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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (


Package oracle.javatools.ui

A general user interface component library.


Interface Summary
HeaderListener Listener interface for objects interested in receiving notifications when a Header is collapsed or expanded.
MouseHoverListener Implementors of this interface will recieve notification of mouse hovered events generated by MouseHoverSupport
Reorderable An interface to abstract the reordering communication between a reorderable Component and the controller (ReorderableBar) that reorders it.
SeparatorListCellRenderer.SeparatorModel Tells the renderer after which items to place separators


Class Summary
Borders Borders provides utilities for attaching error and warning borders to Swing components.
Colors Provides access to standard colors.
ColorUtils2 Additional operations on Colors
ColumnLayout A layout manager that arranges components in columns.
Components Utilities for working with Swing components.
ComponentWithHint<T extends Component> A component with explanatory hint text underneath.
ComponentWithTitlebar<T extends JComponent> A component with a titlebar and control bar above.
ControlBar A control bar is a customized toolbar with support for overflow.
EmptyIcon An icon that occupies the same space as a given icon but instead paints nothing.
ExpansionTip An expand in place rollover effect for a table, or list cell (or, potentially, other component) whose content has been clipped.
ExpansionTip.Adapter An adapter that encapsulates component-specific logic needed by the expansion tip.
ExpansionTreeTip A UI extension for JTrees that paints clipped parts of rows as the mouse moves over them.
ExtendedTextField A custom text component for use where the contents of a text field may be considerably longer than the visible area of the text field, and where using a larger JTextArea is not suiable.
Header A header is a UI component that is used to deliniate a group of related components.
HeaderEvent Event object providing information about a header expansion or collapse event.
HeaderGroup A HeaderGroup co-ordinates the display of components under a Header, hiding and showing them as required as the header is toggled.
HeaderPanel<T extends JComponent> HeaderPanel hosts a header control and one other component.
LayoutConstants Provides access to pixel sizing constants that can be used in user interface designs to achieve consistent spacing and layout.
MouseHoverSupport Support to fire events if the mouse pointer hovers over a Component for a certain duration.
PolygonIcon A polygon which implements the icon interface.
ReorderableBar Reorderable bar is a re-usable component with up, down, bottom and top buttons that supports the Reorderable interface.
ResizeComponent A component to wrap another to give the user dynamic sizing ability for that component.
A resize affordance will be drawn over the component, the user can drag this area and change the preferred size of the component.
Revalidate is called as the component is dragged causing this components container to be relaid out.
RichHintLabel A component that can display rich (HTML-based) hint text, including hyperlinks which perform user actions.
RolloverAnimator RolloverAnimator is a MouseListener you can attach to components to provide rollover animation effects.
ScrollableSectionView An extension of SectionView that implements the Scrollable interface and delegates all Scrollable calls to that delegate
SectionView A component that can contain another component (the wrappedComponent) and limit what area of the wrappedComponent is visible to a specific vertical section.
SeparatorListCellRenderer A Decorating ListCellRenderer that will wrap a ListCellRenderer and add the ability to render separator lines between items in a JList or JComboBox.
TextLayer<V extends JComponent> A layer of text that appears in front of any component.
TitledSeparator A horizontal separator that contains a label.
TranslucentIcon An Icon that paints another icon with alpha so that it is translucent (partially transparent).
TransparentBorderComponent A container that supports transparent borders.
TransparentPanel A panel that makes it convenient to ensure that all components are transparent (i.e.
TriStateButtonModel A button model that has an extra state "Partial" to indicate a state between selected and unselected.
TriStateCellEditor An editor for TriStateCheckBoxes in Trees and Tables.
TriStateCheckBox An extension of JCheckBox that adds an extra 'partial' state to represent a state that is neither selected or unselected.
TriStateTableRenderer A Table renderer for cells containing TriStateCheckBox.State values.
TruncatingTreeCellRenderer<T> An implementation of TreeCellRenderer that can truncate either at the end or the middle if there are more than a specific number of characters in the String.
ViewportChangeNotifier It is sometimes useful to know if a component has changed its position on screen as a result of scrolling.


Enum Summary
Header.Level The visual appearance of a header changes based on its level in the document.
Header.Orientation The orientation of a header can be either horizontal (default) or vertical.
HeaderPanel.CollapseMode The ways in which a HeaderPanel can collapse.
TitledSeparator.STYLE The possible styles to render the separator line
TriStateCheckBox.State The three possible states of the TriStateCheckBox.


Exception Summary
UnknownActionException Runtime exception thrown when a click occurs on a hyperlink in RichHintLabel that has no known registered action.


Package oracle.javatools.ui Description

A general user interface component library.


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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (


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