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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (


Uses of Interface

Packages that use DBObjectID
oracle.ide.db Classes for representing database objects in the IDE. 
oracle.ide.db.controls Reusable UI controls to used to show or list database objects. 
oracle.ide.db.panels Reusable UI panels for listing, creating or editing database objects in dialogs in the IDE. 
oracle.ide.db.transfer Contains an API for transfering database object from one DBObjectProvider to another. 
oracle.javatools.db Contains a metadata API for describing database objects, and retrieving them from a provider of database objects - for example a database. 
oracle.javatools.db.datatypes Classes related to datatypes in the database API. 
oracle.javatools.db.dictionary Contains a Database implementation (DictionaryDatabase) that retrieves information for retrieving object information using dictionary queries (instead of the JDBC metadata). 
oracle.javatools.db.diff Contains a metadata driven differ of database objects. 
oracle.javatools.db.ora Contains the database api implementation for Oracle databases, and additional DBObject implementations for objects specific to Oracle. 
oracle.javatools.db.sql Contains an API for declaratively parsing SQL queries (SELECT statements). 
oracle.jdeveloper.offlinedb Database API extension for saving database object definitions in XML files. 
oracle.jdeveloper.offlinedb.model Classes that define an offline database's settings and properties. 


Uses of DBObjectID in oracle.ide.db


Methods in oracle.ide.db with parameters of type DBObjectID
static SchemaObjectDescriptor[] SchemaObjectDescriptor.createDescriptors(DBObjectID[] ids)
          Wraps up a set of DBObjectIDs into SchemaObjectDescriptors.


Uses of DBObjectID in oracle.ide.db.controls


Methods in oracle.ide.db.controls that return DBObjectID
protected  DBObjectID DBObjectChooserDelegate.fixProvider(DBObjectID id)
protected  DBObjectID DBObjectChooserDelegate.getContextDBObjectID()
          See DBObjectChooser.getContextDBObjectID().
 DBObjectID DBObjectChooser.getDBObjectID()
          Get the id of the DBObject currently represented by the DBObjectChooser
protected  DBObjectID DBObjectChooserDelegate.getIDFromString(java.lang.String text)
          Convenience method to return a DBObjectID that is represented by a String


Methods in oracle.ide.db.controls with parameters of type DBObjectID
protected  void DBObjectChooserDelegate.addIDToList(DBObjectID id)
 void DBObjectChooser.addIDToList(DBObjectID id)
 void DBObjectChooser.ChangeListener.chooserChanged(DBObjectChooser chooser, DBObjectID id)
protected  DBObjectID DBObjectChooserDelegate.fixProvider(DBObjectID id)
protected  java.lang.String DBObjectChooserDelegate.getStringFromID(DBObjectID id)
          Convenience method to return a string representation of a DBObjectID
 void DBObjectChooser.setContextDBObjectID(DBObjectID id)
          Set the context of a child DBObjectChooser.
 void DBObjectChooser.setDBObjectID(DBObjectID id)
          Set the id of the DBObject currently represented by the DBObjectChooser
protected  void DBObjectChooserDelegate.updateID(DBObjectID id)
          See DBObjectChooser.updateID(oracle.javatools.db.DBObjectID).


Uses of DBObjectID in oracle.ide.db.panels


Methods in oracle.ide.db.panels with parameters of type DBObjectID
 void TemplateObjectsPanel.chooserChanged(DBObjectChooser chooser, DBObjectID id)
protected  boolean DatabaseLinkPanel.isDangling(DBObjectID ref)
          Do we have a dangling reference?
protected  boolean SynonymPanel.isDangling(DBObjectID ref)
          Do we have a dangling reference?
protected  void DatabaseLinkPanel.setForSchemaAndName(DBObjectID refID)
protected  void SynonymPanel.setForSchemaAndName(DBObjectID refID)


Uses of DBObjectID in oracle.ide.db.transfer


Methods in oracle.ide.db.transfer that return DBObjectID
 DBObjectID[] TransferDescriptor.getObjectIDs()


Methods in oracle.ide.db.transfer with parameters of type DBObjectID
 void TransferDescriptor.setObjectIDs(DBObjectID[] ids)


Method parameters in oracle.ide.db.transfer with type arguments of type DBObjectID
static void TransferHelper.replaceExistingIDs(DBObject temp, DBObject existing, java.util.Map<DBObjectID,DBObjectID> idMap)
          Replaces the IDs in the given object and all child objects with the existing object ids.
static void TransferHelper.replaceExistingIDs(DBObject temp, DBObject existing, java.util.Map<DBObjectID,DBObjectID> idMap)
          Replaces the IDs in the given object and all child objects with the existing object ids.


Uses of DBObjectID in oracle.javatools.db


Subinterfaces of DBObjectID in oracle.javatools.db
 interface ColumnConstraintReferenceID
 interface DBReferenceID


Classes in oracle.javatools.db that implement DBObjectID
 class AbstractDBObjectID
          Abstract implementation of DBObjectID for subclassing by DBObjectID implementations.
 class BaseObjectID
          Base DBObjectID implementation that stores the object name and (optionally) schema name of the object.
 class ConstraintID
 class IdentifierBasedID
          The representation of an Object ID for an object in a provider that can be uniquely identified by an identifier (other than name).
 class NameBasedID
          ID implementation that is name based.
 class ReferenceID
          ID implementation used for a reference property - i.e.
 class TemporaryObjectID
          Implementation of the DBObjectID interface for objects that only exist in memory.


Methods in oracle.javatools.db that return DBObjectID
static DBObjectID TemporaryObjectID.createID(DBObject obj)
          Creates a new DBObjectID pointing to a specific object.
static DBObjectID TemporaryObjectID.createID(DBObject obj, DBObject original)
          Creates a new DBObjectID pointing to a specific object.
 DBObjectID DBObjectFactory.ensureID(DBObject obj, boolean recurse, boolean forceNames)
          Checks that the given object has an ID that is set up for the factory's provider.
static DBObjectID TemporaryObjectID.findOriginalID(TemporaryObjectID id)
          Finds the original most ID in the given TemporaryObjectID's "original object" heirachy.
protected  DBObjectID DBObjectFactory.findParentID(DBObjectID parentID)
 DBObjectID[] Trigger.getColumnIDs()
 DBObjectID[] ColumnConstraint.getColumnIDs()
          Gets the IDs of the columns referenced by this Constraint.
 DBObjectID PlSqlParameter.getDataTypeID()
 DBObjectID Index.getDomainIndextype()
 DBObjectID DBObject.getID()
          Retrieves the object ID associated with this object.
 DBObjectID AbstractDBObject.getID()
 DBObjectID ReferenceID.getNewID()
 DBObjectID DBReferenceID.getNewID()
          Deprecated. This ID is used to reference an object in the database.
protected abstract  DBObjectID IDPolicy.getNewID(DBObject original, DBObject copy)
          Given the original object, the copy is given an ID depending on the policy.
protected  DBObjectID IDPolicy.TemporaryIDPolicy.getNewID(DBObject original, DBObject copy)
protected  DBObjectID IDPolicy.SameIDPolicy.getNewID(DBObject original, DBObject copy)
protected  DBObjectID IDPolicy.DefaultIDPolicy.getNewID(DBObject original, DBObject copy)
static DBObjectID DBUtil.getOriginalID(DBObject dbo)
          Returns the Original Id of a copied DBObject.
 DBObjectID DBObjectID.getParent()
          Retrieves the parent for this id if it has one.
 DBObjectID TemporaryObjectID.getParent()
          Returns null.
 DBObjectID AbstractDBObjectID.getParent()
          Gets this id's parent id (if one exists)
 DBObjectID Synonym.getReference()
          Retrieves the object refered to by this synonym.
 DBObjectID FKConstraint.getReferenceID()
          Retrieves the Object ID of the referenced unique constraint.
 DBObjectID[] DBObject.getReferenceIDs()
          Returns all the IDs that this object has as properties that reference other DBObjects.
 DBObjectID[] AbstractDBObject.getReferenceIDs()
          Final implementation that calls the internal getReferenceIDsImpl() method.
 DBObjectID[] SchemaObjectManager.getReferers(DBObject obj)
          Deprecated. use SchemaObjectManager.listReferers(DBObject)
 DBObjectID PlSqlSubprogram.getReturnTypeID()
 DBObjectID DeclarativePlSql.getReturnTypeID()
 DBObjectID PlSqlMethod.getReturnTypeID()
 DBObjectID Procedure.getReturnTypeID()
 DBObjectID[] SchemaObjectManager.getSchemaObjectReferers(SystemObject obj, boolean deep)
          Deprecated. use CascadeManager.listTopLevelReferers(oracle.javatools.db.SystemObject,boolean)
 DBObjectID ViewColumn.getSelectObjectID()
          Returns the SelectObject that this ViewColumn wraps.
 DBObjectID Trigger.getTableID()
          Gets the table name for the trigger.
static DBObjectID DBUtil.getUppermostParent(DBObjectID id)
          Gets the top most object in the parent chain for the given id.


Methods in oracle.javatools.db that return types with arguments of type DBObjectID
 java.util.Collection<DBObjectID> CascadeRequiredException.getDependents()
 java.util.Map<DBObjectID,DBObjectID> IDPolicy.getIDMap()
          Returns the mapping of original IDs to new IDs for the copy process.
 java.util.Map<DBObjectID,DBObjectID> IDPolicy.getIDMap()
          Returns the mapping of original IDs to new IDs for the copy process.
static java.util.Collection<DBObjectID> DBUtil.getReferenceIDs(DBObject obj, boolean recurse, DBUtil.IDQuery query, java.lang.String... types)
          Collects all the reference ID properties for the given object and its children and returns them after filtering as required.
 java.util.Map<DBObjectID,DBObjectID> IDPolicy.getReverseIDMap()
          Returns the mapping of new IDs to the original object IDs for the copy process.
 java.util.Map<DBObjectID,DBObjectID> IDPolicy.getReverseIDMap()
          Returns the mapping of new IDs to the original object IDs for the copy process.
static java.util.Map<DBObjectID,DBObjectID> DBUtil.getTemporaryIDMap(DBObject[] objs)
static java.util.Map<DBObjectID,DBObjectID> DBUtil.getTemporaryIDMap(DBObject[] objs)
protected  java.util.Collection<DBObjectID> SchemaObjectManager.includeSchemaObjects(Schema schema, java.util.Collection<DBObjectID> refs)
abstract  java.util.Collection<DBObjectID> CascadeManager.listReferers(DBObject obj)
          Gets the ids of the DBObjects who directly reference the given object.
 java.util.Collection<DBObjectID> SchemaObjectManager.listReferers(DBObject obj)
          Gets the ids of the DBObjects who directly reference the given object.
abstract  java.util.Collection<DBObjectID> CascadeManager.listTopLevelReferers(SystemObject obj, boolean deep)
          Gets the ids for the SystemObjects who reference (either directly or via their children) the given SystemObject (or one of its children).
 java.util.Collection<DBObjectID> SchemaObjectManager.listTopLevelReferers(SystemObject obj, boolean deep)
          Gets the ids for the SystemObjects who reference (either directly or via their children) the given SystemObject (or one of its children).


Methods in oracle.javatools.db with parameters of type DBObjectID
 void ReferenceID.addChildObjectName(DBObjectID id)
protected  SystemObject AbstractDatabase.createByIDImpl(DBObjectID id)
protected  SystemObject AbstractDBObjectProvider.createByIDImpl(DBObjectID id)
abstract  T AbstractDBObjectBuilder.createObject(java.lang.String name, Schema schema, DBObjectID id)
 T DBObjectBuilder.createObject(java.lang.String name, Schema schema, DBObjectID id)
          Requests the creation of a new SchemaObject of the type built by this DBObjectBuilder instance.
static ConstraintID ConstraintID.createObjectID(DBObjectID parent, java.lang.String cName, java.lang.String cType)
 boolean TemporaryObjectID.equals(DBObjectID id)
 boolean DBObjectID.equals(DBObjectID id, boolean strict)
          Whether the specified id is equivalent to this id.
 boolean TemporaryObjectID.equals(DBObjectID id, boolean strict)
 boolean AbstractDBObjectID.equals(DBObjectID id, boolean strict)
          The equals implementation will order the IDs if appropriate, compare parent IDs (if any exist) and then call equalsImpl.
protected  boolean IdentifierBasedID.equalsImpl(DBObjectID id, boolean strict)
protected  boolean ReferenceID.equalsImpl(DBObjectID id, boolean strict)
protected abstract  boolean AbstractDBObjectID.equalsImpl(DBObjectID id, boolean strict)
          Subclasses should implement as appropriate to their equals implementation, calling AbstractDBObjectID.equalsImpl(AbstractDBObjectID) when appropriate.
protected  boolean NameBasedID.equalsImpl(DBObjectID id, boolean strict)
protected  DBObject AbstractDBObjectProvider.findByID(DBObjectID id)
protected  SystemObject AbstractDBObjectProvider.findObject(DBObjectID id)
          Looks for the specified object id in the cache.
 DBObject DBObject.findOwnedObject(DBObjectID id)
          Returns a child of this object that has the given ID.
 DBObject CheckConstraint.findOwnedObject(DBObjectID id)
 DBObject Index.findOwnedObject(DBObjectID id)
 DBObject AbstractDBObject.findOwnedObject(DBObjectID id)
          Returns a child of this object that has the given ID.
protected  DBObject AbstractDBObject.findOwnedObject(DBObjectID id, boolean deep)
          Finds an owned object with the given ID, optionally recursing into the owned object heirachy.
protected  DBObjectID DBObjectFactory.findParentID(DBObjectID parentID)
static java.lang.String DBUtil.getDBObjectName(DBObjectID id)
          Gets the name of a DBObject from the DBObjectID, or the empty string if the DBObjectID can't be resolved.
static java.lang.String DBUtil.getSchemaName(DBObjectID dbObjectID)
          Returns the name of the schema from a DBObjectID, or the empty string if the DBObjectID can't be resolved.
 java.lang.Long AbstractDBObjectProvider.getTimestamp(DBObjectID id)
 java.lang.Long DBObjectProvider.getTimestamp(DBObjectID id)
          Retrieves the timestamp for the object represented by the given ID.
static DBObjectID DBUtil.getUppermostParent(DBObjectID id)
          Gets the top most object in the parent chain for the given id.
protected  boolean AbstractDBObjectID.hasSameParent(DBObjectID other, boolean strict)
          Compares the parent of this id with the parent of another id, optionally as a strict comparison.
static boolean DBUtil.isDangling(DBObjectID refID)
          Returns true if it is passed a dangling reference.
static boolean DBUtil.isInternalRef(DBObjectID ref, DBObject obj)
          Returns true if the given DBObjectID is referencing an object that is under the same parent heirachy as the given DBObject.
 boolean CascadeManager.isUnresolvedReference(DBObjectID id)
          Returns true if the given id is an "unresolved reference".
protected  boolean DBObjectFactory.isValidID(DBObjectID id)
protected  boolean SchemaObjectManager.resolvesUnresolvedReference(DBObjectID id, DBObjectID unresolved)
          Returns true if the given id resolves the given id that is unresolved.
 void Trigger.setColumnIDs(DBObjectID[] ids)
 void ColumnConstraint.setColumnIDs(DBObjectID[] ids)
          Sets the IDs of the columns referenced by this Constraint.
 void PlSqlParameter.setDataTypeID(DBObjectID dataTypeID)
 void Index.setDomainIndextype(DBObjectID id)
 void DBObject.setID(DBObjectID id)
          Sets the object ID associated with this object.
 void AbstractDBObject.setID(DBObjectID id)
 void BaseObjectID.setParent(DBObjectID parent)
 void AbstractDBObjectID.setParent(DBObjectID parent)
          Sets this id's parent id
 void Synonym.setReference(DBObjectID ref)
          Sets the object refered to by this synonym.
 void FKConstraint.setReferenceID(DBObjectID id)
          Sets the Object ID of the referenced unique constraint.
 void PlSqlSubprogram.setReturnTypeID(DBObjectID returnTypeID)
 void DeclarativePlSql.setReturnTypeID(DBObjectID typeID)
 void PlSqlMethod.setReturnTypeID(DBObjectID returnTypeID)
 void Procedure.setReturnTypeID(DBObjectID returnTypeID)
 void ViewColumn.setSelectObjectID(DBObjectID selectID)
          Sets the SelectObject that this ViewColumn wraps.
 void Trigger.setTableID(DBObjectID tableID)
          Sets the table name for the trigger.


Method parameters in oracle.javatools.db with type arguments of type DBObjectID
protected  void PlSqlSubprogram.getReferenceIDsImpl(java.util.Collection<DBObjectID> refs)
protected  void AbstractBuildableObject.getReferenceIDsImpl(java.util.Collection<DBObjectID> refs)
          Implementation first checks that the object has been built - then returns the collection from suprt.getReferenceIDsImpl().
protected  void PlSqlParameter.getReferenceIDsImpl(java.util.Collection<DBObjectID> refs)
protected  void AbstractDBObject.getReferenceIDsImpl(java.util.Collection<DBObjectID> refs)
          Used by the final getReferenceID() implementation.
protected  java.util.Collection<DBObjectID> SchemaObjectManager.includeSchemaObjects(Schema schema, java.util.Collection<DBObjectID> refs)
static boolean DBUtil.replaceReferenceIDs(DBObject obj, java.util.Map<DBObjectID,DBObjectID> idMap)
          Replaces the referencing IDs in the given object and all child objects with the given key/value mapping.
static boolean DBUtil.replaceReferenceIDs(DBObject obj, java.util.Map<DBObjectID,DBObjectID> idMap)
          Replaces the referencing IDs in the given object and all child objects with the given key/value mapping.
 boolean DBObject.replaceReferenceIDs(java.util.Map<DBObjectID,DBObjectID> oldToNew)
          Replaces any reference ids (e.g.
 boolean DBObject.replaceReferenceIDs(java.util.Map<DBObjectID,DBObjectID> oldToNew)
          Replaces any reference ids (e.g.
 boolean PlSqlAttribute.replaceReferenceIDs(java.util.Map<DBObjectID,DBObjectID> idMap)
 boolean PlSqlAttribute.replaceReferenceIDs(java.util.Map<DBObjectID,DBObjectID> idMap)
 boolean AbstractDBObject.replaceReferenceIDs(java.util.Map<DBObjectID,DBObjectID> idMap)
          Override in subclasses to replace reference IDs as appropriate.
 boolean AbstractDBObject.replaceReferenceIDs(java.util.Map<DBObjectID,DBObjectID> idMap)
          Override in subclasses to replace reference IDs as appropriate.


Constructors in oracle.javatools.db with parameters of type DBObjectID
AbstractBuildableObject(java.lang.String name, DBObjectID id)
          Constructs a new instance with the specified name and id.
AbstractDBObject(java.lang.String name, DBObjectID id)
          Constructs a new instance with the specified name and id.
AbstractDBObjectID(java.lang.String type, DBObjectID parent)
AbstractSchemaObject(java.lang.String name, Schema schema, DBObjectID id)
          Constructs a new instance with the specified name and schema.
AbstractSystemObject(java.lang.String string, DBObjectID dbObjectID)
BaseObjectID(DBObject obj, DBObjectID parent)
BaseObjectID(java.lang.String type, DBObjectID parent)
DBObjectFilter.IDFilter(DBObjectID id, boolean strict)
          Create a new filter to compare object IDs with the given ID using a strict or unstrict compare.
NameBasedID(DBObject obj, DBObjectID parent)
NameBasedID(java.lang.String type, java.lang.String objName, DBObjectID parent)
ReferenceID(DBObjectID id)
          Creates a ReferenceID to the object that the given id resolves to.
ReferenceID(DBObjectID id, DBObjectProvider pro)
          Creates a ReferenceID to the object that the given id resolves to, but sets the new reference up with the given provider.
ReferenceID(java.lang.String type, DBObjectID parent, java.lang.String name, java.lang.String subtype, java.lang.String[] childObjectNames)
          Creates a reference id to a child object that includes child object information (e.g.
Synonym(java.lang.String name, Schema schema, DBObjectID ref)
          Constructs a new Synonym pointing to a specific object, in a specific schema, and with a specific name.
ViewColumn(DBObjectID selectID)
          Creates a new ViewColumn based on the given SelectObject).


Constructor parameters in oracle.javatools.db with type arguments of type DBObjectID
CascadeRequiredException(java.util.Collection<DBObject> objs, java.util.Collection<DBObjectID> deps)
          Creates a cascade exception for a large operation.
CascadeRequiredException(DBObject obj, java.util.Collection<DBObjectID> deps)
          The given object cannot be deleted because the list of dependent objects exist.


Uses of DBObjectID in oracle.javatools.db.datatypes


Classes in oracle.javatools.db.datatypes that implement DBObjectID
 class DataTypeID


Methods in oracle.javatools.db.datatypes that return DBObjectID
static DBObjectID DataTypeHelper.findIDForTypeString(DBObjectProvider provider, Schema defaultSchema, java.lang.String typeString)
          From a String representing a datatype of some sort, find an ID for that type in the given provider, or return null.
static DBObjectID DataTypeHelper.findOrCreateIDForTypeString(DBObjectProvider provider, Schema defaultSchema, java.lang.String typeString)
          From a String representing a datatype of some sort, find or create an ID for that type in the given provider.
 DBObjectID DataTypeUsage.getDataTypeID()
          Gets the id of the DataType being used.
 DBObjectID DataTypeID.getParent()
 DBObjectID ComplexType.getUnderTypeID()


Methods in oracle.javatools.db.datatypes with parameters of type DBObjectID
static boolean DataTypeHelper.canGetTypeStringFromID(DBObjectID id)
 boolean DataTypeID.equals(DBObjectID id)
 boolean DataTypeID.equals(DBObjectID id, boolean strict)
static java.lang.String DataTypeHelper.getTypeStringFromID(DBObjectID typeID, Schema defaultSchema)
          Return a fully qualified String representation of the type with the given ID, omitting the schema name if it is the same as the default schema
 void DataTypeUsage.setDataTypeID(DBObjectID dataTypeID)
          Sets the id of the DataType being used.
 void ComplexType.setUnderTypeID(DBObjectID underTypeID)


Method parameters in oracle.javatools.db.datatypes with type arguments of type DBObjectID
protected  void ComplexType.getReferenceIDsImpl(java.util.Collection<DBObjectID> refs)
 boolean ComplexType.replaceReferenceIDs(java.util.Map<DBObjectID,DBObjectID> idMap)
 boolean ComplexType.replaceReferenceIDs(java.util.Map<DBObjectID,DBObjectID> idMap)


Uses of DBObjectID in oracle.javatools.db.dictionary


Methods in oracle.javatools.db.dictionary that return DBObjectID
 DBObjectID DictionaryDatabase.createID(Schema schema, java.lang.String name, java.lang.String type, java.lang.Object id)


Methods in oracle.javatools.db.dictionary with parameters of type DBObjectID
protected  SystemObject DictionaryDatabase.createByIDImpl(DBObjectID id)
protected  java.lang.Long DictionaryDatabase.getExternalTimestampByID(DBObjectID id)


Uses of DBObjectID in oracle.javatools.db.diff


Methods in oracle.javatools.db.diff with parameters of type DBObjectID
 int id1, DBObjectID id2)
 int o1, DBObjectID o2)


Uses of DBObjectID in oracle.javatools.db.ora


Classes in oracle.javatools.db.ora that implement DBObjectID
 class NameBasedRefID


Methods in oracle.javatools.db.ora that return DBObjectID
 DBObjectID RecycledObject.getBaseObjectID()
          Gets the id of the base object.
 DBObjectID[] MaterializedViewLog.getColumnIDs()
          Gets the list of columns in the "WITH" clause of the Materialized View Log.
 DBObjectID[] LOBDescriptor.getColumns()
 DBObjectID OracleExternalTableProperties.getDefaultDirectory()
          Gets the default Directory by ID.
 DBObjectID OracleExternalTableProperties.LocationSpecifier.getDirectory()
          Gets the id for the Directory this location is using.
 DBObjectID XMLTypeColumnProperties.getElementID()
 DBObjectID[] OracleIndexPartitions.getGlobalPartitionColumns()
 DBObjectID OracleIndexOrganizedTableProperties.getIncludeColumn()
          Gets the column (if any) to put in the INCLUDE clause.
 DBObjectID MaterializedViewLog.getMasterTableID()
          Returns the ID of the master table whose changes are logged
 DBObjectID[] OracleTablePartitions.getPartitionColumns()
          Return an array of (sub)partitioning columns.
 DBObjectID RecycledObject.getPurgeObjectID()
          Gets the id of the object which will get purged.
 DBObjectID RecycledObject.getRelatedObjectID()
          Gets the id of the parent object.
 DBObjectID OracleStorageProperties.getTablespaceID()


Methods in oracle.javatools.db.ora with parameters of type DBObjectID
 void LOBDescriptor.addColumn(DBObjectID column)
          Add a column to the column list.
 void OracleIndexPartitions.addGlobalPartitionColumn(DBObjectID partitionColumn)
 void OracleExternalTableProperties.addLocationSpecifier(DBObjectID directory, java.lang.String specifier)
          Adds a location specifier that uses the given Directory (by ID) and the specified location.
 void OracleTablePartitions.addPartitionColumn(DBObjectID partitionColumn)
          Add a (sub)partitioning column.
 void OracleTablePartitions.addPartitionColumn(DBObjectID partitionColumn, int atIndex)
          Add a (sub)partitioning column at the given index.
protected  boolean NameBasedRefID.equalsImpl(DBObjectID target, boolean strict)
static boolean LOBDescriptor.isLOBColumn(DBObjectID colID)
static boolean LOBDescriptor.isVARRAYColumn(DBObjectID colID)
 void LOBDescriptor.removeColumn(DBObjectID column)
          Remove a column from the column list.
 void OracleIndexPartitions.removeGlobalPartitionColumn(DBObjectID partitionColumn)
 void OracleTablePartitions.removePartitionColumn(DBObjectID partitionColumn)
          Remove a (sub)partitioning column.
 void RecycledObject.setBaseObjectID(DBObjectID baseObjectID)
          Sets the id of the base object.
 void MaterializedViewLog.setColumnIDs(DBObjectID[] colIDs)
          Sets the list of columns in the "WITH" clause of the Materialized View Log.
 void LOBDescriptor.setColumns(DBObjectID[] columns)
          Replace the column list.
 void OracleExternalTableProperties.setDefaultDirectory(DBObjectID defaultDirectory)
          Sets the default Directory by ID.
 void OracleExternalTableProperties.LocationSpecifier.setDirectory(DBObjectID directory)
          Sets the id for the Directory this location is using.
 void XMLTypeColumnProperties.setElementID(DBObjectID elementID)
 void OracleIndexPartitions.setGlobalPartitionColumns(DBObjectID[] partitionColumns)
 void OracleIndexOrganizedTableProperties.setIncludeColumn(DBObjectID includeColumn)
          Sets the column (if any) to put in the INCLUDE clause.
 void MaterializedViewLog.setMasterTableID(DBObjectID masterTableID)
          Sets the ID of the master table whose changes are logged
 void OracleTablePartitions.setPartitionColumns(DBObjectID[] partitionColumns)
          Replace the (sub)partitioning columns.
 void RecycledObject.setPurgeObjectID(DBObjectID purgeObjectID)
          Sets the id of the object which will get purged.
 void RecycledObject.setRelatedObjectID(DBObjectID relatedObjectID)
          Sets the id of the parent object.
 void OracleStorageProperties.setTablespaceID(DBObjectID tablespaceID)


Constructors in oracle.javatools.db.ora with parameters of type DBObjectID
DatabaseLink(java.lang.String name, Schema schema, DBObjectID id)
          Construct a new DatabaseLink .
OracleExternalTableProperties.LocationSpecifier(DBObjectID directory, java.lang.String specifier)
          Creates a LocationSpecifier with the given location and Directory.
OracleIndexOrganizedTableProperties(java.lang.Integer pctThreshold, boolean mapped, java.lang.Integer keyCompression, DBObjectID includeColum, boolean overflowable, OracleStorageProperties overflowProperties)
RecycledObject(java.lang.String name, Schema schema, DBObjectID id)


Uses of DBObjectID in oracle.javatools.db.sql


Classes in oracle.javatools.db.sql that implement DBObjectID
 class SQLFragmentID
          Deprecated. SQLFragments now use IdentifierBaseID insteasd


Methods in oracle.javatools.db.sql that return DBObjectID
protected  DBObjectID AbstractSQLQueryBuilder.ensureID(DBObject s)
          Only call on an object that has been added to the hierarchy - e.g.
 DBObjectID FromObjectUsage.getFromObjectID()
          Returns the ID of the FromObject that this object is dependent on.
 DBObjectID AbstractFromObjectUsage.getFromObjectID()
 DBObjectID FKUsage.getLeftFromObjectID()
 DBObjectID AbstractSchemaObjectUsage.getObjectID()
 DBObjectID FunctionUsage.getObjectID()
 DBObjectID AbstractDBObjectUsage.getObjectID()
          Gets the id of the DBObject (e.g.
 DBObjectID DBObjectUsage.getObjectID()
          Gets the ID for the object being used by this fragment.
 DBObjectID FKUsage.getObjectID()
          Gets the id of the FK being used in the SQL of this fragment.
 DBObjectID FKUsage.getRightFromObjectID()
 DBObjectID SelectObjectUsage.getSelectObjectID()


Methods in oracle.javatools.db.sql with parameters of type DBObjectID
protected  FKUsage AbstractSQLQueryBuilder.createFKUsage(DBObjectID fkID, FromObject left, FromObject right)
protected  SelectObject AbstractSQLQueryBuilder.createSelectObject(DBObjectID colId, FromObject from, java.lang.String alias)
 DBObject AbstractSQLQuery.findOwnedObject(DBObjectID id)
protected  FromObject AbstractFromObjectUsage.resolveFromObject(DBObjectID fromId)
 void ColumnUsage.setColumnID(DBObjectID colID)
 void FromObjectUsage.setFromObjectID(DBObjectID from)
          Sets the ID of the FromObject that this object is dependent on.
 void AbstractFromObjectUsage.setFromObjectID(DBObjectID id)
 void AbstractSQLQuery.setID(DBObjectID id)
 void FKUsage.setLeftFromObjectID(DBObjectID leftID)
 void AbstractSchemaObjectUsage.setObjectID(DBObjectID id)
 void FunctionUsage.setObjectID(DBObjectID objectID)
 void AbstractDBObjectUsage.setObjectID(DBObjectID objectID)
          Sets the id of the DBObject (e.g.
 void DBObjectUsage.setObjectID(DBObjectID id)
          Sets the ID for the object being used by this fragment.
 void FKUsage.setObjectID(DBObjectID fkid)
          Sets the id of the FK being used in the SQL of this fragment.
 void FKUsage.setRightFromObjectID(DBObjectID rightID)
 void SelectObjectUsage.setSelectObjectID(DBObjectID selectID)


Constructors in oracle.javatools.db.sql with parameters of type DBObjectID
AbstractDBObjectUsage(DBObjectID id, DBObjectID fromID)
AbstractFromObjectUsage(DBObjectID fromId)
AbstractSchemaObjectUsage(DBObjectID id)
ColumnUsage(DBObjectID colID)
          Create a ColumnUsage using the given Column ID to reference.
ColumnUsage(DBObjectID colID, FromObject from)
          Create a ColumnUsage using the given Column ID and FromObject to reference.
FKUsage(DBObjectID fkID, DBObjectID leftID, DBObjectID rightID)
IDException(DBObjectID id, DBException cause)
          Constructor to use when an ID won't resolve.
PlSqlUsage(DBObjectID plsqlID, DBObjectID fromID)
RelationUsage(DBObjectID id)
          Create a RelationUsage using the given DBObjectID which should resolve to a Relation.
SelectObjectUsage(DBObjectID selectID, DBObjectID fromID)
SelectObjectUsage(DBObjectID selectID, FromObject from)
SQLFragmentID(SQLFragment fragment, DBObjectID parent)
          Deprecated. SQLFragments now use IndentifierBasedIDs. See bug 7173075.
SynonymUsage(DBObjectID synID)


Uses of DBObjectID in oracle.jdeveloper.offlinedb


Classes in oracle.jdeveloper.offlinedb that implement DBObjectID
 class OfflineDBObjectID
          Deprecated. use IdentifierBasedID if a subclass of DBObjectID is *really* needed.


Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.offlinedb that return DBObjectID
 DBObjectID OfflineDBObjectFactory.ensureID(DBObject obj)
          Checks that the given object has an ID.
 DBObjectID OfflineDBObjectFactory.ensureID(DBObject obj, boolean deep)
          Checks that the given object has an ID.
 DBObjectID OfflineDBObjectFactory.ensureID(DBObject obj, boolean deep, boolean forceNames)
          Same as OfflineDBObjectFactory.ensureID(DBObject,boolean) but optionally specify that this is only a load operation and therefore heavier ID processing (such as updating the name information in the IDs) can be skipped.
protected  DBObjectID OfflineDBObjectFactory.findParentID(DBObjectID parentID)
 DBObjectID OfflineDBObjectFactory.newID(DBObject obj)
          Creates a new ID for the given object and sets it too.
 DBObjectID OfflineDBObjectFactory.newID(DBObject obj, DBObjectID parent)
          Creates a new ID for the given object and sets it too.
 DBObjectID OfflineDBObjectFactory.newID(java.lang.String type, IdentifierBasedID parent)


Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.offlinedb with parameters of type DBObjectID
protected  DBObject OfflineDBObjectProvider.findByID(DBObjectID id)
          Finds a given object by ID.
 DBObject OfflineDBObjectProvider.findGeneratedObject(DBObjectID id)
 DBObject OfflineDBObjectProvider.findImportedObject(DBObjectID id)
protected  DBObjectID OfflineDBObjectFactory.findParentID(DBObjectID parentID)
 DBObjectID OfflineDBObjectFactory.newID(DBObject obj, DBObjectID parent)
          Creates a new ID for the given object and sets it too.


Uses of DBObjectID in oracle.jdeveloper.offlinedb.model


Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.offlinedb.model that return DBObjectID
 DBObjectID NodeCache.findID(Locatable node)
          Finds the DBObject for the given node in the cache.
abstract  DBObjectID NodeCache.findID( url)
          Finds the DBObject from the given URL.
 DBObjectID[] GenerateDescriptor.getObjectIDs()


Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.offlinedb.model with parameters of type DBObjectID
 Node NodeCache.findNode(DBObjectID id)
          Attempts to find a node in the navigator for the given object.
abstract NodeCache.findURL(DBObjectID id)
          Attempts to find a URL for the given object id.
 void GenerateDescriptor.setObjectIDs(DBObjectID[] ids)


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