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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (


Class DatabaseDescriptor<T extends Database>

  extended by oracle.javatools.db.DatabaseDescriptor<T>

public abstract class DatabaseDescriptor<T extends Database>
extends java.lang.Object

Interface used to describe the behaviour of a Database. This class abstracts out any behaviour from Database that does not require a physical connection.

See Also:
DatabaseFactory.getDatabaseDescriptor(Class), DBObjectProvider.getDescriptor()

Field Summary
static java.lang.String FEATURE_BITMAP_INDEXING
static java.lang.String FEATURE_COLUMN_SEQUENCES
static java.lang.String FEATURE_FREEPOOLS
static java.lang.String FEATURE_LOB_PARAMETERS
static java.lang.String FEATURE_MAXTRANS
static java.lang.String FEATURE_RETENTION
static java.lang.String FEATURE_STORAGE_OPTIONS
static java.lang.String FEATURE_TABLE_PARTITIONING
static java.lang.String FEATURE_XMLTYPE_COL_PROPS


Constructor Summary
protected DatabaseDescriptor(java.lang.Class<? extends T> clz)
protected DatabaseDescriptor(DatabaseDescriptor base)


Method Summary
 DataTypeUsage createDefaultTypeUsage()
          Creates a default usage of a data type for use in a new Column, PlSqlMethod etc.
protected  DatabaseDescriptor getBaseDescriptor()
          If this descriptor is a customisation of a base descriptor, this method returns that base descriptor.
abstract  int getCasePolicy()
          Returns the case policy for unquoted names of the Database being described
protected  java.lang.Class<? extends T> getDatabaseClass()
          Implementations must return the database class they are describing here for the data type support to work.
abstract  java.lang.String getDatabaseType()
          Gets a String representing the type of database.
abstract  int getDatabaseVersion()
          Gets an int representing the version of the database type.
 DataType getDataType(java.lang.String typeName)
          Gets the datatype with given name.
 DDLGenerator getDDLGenerator(DBObjectProvider pro)
          Gets a DDLGenerator that will generate DDL for the type of Database represented by this descriptor, setup to work with the given provider.
 java.lang.String getExternalName(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String objectType)
          Converts the specified name into the format used externally to represent the identifier.
abstract  java.util.List<PropertyInitializer> getExternalPropertyDefaulters(DBObjectProvider pro)
          Gets a list of PropertyInitializers responsible for defining the default value for properties when generated to an external database represented by the given provider.
 java.nio.charset.Charset getIdeCharset()
abstract  java.lang.String getIdentifierQuoteString()
          Returns the identifier quote string for the Database being described.
 java.lang.String getInternalName(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String objectType)
          Converts the specified name into the format used internally within the metadata.
abstract  int getMaxNameLength(java.lang.String type)
          Returns the maximum length for a name of the given type.
abstract  java.util.List<PropertyInitializer> getPropertyInitializers(DBObjectProvider pro)
          Gets a list of PropertyInitializers responsible for defining the initial value for properties in the given provider.
 int getQuotedNameCasePolicy()
          Returns the case policy for quoted names of the Database being described.
 SQLQueryBuilderFactory getSQLQueryBuilderFactory()
          Gets the SQLQueryBuilderFactory implementation for creating a SQLQueryBuilder for this database type.
abstract  java.util.Map<java.lang.String,DBObjectValidator> getValidators(DBObjectProvider pro)
          Gets a map of object type (e.g.
abstract  boolean isCompatibleUpgrade(java.lang.Class<? extends Database> dbClz, java.lang.Class<? extends Database> testClz)
          Returns true if the given testClz is a compatible upgrade path for a user of the given dbClz.
 boolean isValidFKDataType(DataType fktype, DataType reftype)
          Assesses if the datatype of a foreign key column is valid given the datatype of the column which it references.
protected  boolean isValidFKDataTypeImpl(DataType fktype, DataType reftype)
 boolean isValidName(java.lang.String type, java.lang.String name)
          Checks to see whether a name is valid.
 java.util.Collection<java.lang.String> listPreferredDataTypeNames()
          Override to provide the names of the prefered types for the described database.
 java.util.Collection<DataType> listPreferredDataTypes()
          Lists the preferred datatypes of this provider.
 java.util.Collection<DataType> listSupportedDataTypes()
          Lists the datatypes supported by the described database type.
abstract  void makeNameValidAndUnique(DBObject object, DBObjectProvider pro)
          Attempts to set a valid unique name for the given object.
protected  boolean needsQuoting(java.lang.String internalName)
          Determines whether internalName needs quoting to make it a valid external name.
 java.lang.String quoteIdentifier(java.lang.String internalName, boolean force)
          Determines if internalName needs quoting to make it a valid external name, and if so returns a quoted copy of it.
 void setIdeCharset(java.nio.charset.Charset charSet)
 boolean supportsFeature(java.lang.String feature)
          Returns true if feature is supported by the Database described by this DatabaseDescriptor.
 void validateEncoding(java.lang.String string, java.lang.Object property)
          Tests whether the given string is encoded property for the given property.
static void validateIdentifier(java.lang.String identifier, char quoter, int maxLength, java.lang.String allowedChars, boolean alphaStart, java.util.Set reservedWords, int casePolicy)
          Validates that name is a valid external name such that : If the name is unquoted (does not start with quoter), it only contains alphanumeric and allowedChars characters. If the name is unquoted, and alphaStart is true, it starts with a letter. If the name is unquoted, it does not contain any reservedWords. If the name is quoted (starts with quoter), it is correctly quoted, and does not include any excludedChars. If the name is quoted, and quoter is not in excludedChars, that any occurences of quoter are escaped (doubled-up). The name does not exceed maxLength, taking quotes into account. Used by the more specific validate*Identifier() methods on the Database implementations.
static void validateIdentifier(java.lang.String identifier, char quoter, int maxLength, java.lang.String allowedChars, java.lang.String excludedChars, boolean alphaStart, java.util.Set reservedWords, int casePolicy)
          Validates that name is a valid external name such that : If the name is unquoted (does not start with quoter), it only contains alphanumeric and allowedChars characters. If the name is unquoted, and alphaStart is true, it starts with a letter. If the name is unquoted, it does not contain any reservedWords. If the name is quoted (starts with quoter), it is correctly quoted, and does not include any excludedChars. If the name is quoted, and quoter is not in excludedChars, that any occurences of quoter are escaped (doubled-up). The name does not exceed maxLength, taking quotes into account. Used by the more specific validate*Identifier() methods on the Database implementations.
abstract  void validateName(java.lang.String type, java.lang.String name)
          Validates the given object name and throws an InvalidNameExcpetion if it isn't valid for the Database being described.


Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


Field Detail


public static final java.lang.String FEATURE_TABLE_PARTITIONING
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String FEATURE_GLOBAL_HASH_INDEX_PARTITIONING
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String FEATURE_COLUMN_SEQUENCES
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String FEATURE_STORAGE_OPTIONS
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String FEATURE_BITMAP_INDEXING
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String FEATURE_LOB_PARAMETERS
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String FEATURE_RETENTION
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String FEATURE_FREEPOOLS
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String FEATURE_MAXTRANS
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String FEATURE_XMLTYPE_COL_PROPS
See Also:
Constant Field Values

Constructor Detail


protected DatabaseDescriptor(java.lang.Class<? extends T> clz)


protected DatabaseDescriptor(DatabaseDescriptor base)

Method Detail


protected final java.lang.Class<? extends T> getDatabaseClass()
Implementations must return the database class they are describing here for the data type support to work.


public abstract java.lang.String getDatabaseType()
Gets a String representing the type of database. This is usually a constant defined on an extension of the Database interface for a specific database type (e.g. oracle.javatools.db.ora.OracleDatabase).


public abstract int getDatabaseVersion()
Gets an int representing the version of the database type. This is not necessarily the version number corresponding to a published version, rather an integer used by the api implementation - i.e. it is for comparison only, and not display.


protected DatabaseDescriptor getBaseDescriptor()
If this descriptor is a customisation of a base descriptor, this method returns that base descriptor.


public void setIdeCharset(java.nio.charset.Charset charSet)


public java.nio.charset.Charset getIdeCharset()


public abstract boolean isCompatibleUpgrade(java.lang.Class<? extends Database> dbClz,
                                            java.lang.Class<? extends Database> testClz)
Returns true if the given testClz is a compatible upgrade path for a user of the given dbClz.

e.g. if testClz is Oracle9i and dbClz is Oracle11g this will return true because 11g is an upgrade to 9i.

This will only work reliably if called on the descriptor appropriate to dbClz (i.e. returned by DatabaseFactory.getDatabaseDescriptor(Class);

dbClz - the current database class
testClz - the class to test as a compatible upgrade
true if testClz is an upgraded version of dbClz


public final boolean isValidName(java.lang.String type,
                                 java.lang.String name)
Checks to see whether a name is valid. Note that a valid name does not guarantee uniqueness. The default implementation is allow all names.
name - the name to check
whether the name is valid


public abstract void validateName(java.lang.String type,
                                  java.lang.String name)
                           throws InvalidNameException
Validates the given object name and throws an InvalidNameExcpetion if it isn't valid for the Database being described. The type parameter is optional and gives the type of the object whose name is being validated. The name expected is a "external name" i.e. one that is quoted if necessary.
See Also:
DBObjectProvider.getExternalName(java.lang.String), DBObjectProvider.getInternalName(java.lang.String)


public abstract int getCasePolicy()
Returns the case policy for unquoted names of the Database being described
the Database's case policy for unquoted names
See Also:


public int getQuotedNameCasePolicy()
Returns the case policy for quoted names of the Database being described. This default implementation assumes that quoted names are case sensitive and returns CASE_SENSITIVE_NAME_POLICY. Override where this isn't true, e.g SQLServer.
the Database's case policy for quoted names
See Also:


public abstract java.lang.String getIdentifierQuoteString()
Returns the identifier quote string for the Database being described.


public abstract int getMaxNameLength(java.lang.String type)
Returns the maximum length for a name of the given type.


public boolean supportsFeature(java.lang.String feature)
Returns true if feature is supported by the Database described by this DatabaseDescriptor. This default implementation returns false. It should be overridden where the feature is supported.
feature - : name of feature
true if feature supported otherwise false


public void validateEncoding(java.lang.String string,
                             java.lang.Object property)
                      throws ValidationException
Tests whether the given string is encoded property for the given property.
string - the string to test
property - the property identifier that the string is a value for
ValidationException - if the encoding is invalid


protected boolean needsQuoting(java.lang.String internalName)
Determines whether internalName needs quoting to make it a valid external name. A name will need quoting if it contains non standard characters, or if the database defines a case policy and internalName is in a different case, e.g Oracle converts lower and mixed case names to upper case unless they are quoted. Therefore, if the internal name is lower or mixed case, it will need quoting to make it a valid external name.
internalName -
true if internalName needs quoting


public java.lang.String quoteIdentifier(java.lang.String internalName,
                                        boolean force)
                                 throws DBException
Determines if internalName needs quoting to make it a valid external name, and if so returns a quoted copy of it. If it doesn't need quoting, it returns the name unquoted. If internalName is empty, or quoted names aren't supported by the provider and the name isn't valid, it returns null.
internalName -
force - Always quote the name
the quoted name


public java.lang.String getInternalName(java.lang.String name,
                                        java.lang.String objectType)
Converts the specified name into the format used internally within the metadata. Generally, internal names are not quoted; quoted names have the quotes removed. Unquoted names may be converted to a single case if the underlying provider does not support mixed case identifiers.
name - a String containing the name to convert
objectType - the type of object the name is for
the internal version of the name


public java.lang.String getExternalName(java.lang.String name,
                                        java.lang.String objectType)
Converts the specified name into the format used externally to represent the identifier. In most case, this is equivalent to calling quoteIdentifier, specifying false for the force argument. Note, however, that exceptions are not thrown; rather, the original name will be returned.
name - a String containing the name to externalize
a String containing the externalized name


public abstract java.util.Map<java.lang.String,DBObjectValidator> getValidators(DBObjectProvider pro)
Gets a map of object type (e.g. Table.TYPE) to DBObjectValidator responsible for validating that type for the described database type. The given provider is used on construction of the validator, but not to determine which validators to return, that is governed by this descriptor.


public abstract java.util.List<PropertyInitializer> getPropertyInitializers(DBObjectProvider pro)
Gets a list of PropertyInitializers responsible for defining the initial value for properties in the given provider. The given provider is used on construction of the PropertyInitializer, but not to determine which to return, that is governed by this descriptor.


public abstract java.util.List<PropertyInitializer> getExternalPropertyDefaulters(DBObjectProvider pro)
Gets a list of PropertyInitializers responsible for defining the default value for properties when generated to an external database represented by the given provider. The given provider is used on construction of the PropertyInitializer, but not to determine which to return, that is governed by this descriptor.


public DDLGenerator getDDLGenerator(DBObjectProvider pro)
Gets a DDLGenerator that will generate DDL for the type of Database represented by this descriptor, setup to work with the given provider. Can return null if there is no DDLGenerator for this descriptor's database type.

Note the parameter is a DBObjectProvider. All DDLGenerator implementations must be instantiable with a DBObjectProvider so that generic features (like the offline database) can leverage DDL generation for all supported databases.

pro - the provider to initialise the DDLGenerator with
a DDLGenerator for this descriptor's DDL flavour.


public SQLQueryBuilderFactory getSQLQueryBuilderFactory()
Gets the SQLQueryBuilderFactory implementation for creating a SQLQueryBuilder for this database type.
a SQLQueryBuilderFactory, used to a createSQLQueryBuilder. Returns null if SQL isn't supported for this database type.


public java.util.Collection<DataType> listSupportedDataTypes()
Lists the datatypes supported by the described database type.


public final java.util.Collection<DataType> listPreferredDataTypes()
Lists the preferred datatypes of this provider. This is an optional method to implement that will drive the preference of the returned types in parts of the UI where datatypes are selected.


public java.util.Collection<java.lang.String> listPreferredDataTypeNames()
Override to provide the names of the prefered types for the described database.
See Also:


public DataTypeUsage createDefaultTypeUsage()
Creates a default usage of a data type for use in a new Column, PlSqlMethod etc. If listPreferredDataTypes() returns any types, this will be a usage of the first type in that list. Otherwise a VARCHAR or CHAR type will be searched for and a usage of that returned.
the default datatype usage for this database. This can be null.


public DataType getDataType(java.lang.String typeName)
Gets the datatype with given name. Will return null if the given datatype is not supported by the described database type.
typeName - the type to get
the corresponding DataType object, or null if the given type name isn't supported.


public final boolean isValidFKDataType(DataType fktype,
                                       DataType reftype)
Assesses if the datatype of a foreign key column is valid given the datatype of the column which it references.
fktype - the datatype of the column in the foreign key
reftype - the datatype of the column in the parent table's referenced constraint
true if the reference datatype is valid for the target datatype, false otherwise.


protected boolean isValidFKDataTypeImpl(DataType fktype,
                                        DataType reftype)


public static void validateIdentifier(java.lang.String identifier,
                                      char quoter,
                                      int maxLength,
                                      java.lang.String allowedChars,
                                      java.lang.String excludedChars,
                                      boolean alphaStart,
                                      java.util.Set reservedWords,
                                      int casePolicy)
                               throws InvalidNameException
Validates that name is a valid external name such that :
  1. If the name is unquoted (does not start with quoter), it only contains alphanumeric and allowedChars characters.
  2. If the name is unquoted, and alphaStart is true, it starts with a letter.
  3. If the name is unquoted, it does not contain any reservedWords.
  4. If the name is quoted (starts with quoter), it is correctly quoted, and does not include any excludedChars.
  5. If the name is quoted, and quoter is not in excludedChars, that any occurences of quoter are escaped (doubled-up).
  6. The name does not exceed maxLength, taking quotes into account.
Used by the more specific validate*Identifier() methods on the Database implementations.
identifier - the external name to check
quoter - the quote string (e.g. " )
maxLength - the maximum length a name can be (not including quotes)
allowedChars - characters that are allowed in an unquoted identifier (aswell as alphanumerics)
excludedChars - characters that are not allowed in quoted identifiers.
alphaStart - whether to enforce that the unquoted identifiers must start with an alphabet character.
reservedWords - Set of words that are reserved in the database
casePolicy - the case policy to use
InvalidNameException - with an appropriate message if the identifier isn't valid.


public static void validateIdentifier(java.lang.String identifier,
                                      char quoter,
                                      int maxLength,
                                      java.lang.String allowedChars,
                                      boolean alphaStart,
                                      java.util.Set reservedWords,
                                      int casePolicy)
                               throws InvalidNameException
Validates that name is a valid external name such that :
  1. If the name is unquoted (does not start with quoter), it only contains alphanumeric and allowedChars characters.
  2. If the name is unquoted, and alphaStart is true, it starts with a letter.
  3. If the name is unquoted, it does not contain any reservedWords.
  4. If the name is quoted (starts with quoter), it is correctly quoted, and does not include any excludedChars.
  5. If the name is quoted, and quoter is not in excludedChars, that any occurences of quoter are escaped (doubled-up).
  6. The name does not exceed maxLength, taking quotes into account.
Used by the more specific validate*Identifier() methods on the Database implementations.
identifier - the external name to check
quoter - the quote string (e.g. " )
maxLength - the maximum length a name can be (not including quotes)
allowedChars - characters that are allowed in an unquoted identifier (aswell as alphanumerics)
alphaStart - whether to enforce that the unquoted identifiers must start with an alphabet character.
reservedWords - Set of words that are reserved in the database
casePolicy - the case policy to use
InvalidNameException - with an appropraite message if the identifier isn't valid.


public abstract void makeNameValidAndUnique(DBObject object,
                                            DBObjectProvider pro)
                                     throws InvalidNameException
Attempts to set a valid unique name for the given object. If this is not possible, throws InvalidNameException.

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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (


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