBuffer.endEdit(), TextBuffer.addTextBufferListener(oracle.javatools.buffer.TextBufferListener), TextBuffer.removeTextBufferListener(oracle.javatools.buffer.TextBufferListener)


protected void insertImpl(int offset,
                          char[] data)
Internal version of insert() for subclasses to override. Inserts the indicated data into the text buffer at the given offset.
offset - the offset at which to insert the new data
data - the text to insert


protected abstract void insertImpl(int offset,
                                   char[] data,
                                   int dataOffset,
                                   int dataLength)
Internal version of insert() for subclasses to override. Inserts the indicated data into the text buffer at the given offset.
offset - the offset at which to insert the new data
data - the text to insert
dataOffset - the offset in the array where the data starts
dataLength - the length of the data to insert


public javax.swing.undo.UndoableEdit remove(int offset,
                                            int count)
                                     throws ReadOnlyException
Removes a range of data from the text buffer. This causes all registered TextBufferListeners to be notified by calling removeUpdate().
Specified by:
remove in interface TextBuffer
offset - the offset at which to remove data
count - number of characters to remove
an UndoableEdit representing this remove change unless a compound edit is in progress
ReadOnlyException - if the buffer is in read only mode
See Also:
TextBuffer.beginEdit(), TextBuffer.endEdit()


protected void applyRemove(int offset,
                           char[] data,
                           int oldChangeId)
                    throws ReadOnlyException
Re-removes the data based on stored undo information. This will also restore the change id information so that when the removeUpdate() is fired, the information in the text buffer is correct. This method must be kept in sync with the one above (minus Undo support.)
offset - the offset at which to remove the old data
data - the data that was removed
oldChangeId - what to restore the old change id to


public javax.swing.undo.UndoableEdit removeToEnd(int offset)
                                          throws ReadOnlyException
Removes data from the text buffer starting at the given offset to the end of the buffer. This is a convenience routine which simply calls remove in turn.
Specified by:
removeToEnd in interface TextBuffer
offset - the offset at which to remove data
the UndoableEdit representing the remove performed if a compound edit is not in progress
ReadOnlyException - if the buffer is in read only mode
See Also:
TextBuffer.remove(int, int), TextBuffer.beginEdit(), TextBuffer.endEdit()


protected abstract void removeImpl(int offset,
                                   int count)
Internal version of remove() for subclasses to override. Removes a range of data from the text buffer.
offset - the offset at which to remove data
count - number of characters to remove


public LineMap getLineMap()
Fetches a line map for the text buffer. This can be used to locate line boundaries as well as map from lines to offsets (and vice versa.)
Specified by:
getLineMap in interface TextBuffer
the line map for the text buffer


public void addTextBufferListener(TextBufferListener listener)
Registers the given observer to begin receiving notifications when changes are made to the text buffer either by an insert or remove. Since the change notification is sent on the same thread making the change, observers can assume that a read lock has already been acquired for the duration of the notification (on the notification thread.)
Specified by:
addTextBufferListener in interface TextBuffer
listener - the observer to register
See Also:


public void removeTextBufferListener(TextBufferListener listener)
Unregisters the given observer from the notification list so that it will no longer receive change updates.
Specified by:
removeTextBufferListener in interface TextBuffer
listener - the observer to unregister


public void readLock()
Attempts to acquire a read lock on this text buffer for the purposes of reading the text buffer - this is a blocking call. Note that this is equivalent to a shared lock - multiple concurrent readers are allowed to acquire the read lock. Note that a readLock must be acquired when using a LineMap.
Specified by:
readLock in interface ReadTextBuffer
See Also:
TextBuffer.getLineMap(), TextBuffer.writeLock()


public boolean tryReadLock()
Attempts to acquire a read lock on this buffer in a non-blocking manner. Returns true if a read lock was acquired, or false if a read lock could not be acquired. This call returns immediately. Note that successful calls to tryReadLock() (i.e., where it returns true) must be matched by a call to readUnlock().
Specified by:
tryReadLock in interface ReadTextBuffer
true if the lock was acquired, false if the lock was not acquired
See Also:


public void readUnlock()
Releases a held read lock on this text buffer.
Specified by:
readUnlock in interface ReadTextBuffer


public int getLockStatus()
Fetch the lock status for the current thread only. Returns LOCK_STATUS_WRITE if the current thread holds a write lock on this buffer (TextBuffer instances only), LOCK_STATUS_READ if the current thread holds a read lock on this buffer, LOCK_STATUS_NONE if the current thread does not hold any locks on this buffer, or LOCK_STATUS_UNSUPPORTED if this ReadTextBuffer implementation does not support locking.
Specified by:
getLockStatus in interface ReadTextBuffer
one of the lock status constants indicating the state of the current thread's locks on this buffer


public void writeLock()
               throws ReadOnlyException
Attempts to acquire a write lock on this text buffer for the purposes of writing to the text buffer - this is a blocking call. Note that this is equivalent to a exclusive lock - clients requesting a read lock are blocked until the write lock is freed.

Clients may acquire a writeLock explicitly if they have multiple changes to make in the text buffer, to ensure that the changes will not be interleaved with another client's changes.

Specified by:
writeLock in interface TextBuffer
ReadOnlyException - if the buffer is in read only mode
See Also:


public void writeLock(boolean checkIfReadOnly)
               throws ReadOnlyException
Attempts to acquire a write lock on this text buffer for the purposes of writing to the text buffer - this is a blocking call. Note that this is equivalent to a exclusive lock - clients requesting a read lock are blocked until the write lock is freed.

Clients may acquire a writeLock explicitly if they have multiple changes to make in the text buffer, to ensure that the changes will not be interleaved with another client's changes.

This version of the writeLock() method takes a boolean parameter that controls whether or not an exception is thrown if you attempt to acquire a write lock on a read only text buffer. Note that in most cases, clients should pass true (or use the writeLock() method that takes no arguments) so that they are immediately notified that write operations will fail.

Specified by:
writeLock in interface TextBuffer
ReadOnlyException - if the buffer is in read only mode and checkIfReadOnly is true
See Also:


public boolean tryWriteLock()
                     throws ReadOnlyException
Attempts to acquire a write lock on this text buffer in a non-blocking manner. Returns true if the write lock was acquired, or false if a write lock could not be acquired. This call returns immediately. Note that successful calls to tryWriteLock() (i.e., where it returns true) must be matched by a call to writeUnlock().
Specified by:
tryWriteLock in interface TextBuffer
true if the lock was acquired, false if the lock was not acquired
ReadOnlyException - if the buffer is in read only mode
See Also:
TextBuffer.writeLock(), ReadTextBuffer.tryReadLock()


public void writeUnlock()
Releases a held write lock on this text buffer.
Specified by:
writeUnlock in interface TextBuffer


public boolean addWriteLockRequestListener(WriteLockRequestListener listener)
Description copied from interface: TextBuffer
Add a write lock request listener on this text buffer.
Specified by:
addWriteLockRequestListener in interface TextBuffer
listener - the listener to be addded
true if there are already other threads waiting for the write lock, false otherwise


public void removeWriteLockRequestListener(WriteLockRequestListener listener)
Description copied from interface: TextBuffer
Remove a write lock request listener from this text buffer.
Specified by:
removeWriteLockRequestListener in interface TextBuffer
listener - the listener to be removed


public void beginEdit()
               throws ReadOnlyException
Used to instruct to the text buffer to start a compound edit such that all the changes made between this point and when the endEdit() is called should be combined into a single UndoableEdit record. This guarantees to the client that the buffer will be locked for the duration between beginEdit() and endEdit() for data consistency. This also takes care of locking the buffer, and collecting the individual UndoableEdit objects into a larger compound one.

Note that compound edits may not be nested - it is illegal to call beginEdit() twice in a row without calling endEdit() in between.

Specified by:
beginEdit in interface TextBuffer
ReadOnlyException - if the buffer is in read only mode
See Also:


public javax.swing.undo.UndoableEdit endEdit()
Used to indicate to the text buffer to end an in progress compound edit. This will end the compound edit and returned the single combined UndoableEdit representing all of the changes made between the calls to beginEdit() and endEdit().
Specified by:
endEdit in interface TextBuffer
the UndoableEdit representing all the changes made
See Also:


public boolean isModified()
Fetches whether the buffer has been modified since its modification flag was last reset.
Specified by:
isModified in interface TextBuffer
whether the buffer has been modified


public void clearModified()
Clears the modification status of the buffer so that it indicates that it has not been modified.
Specified by:
clearModified in interface TextBuffer


public int getChangeId()
Fetches a change, or incarnation, number that represents the current version of the buffer contents. The incarnation numbers of the buffer before and after a mutation (insert, remove, read, append, removeToEnd) are guaranteed to be different (though not necessarily sequential), and unique until the set of int's is exhausted (at which point they may repeat.)
Specified by:
getChangeId in interface TextBuffer
the current change id of the buffer


public void read( reader)
Replaces the current contents of the text buffer with the data from a reader instance. Previous contents are discarded. Currently this operation is not undoable. If an error occurs while reading the file, the contents of the file will simply be empty.
Specified by:
read in interface TextBuffer
reader - a Reader instance from which to read text data
Throws: - as thrown by the stream if an error occurs while reading data


public void read(java.nio.channels.FileChannel channel,
                 java.nio.charset.CharsetDecoder decoder)
Replaces the current contents of the text buffer with the data from a file channel instance and given character set decorder. Previous contents are discarded. Currently, this operation is not undoable. If an error occurs while reading the file, the contents of the file will simply be empty. This operation cannot be performed while a compound edit is in progress.
channel - a FileChannel instance to use for reading text data
Throws: - as thrown by the channel if an error occurs while reading data


protected void read(oracle.javatools.buffer.EOLNormalizer normalizer)
Read implementation that takes care of locking, notification, undo, and so on, and delegates the read to a normalizer instance.
normalizer - the read normalizer to use


public javax.swing.undo.UndoableEdit insert(int offset,
Inserts the data from a Reader instance into the text buffer at the given offset. This causes all registered TextBufferListeners to be notified by calling insertUpdate().
Specified by:
insert in interface TextBuffer
offset - the offset at which to insert the new data
reader - a Reader instance from which to read text data
the UndoableEdit representing the insert performed if a compound edit is not in progress
Throws: - as thrown by the stream if an error occurs while reading data
ReadOnlyException - if the buffer is in read only mode
See Also:
TextBuffer.beginEdit(), TextBuffer.endEdit(), TextBuffer.addTextBufferListener(oracle.javatools.buffer.TextBufferListener), TextBuffer.removeTextBufferListener(oracle.javatools.buffer.TextBufferListener)


public void write( writer)
Writes the current contents of the text buffer to a writer, and closes the writer. If an exception occurs, the writer is not closed: the destination document may or may not have been altered, depending on the writer. This operation cannot be performed while a compound edit is in progress and is not undoable.

The modified state of the buffer is cleared. Clearing the modified state, if not already cleared, will safely take a write lock, which means that if the caller of this method holds a read lock, that read lock will be released and reacquired during the execution of this method.

Specified by:
write in interface TextBuffer
writer - a Writer to which to write buffer contents.
Throws: - if the write throws IOException.


public void write( writer,
                  boolean clearModified)
Writes the current contents of the text buffer to a writer, and closes the writer. If an exception occurs, the writer is not closed: the destination document may or may not have been altered, depending on the writer. This operation cannot be performed while a compound edit is in progress and is not undoable.

If the buffer state needs to be cleared, this method will safely take a write lock, which means that if the caller of this method holds a read lock, that read lock will be released and reacquired during the execution of this method.

Specified by:
write in interface TextBuffer
writer - a Writer to which to write buffer contents.
clearModified - whether to clear the modified state of the buffer.
Throws: - if the write throws IOException.


public java.lang.String getPlatformEOLType()
Fetches the default EOL terminator type associated with this platform as defined by the 'line.separator' property in the system properties.
Specified by:
getPlatformEOLType in interface TextBuffer
the platform default EOL terminator


public java.lang.String getEOLType()
Fetches the EOL terminator type found in the document when its data was read with read( Reader ). The default EOL terminator is defined as the predominant (majority) terminator used in the document.
Specified by:
getEOLType in interface TextBuffer
the default EOL terminator for the document, to be used when writing the document back out


public void setEOLType(java.lang.String eolType)
                throws ReadOnlyException
Changes the EOL terminator type associated with this document to the type specified. This allows clients to force the buffer to be saved with an EOL terminator for a particular platform type.
Specified by:
setEOLType in interface TextBuffer
eolType - the EOL terminator type to use
ReadOnlyException - if the buffer is in read only mode


public OffsetMark addOffsetMark(int offset)
Create a new OffsetMark at the given location.
Specified by:
addOffsetMark in interface TextBuffer
offset - the offset to stick to
the OffsetMark for tracking the offset
See Also:
OffsetMark, TextBuffer.removeOffsetMark(oracle.javatools.buffer.OffsetMark)


public OffsetMark addOffsetMark(int offset,
                                boolean bias)
Create a new OffsetMark at the given location. The bias can be either OffsetMark.BIAS_RIGHT or OffsetMark.BIAS_LEFT.
Specified by:
addOffsetMark in interface TextBuffer
offset - the offset to stick to
bias - the side of the offset to bias or stick to
the OffsetMark for tracking the offset
See Also:
OffsetMark, TextBuffer.removeOffsetMark(oracle.javatools.buffer.OffsetMark)


public void removeOffsetMark(OffsetMark offsetMark)
Remove an existing OffsetMark from the text buffer. Since OffsetMarks persist until they are removed explicitly, clients must remove OffsetMarks they created to ensure proper resource release.
Specified by:
removeOffsetMark in interface TextBuffer
offsetMark - the mark to remove
See Also:
OffsetMark, addOffsetMark(int)


protected AbstractTextBuffer.UndoState detachUndoState()
Detach the UndoState from this TextBuffer.
the UndoState


protected AbstractTextBuffer.UndoState copyUndoState()
Copy the UndoState from this TextBuffer.
the UndoState as an opaque object


protected boolean attachUndoState(AbstractTextBuffer.UndoState state)
Reattach the UndoState to this TextBuffer.
state -
true if the UndoState can be reattached successfully

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