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Oracle® Data Integrator Java API Reference
11g Release 1 (


Class OdiInstance

  extended by oracle.odi.core.OdiInstance

public class OdiInstance
extends java.lang.Object

Represents an instance of ODI master / work repositories. Can be defined as a unique ODI master repository, or as a couple ODI master / work repositories.

OdiInstance is the central class in ODI Core Infrastructure, providing low level infrastructure services required by ODI consumers needing read / write access to an ODI master / work repositories couple:

Therefore, an instance of ODI serves as an entry points for ODI master / work repositories consumers (ODI components / applications, as well as external consumers that needs to perform ODI repositories data access). It is created from the static factory method createInstance(OdiInstanceConfig) which basically checks repository consistency and create required resources such as JDBC DataSources and JPA persistence service (optional) against underlying repositories. An OdiInstance is expected to be closed by a call to the method close() in order to release any held resources.

An OdiInstance object is expected to be shared across multiple ODI users and threads that want to access same couple of ODI master / work repositories. However any number of OdiInstance objects can be created by an application and there can be several OdiInstances referencing the same master / work DB repositories. OdiInstances are agnostic about existence of each others. The source of truth as far as the repositories data is concerned is the repository DB. Creation of an OdiInstance object is an operation that maybe time and resource consuming. Typically, during ODI instance creation, JDBC DataSources and JPA persistence provider are initialized. Also, note that during repository consistency check, some queries are issued against repositories.

Additionally and for convenience regarding actual legacy layer code base, an instance of ODI also provides external (i.e. not ODI repositories) JDBC DataSources management and lookup capabilities. Such DataSource management and lookup is typically required during ETL processes to access target and source data stores. Application / domain services implementation can rely on this to access external data servers.

Note: access to an OdiInstance object should be restricted to "trusted" users only. Applications should take care to never provide a reference to an OdiInstance to ELT developers (e.g. from OdiRef).

Note: OdiInstance class implements the depreciated IOdiInstance interface for code compatibility purpose. This would ease migration of code using some depreciated APIs such as OdiPlatform.


Field Summary
static java.lang.String MASTER_VALIDATION_QUERY


Method Summary
 void close()
          Close this OdiInstance, releasing any held resources.
 IOdiEntityManager createEntityManager()
          Create an application-managed IOdiEntityManager.
static OdiInstance createInstance(OdiInstanceConfig pConfig)
          Create an OdiInstance object.
 OdiInstanceConfig getConfig()
          Obtains this OdiInstance configuration object.
 MasterRepository getMasterRepository()
          Return MasterRepository associated with this OdiInstance.
 SecurityManager getSecurityManager()
          Gets SecurityManager bounds to this OdiInstance.
 IOdiEntityManager getTransactionalEntityManager()
          Gets managed IOdiEntityManager, attached to the current transaction.
 java.sql.Connection getTransactionalMasterConnection()
          Gets managed JDBC Connection against master repository.
 java.sql.Connection getTransactionalWorkConnection()
          Gets managed JDBC Connection against work repository.
 ITransactionManager getTransactionManager()
 WorkRepository getWorkRepository()
          Return WorkRepository associated with this OdiInstance.
 boolean isClosed()
          Returns whether this OdiInstance has been closed, or not.
 javax.sql.DataSource lookupDataSource(oracle.odi.core.datasource.DataSourceDefinition pDefinition)
          Looks up JDBC DataSource for given DataSourceDefinition.
 void releaseDataSource(oracle.odi.core.datasource.DataSourceDefinition pDefinition)
          Release the JDBC DataSource with given definition if managed inside this OdiInstance.


Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


Field Detail


public static final java.lang.String MASTER_VALIDATION_QUERY
See Also:
Constant Field Values

Method Detail


public static OdiInstance createInstance(OdiInstanceConfig pConfig)
                                  throws OdiConfigurationException
Create an OdiInstance object.
pConfig - ODI configuration
a new instance of ODI with specified configuration
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - in case given config object is null
OdiConfigurationException - in case of any configuration issue (see OdiConfigurationException exceptions hierarchy)


public OdiInstanceConfig getConfig()
Obtains this OdiInstance configuration object.
an OdiInstanceConfig object


public MasterRepository getMasterRepository()
Return MasterRepository associated with this OdiInstance.
a MasterRepository object
OdiRuntimeException - if this OdiInstance has been closed


public WorkRepository getWorkRepository()
Return WorkRepository associated with this OdiInstance. This method will return null if the OdiInstance is connected only to a master repository i.e. the OdiInstanceConfig used to create the OdiInstance had no WorkRepositoryDbInfo specified.
a WorkRepository object
OdiRuntimeException - if this OdiInstance has been closed


public javax.sql.DataSource lookupDataSource(oracle.odi.core.datasource.DataSourceDefinition pDefinition)
Looks up JDBC DataSource for given DataSourceDefinition. Subsequent calls to this method with a same / equals definition will return the same DataSource instance each time.

Once a DataSource has been looked up, release it by calling releaseDataSource(DataSourceDefinition).

pDefinition - DataSource definition
JDBC DataSource
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if given definition is null
OdiRuntimeException - if this OdiInstance has been closed
See Also:


public void releaseDataSource(oracle.odi.core.datasource.DataSourceDefinition pDefinition)
Release the JDBC DataSource with given definition if managed inside this OdiInstance. This will release any resource held by related DataSource.
pDefinition - definition of the DataSource to be released
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if given definition is null
OdiRuntimeException - if this OdiInstance has been closed
See Also:


public java.sql.Connection getTransactionalMasterConnection()
Gets managed JDBC Connection against master repository.

Obtained connection is attached to the current transaction if exists, or a new one if no transaction is in progress.

Master repository current Connection
OdiRuntimeException - if this OdiInstance has been closed


public java.sql.Connection getTransactionalWorkConnection()
Gets managed JDBC Connection against work repository.

Obtained connection is attached to the current transaction if exists, or a new one if no transaction is in progress. Life-cycle of the connection is managed within the transaction.

Work repository managed Connection
OdiRuntimeException - if this OdiInstance has been closed


public IOdiEntityManager getTransactionalEntityManager()
Gets managed IOdiEntityManager, attached to the current transaction.

Life-cycle of the IOdiEntityManager is managed within the transaction. If there is no current transaction, this method returns a read-only IOdiEntityManager (only the find methods will be allowed).

Managed IOdiEntityManager
OdiRuntimeException - if this OdiInstance has been closed
OdiRuntimeException - if this OdiInstance only support limited persistence service


public void close()
Close this OdiInstance, releasing any held resources.

Any looked up DataSources are released, as well as persistence resources. After an OdiInstance is closed, all methods invoked on it will throw an OdiRuntimeException, except for isCloded(), which will return true.

OdiRuntimeException - if the OdiInstance has been already closed


public boolean isClosed()
Returns whether this OdiInstance has been closed, or not.
true if it has been closed, false otherwise.


public IOdiEntityManager createEntityManager()
Create an application-managed IOdiEntityManager.

Such an application-managed IOdiEntityManager need to be manually closed when required by the application.

This type of IOdiEntityManager is mainly for extended persistent context management. An extended persistent context isn't bound to a single transaction.

an application managed IOdiEntityManager
OdiRuntimeException - if this OdiInstance has been closed
OdiRuntimeException - if this OdiInstance only support limited persistence service


public SecurityManager getSecurityManager()
Gets SecurityManager bounds to this OdiInstance.
OdiRuntimeException - if this OdiInstance has been closed


public ITransactionManager getTransactionManager()

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Oracle® Data Integrator Java API Reference
11g Release 1 (


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