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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (


Interface CmtSelectionModel

public interface CmtSelectionModel

This interface represents the current state of the selection for a CmtComponent.

Method Summary
 void addCmtSelectionListener(CmtSelectionListener listener)
          Add a listener to the list of liteners that are notified each time the collection of selected CmtModelNodes changes.
 void clearSelection()
          Empty the collection of selected CmtModelNodes.
 CmtModelNode[] getSelection()
          Get an array of the selected CmtModelNodes
 int getSelectionCount()
          Get the number of CmtModelNodes currently selected
 boolean isSelected(CmtModelNode node)
          Determines whether a given CmtModelNode is currently included in the collection of selected CmtModelNodes.
 void removeCmtSelectionListener(CmtSelectionListener listener)
          Remove a listener from the list of listeners that are notified each time the collection of selected CmtModelNodes changes.
 void setSelection(CmtModelNode[] selection)
          Change the collection of selected CmtModelNodes to consist only of those CmtModelNodes provided, in the order provided.


Method Detail


void addCmtSelectionListener(CmtSelectionListener listener)
Add a listener to the list of liteners that are notified each time the collection of selected CmtModelNodes changes.
listener - the CmtSelectionListener to be added


void removeCmtSelectionListener(CmtSelectionListener listener)
Remove a listener from the list of listeners that are notified each time the collection of selected CmtModelNodes changes.
listener - the CmtSelectionListener to be removed


boolean isSelected(CmtModelNode node)
Determines whether a given CmtModelNode is currently included in the collection of selected CmtModelNodes.
truee - if node is currently selected


int getSelectionCount()
Get the number of CmtModelNodes currently selected
the number of items in the collection of selected CmtModelNodes


CmtModelNode[] getSelection()
Get an array of the selected CmtModelNodes
an array of the selected CmtModelNodes


void clearSelection()
Empty the collection of selected CmtModelNodes. If this results in a change to the collection, any CmtSelectionListeners will be notified.


void setSelection(CmtModelNode[] selection)
Change the collection of selected CmtModelNodes to consist only of those CmtModelNodes provided, in the order provided. If this results in a change to the collection, any CmtSelectionListeners will be notified.

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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (


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