Oracle Fusion Middleware
Oracle WebLogic Server API Reference
11g Release 1 (10.3.5)

Part Number E13941-05

Uses of Class

Packages that use Purpose Provides classes to support Binary Security Tokens (BST) in WebLogic Web Services. Provides classes to support UNT security in WebLogic Web Services. 
weblogic.xml.crypto.wss.provider Provides interfaces and a class for Web Services security providers. 

Uses of Purpose in

Methods in with parameters of type Purpose
 Object StubPropertyBSTCredProv.getCredential(String tokenType, String issuerName, ContextHandler ctxHandler, Purpose p)
 Object ServerBSTCredentialProvider.getCredential(String tokenType, String issuerName, ContextHandler ctxHandler, Purpose p)
          get the credentail
 Object ClientBSTCredentialProvider.getCredential(String tokenType, String issuerName, ContextHandler ctxHandler, Purpose p)
protected static boolean BSTCredentialProvider.isForDecryption(Purpose p)
protected static boolean BSTCredentialProvider.isForEncryption(Purpose p)
protected static boolean BSTCredentialProvider.isForIdentity(Purpose p)
protected static boolean BSTCredentialProvider.isForResponseEncryption(Purpose p)
protected static boolean BSTCredentialProvider.isForSigning(Purpose p)
protected static boolean BSTCredentialProvider.isForVerification(Purpose p)

Uses of Purpose in

Methods in with parameters of type Purpose
 Object SAMLTrustCredentialProvider.getCredential(String tokenType, String issuerName, ContextHandler ctxHandler, Purpose p)
 Object AbstractSAMLCredentialProvider.getCredential(String tokenType, String issuerName, ContextHandler ctxHandler, Purpose p)
          if CredentialManager is not configured, just return the credential object otherwise retrieve the saml credential from the CredentialManager
 Object AbstractSAMLCredentialProvider.getKeyInfoCredential(String tokenType, String issuerName, SecurityTokenContextHandler ctxHandler, Purpose p)
 Object AbstractSAMLCredentialProvider.getKeyInfoCredential(String tokenType, String issuerName, SecurityTokenContextHandler ctxHandler, Purpose p, Node claims)
          To be To be overridden by the subclass that supports the symmetric SAML Holder of Key.
 SecurityToken AbstractSAMLTokenHandler.getSecurityToken(String valueType, String issuer, Purpose p, ContextHandler ctxHandler)
          Get the Security token from context handler base on the value type.
 boolean AbstractSAMLTokenHandler.matches(SecurityToken token, String tokenType, String issuerName, ContextHandler ctxHandler, Purpose p)
          check if the token should be handled by saml token handler

Uses of Purpose in

Methods in with parameters of type Purpose
 Object ClientUNTCredentialProvider.getCredential(String tokenType, String issuerName, ContextHandler ctxHandler, Purpose p)

Uses of Purpose in weblogic.xml.crypto.wss.provider

Fields in weblogic.xml.crypto.wss.provider declared as Purpose
static Purpose Purpose.DECRYPT
static Purpose Purpose.ENCRYPT
static Purpose Purpose.ENCRYPT_RESPONSE
static Purpose Purpose.IDENTITY
static Purpose Purpose.SIGN
static Purpose Purpose.VERIFY

Methods in weblogic.xml.crypto.wss.provider that return Purpose
static Purpose Purpose.convert(weblogic.xml.crypto.api.KeySelector.Purpose p)

Methods in weblogic.xml.crypto.wss.provider with parameters of type Purpose
 Object CredentialProvider.getCredential(String tokenType, String issuerName, ContextHandler ctxHandler, Purpose p)
 SecurityToken SecurityTokenHandler.getSecurityToken(String valueType, String issuer, Purpose p, ContextHandler ctxHandler)
 Element SecurityTokenPolicyInfo.getSecurityTokenAssertion(Element parent, Purpose p, ContextHandler contextHandler)
 boolean SecurityTokenHandler.matches(SecurityToken token, String tokenType, String issuerName, ContextHandler ctxHandler, Purpose p)
 boolean SecurityTokenPolicyInfo.supports(Purpose p)

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Oracle Fusion Middleware
Oracle WebLogic Server API Reference
11g Release 1 (10.3.5)

Part Number E13941-05