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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Adaptive Access Manager
Release 11g (11.1.1)


Interface VCryptTracker

public interface VCryptTracker

This interface provides methods for finger printing the device and also updating the tracker database with authentication status and transaction logs.

Field Summary
static java.lang.String REQUEST_CREATE_TRANSACTION
static java.lang.String REQUEST_TRACKER_INIT
static java.lang.String REQUEST_UPDATE_TRANSACTION


Method Summary
 VCryptResponse clearSafeDeviceList(java.lang.String requestId)
          Clear safe device list of the user associated with this request
 VCryptResponse createTransaction(TransactionCreateRequestData transactionCreateRequestData)
          API To create a Transaction
 VCryptResponse[] createTransactions(TransactionCreateRequestData[] transactionCreateRequestData)
          API To create a Transactions in bulk Return response object for each create request
 java.lang.String generateOTP(java.lang.String requestId, java.lang.String challengeType, java.lang.String appId)
 NameValueProfile getNameValueProfile(java.lang.String entityDefKey, java.lang.Long extEntityId, java.lang.String requestId)
          Returns the NameValueProfile for an entity and request.
 VCryptObjectResponse getOTPCode(java.lang.String requestId, java.lang.String challengeType, java.lang.Boolean overwriteIfExists)
          Method to get the OTP Code based on the challenge type.
 CookieSet handleTrackerRequest(java.lang.String requestId, java.util.Date requestTime, java.lang.String remoteIPAddr, java.lang.String remoteHost, java.lang.String secureCookie, int secureClientType, java.lang.String secureClientVersion, java.lang.String digitalSigCookie, int digitalClientType, java.lang.String digitalClientVersion, int fingerPrintType, java.lang.String fingerPrint, int fingerPrintType2, java.lang.String fingerPrint2)
          This creates the signatures required to finger print the device.
 CookieSet handleTrackerRequest(java.lang.String requestId, java.lang.String remoteIPAddr, java.lang.String remoteHost, java.lang.String secureCookie, int secureClientType, java.lang.String secureClientVersion, java.lang.String digitalCookie, int digitalClientType, java.lang.String digitalClientVersion, int fingerPrintType, java.lang.String fingerPrint, int fingerPrintType2, java.lang.String fingerPrint2)
          This creates the signatures required to finger print the device.
 VCryptResponse handleTransactionLog(java.lang.String requestId, java.util.Date requestTime, java.lang.Integer status, java.util.Map[] contextMap)
          Deprecated. Will be removed in future releases, use createTransaction
 VCryptResponse handleTransactionLog(java.lang.String requestId, java.util.Date requestTime, java.util.Map[] contextMap)
          Deprecated. Will be removed in future releases, use createTransaction
 VCryptResponse handleTransactionLog(java.lang.String requestId, java.util.Map[] contextMap)
          Deprecated. Will be removed in future releases, use createTransaction
 VCryptResponse incrementChallengeCounter(java.lang.String requestId, java.lang.String challengeType)
 VCryptResponse init(java.lang.String requestId)
          Initialize or warmup server.
 VCryptBooleanResponse IsDeviceMarkedSafe(java.lang.String requestId)
          Checks to see the device associated with this requiest is safe
 boolean markDeviceSafe(java.lang.String requestId, boolean isSafe)
          This marks the device as safe for the user.
 VCryptResponse processPatternAnalysis(java.lang.String requestId, long transactionId, int status, java.lang.String transactionType)
          Method to trigger the pattern data processing for auto-learning.
 NameValueProfile refreshNameValueProfile(NameValueProfile profile)
          Resets the values of the profile to the latest from the database.
 VCryptResponse resetChallengeCounter(java.lang.String requestId, java.lang.String challengeType)
 NameValueProfile saveNameValueProfile(NameValueProfile profile)
          Saves the changes made to the profile.
 VCryptResponse updateAuthStatus(java.lang.String requestId, java.util.Date requestTime, int resultStatus, int clientType, java.lang.String clientVersion)
          Updates User node log auth status
 VCryptResponse updateAuthStatus(java.lang.String requestId, java.util.Date requestTime, int resultStatus, int clientType, java.lang.String clientVersion, boolean analyzePatterns)
          Updates User node log auth status
 VCryptResponse updateAuthStatus(java.lang.String requestId, int resultStatus, int clientType, java.lang.String clientVersion)
          Updates User node log auth status
 VCryptResponse updateAuthStatus(java.lang.String requestId, int resultStatus, int clientType, java.lang.String clientVersion, boolean analyzePatterns)
          Updates User node log auth status
 CookieSet updateLog(java.lang.String requestId, java.util.Date requestTime, java.lang.String remoteIPAddr, java.lang.String remoteHost, java.lang.String secureCookie, java.lang.String digitalCookie, java.lang.String groupId, java.lang.String userId, java.lang.String loginId, boolean isSecure, int result, int clientType, java.lang.String clientVersion, int fingerPrintType, java.lang.String fingerPrint, int fingerPrintType2, java.lang.String fingerPrint2)
          Updates the user node log.
 CookieSet updateLog(java.lang.String requestId, java.lang.String remoteIPAddr, java.lang.String remoteHost, java.lang.String secureCookie, java.lang.String digitalCookie, java.lang.String groupId, java.lang.String userId, java.lang.String loginId, boolean isSecure, int result, int clientType, java.lang.String clientVersion, int fingerPrintType, java.lang.String fingerPrint, int digFingerPrintType, java.lang.String digFingerPrint)
          Updates the user node log.
 VCryptResponse updateTransaction(TransactionUpdateRequestData transactionUpdateRequestData)
          API to update previously created Transaction Updates given transaction
 VCryptResponse[] updateTransactions(TransactionUpdateRequestData[] transactionUpdateRequestData)
          API to update Transactions in bulk If there are errors in any update, will proceed with next transaction and return response for each request
 VCryptResponse updateTransactionStatus(java.lang.String requestId, java.util.Date requestTime, long transactionId, int status)
          Deprecated. Will be removed in future releases, use updateTransaction
 VCryptResponse updateTransactionStatus(java.lang.String requestId, java.util.Date requestTime, long transactionId, int status, java.util.Map[] contextMap)
          Deprecated. Will be removed in future releases, use updateTransaction
 VCryptResponse updateTransactionStatus(java.lang.String requestId, java.util.Date requestTime, long transactionId, int status, java.util.Map[] contextMap, boolean analyzePatterns)
          Deprecated. Will be removed in future releases, use updateTransaction
 VCryptResponse updateTransactionStatus(java.lang.String requestId, long transactionId, int status)
          Deprecated. Will be removed in future releases, use updateTransaction
 VCryptResponse updateTransactionStatus(java.lang.String requestId, long transactionId, int status, boolean analyzePatterns)
          Deprecated. Will be removed in future releases, use updateTransaction
 VCryptResponse updateTransactionStatus(java.lang.String requestId, long transactionId, int status, java.util.Map[] contextMap)
          Deprecated. Will be removed in future releases, use updateTransaction
 VCryptObjectResponse validateOTPCode(java.lang.String requestId, java.lang.String challengeType, java.lang.String otpcode)
          Method to validate OTPCode for the given request identifier and challenge type.


Field Detail


static final java.lang.String REQUEST_TRACKER_INIT
See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final java.lang.String REQUEST_UPDATE_TRANSACTION
See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final java.lang.String REQUEST_CREATE_TRANSACTION
See Also:
Constant Field Values

Method Detail


VCryptResponse init(java.lang.String requestId)
Initialize or warmup server. Will load necessary caches. Call this method when appserver is first started.
requestId - Request
VCryptResponse object


CookieSet handleTrackerRequest(java.lang.String requestId,
                               java.lang.String remoteIPAddr,
                               java.lang.String remoteHost,
                               java.lang.String secureCookie,
                               int secureClientType,
                               java.lang.String secureClientVersion,
                               java.lang.String digitalCookie,
                               int digitalClientType,
                               java.lang.String digitalClientVersion,
                               int fingerPrintType,
                               java.lang.String fingerPrint,
                               int fingerPrintType2,
                               java.lang.String fingerPrint2)
This creates the signatures required to finger print the device.
requestId - This it the id for the login session. The same Id should be used for all the calls to Bharosa API for the login session.
remoteIPAddr - The IP from where the request came in. This is extracted from the HTTP request.
remoteHost - The host name from where the request came in. This is optional.
secureCookie - The secure cookie. This is passed only if it is received from the browser
secureClientType - secure cookie client type. This is an enum value defined to identify the client used for authentication.
secureClientVersion - version of the secure cookie client. This is an optional parameter to specify the version of the client used.
digitalCookie - The digital signature cookie. This could be the flash cookie. This parameter is sent only it is sent by the browser.
digitalClientType - digital cookie client type. The type of flash client used. If not available, please use the value 0.
digitalClientVersion - version of the digital cookie client. The version of the flash client.
fingerPrintType - Type of finger printing. The value for defined in the properties file.
fingerPrint - Finger print. If it is browser characteristics, then the header is parsed into this string. This is the name value representation of the browser header information.
fingerPrintType2 - This in case the same request can have multipe finger prints. Like flash request. The value is defined in the properties file.
fingerPrint2 - The second finger print value. If it is from the flash, then it is passed as it is. This is an optional parameter.
a CookieSet value


CookieSet handleTrackerRequest(java.lang.String requestId,
                               java.util.Date requestTime,
                               java.lang.String remoteIPAddr,
                               java.lang.String remoteHost,
                               java.lang.String secureCookie,
                               int secureClientType,
                               java.lang.String secureClientVersion,
                               java.lang.String digitalSigCookie,
                               int digitalClientType,
                               java.lang.String digitalClientVersion,
                               int fingerPrintType,
                               java.lang.String fingerPrint,
                               int fingerPrintType2,
                               java.lang.String fingerPrint2)
This creates the signatures required to finger print the device. This method takes the requestTime as input.
requestId - This it the id for the request
requestTime - Time when this request was made. Used by simulator.
remoteIPAddr - The IP from where the request came in
remoteHost - The host name from where the request came in
secureCookie - The secure cookie
secureClientType - secure cookie client type
secureClientVersion - version of the secure cookie client
digitalSigCookie - The digital signature cookie
digitalClientType - digital cookie client type
digitalClientVersion - version of the digital cookie client
fingerPrintType - Type of finger printing
fingerPrint - Finger print
fingerPrintType2 - This in case the same request can have multipe finger prints. Like flash request.
fingerPrint2 - The second finger print value
a CookieSet value


VCryptResponse handleTransactionLog(java.lang.String requestId,
                                    java.util.Map[] contextMap)
Deprecated. Will be removed in future releases, use createTransaction
This creates the signatures required to finger print the device.
requestId - This it the id for the login session. The same Id should be used for all the calls to Bharosa API for the login session.
contextMap - array of contextMap
VCryptResponse to see if the request is successfully processed.
See Also:


VCryptResponse handleTransactionLog(java.lang.String requestId,
                                    java.util.Date requestTime,
                                    java.util.Map[] contextMap)
Deprecated. Will be removed in future releases, use createTransaction
This creates the signatures required to finger print the transaction
requestId - This it the id for the request
requestTime - Time for this transaction
contextMap - array of context data maps
See Also:


VCryptResponse handleTransactionLog(java.lang.String requestId,
                                    java.util.Date requestTime,
                                    java.lang.Integer status,
                                    java.util.Map[] contextMap)
Deprecated. Will be removed in future releases, use createTransaction
This creates the signatures required to finger print the transaction
requestId - This it the id for the request
requestTime - Time for this transaction
status - transaction status for this transaction
contextMap - array of context data maps
See Also:


VCryptResponse updateTransactionStatus(java.lang.String requestId,
                                       long transactionId,
                                       int status)
Deprecated. Will be removed in future releases, use updateTransaction
Update given transaction status.
requestId - Request Identifier
transactionId - Transaction Id to be updated. See #handleTrackerRequest, #handleTransactionLog
status - New Status
See Also:


VCryptResponse updateTransactionStatus(java.lang.String requestId,
                                       long transactionId,
                                       int status,
                                       boolean analyzePatterns)
Deprecated. Will be removed in future releases, use updateTransaction
Update given transaction status.

AnalyzePatterns param is used by auto-learning.

requestId - Request Identifier
transactionId - Transaction Id to be updated. See #handleTrackerRequest, #handleTransactionLog
status - New Status
analyzePatterns - Boolean to indicate if the pattern analysis should be done.

When passed in as true the pattern analysis is done for this transaction.

See Also:


VCryptResponse updateTransactionStatus(java.lang.String requestId,
                                       java.util.Date requestTime,
                                       long transactionId,
                                       int status)
Deprecated. Will be removed in future releases, use updateTransaction
Update given transaction status.
requestId - Request Identifier
requestTime - Time of the update
transactionId - Transaction Id to be updated. See #handleTrackerRequest, #handleTransactionLog
status - New Status
See Also:


VCryptResponse updateTransactionStatus(java.lang.String requestId,
                                       long transactionId,
                                       int status,
                                       java.util.Map[] contextMap)
Deprecated. Will be removed in future releases, use updateTransaction
Update given transaction status.
requestId - Request Identifier
transactionId - Transaction Id to be updated. See #handleTrackerRequest, #handleTransactionLog
status - New Status
contextMap - array of contextMap
See Also:


VCryptResponse updateTransactionStatus(java.lang.String requestId,
                                       java.util.Date requestTime,
                                       long transactionId,
                                       int status,
                                       java.util.Map[] contextMap)
Deprecated. Will be removed in future releases, use updateTransaction
Update given transaction status.
requestId - Request Identifier
requestTime - Time of the update
transactionId - Transaction Id to be updated. See #handleTrackerRequest, #handleTransactionLog
status - New Status
contextMap - array of contextMap
See Also:


VCryptResponse updateTransactionStatus(java.lang.String requestId,
                                       java.util.Date requestTime,
                                       long transactionId,
                                       int status,
                                       java.util.Map[] contextMap,
                                       boolean analyzePatterns)
Deprecated. Will be removed in future releases, use updateTransaction
Update given transaction status.

AnalyzePatterns param is used by auto-learning.

requestId - Request Identifier
requestTime - Time of the update
transactionId - Transaction Id to be updated. See #handleTrackerRequest, #handleTransactionLog
status - New Status
contextMap - array of contextMap
analyzePatterns - Boolean to indicate if the pattern analysis should be done.
See Also:


CookieSet updateLog(java.lang.String requestId,
                    java.lang.String remoteIPAddr,
                    java.lang.String remoteHost,
                    java.lang.String secureCookie,
                    java.lang.String digitalCookie,
                    java.lang.String groupId,
                    java.lang.String userId,
                    java.lang.String loginId,
                    boolean isSecure,
                    int result,
                    int clientType,
                    java.lang.String clientVersion,
                    int fingerPrintType,
                    java.lang.String fingerPrint,
                    int digFingerPrintType,
                    java.lang.String digFingerPrint)
Updates the user node log. And if required, it creates the CookieSet also.
requestId - This it the id for the login session. The same Id should be used for all the calls to Bharosa API for the login session.
remoteIPAddr - The IP from where the request came in. This is extracted from the HTTP request.
remoteHost - The host name from where the request came in. This is optional.
secureCookie - The secure cookie. This is passed only if it is received from the browser
digitalCookie - The Digital cookie. Can be flash cookie
groupId - the groupId of this user. This is the primary group to which this user belongs to.
userId - id of the user. This is the primary key id of the user. It should be null for user who are invalid.
loginId - the loginId used by the user for login in. This is mandatory parameter.
isSecure - whether this node is secure and can be registered. This is to indicate the login is from a secure or registered device. If there is no concept of device, then send false value for this parameter.
result - The authentication result. This is the enumeration value of the authentication result.
clientType - This is an enum value defined to identify the client type used for authentication.
clientVersion - the version of the client. This is an optional parameter to specify the version of the client used.
fingerPrintType - Type of finger printing. The value for defined in the properties file.
fingerPrint - If it is browser characteristics, then the header is parsed into this string. This is the name value representation of the browser header information.
digFingerPrintType - Type of the Digital finger printing
digFingerPrint - Digital fingerprint
a CookieSet value


CookieSet updateLog(java.lang.String requestId,
                    java.util.Date requestTime,
                    java.lang.String remoteIPAddr,
                    java.lang.String remoteHost,
                    java.lang.String secureCookie,
                    java.lang.String digitalCookie,
                    java.lang.String groupId,
                    java.lang.String userId,
                    java.lang.String loginId,
                    boolean isSecure,
                    int result,
                    int clientType,
                    java.lang.String clientVersion,
                    int fingerPrintType,
                    java.lang.String fingerPrint,
                    int fingerPrintType2,
                    java.lang.String fingerPrint2)
Updates the user node log. And if required, it creates the CookieSet also.
requestId - requestId for the request
requestTime - Time when this request was make. Used primarily by the simulator
remoteIPAddr - The IP from where the request came in
remoteHost - The host name from where the request came in
secureCookie - The secure cookie
digitalCookie - the secure cookie, can be flash cookie
groupId - the groupId of this user.
userId - id of the user
loginId - the loginId used by the user for login in
isSecure - whether this node is secure and can be registered
result - The authentication result.
clientType - the type of the client used for authentication
clientVersion - the version of the client
fingerPrintType - Type of finger printing
fingerPrint - Finger print
fingerPrintType2 - Type of the Digital finger printing
fingerPrint2 - Digital fingerprint
a CookieSet value


VCryptResponse updateAuthStatus(java.lang.String requestId,
                                int resultStatus,
                                int clientType,
                                java.lang.String clientVersion)
Updates User node log auth status
requestId - request Id
resultStatus - The authentication result. This is the enumeration value of the authentication result.
clientType - This is an enum value defined to identify the client type used for authentication.
clientVersion - Optional parameter to specify the version of the client used.


VCryptResponse updateAuthStatus(java.lang.String requestId,
                                int resultStatus,
                                int clientType,
                                java.lang.String clientVersion,
                                boolean analyzePatterns)
Updates User node log auth status

AnalyzePatterns param is used by auto-learning.

requestId - request Id
resultStatus - The authentication result. This is the enumeration value of the authentication result.
clientType - This is an enum value defined to identify the client type used for authentication.
clientVersion - Optional parameter to specify the version of the client used.
analyzePatterns - Boolean to indicate if the pattern analysis should be done.

When passed in as true the pattern analysis is done for this transaction.



VCryptResponse updateAuthStatus(java.lang.String requestId,
                                java.util.Date requestTime,
                                int resultStatus,
                                int clientType,
                                java.lang.String clientVersion,
                                boolean analyzePatterns)
Updates User node log auth status

AnalyzePatterns param is used by auto-learning.

requestId - request Id
requestTime - Time of update
resultStatus - The authentication result. This is the enumeration value of the authentication result.
clientType - client Type
clientVersion - version of the client
analyzePatterns - Boolean to indicate if the pattern analysis should be done.
VCryptResponse to see if the request is successfully processed.


VCryptResponse updateAuthStatus(java.lang.String requestId,
                                java.util.Date requestTime,
                                int resultStatus,
                                int clientType,
                                java.lang.String clientVersion)
Updates User node log auth status
requestId - request Id
requestTime - Time of update
resultStatus - The authentication result. This is the enumeration value of the authentication result.
clientType - client Type
clientVersion - version of the client
VCryptResponse to see if the request is successfully processed.


VCryptResponse processPatternAnalysis(java.lang.String requestId,
                                      long transactionId,
                                      int status,
                                      java.lang.String transactionType)
Method to trigger the pattern data processing for auto-learning.

This method does not do any other activity other than auto-learning pattern analysis.

requestId - Request Identifier
transactionId - Transaction Id to be updated. See #handleTrackerRequest, #handleTransactionLog
status - New Status
transactionType - String that indicates the type of transaction. Has to be "auth" for authentication type. For other types it can be "bill_pay, ....",; basically the type name of the transaction.
VCryptResponse to see if the request is successfully processed.


boolean markDeviceSafe(java.lang.String requestId,
                       boolean isSafe)
This marks the device as safe for the user.
requestId - requestId for the request
isSafe - is this device safe for the user
status of the operation


VCryptBooleanResponse IsDeviceMarkedSafe(java.lang.String requestId)
Checks to see the device associated with this requiest is safe
requestId - requesId
VCryptBooleanResponse, Check VCryptBooleanResponse.getRepsonse() to see if the request is successfully processed.


VCryptResponse clearSafeDeviceList(java.lang.String requestId)
Clear safe device list of the user associated with this request
requestId - requesId
VCryptResponse to see if the request is successfully processed.


VCryptResponse createTransaction(TransactionCreateRequestData transactionCreateRequestData)
API To create a Transaction
transactionCreateRequestData - requestId / Session Id, required
VCryptResponse make sure to check isSuccess


VCryptResponse[] createTransactions(TransactionCreateRequestData[] transactionCreateRequestData)
API To create a Transactions in bulk Return response object for each create request
transactionCreateRequestData - requestId / Session Id, required
VCryptResponse Array of response objects. Each request will have corresponding response. Check isSuccess on each response object


VCryptResponse updateTransaction(TransactionUpdateRequestData transactionUpdateRequestData)
API to update previously created Transaction Updates given transaction
transactionUpdateRequestData - update Request
VCryptResponse make sure to check isSuccess


VCryptResponse[] updateTransactions(TransactionUpdateRequestData[] transactionUpdateRequestData)
API to update Transactions in bulk If there are errors in any update, will proceed with next transaction and return response for each request
transactionUpdateRequestData - array of update Request object
VCryptResponse Array of response objects. Each request will have corresponding response. Check isSuccess on each response object


NameValueProfile getNameValueProfile(java.lang.String entityDefKey,
                                     java.lang.Long extEntityId,
                                     java.lang.String requestId)
Returns the NameValueProfile for an entity and request.
entityDefKey -
extEntityId -
requestId -


NameValueProfile saveNameValueProfile(NameValueProfile profile)
Saves the changes made to the profile.
profile -
the refreshed NameValueProfile


NameValueProfile refreshNameValueProfile(NameValueProfile profile)
Resets the values of the profile to the latest from the database.
profile -
the refreshed NameValueProfile


java.lang.String generateOTP(java.lang.String requestId,
                             java.lang.String challengeType,
                             java.lang.String appId)
requestId -
challengeType - challenge type
appId - application id
OTP Code


VCryptResponse resetChallengeCounter(java.lang.String requestId,
                                     java.lang.String challengeType)
challengeType - challenge type
success ore failure


VCryptResponse incrementChallengeCounter(java.lang.String requestId,
                                         java.lang.String challengeType)
challengeType - challenge type
success ore failure


VCryptObjectResponse getOTPCode(java.lang.String requestId,
                                java.lang.String challengeType,
                                java.lang.Boolean overwriteIfExists)
Method to get the OTP Code based on the challenge type.

This method can be called 'n' number of time to get OTP Code for given request identifier. If there is no OTP Code exists for the given request identifier then new OTPCode will be generated If OTP Code exists for the given request identifier and overwriteIfexists is true then new OTPCode will be generated If OTP Code exists and OTP Code is not expired, then same OTP Code will be returned by renewing the expiry else new OTP Code will be returned.

requestId - Request Identifier
challengeType - Challenge type. This should be one of the OTP enabled enumeration element of Enumeratioin 'bharosa.uio.default.challenge.type.enum'
overwriteIfExists - If overwriteIfExists is true then new OTP Code will be returned by, ignoring the presence of any existing OTPCode for the given request identifier else existing OTPCode will be returned if exists else new one will be generated.
VCryptObjectResponse On successful response, OTPCode will be returned or failure error message with reason will be returned


VCryptObjectResponse validateOTPCode(java.lang.String requestId,
                                     java.lang.String challengeType,
                                     java.lang.String otpcode)
Method to validate OTPCode for the given request identifier and challenge type.

This method can be called 'n' number of time to validate the OTP Code for given request identifier. If the OTPCode exists and not expired and given OTP Code matches the existing OTP Code then returns response with OTP_CODE_MATCHED value If the OTPCode exists and not expired and given OTP Code does not matches the existing OTP Code then returns response with OTP_CODE_NOT_MATCHED value If the OTPCode exists and expired then returns response with OTP_CODE_EXPIRED value If the OTPCode does not exists then returns OTP_CODE_DOESNOT_EXISTS

requestId - Request identifier
challengeType - Challenge type. This should be one of the OTP enabled enumeration element of Enumeratioin 'bharosa.uio.default.challenge.type.enum'
otpcode - OTP Code to validate
VCryptObjectResponse On successful response, OTP_CODE_MATCHED/OTP_CODE_NOT_MATCHED/OTP_CODE_EXPIRED/OTP_CODE_DOESNOT_EXISTS will be returned or failure error message with reason will be returned

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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Adaptive Access Manager
Release 11g (11.1.1)


Copyright © 2011, Oracle. All rights reserved.