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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (


Class AbstractGenerator

  extended by oracle.jdeveloper.builder.cls.AbstractGenerator

All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:

public abstract class AbstractGenerator
extends java.lang.Object
implements Generator

Constructor Summary


Method Summary
protected  void addDetails(JavaManager mgr, SourceFile file, SourceClass cls)
protected static void enableTree(java.awt.Component root, boolean isEnabled)
protected  java.lang.String escapeString(java.lang.String inString)
 void generate(JavaManager mgr, SourceFile srcFile)
          Tells the Generator to add whatever custom code it requires.
 javax.swing.JComponent getAttributes(java.lang.String baseType)
          Provides the Attributes panel supported by this Generator.
 java.lang.String getClassDescription(java.lang.String baseType)
          Provides a description of the class being generated by this UIGenerator.
protected  Context getContext()
 java.lang.String[] getLibraries(java.lang.String baseType)
          Provides a list of JDeveloper libraries required by the code generated by this Generator for the specified base type.
protected  Project getProject()
protected  Workspace getWorkspace()
 void setContext(Context ctx)
          Sets the context in which the generator is being accessed.
 void setEnabled(boolean isEnabled)
          Sets the enabled state of all UI present on the object returned by getAttributes.
 boolean validateAttributes()
          Allows the supplied Attributes panel to be validated.


Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


Constructor Detail


public AbstractGenerator()

Method Detail


public javax.swing.JComponent getAttributes(java.lang.String baseType)
Description copied from interface: Generator
Provides the Attributes panel supported by this Generator. This panel will be used by the Builder to populate the option area for selection by the user.
Specified by:
getAttributes in interface Generator
baseType - The base class for which the attributes are requested.
The JContainer object representing the available attributes for the base class.


public void setEnabled(boolean isEnabled)
Description copied from interface: Generator
Sets the enabled state of all UI present on the object returned by getAttributes.
Specified by:
setEnabled in interface Generator
isEnabled - The enabled state to set all UI controls to.


public final void generate(JavaManager mgr,
                           SourceFile srcFile)
Description copied from interface: Generator
Tells the Generator to add whatever custom code it requires.
Specified by:
generate in interface Generator
mgr - The JavaManager object representing the current project.
srcFile - The SourceFile object representing the new file.


public java.lang.String getClassDescription(java.lang.String baseType)
Description copied from interface: Generator
Provides a description of the class being generated by this UIGenerator.
Specified by:
getClassDescription in interface Generator
baseType - The base class of the class.
the description of the class.


public java.lang.String[] getLibraries(java.lang.String baseType)
Description copied from interface: Generator
Provides a list of JDeveloper libraries required by the code generated by this Generator for the specified base type. These libraries will be added to the project when the Builder initializes, allowing the user to use the browse functionality within the libraries. If the base class is not the class requested by the user when the Builder completes, or the user elects to cancel the Builder, the libraries will be removed from the JProject.
Specified by:
getLibraries in interface Generator
baseType - The base class for which the list of libraries are requested.
An array of Strings indicating the libraries required by the base type.


public void setContext(Context ctx)
Description copied from interface: Generator
Sets the context in which the generator is being accessed.
Specified by:
setContext in interface Generator


protected Context getContext()


protected Project getProject()


protected Workspace getWorkspace()


public boolean validateAttributes()
Description copied from interface: Generator
Allows the supplied Attributes panel to be validated. This method is called from ClassBuilderPanel.validateAndWriteToState(oracle.jdeveloper.wizard.common.BaliWizardState)
Specified by:
validateAttributes in interface Generator
trueif the settings in the Attributes panel are valid, and false otherwise.


protected void addDetails(JavaManager mgr,
                          SourceFile file,
                          SourceClass cls)


protected static final void enableTree(java.awt.Component root,
                                       boolean isEnabled)


protected final java.lang.String escapeString(java.lang.String inString)

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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (


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