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Oracle® Data Integrator Java API Reference
11g Release 1 (


Interface ISourceColumn

All Superinterfaces:
IColumn<SourceDataStore>, IInterfaceSubComponent
All Known Implementing Classes:
JournalizedSourceColumn, SourceColumn

public interface ISourceColumn
extends IColumn<SourceDataStore>, IInterfaceSubComponent

Implementations of this class represent columns that can be found in source datastores of OdiInterfaces.
These source columns are not persisted in the repository, and are merely a view in memory of the real underlying columns in the source datastore.


Method Summary
 IColumn getUnderlyingColumn()
          Returns the underlying column, either an OdiColumn if the SourceDataStore represents an OdiDataStore, either a TargetColumn if the SourceDataStore represents an OdiInterface.


Methods inherited from interface oracle.odi.domain.relational.IColumn
getDataType, getLength, getName, getScale, getTable, setDataType, setLength, setScale


Methods inherited from interface oracle.odi.domain.project.interfaces.IInterfaceSubComponent
getInternalId, getSubComponentDescription, getSubComponentDescription


Method Detail


IColumn getUnderlyingColumn()
Returns the underlying column, either an OdiColumn if the SourceDataStore represents an OdiDataStore, either a TargetColumn if the SourceDataStore represents an OdiInterface.
the underlying column of this column

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Oracle® Data Integrator Java API Reference
11g Release 1 (


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