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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (


Uses of Interface

Packages that use SourceElement The parser API. Classes common to model implementations. The parser model API. The parser model API for doc elements. The parser model API for expressions. The parser model API for statements. Various utilities for use with the parser. Provides dependency information for Java. Public utilities for use with the java model, including the parser. 


Uses of SourceElement in


Methods in that return SourceElement
abstract  SourceElement SourceFactory.createSourceElement(int kind)
          May NOT be used to instantiate SourceExpression's.
abstract  SourceElement CallerContext.getSourceScope()


Methods in with parameters of type SourceElement
abstract  SourceBlock SourceFactory.createBlock(SourceElement[] elements)
          Creates a code block.
static CallerContext CallerContext.createContext(SourceElement sourceScope)
static CallerContext CallerContext.createContext(SourceElement sourceScope, boolean forgiving)
          In case it isn't clear, the source scope can be any SourceElement that is attached to a valid SourceFile tree.


Uses of SourceElement in


Methods in that return SourceElement
 SourceElement AbstractElement.getSourceElement()
 SourceElement WrapperMethod.getSourceElement()
 SourceElement WrapperLocalVariable.getSourceElement()
 SourceElement WrapperField.getSourceElement()
 SourceElement WrapperClass.getSourceElement()
 SourceElement WrapperPackage.getSourceElement()
static SourceElement CommonUtilities.getSourceElement(JavaElement target, SourceFile searchSpace)
 SourceElement AbstractElement.getSourceSymbol()


Uses of SourceElement in


Subinterfaces of SourceElement in
 interface SourceAnnotation
          An annotation (not to be confused with annotation type).
 interface SourceBlock
          The SourceCodeBlock represents code blocks for methods and statements.
 interface SourceBlockElement
          A SourceElement that may be a child of a SourceBlock.
 interface SourceClass
          A SourceClass is the syntactic (aka symbolic) representation of a java class: classes, enums, interfaces, and annotation types.
 interface SourceClassBody
          A class body, sometimes called a class block.
 interface SourceClassInitializer
          The SourceMember represents a member declaration for a type.
 interface SourceEnumConstant
          An enum constant.
 interface SourceError
          An error found in the parse tree.
 interface SourceFieldDeclaration
          A field (or enum constant) declaration.
 interface SourceFieldVariable
          A field variable.
 interface SourceFile
          The SourceFile represents the root node for a complete Source source file.
 interface SourceFormalParameter
          A formal parameter.
 interface SourceFormalParameterList
          A formal parameter list.
 interface SourceHasBlock
          A source element that has a block.
 interface SourceHasModifiers
          A SourceElement that may have modifiers.
 interface SourceHasName
          A SourceHasName has a SourceName (notice that this is a SourceToken child) child.
 interface SourceHasType
          A SourceElement that has a type reference.
 interface SourceImport
          An import declaration.
 interface SourceInterfacesClause
          An extends and/or an implements clause.
 interface SourceLexicalBlankline
          A whitespace token.
 interface SourceLexicalComment
          A comment token.
 interface SourceLexicalElement
          A lexical element is what the JLS refers to as an input element in section 3.5.
 interface SourceLexicalSqlj
          A SQLJ declaration or executable statement.
 interface SourceLocalVariable
          A local variable or formal parameter.
 interface SourceLocalVariableDeclaration
          A local variable declaration.
 interface SourceMember
          The SourceMember represents a member declaration for a type.
 interface SourceMemberVariable
          A field (or enum constant) variable.
 interface SourceMethod
          A SourceMethod is the syntactic (aka symbolic) representation of a java method or constructor declaration.
 interface SourceName
          A name.
 interface SourcePackage
          The SourcePackage.
 interface SourceSuperclassClause
          An extends and/or an implements clause.
 interface SourceThrowsClause
          A throws clause for a method or constructor declaration.
 interface SourceTypeArgument
          A type argument for a type reference.
 interface SourceTypeParameter
          A type parameter.
 interface SourceTypeReference
          A type reference.
 interface SourceVariable
          A SourceVariable is the syntactic (aka symbolic) representation of a java variable, including: field variables, enum constant variables, local variables, and formal parameters.
 interface SourceVariableDeclaration
          The common base interface for a field declaration and a local variable declaration.


Fields in declared as SourceElement
static SourceElement[] SourceElement.EMPTY_ARRAY


Methods in that return SourceElement
 SourceElement SourceElement.cloneSelf(SourceFile targetFile)
          Performs a deep-copy of this SourceElement but attached to the input SourceFile.
 SourceElement[] SourceElement.getContainedElements()
          This method is equivalent to getChildren() except that it returns an array.
 SourceElement SourceFile.getElementAt(int offset)
          Gets the most deeply nested SourceElement at the insertion point.
 SourceElement SourceFile.getElementAt(int offset, int mask)
          Gets the most deeply nested SourceElement at the insertion point.
 SourceElement SourceFile.getElementContaining(int startOffset, int endOffset)
          Gets the most deeply nested SourceElement that includes the range [startOffset, endOffset).
 SourceElement SourceError.getErrorSymbol()
          This needs to be a separate method because all errors are currently constructed off of the root and not off of the syntactically enclosing element.
 SourceElement SourceElement.getParent()
          Gets the parent SourceElement to this.
 SourceElement SourceElement.getSiblingAfter()
          Gets the sibling after this.
 SourceElement SourceElement.getSiblingBefore()
          Gets the sibling before this.
 SourceElement JavaElement.getSourceElement()


Methods in with parameters of type SourceElement
 void SourceElement.addSelf(SourceElement parent)
          Performs an add (usually append) of this element to the parent.
 void SourceElement.addSelf(SourceElement sibling, boolean before)
          Performs an add of this element to the parent of the input sibling.
 void SourceElement.addSelfAfter(SourceElement sibling)
 void SourceElement.addSelfBefore(SourceElement sibling)
 void SourceElement.replaceSelf(SourceElement newElement)
          Performs a set of this element with the newElement.


Uses of SourceElement in


Subinterfaces of SourceElement in
 interface SourceDocBlockTag
          A SourceDocBlockTag represents a block tag within a SourceDocComment.
 interface SourceDocComment
          A SourceDocComment represents a documentation comment ("doc comment") associated with a class, interface, constructor, method, or field.
 interface SourceDocDescription
          A SourceDocDescription represents the main description of a SourceDocComment or the description of a SourceDocTag.
 interface SourceDocElement
          The common supertype of all doc elements.
 interface SourceDocHasDescription
          A doc element that has a description.
 interface SourceDocInlineTag
          A SourceDocInlineTag represents an in-line tag within a SourceDocDescription.
 interface SourceDocReference
          A SourceDocReference represents the Java element reference in @exception, @link, @linkplain, @param, @see, @serialField, @throws, and two-argument @value> tags.
 interface SourceDocTag
          A SourceDocTag represents a block tag within a SourceDocComment or an in-line tag within a SourceDocDescription.
 interface SourceDocTagName
          A SourceDocTextFragment represents a text fragment within a SourceDocDescription.
 interface SourceDocTextFragment
          A SourceDocTextFragment represents a text fragment within a SourceDocDescription.


Uses of SourceElement in


Subinterfaces of SourceElement in
 interface SourceAnnotationExpression
          An AnnotationExpression is a final expression representing an annotation that is also an expression operand (and therefore must be a subclass of Expression).
 interface SourceArrayAccessExpression
          An ArrayAccessExpression is a final expression representing an array access expression.
 interface SourceAssignmentExpression
          An AssignmentExpression is a final expression representing infix operations that are assignments.
 interface SourceDereferenceExpression
          A SourceDereferenceExpression is a common base expression representing an operator that performs a dereference.
 interface SourceDotExpression
          A DotExpression is a final expression representing a selector.
 interface SourceExpression
          The SourceExpression is essentially the union of all the various operators and primaries.
 interface SourceInfixExpression
          An InfixExpression is a final expression representing an infix operation that is not an assignment.
 interface SourceInvokeExpression
          A SourceInvokeExpression is a common base expression representing any invocation expression.
 interface SourceListExpression
          A ListExpression is a final expression representing non-operation expressions that have a variable number of operands.
 interface SourceLiteralExpression
          A LiteralExpression is a final expression representing a lexical literal.
 interface SourceMethodCallExpression
          A MethodCallExpression is a final expression representing a method invocation or an explicit constructor invocation.
 interface SourceNewArrayExpression
          An ArrayAccessExpression is a final expression representing an array access expression.
 interface SourceNewClassExpression
          A ClassCreatorExpression is a final expression representing an instance creation expression.
 interface SourceOperatorExpression
          An OperatorExpression is a common base expression representing a multi-operand expression that performs an operation.
 interface SourceQuestionExpression
          A QuestionExpression is a final expression representing the ternary operator x? x: x.
 interface SourceSimpleNameExpression
          A SimpleNameExpression is a final expression representing an unqualified name access.
 interface SourceTypecastExpression
          A TypecastExpression is a final expression representing a type cast.
 interface SourceTypeExpression
          A TypeExpression is a final expression representing a type that is also an expression operand (and therefore must be a subclass of Expression).
 interface SourceUnaryExpression
          A UnaryExpression is a final expression representing the prefix and postfix operators but not the typecast operator.
 interface SourceWrapperExpression
          A WrapperExpression is a final expression that represents wrapping constructs such as parentheses and brackets.


Uses of SourceElement in


Subinterfaces of SourceElement in
 interface SourceAssertStatement
          An assert statement.
 interface SourceBlockStatement
          A BlockStatement is a final statement representing a statement that is (and only is) a block.
 interface SourceBreakStatement
          A break statement.
 interface SourceCatchClause
          A catch clause of a try statement.
 interface SourceCompoundStatement
          A CompoundStatement is a common base statement representing statements that have children statements.
 interface SourceConditionalStatement
          A ConditionalStatement is a common base statement representing compound statements having (requiring) a single expression of boolean type.
 interface SourceContinueStatement
          A continue statement.
 interface SourceDoStatement
          A do statement.
 interface SourceElseClause
          An else clause.
 interface SourceEmptyStatement
          An empty statement.
 interface SourceExpressionStatement
          An expression statement.
 interface SourceFinallyClause
          A finally clause.
 interface SourceForStatement
          A for statement.
 interface SourceIfStatement
          An if statement.
 interface SourceReturnStatement
          A return statement.
 interface SourceSimpleStatement
          A SimpleStatement is a common base statement representing a statement that has no child statement and may optionally have expressions.
 interface SourceStatement
          This is the common base interface of all statements.
 interface SourceStatementLabel
          A label on a labeled statement.
 interface SourceSwitchLabel
          Default and continue labels for switch bodies.
 interface SourceSwitchStatement
          A switch statement.
 interface SourceSynchStatement
          A synchronized statement.
 interface SourceThrowStatement
          A throw statement.
 interface SourceTryStatement
          A try statement.
 interface SourceWhileStatement
          A while statement.


Uses of SourceElement in


Methods in with parameters of type SourceElement
static void QualifyTypeHelper.qualifyAllTypes(SourceElement subtree)
          Recursively traverses the given subtree and attempts to qualify any type it finds.
static void Formatting.reformatSubtree(SourceElement subtree)
          Attempts to reformat the given subtree.
 boolean Usages.shouldTraverse(SourceElement element)
          True says "Yes, traverse (normally) the given SourceElement and its subtree as part of the compile".
static void SimplifyTypeHelper.simplifyAllTypes(SourceElement subtree)
          Recursively traverses the given subtree and attempts to simplify any type it finds.
static void SimplifyTypeHelper.simplifyType(SourceElement element)
          Attempts to perform simplify type on and only on the given element.
static SimplifyTypeHelper SimplifyTypeHelper.simplifyTypeName(SourceElement scope, java.lang.String name)
          Calculates the simplified type in the given scope.
 void SourceVisitor.visit(SourceElement subtree)
          Visits the given subtree using this visitor.


Uses of SourceElement in


Constructors in with parameters of type SourceElement
FieldDeclaration(java.lang.String id, Workspace workspace, Project project, SourceElement element, java.lang.String fqClassName, java.lang.String fieldName)
MethodDeclaration(java.lang.String id, Workspace workspace, Project project, SourceElement element, java.lang.String fqClassName, java.lang.String methodName, java.util.Collection<java.lang.String> parameters)


Uses of SourceElement in


Methods in that return SourceElement
 SourceElement AnnotationElementValueContext.getSourceCope()
          Get the element that the user has currently selected.


Uses of SourceElement in


Methods in that return SourceElement
 SourceElement SourceElementHandle.getElement()


Methods in with parameters of type SourceElement
static void SourceUtils.addBlankLine(SourceElement block, boolean before)
          Adds (append) a blank line before or after a source element.
static SourceStatement SourceUtils.addExpressionStatement(SourceBlock block, SourceExpression expr, SourceElement sibling, boolean before)
          Inserts an expression as a statement to the block by the specified sibling.
static SourceStatement SourceUtils.addExpressionStatement(SourceBlock block, java.lang.String exprText, SourceElement sibling, boolean before)
          Inserts an expression as a statement to the block by the specified sibling.
static void SourceUtils.addLineComment(SourceElement element, boolean before, java.lang.String commentText)
          Adds a line comment before or after a source element.
static SourceStatement SourceUtils.addStatement(SourceBlock block, SourceStatement stmt, SourceElement sibling, boolean before)
          Inserts a statement to the block by the specified sibling.
static java.util.List SourceElementAsList.asList(SourceElement root)
static java.util.List SourceElementAsList.asList(SourceElement root, java.lang.Class elementClass)
static java.util.List SourceElementAsList.asList(SourceElement root, int symbolKind)
static java.util.List SourceElementAsList.asList(SourceElement root, int[] symbolKinds)
static java.lang.String VariableNaming.canIntroduceField(SourceElement sourceElement, java.lang.String fieldName)
          Verifies if a field can added introduced to the class that contains the SourceElement.
static boolean VariableNaming.canIntroduceVariable(SourceElement sourceElement, java.lang.String variableName)
static SourceBlock SourceUtils.createBlock(SourceElement element)
          Create a new empty block.
static void VariableNaming.fillWithParentVariableDeclaration(SourceElement sourceElement, java.util.HashSet<java.lang.String> existingNames)
          Fills the set with the existing variable declarations visible from the sourceElement
static SourceFactory SourceUtils.getFactory(SourceElement element)
          Fetch a factory from the element.
static java.util.List<java.lang.String> VariableNaming.suggestConstantNames(SourceElement sourceElement, java.lang.String typeName)
static java.util.List<java.lang.String> VariableNaming.suggestFieldNames(SourceElement sourceElement, java.lang.String typeName)
static java.util.List<java.lang.String> VariableNaming.suggestParameterNames(SourceElement sourceElement, java.lang.String typeName)
static java.util.List<java.lang.String> VariableNaming.suggestVariableNames(SourceElement sourceElement, java.lang.String typeName)


Constructors in with parameters of type SourceElement
SourceElementHandle(SourceElement sourceElement)


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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (


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